it VOL. Ill MORAVIAN FALLS, N. C, JAN., 1898. NO. 8 'HE YELLOW-JACKET. ' PUBLISHED MONTHLY. ,NTS PER YEAR, IN ADVANCE, DON LAWS, EDITOE. to AT MORAVIAN FALLS, N. C. AS SECOND-CLASS MATTER. lien your paper is cross ked it means your sub ntioii is out. and that will receive no more pa- , unless you renew. is easy to find faulty but to tell what to do with it. Same people use mighty poor trial whenf they make up fc few Democratic bugs ever nto the fellow s head who al 3 keeps his eyes open. feome people save all their pathy until a man is dead ; h they make his grave sloppy k their tears.' t ie Democrats have a oonven- way of forgetting every thing runs counter to their eco- io theories. a fellow wants to believe that is a'good country to live in lie in he must steer clear of Traders and mugwumps. f iingley bill has surprised .it1s, confounded its enemies 1 ay ed smash with Free-Trad - in general. ' 'resident McKinley wan ts to ie air darkened with an up- 1 of Republican hats, just let nn ul old Fatty 's I ex ten sion civil service rules. r the track ! Let'er go! Mrs; las announced-her intention candidate1 for the Demo tic Congressional T nomi- in Sockless Simpson V dis- Say, Mr. Democrat, where are those bonds you said Mr. McKin ley would be compelled to issue before 1897 was gone? The things which the Dem ocratic papers are not saying about the revenues of the gov ernment just' now are quite noticeable. One bird in the hand is worth two in the bush. So cash in advance and stop the paper when the time is out is our motto. The Dingley December was Looks like this a Free-Trade ""biH sThm 4nfeartv Sz.DOO hLenarnm to lus for ,000. make opocrat- ic newspaper suspend publication and take to the woods. Mr. Bryan's love for the Pops and silver Republicans is really most affecting. He says he pre fers to win "with the Populists on the one side jind the free silver Republicans on the other.' 1 From present indications it would seem that he will haveto get nominated by the Pops or not get nominated at all. . After the miserable failure of the Democrats in a fair trial for four years it looks reasonable that they would shut up for a while and-give their successors an opportunity- to demonstrate What they can do. , But who ever heard of a ITembc rat shutting up? December's receipts of the Trea sury show the first surplus in several years. . The question now is not whether the Dingley Tariff will pay the running expenses of the government but whether it will be able in four years to produce a surplus as big as the Wilson bill's deficit, and pay off the bonds issu ed, during a Democratic adminis tration. - During 1897 there were one hundred and sixty six per- sons lynched in the United States. Of thisnfumber 22 were women. Of the total number. 122 were negroes, 39, whites and 5 Indians. Texas had only 75 lynching bees last year. The New York Journal, which has just repudiated Wmr J Bry an and 16 to 1, notwithstanding its advocacy of both a year ago, is now busy pushing Mayor Van Wyck, of New York, for the Democratic nomination for President in 1900. - No defict for December. It is no wonder the old year died. The shock was too great, and the vitality of the old year, too near spent. Besides not to have a reg ular monthly deficit was" so out of time with the example set by the Cleveland administration it was enough to kill most anything less robust than the Dingley bill. Ex i" One difference between the Dem ocratic and Republican parties is that the Republican party when ever it has been in power has al ways been a debt-paying party, while the Democratic party even in the time of. peace, has always been a debt-making- party. An other difference is, they are not alike at all. Failures during, 1897, accord-. ing to "Dun's Review' were in bankiug $25,800,000 ; in manufacture $69,000,000 in tra- ding $75 ,700, 000. The failures : fall far below any other year since 1892,and in average liabil ities of firms failing are lower than in any other, year of the last twenty-three, except 1892. And all this took place under a system that the Democratic orators swore would .result ; in nothing but ruin, and stagnation. xt year. - .