i TATE '-2,'G HI G'U T tF SI L : -JO TO ETA E 1. ;.t NEWS OF THE WEEK. HOME NEWS. : Wilmington has a Society of Spiritualists. v -The Federal Court meets in Raleigh Monday, The Air Line, (Charlotte to At lauta), has gone into the hands of a Eecei ver, L. P. Grant. Long Creek To wnshipToted on the fence law on Thursday, and went nearly 2 to 1 against it. Souths ern Uomo, The military ball at Fayetteville last week, is said to have been one of the grandest affairs or the character erer known in the old town. ( Hon. R. R. Bridgers, has been re-elected General Manager of the Wilmington and Weldon Railroad. fie is a thoroughly 'competent and. estimable railroad magnate. Col. Humphrey, President of the Atlantic Railroad, was in New York last week arranging: for Van other line t steamers to Morehead City, and we learn that he has been successful. v . ' V Rev.; Charles 'Wesley Warren, called by the Wilmington Star Wan dering Warren, was seen in New York at the Grand Central Hotel a few days ago. He says he will etay there as long as his money last, and then he will return to Wilmington to preach. He wa9 registered F. Cope land, Rochester, N. Y. The State Council of North Ga roly, Friends of Temperance, met in Kinston Nov. 17, Rev. G. B. Wet more in the chair. The annual re port ot the President showed that the Order in the State was in a flour ishing condition.. The next annual session will be held in GolcUboro, May 1875. Mr. Wetmore was re elected President. The man who was caught cutting a hole to peep through during the Fair, explained that , it, "was only the .first day and hecuFnt see much that day no way." Piedmont Press. "Sixty dollars for a threshing ma chine !" exclaimed a young Milwaukee boy, when he saw the card on one for sale. - " hy, mother pays only $2 a pair for her slippers I" "Susan, how in the world did you ever marry that brute V Oh, I don't know, Jane, lused to pick '.lint off his coat-collar, and he fell in love with me. "I want to know," said a creditor fiercely, "when you are going to . pay me what you owe I ? "Give it up, re- phed the debtor. Ask me something A lawyer engaged in a case torment ed a witness so -timch with questions that the poor fellow at last cried for watr. "Therp," said the judge, "I thought jou would pump him dry." Fool a woman in love, and before you-get half through making a pocket memorandum of the sighs she has sigh ed and the tears she will shed over the loss of yrour prciouelf, 3'ou will hear her singing ancl carping away in 'a snug little nestj with a tenderer and more constant mate than you could ev er have been td her. Fv V2.U Ea CHARLOTTEIASA COTTON MAR KET. . RAD WAY'S READY RELIEF CUHES THE iWOUST PAIKS In from One to Twenty Minutos. HOT ONE HOUR . aflr reading Ihla adTfrtisetaent need any oaa - SCFFXB WITH TADf. ' K ADWATS HEADY 'IiTXirF 13 A CUHS T0B s ETTCr TAIN. ' - It ttxs tie first ani is .',,.' Tho Only; Pain Remedy that fntntly 6tops tb taft excruciating pains, allayt lBflimwatxui. au4 rare Conation, whether of the Lungs. Sinmach-, towels, or iUr lador organs, by ' one application . . '.-1U ' : MX FEOM OXE TO TWENTY UlSimS. no matter hnw violent or excrucialiD thf pain, the BHfcU ' M TIC. Bed rM n. Infirm. Crippled. Siervoua, Neuralgic, or prostrated with diaeaa nJ tixfUx, . . . RADWAY'S R CAD V RELIEF TOA ATTOKD TJCSTAJCT EASE.;;:'. 1 IFLAlMATiON i V THE KIDNEYS. INFLAMMATION OS" THE DLADPEE. rXFLAHlIATIOX Ot THE BOWELS. . . CONGESTION THE LUXG3. BOEE THEOAT, DITFICDLT BRETHlKf: ' I PALPITATION OF THE HEART. HYSTEEICS. CKOUr. .DIPTHERIA, v CATAESn. INFLUENZA. HEADACHE, TOOTHACHE, s - . ?J ETJTi ALGIA , EHEUif AUSJL TOLD CHILLS. AGUE CHILLS. V- f . The application of tL Hwtriy Belter io ihe rart parU where the pain ot dilTu'nUy exist will afford, ease and comfort. ' -,-:.-' 1 ! Twenty drops In half a tmab'rfT of wfer vtiV In a few t tnr,mw!t.j cn-e CKAIIFS. bi'AS.MS, ; MH.U.M U, HEAfli nUKX. KICK HEADACHE. -I'lAURHCEA XiS- EN'lERY. COLIC, Vk'IND IN THE BOWELS, and all INTEHXAL PAINS. ! : - r '. Travelers fhonld iilwya carry 1x11 of TXadwaj- Xteudy Keller with them. . A few drops in water will prevent Pit-knefS ot pains from change or water, lz .s better than rencn crnuy or miners as r Buuiiuduu FEVEIl AND AGUJ1. FKVEH AND AGUE cured fr fifty cenU. There is not a remedial agent in thii woild thatwiil care i'ever and Ainie.-and all other Malarioua, Eiliong, Scarlet. Typhoid. Yellow, and other Fevers aided by P.ADWAY'S PILLS bo ouick aa liADWAY'd BEADY EL LIE . I'ifty cents per The actual statistics show that this city is the leading cotton market in the State of North Carolina, and this pres tige is gradually! giving us a commercial importance whij:h' liotliing else could do. With the completion of the Caro line Central railroad it .will soon claim to rank with our sea coast cities. Dur ing -the year ending the 30th 'Septem ber, the City bf Charlotte ' actually bought and sold jforty thousand bales ot the staple, and judging by the receipts up to this time, jvve will exceed "those figures the present year. The outlook is exceedingly promising just now. Cnarlotte Observer. . . bottlfl. rLg?ftiTLI I RTTinVrt A XT) rUEE.ItlCH ItLOOD. INCREASE Ol 1 LESTi AXDVKIGHT CLE:4 RKKIN AND BEAUTI- 1'UL COMPLEXION SECUiOU TU ALL. . .COAIMiERClAL, REPORT. Raleigh, N. C, November 27, 1874. Cotton. middlings...' . . . 13 cents. Bacox C. it. sides. ; . ....... 1'2:, 6 k r : JBulk shoulders.. .V ......... 10 10 N. C Hams. . . .161G N. C (hog round).-....... 15 i Sugars A The Federal court ut Asheville closed its session . on Saturday last, vThe following 13 the mitnber of con victions in the conspiracy and coun terleiting cases :D. .C. Ghoroiley, of Graham county, sentenced to twTo years in the Albany penitentiary. John L. Crane, iot Cherokee county, sentenced to. two years in the Albany penitentiary. Samuel L. Thompson, who hdils from the neighborhood of Johnston City, Term;, txne year in the Albany penitentiary. Dr. L. P. Blackburn, of Mitchell county, three years in the Albany, penitentiary. J Ui Kbplign, niX?..i!l' .inTtfy nm J AVERAL -NEWS. -. ' ' FLOE . v, a-. Tha Adminisration is determin ed not to interiere hi the Arkanaais . einbroirlio. ' ; ' , rjv--.-t p:u)v r-tonn- -Iiaa occurred . jn,bra?kn' Snow hrs -.iairen in Nev York and-Ntnv Eih:!o.ikL Fratvlv M. Ames; a i on oi the; hite .Ouk huM- 'Uivh.edu:New .Or,ra!.-i,-iiULilu and lexas ..uivouu. for v-:'.0v ; . : fnn.Knj;. 19. ne- Kfo nnncr. uml their .vmpathizeiv V-cr iiioti-upon-, from a.mbusn. ibe troubles have been very scries there. It lias e -ine toi-ht that two weeks preceding the recent elect ion. "( !wr; vero cuiv-.loveu in the :.. ton Isnvv Yprd and dUelmrgcd al- x-.. . l. ' hor amber westbru 3 TC1 luu J! T Com CW andlowd The strike ot the. JLongsnoieaicu um niixid . 80aS5 l0r nc C YelW,.. . ..... .. 10ial0 Bright C Yellow,., . . . . . . ..1H Extra CJ. 11 J 1 UMiir LOUE . . Meal....-- Butter CoiuitH ''EciG:i. ..... C(UN - V.ddcr v:er cwi O.'t I'otatoi: Swcsf: Cotion V:--.- -- - Evans.'.-. ferrrrrr: THE C RE AT BLO O D PURS Fl .EI? nS THE MOST ASTON'f-HIO crnES : Kf UICK FO liAPID A HE THB CHANGES THH UM.HG01-W.USrKH TH ISFLUI-NCn Oi'TIIIi TKULY WOIEItlVu-MEDICLNi; THAT . I eight irSeeiirffl M. Eve-y dtvP of tho SAKSAPAl::LL.IAX RESOLVENT -AnmrnnicAiPs Uirouurh the 151 sort, fc'.at, Urine, and other Fluids an 4 juice of tlio eyateia tUe vigor of lif-v. for it . . . . A . . . -3 W H ,1 Jiff's I repairs the waxtesot no ooay uu new ana wi -" M..w.f..ia' xvnWlH. Consumntioa. Gl-'snatilar tlis-:ae, Ulcers i-4 tae throat. -.Moatu, Tumors; Uodes ia the Qlamls and other parts of tho system. Sore Eyes,, ftraraoroits discliar- Salt c3 from the Ears, and lUe worst irrus oi oh.ui uisei ?C irr a!-a. ScaM . Head Kia$r VVrrin. - -s-...,. '.v.s.noi.ia AfttiA. T?:--k Hunts. Woram m the Flesh T.imors. Canoersin the Womb, and fall .-weakening' and painful diciiares. Night Sweats. i.yss oi icrm ai;u mi wastes of the life principle, a-e wthiri the curutiTera ot , tt m...iUii r.r iVT,-krirn HipTnistrv. iiiid a lew days AiSO Will prove to any person using it lor eilLtr of tliesc forma of disoasa its potent power to-cure -them; r ' ' r - V ' If the patient, dailr becoming rt-rluced Vy tb wastes ana decomposition that is continually pr res-ing. t-ueceeds la arresting th.'HP-, wastes, and re; v lha tamo with new-material mide from Lealthy 1 ; oJ-iind tli the H jl aAPAa l LLI N will a:ul doe.3 m - a cure is certain for when onco thi rejndy eomnv. Vi worli ot pun its reoairs will be rapid,-und ever;. y t:o patient will f..l himaolf rrrntfinor hfvtf?I ftlV.l fOI:-er.. t.IO lOOt j . AH I !; O.. : A 'L-i T ."V.I- ' ; - life) : -Ssi-Il .... -I tfiitsT - MANUFACTURED BY . McGALLIlir, WYCKOFF & HOPE, RAL EI O IT , . C . - This Vertical Engine occupjts 1"8S rcom. Is stronger and more 6imple than any other, and perfectly s&fu In the bands ot persons of ordinary intelligence wiUiont lon preTions training as Engineers. Our U ; ' v 8 and. IO HORSE POWER ENGINES S?,T3 re made especially' for PLANTATION USE. to drive -I"?- f - orf i Ootton Gins. Corn Mills. &c. Ererv fiin Is warranted :-ii45 to Rive MOKE than Its rated power, and to te perfect ia rr-r-i,.. yz2-irk' eTtry pari. , - - . , t . - ': - t CAROLINA GorrTdN gin; This Gin combines every. quality that' constitutes a FJK3T CLASS GIN. Ererv Gin is warranted to gin as FAVT or FASTER, aud as WELL or BEITEJi, than any other Gin.. ' For full description and Price List of both En gines and Gins, address ; : McCalluat, W yckoff & Hope, May 2S. , , ; RALEIGH. N. C. - s 4 J ;" :' V'- - 1J. Tl"'' . . 11 -... JULIUS LEWIS. ,; , i - NICHOLAS W. WEST. House Furnishing: Hardware JULIUS LEWIS & CO.. FISHER BUILDING, RALEIGH, X. C. ; CALL ATTENTION TO AND INVITE AN INSPECTION ON THEIR VERY EXTENSIVE STOCK OF TABLE CUTLERY, SILVER PLATED WARE, , JAPANNED TEA TRAYS, DISH MATS, FEATHER. DUSTERS, J PLAIN, PLANISHED AND . JAPANNED TIN WARE. f KITCHEN FURNITURE OF E VER Y DESCRIPTION. Brass, Steel atid Copper Goods, Shovel and Tongs, Grates, Heating,, Parlor and Qfiok : Stoves, Toilot Sets in Great Variety, Glassware, French, Cut and Glass -'V'-v. of every Description. . ' . yF ....... ...... ..'20 lsrvuraaa thicl,, cio, r.d . ;.Hl.iO to yi.iu 13 tubwimoci - ;i:-ue.. WRITE TdR CIRCULAR AND PRICE LIST. T;" t "1 T 7 ; Clice-e- Ka..:s- -e ;;. CAPITAL PAID IN 1C0,CC0; AUTHORIZED CAPITAL 01,OGO,CC6 .Its - h. km. X . . JL wV. wA1 J' o p. tf-rfi .l Viscera. Warranted lOce- ! : i . r,':c ;. ''r:;:. vwW vcetablc, ccniaiid-og no curcury, S'nw Yoilit, Xov.1 27-CuUou'ql; s,i,s n'edoo,, 1 . red-.wt'nteru ; i-l.oai. ' ; " fl 2S;il 41 tor white go at Uh.'JlK for .wcfe-u'n v ; 8.ji0 ior new ytiiov Al l . WUUU f ' .. I enmn i tli hteailiSUlP lilies tO a COtll- Hrmer. Kice m changed and dun.. " i- " - . i - , , . , promise, The Great Canard line 1ms eonim'oniit-cd by paving tiiem .35 et.; eonipi per hour. The )nv: against dnelfnir is .''boitiS ' riirediv cniorced in Iv'iituekv. The ami rirme hi iivy ut 8u9;. F j-Jl. L-ard tower, p.ij .: liosni sKdy at !.w. ilrn, ,t ........ .t ir.ie .cf.ra- 1415. Joii'J.oO lor gtraiutd. 1 r- Motiev firm at'Wa4. . Exebansc d.uil and lig. Governments biroug aitd active. ia.eb 1 11 fr ADER BIGGS CO., 'General Commission "Merchants, - ':. . ' and - - - r- . rrn "T? t' Biggs' Whakf, NonroLK, Va. OI-GAluSSD 4th, ' 1S73. ; Banfcins' K,csc5 Ti-aCo Street, CKroSie, H. C. mcnt. ' . . ... ,c,v.iV.nnris ar.tl Merchandize fctored.in warehouses ana r'osh Kivnn"ed. on tjuiion, .tiiuuwuuiv v pere'd bv Insurance. i,ouim tuni u, cU, .. Special attention given to' collections. OFFICERS : S.P. SMITH, President, aN G rjrjTT, Asshtant Cashier. i-i ir-v rn'i rr r T:, (J. ... t x .1tTkshiD of the Court ' ot. uppeat- has hern declared vacant, the; candi date, Tho:;;as' L. Jones, I)omocrat. . vha received titty thousand majori tj, havin- accepted a charienge to iMit a duel live -years ' ao. i " ' dull and Mvaay.- but to icllllie truth about liim Oine tircs does.. , . . cbu-bev f.rrcsted.'v;-itli:. chicbens in liis Bf ,'cin 13 ALT I'M out:, ov raiddliu.'rs'H; iow u nary 14 ClI-VKLr?TO, Nov rrilir.:rv lo'i- Cotton 31 arrets. h7.(jottoi! tf.aetand eay, iddliugs 14o4; :od or- Jabf-ral advaucts on ConVimhcnts. Shinments to Liverpool tree of lorward-i-"r(;o piui-sious, and the uual advances maae. gftlttentionpaid to the ga!e of Cotton and ail kinds ot Country Produce, aid prompt 'returns, made. ' 'llaiiir and Hope and Ties lurnUbed on rtb- eral terra.-. July 2, Pini 1 ,b . T C.'GPJE,.1 J. W. McMUUiiAi, J. P. HOUSTON, . DiRECTORS: p. n. Moo-lr., W. V". iil I E l l, ( J. V. WADSWOP.TII, T. L. VAIL, Cashier, . MACAULVY, It. 1). COLLINS, S. P. SM1T.II, 27. Cotton steady; m ddhntr 13 3-4al4Ji ; gjU Wilmington, N. q., Nov. 2T.-Cotion steady, oiddSin-13; low iiddlins 13;; good ena riHO iPATROKS DESIRING TO 1 SHIP COTTON TO LIVERPOOL. Attorney-COL. JOHN E. BROWN. XcrjborCorreoKn'Jttij Trader I Not. Rani:. XT AT Tj .BR O N , ; JNO. O, GAHAGH, GENERATMGENT roxijTnn ELEBIIATD j NORFOLK, A-., c.ST'SY- COT'TAGB OEGAb.- " -'.hakufacturet. akd.dealeu i"n They contaicvery 1;, Lhnc. Rockland, ludi.n Kock, n Sim-CII &c. fieuiior ll(ustratcdCata-bi- .. Flake, WpsblDgtbu City Lunes. .w ' " i ' ' - T'-n Calcine.-. DeiHal and Agriculture Piasters. Porilauu CbpUy. a s. i 1102T Hair. him, " J.r vnv. T.-Cottrra nominal ; low . As the preWnt low-price o! Cotton toscsus- middling ' . I rV'mft time realize money on the , : U'.iU ai v .. . ., , . ,v jm"-- , .,.: iV' ' ot,- 4TTT?:T.tQT ' ' - A ranl-epvni3toS!.! ..ir-C;.o tQ iv.er. , :. '.. - tb ' hV. ick, i eclarcd, 'JJe man ua, tut tTL..,;i t:-W t ?:rf rn ia LiVoooI. G pJr; M . . . " : -- dar.s no fren of mine. ' .,t V.- - . - p- -char.o, ,th;' sui: and Trms-.ior u.cu, ! , . I::; , . - . -, -, . . r.,. o i-Vi-i w.-ir.-U "nit Ml-armirs r.OE m otuer iie- .a w,it, t .-p bale covers sui n-cii !ir,a v iu:;. ;,; rs. l:kc ana i.ai;u i- l.-lf',-, vit i tho -Ml- , r .. .. . ciutrwiv ,,.,.,,T- f j . : 'r..4 CJTTV : ! A 7 ' - t.--,c,-lti? . , -iv -Lflnc- .- .ofjw.Dfcraii. , k ., -iv f.-;.1:, fi,.-nTr,.s Yir-rinia and North Caro- . . : , : lor the price OiU u v . .1 Webster is nav.-fflorous.Tfrcs. uaymoim, va- ikcu.. . . ,v .,TrT.. . ; . ... ,:,;.f ;n tivik . Nursery l ' . hl.ad io Cimv IS 310t SO baa.fl bircl,-nnc-x i:,VAAt-rl;rn lUe ,n, rWexZfn LLa' ! Grange A-'cnt for Ya, and N. C. ifeFeather Duster, Brcovosh i . r Pnce Tf.nnvnr shows the white leatner, !:rra.;V;. Nmn.. J; rmrr-v wnv? -m folk. VA.- ' Wood Tooth Picks, iwrsv.ti -T--i - cel.83r3. p ! r:,-: -v,v5ti-,-.5,r. Vr-,vr:l. fJohn G. Base - cct.3L...ia. . Haz. P:ayli- tjaras, r. rv j -r--rTxnT,'P-T.Ti t , i Knot's "-- t riiiuii .c. 2 , ' - . Vi (, i, - .,-- I0S o it -bbo-s Vaeietx i BOTTlMOItE, 31 AR ROW & CO., j urel utid 1 -Iloseadiiie toui lections .The all. find never "complains witnout caws. - DanbniW little darlier rciasea to -;ell- iH d(:fi-n!lir sbientiiic terns.- f Prc?ider.t nb'-c'h "l-oo 'tliilu'twanfe to -1 ; . j Hitchcock, .loolc there hire a lmchlcbcriy iii - j lK . . . ; : ciark' of milk. i: rr,-,. , . -i 1 ' '. ,11 r 4!-A m'i hopeful at breast, Joshua, wnat- is j jr 0 18T; an heir apparent , "There b -ono on j . , . ; tha butter-mothciy" xcpHed the miilhal j- Jisk.u by G ter are ereciaUy r- iblc Fertilizers that caa -1 ' ' , SHOE H0U3E r- T GWiTinY, 1 E. T. POTOI., ! v.' EASTHir. TAfteOCElr, -POWELL & CO, vounff ster And the old lady lit .upon Mass. H -f"r.TTT M irf.f ,by JfcJooKselkTS. . ; WHOLESALE GROCERS, ; ATER ST7& 41 COMMERCE ST., - A"bo a . Virginia. : C. A, AVOODAUD, Salesman. cct.S.Sm. TROUBLE TO SHOW GOOD sept 23 tf . ' . r,'.-! wors.'- ecu every respect. i oct.vJ.vin. .... P oct.31.lt. him with the eohee-pot.

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