mm VOL. II MORAVIAN FALLS, N. C, APRIL, 1897. NO. 11 . THE YELLOW-JACKET. PUBLISHED MONTHLY. 15 CENTS PER YEAR, IN ADVANCE. E. DON LAWS, EDITOR. J8NTURBD AT MORAVIAN" FALLS, N. C. AS SECOND-CLASS MATTER. When your paper is cross marked it means your sub- scnption is out, and, tha juu win icuui v jufj mure p pers, unless you renew. -And Wm. J. Bryan has wr' a book. Some of the Democrats are (dis) cussing the Dingly Tariff Bill. Japan has adopted the gold standard at a ratio of 32 to 1. It is said that Cleveland carries his bait in a jug when he goes fishing. To hades with the so-called Civ i? Service law. Them's our, sentiments. The fellow who Avants a feast' of dry thistles has only to "jine" the Democratic party. It is now in order for the Dem ocrats to tighten their belly-bands and go to making faces at the Republicans. Yes, boys, the Dems failed, and judging by the course they took, they are thoroughly qualified to keep on doing so. What the Democratic party needs most is fumigation and sev eral million tracts containing the story of the prodigal son and the Lord's prayer. It is claimed that President Mc- has an ambition to add the of Hawaii and Cuba to the union jack before he gets through with the White House. lis The funniest thing about the situation in North Carolina is that the Butler croud have read the Pritchard croud out of the party for doing the same thing the Butler croud did two years ago. Don't get scared about the Ding ly Tariff bill. It's all rieht. Bill Wilson, the author of the ''tariff tor deficits measure -that sent this country almost to the devil, denounces the Dingly bill as a very bad law. No higher tribute than this could be paid the new tariff bill. Ve want agents everywhere to take subscriptions to the Yellow- Jacket. There's money in it for you, boys. We. propose to make the Ykllow-Jack jet cover the en tire field and several acres of th ocean,Jthi5 summer. stamp tcwiftycTgentB' outnTanit go to workr Poor old wind-broken Democrat ic party. It is sick nigh unto death. The places that know it now will soon know it no more forever. It has already puked itself into spasms over a dose of free silver, and only a little while and it will be denied free wool to pull over the peoples' eyes. Such is life. Selah. Some job printers boast that they do job work at starvation prices and. they do. They starve the poor fellow who has the work done. But just send your job work to the Yellow-Jacket job office and you'll soon save enough money to buy 3rou a kicking ma chine to use on your-self for ever paying other printers such high prices for work. ' The fact that Grover hired a substitute to do his fighting in the war isn't at variance with his course in employing a body-guard to watch him at the White House, lest some fool might blow His Fat ness into smithereans. It is also very natural for Maj. McKiriley to send these thugs and watchmen home, because, being a man in sympathy with the great mass of common people, he doesn't fear assassination. The free silver Democrats and pewter Populists claim that times are growing harder and business duller every day. But the fact that there are more'peopleworking for wages in the U . S. to-day than at any time for three years past, rather knocks out this claim. In the state of Pennsylvania alone there are one hundred thousand more people at work now than there were six months ago. But if you mention such as this to one of those limber-jack calamity howling fellows, he will at once rise up on his hind legs, point his finger at'you and squall : Hanna ; Hannal The Democratic editor down in eorgia who offers his paper for ne year to the person who brings he first load of water melons to is office, has perhaps conceived the idea that he can run a wind mill with water. It begins to look now like Wm. McKinley will be one of the most popular public officials that ever dwelt within -the District of Col umbia. The doors of the White House, have been swinging ten hours a day since he has occupied the mansion. The new president walks the streets, stops and talks with any friends he may chance to meet, and manifests every ev idence that he is a man of the peo ple and for them, too. But you needn 't expect to see any reference to these "peculiarities" of the new president in the Democratic papers As time rolls on the more glar ing is the hypocracy ,-tof the so called free silver Democrats, .With possibly two or three exception's, every one of the 122 Democrats in the House of the present Congress were elected as free silver .Demo crats. But when these Democrats met in caucus last month to nom inate a candidate for Speaker, did they nominate a veteran free silver man? Not much, they didn't. There was Bland, who had worn himself gray in the cause of silver, and who merited the honor, but got it where the chicken got the ax. You ask then, who was the choice of those "new and purified" Wm. J. Bryan -free-silver Demo-, cratfij. Why, bless your life, " It . was a young man named Baily fromlTexas, who is a gold stand- ard Democrat and who opposed ' the. election of Bryan. Now, you; free silver Democrats, arnvt you proud of this record of your party? Now arn't you? You are getting;" there at a lively rate. Jest keep on yelling for Bryan and 16 to. 1 arid the victory will soon be yqui: - 1 . i : - iW-'