6 T SABBATH HEADING! AFTER A WHILE. After a while a busy brain Will rest from all its toil'and pain -4fter a while earth's rush will cease, And a wearied heart find sweet release. After a while a vanished face, An empty seat, a vacant place. After a while a man forgot, A crumbled headstone, an unknown PURITY OF LIFE. Few men and women seem to know how to live pure lives. There is one ' rule which is easily understood, which it is safe to follow : Do, think and say . nothing with which you, yourself, will not become disgusted, or against which your purest consciousness will revolt. It is doubted if any man's or Woman's nature does not repel impurity of deed or thought, whenever the deed is per formed or the thought spoken or re vealed to one's own inner , self. The penalty of consciousness of degradation, diminution of self-respect, nnworthi ness, comes to every honest mind. The man or woman who cultivates purity of lif e, physically, mentally, spiritually, is not likely to act impurely, nor to , impress others as impure. Nor is he or she likely to be accounted vulgar or uncompanionable in consequence. -Purity of life is not peculiar to any creed or condition. It does not be long to any class exclusively. It is ' a growth. It comes of conviction and is aided by nature at every step; for; it brings the surest compensations and the sweetest. An impure life develops bitterness at every step. It yields dis satisfaction to the soul and discontent to the spirit. It embitters the whole being, rendering it distrustful, insincere and unstable. AGRICULTURAL NOTES. The United States now raise only two-thirds as much cotton as is raised in British India. ! 1285 bales of cotton were sold in Raleigh last week. This is larger than the receipts for the corresponding month last year. ' Wilmington shipped last week 2,120 bales of cotton to Liverpool. Charlotte is looming up as a cotton market, Laving bought and sold 40,000 bales' during the Jast cotton year. There has been 1C53 bales of cotton shipped by four merchant? of Granville the present season. n-iE TradC AMMOKI ATED SOLU V STAR JL ALF. JL. THOMPSON. JOKL D. WHITA! HOMPSON & WHITAKJlV Mark. BLE PHOSPHATE. THE BEST FERTILIZER FOic, COTTON WHEAT, CORN, " "' - OATS, &c. Manufactured by LOREN'TZ & FJTFLER, Chemical and Superphosphate Works, Baltimore For Sale by A . O. S A NDERS fef GO., Agents, Grocers and Commission i Merchants, Raleigh, N.C. ' Novl4:Rm - n 13,00'bales of cotton were ' sold in Charlotte last week, The Durham Tobacco Plant say : ffUCCSSa ESY02TD COUP ETITIO -J. ITellis' FateatrTS Cetten Tia. ..a - The yield of the cotton crop in that RKDZD'RICX & CQ ALBA iJ-V. N.V. Is? - BALES H A section is much once thought it would be Sale of Short At. the sale of better than farmers TM Tib rnrvta ihm aaurot alaf rrtrr Planter nd Factor thalb a rirealt atrial. A iarf trial at the Preaa or Comirera affirma ita irtxOTr-., meriu and adraptatea over any la the market W are prepared to airpply tb trails at market p'ieea. Crtlcri and Sample Order rwwetfaily aolJcited. ddrcaa A. J. N1LLIS & CO., Pittsburgh, Pa. C7AJao, mfn. Afrtl. 8teelai Irmaef all kind and aixea, to mi Cottwt Swerpi, Bcranera, Bail Toacaet. ESiovet. Pea Viae Cutter, -to. -t Rum1 t xemperoa or amir rrooeM to ail kiodsoE aoil. m STATE AGRICULTURAL ' JOURNAL Horn's in England. - the Gaddesby Short horns, on Mr. Cheney s place, near Lei cester, in England, the other day, the " ' o. the highest ayerage ever recorded. Sir Curtis Lampsonj paid-1,785 guineas for the heifer Duchess-of Gloucester, and the Duchess of irdrie sold for 1,700 tmineas. . California Products. The Colifor-BOOK & JOB PRINTIN nia f armer gives me ionowmg as tne result of the crops of that State for 1874 30,000,000 bushels 28,000,000 pounds 11,000,000 gallons At the late btate r air the stock ex hibited was very fine, consisting of Short-horns, Alderneys, and Devons ; the sheep werelargely represented D3REB fCH, PKSCE-UST ! AMD cotton without tramp- tJk in? cr "topping. Grain Wool Wine Book Binding Office, Fayetteville Street, MISCELLANEO US io Sabbath.- Paris has no Sabbath and that fact has-done more to banish Christianity than all the writings of Voltaire; and Vienna has no Sabbath ' and that fact does more to annihilate . religion than ever did, the skepticism of Frederick. Turn the Sabbath into a day of sports and pastimes, of milita ry . reviews and of pantomimes and theatrical exhibitions, and not an infi- del anywhere would : care a farthing The State Senate-is composed of nineteen lawyers, eighteen farmers, two farmers and merchants, two lawyers and farmers, two merchants, one miner, two teachers, one mechanic, two phy sicians, and one cofhn maker In the House, out of ninety-five members who have reported to us their occupations, there are fiftv-ene farmers, sixteen lawyers,, five teachers, seven merchants, three physicians, two bankers, five me chanics, two ministers, one hsherman, one civil engineer, and two barbers.-- Raleigh News. RALEIGH, IV. Thirty bales of hay per nonr. Twenty baiea or cotton nor honr. -JTVi- the" p.KJ)tiH;D( PESPErUALBALfKS PRESS s mm i a FAi'Tii 1 BOOKS, PAMPHLETS, It is assumed by those who have about the tomes of Volney or Voltairie, 8ood opportunities to know as much LETTER-HEADS 1 j. ii. . 1 i xx . ji. na nan lio l.-nown nlrki-if tlinmn.tf.PT tliof J uuulll me KKeuiiuisiii oi . nume. tnfi wu.u VUMU - ' 1 1 1 If Pit - 'Ll sneers of Gibbon or the scurrillity of oniJ n?111 OI ine PaPer money oi me POSTERS, CIRCULARS, BILL-HEADS Paine. A TTENTION INTRA YER. country, amounting in the aggregate to $780,000,000, is actively employed, the balance lvinsr idle in bank vaults and other places of depositH this es timate is anywl monej A pious Jew, while on a journey, per- there should nd longer be any demand ceived tnat the hour pi the evening tor more paper prayer had arrived. He stopped, and prayed to God. Lost in his meditation, his heart lifted heavenwards, he did not replyJonoMer lSnraged at the Jew's apparent rude 1-1 " j i . . - ere iear' the real fact, New Aflvcrtisemcnts. 1) ness, the nobleman waited until he had finished his prayers, and then ancrrilv uuuressea mm: " Vrete i u- iv rWt ! . . ' . . :. -V uiou not return my salutation ? I have a good mind to punish thee for thv in- ;tt,1 it,, " i(T? A-,- TT.1 J vi'm"j' j-xicjau, mo neDrew re plied, "if thou wert standing before thv i.: i i , J unci spoKe to nim. and one of thv inenas passed thee and saluted thee IT I i 1 " ' wouiast thou leave abruptedly the kin and turn to thy friend ?" "Certain ly not ; I would not dare do Rneh- n. thing. "Now," said the Hebrew, "judge if I have done right or wronir in hot re turning thy salutation. I stood before the King of kings, the Almighty Crea- ator oi the -world, ottermg.to Him mv prayer of supplication: liow darerl T leave Him mid turn to;thee "Thou )l 1 Hi A From 2 to 7 Feet GUARANTEED Foil ROLESVIL The State Agricultural Journal. farmer in the State would .do well to sabsenbe for itJ Priceonly $2 per num. Mitton Chronicle. DRUGGISTS' LABELS, ' PROGRAMMES, . ' TICKETS, DODGERS, &c, &c, &c. 11- Furnished upon application, and printing done IN ANT COLOR DIKr?rn UNN, RIGGAN & CO., c. FORESTV1LLE, N Are still manufacturing their WJELLnKNOWX COTTON TLOWand Cultivator with attach ments. Also a variety of Turninsr Plows. .single and double horse, from -the-No. 0 to their unproved C iff and Draee, which, will compete with any Of the improved nlovvs noW in use, either in price or otherwise. -We hope' by. practical ability, and prompt tne N Our friends who favor u3 with tbeir orders wm nave mem executed with Satisfaction & Dispatch, OU THE UN in i h LiUIllJlll lIlililLll! RALEIGIL N. C. The undersigned is manufacturing Regalia for Good Templars, and Patrons ot Husbandry, which is warranted to be tqual to auy North ern regalia lor the same prices:, FOR GOOD. TEMPLAES : No. 1. Delaine, tinsel lace trimming, 14 pieces, lull set for officers, ... $15 00 No. 3 Delaine. 1 inch fringe, 14 pieces, lull set lor officers, 20 00 No 3. Merino, 1 inch fringe, with wreathes, 25 00 Regalia for Floor Members, (Delaine,) f6 50 per dozen. Bleaching, 5 00 per dozen. FOR PATRONS OF HUSBANDRY Genuine Nankeen, trimmed with scar let galoon,(sashand apron complete, 85 cents Calico Nankeen, trimmed with scarlet, galoon, (sash and apron complete), 70 cents Bleachiug, trimmed with scarlet ga loon, (sash and apron complete,) 50 cents Refers to any of the many Good Templar Lodges and Granges in the State now using this iiegalia. Address, . Mrs. A. R. EDWARDS, Regalia Manufacturer, Raleigh, N. C. aug ij-om. ear Trees For The Million. Largest Stock intbe Vest;-fine assortment; extra quality packed to go safe ly any distance. Satisfaction guaranteed. Prices low by hundred or thousand. A full as sortment of other trees, shrubs, plants, etc. illustrated Catalogue mailed free to applicants. J. G. HANFORD, Co'lumbus Nursery, Colum bus, Ohio. GROCERS, r manufacturers of m.2al, Agents for Kavassa Gdano, No. 5, Martin Steet; A RALEIGH, N. C. nov.14 6m O R S ALE .30,000 Strawberry plants, WILSDN, JOCUN- n A and STEVVAK P. fparlr AiSO 10.UUU AO- PARaGUS roots, one and two years old. Raleigh, N. CM Oct 20. oct 31-4w JpURNITURE AND CARPETING Ibc old House of , S. A. STEVENS & CO. Comet' Main and Grahdy Streets, NORFOLK, Va., . " ': ARE STILL A T THE HEAD, : f. ! Our stock of Goods, embracing everything pertaining to a , FIRST CLASS FURNITURE AND CARPET ! HOUSE, i Is the most eomplete this season we have ever oflered. Prices guaranteed the same as New York. ', ' oct.8.3m. TATJGHAIT, BARNES & CO., COTTON FACTORS AND ' GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, McPIIAILS WIIARF, Norfolk, Virginia. . We keep constantly on tiand a large and va ried 6tock of Standard Bagging and Ties bought of anufacturers which will be furnished to our patrons at lowest market prices free o Commission. sept. 8.6m. DAncey, IItman fc Co., 143 Pearl St., N. Y. o AK SHADE STOCK FARM, ? PITTSBORO, N. C. son;, - . T. B. HARRIS & . Breeders of Cots77old Shsop and Improved Berk :: , shiro Eogs. 'j, V The Stock brea on this farm is frotS the best sources and from' prize-winners at, numerous ttate Fairs, and won first prize at'the late N. O. State Fair. Young: stock for sale fleece.- Address T Uymans & Dancet, Norfolk, Va. HYMAN'S & DANCEY, COTTON FACTORS . I. ' '. and ' :. COMMISSION MERCHANTS, DEALERS IN Vo. 1 Peruvian Guano, Phosphates; Bone Dust, Ground Bone, Land Plaster, Agricultural Lime, and other Standard Fertilizers. j ' 51 WATER STREET, NORFOLK, VA. " oct.8.3m. . , W. POU Send for samiile of Aorney at Law, RALEIGH, NVC, Practices in all Courts held in the City of Raleigh. jul 23 KADER BIGGS, ' ASA BIGGS, Norfolk, Va. ' Formerly ot H. C. T. B. HARRIS, ) B. HAR - : ri April 23, V attc ntion, to merit LIBERAL PATKO inll " received froth the PLOWING throuirhout the entire South Nov.23,Gm. Last done well," the nobleman said, 'o my way m peace, "--From the Talmud. ie eontiuat Jon of the xtfry AGE, we have so thairk- publie We hold to earth 'and earthly thlno-s y so many more links of thought, if not aflection,'that it is far harder td keep our view of heaven clear and strong; wnen this life is so busv, and, therefore, so full of realfty to us anoth er life seems bv comDarison unrerd Tnis is our condition, and its peculiar temptations, but vremust endure it aiid strive to overcome them, for Jjot try to llee from it. we may SmNDAliD APPLU TREES : I Hish-l to 2 Years Old. j TRUE TO NAME ! I Sale at the ,E KURSEIUES. 10 PER 100 . Refer by jfermUgioi. fo Wiiliamsori; Ur- chureh and ThoinasJ Cheatham IJro. aiul it. fl. Battle, JrJIaVWli. 1 urties ueirin to rnreh:e cayi romlt. V n Order on Kaleigh, but he-sure to tend it "to Polesvilie. H'ake eO-intv. X. (T. jJ.M. FLEMING & Co., ' Ilolesville. Walie Count v. N. C V ... - mi 1 -.1 X y Thousands of people might be Ciijor reasonable; lives, with opportuni ties for self-culture, for social enjoy ment, and for charitableifftbrt, whose whole energy is absorbed in the des perate struggle to add superfluities to comforts. 'Ji vas among the loveliest customs ot A anc"-nts to bur the young at morning twilight, for; they strove to give the softest interpretation to death, so they imagined that Aurora, who loved the young, had stolen them to her embrace. . During the month of October, of the present year, Goldsboro shipped ove the V, &; V. E. R. 'A826 bales of cot ton bein" almost double the quantity shipped m October, 1873. So we learn from the Messenger. P UBLI3 II EDV QUARTERLY. -January num. her. just issued, and contains 100 Pages, 500 Euirravinsrs, descriptions ol of our best FLOWER AND VEGETABLE;?, with Direc tions for Culture, Colored . Plate, etc. The most usefui and. elegant work ot the; kind in the world. Only 25 cents lor ht year. Pub lished ii, En;Ih.ii and German. Lien 5cnds and Chattel Mortgages. - These forms were prepared especially for us, by an experieneed Lawyer, and are the very latest and suited to the Merchant and Farmer. BLANKS !- FOR Superior Cowl Clerks, Sheriffs, Regis ters of Deeds, Justices of the Peace, Merchants and Farmers. . Unr Ijrtns arc the very latest and bein printed on good, hard paper, make them the most popular in the market. A blank prirted on sorry paper soon be comes so uaaiy mutilated as to render it use les, and often cau-e creat trouble. Knowing ... ... - - ana appreciating tliislact, we Lave u?ed only me Dcsi aiKi are giaa to know they meet with general favor. DEEDS AND MORTGAGES. Our forms of Deeds an? Mortgages are ac-. knowjedired by all to be the best and pret tiest in style.aud print in or out of the btate. The paper on which they are printed will ssand the test of years. TRY TILEM RAILROAD WORK. JgEEE AND WINE HALL. I propose to sell ray larre and trrll stock of WHISKIES, RRANDIE3. GlNS and Sl'lRITUOUS LIQUORS of all kind, I by the measure at irreatlv redneed nrifPa a t to change my business to an exclusive WINE AND BEER HALL at my present stand. Parties who desire nur chaPinj? FINE LIQUORS in quantities less than hve gallons, would do well to call. Liberal ar rangements made with dealers. sept-Mtt A. W. FRAPS. MORPHINE HABIT speedily cured by Dr. Beck's only known and eure Remedy. SO CHARGE for treatment until cured. ' Call on or address PR. J. C. BECK. 112 Jolm Street, CLXCIXXATI, OniO. Y, FREE to all applicants ; uiy Kur sery and Bulb Catalogues. . F.. K. Piicenix, Bloomington, HI. V T KITELOCK'S L I JJ FOR WHEAT SOLD BY -sWilliamson, Upchurch trc Thomas, Kaleicjh. .Bishop & Branch, Petorsburg. Barnes, Vaughn & Co., Norlolk. Address Not. 2S,tf JAMES V1CK, Uochestor, LN. Y. JpAYETTE'ILLE HOTEL. St. Comer Hay and Donaldson FAYETTEVILLE, C. A. OVERBAUG1I & SON, Propkietoks. ATTENTIVE SERTAN1S. The Table Daily Supplied with the beat this it. other Markets afford. Printing and Binding for SuperineeHdents or. Agents is ' generaiu wanted in great naste. HaringcTerythingdonein one room, changing irom one baud to another as fast as completed in each department, we guarantee promptness and despatch, as also satisfaction: in mechani cal execution, TMs is the place to bate your Kaitrond Printing done. HAND BILLS & POSTERS. These we put in LARGE and ATTRACTIVE TTPE prepared expressly for the purpose, and give assorted colors of pape Vithottr extra enarge. j 3grniejn.hei; ttte address, R. T. FULGI1UM, RixiiGH, N. C. We endeavor to 'make the VEGETATOR SUPERIOR to any MANURE ... Prepared in the United States, and invite the scrutiny of the . CBiDST Ml PAMffiR. Each article used is MANURE by its ell. and combined make what Thirty Years Expe- . m .?. r nence in me iraae eaiisues us iorms a - Perfect Manure. Aho : PURE GROUND BONES AND DISSOLVED BONES. V W. WHITELOCS & Co., 44 South Street, Baltimore. Aug.20.2m (g T. M I C K E SALEM, N.,C, ' . : I ..... Offers for sale, at reduced prices, - 100,000 Strawbery Plants, . 15,000 Grape Cuttings, -10,000 Grape Vines, mostly of Concord and Clinton varieties, Grape Vines, bearinir. one dollar each or ten dollars per dozen. BLACKBERRY AND STRAWBERRY WINES tor sale at reasonable prices. Churches supplied at greatly reduced rates'. My wines are bure. Oct 31-3m y jglBLICAL RECORDER, Organ of the North Carolina Baptists, ESTU-LiISIIISr) 1832. A..F. Redd &! J. D. Huf ham Editors, This paper represents a Denomination' in North Carolina whose membership is 80,000, thus giving a constituency of 4-0 0 , 0 O 0 The circulation among THE LARGEST of any Weekly in the State, and is THE BEST ADVERTISING MEDIUM, Terms: $2.10 a Year. Nov.14.tt A BLESSING TO HOUSEHOLDS. THE EUREKA W A S H I N G ; M A CHINE!. ' THE LAST AND BEST. Patented Oct 13tb, 1874. 4 This Machine is PoiitiTely.no Humbug! It does the work complete without the use of the hand ; does not injure the fabric as much as the ordinary way ; does .not rub off buttons or break stitches; does: the work rapidly with great pase to tne operator ; no sore hand! n.cre this maeeiae is used. ' - : State and County , Rights for Sale J. B. FARRAR, noy21.eta Patentee, Pay wood, N. C.