1 r 1" V, - X 1 St vbi i MOIIAVIAN FALLS, N. C, DECEMBER, 1S98. NO. G IRE YELLOW-JACKET. PUBLISHED MONTHLY. 15 CENTS PER YEAR, CASH '.V IN ADVANCE. EDITOE. Entered at Jvloravian Falls, N. C. as Seeond-Class ft atter. A Cross Mark on your paper means that your subscription has expired, and that yon will receive no more papers un less you renew. IKSTRUCTIONS. Silver' preferred to Postage Stamps on subscriptions. Remittances of silver of small sums may be made with comparative safety . in ordinary letters, using good envelopes. Amounts above sixty cents it would be well to send by Registered letter. P. O. Money Orders are better still, but they must "be drawn on Wilkesboro, N. C. as Morav lau Falls is not a Money Order office. When writing to have your paper changed you mjist.give your former as well as your new address. . Always write your own name and ad dress plainly, and direct all your letters to i HE YEUvOW-JaCKKT, Moravian Fai,i3, N.C. What We Want. Some men are so everlastingly selfish that they want the whole earth, with the sunshine and the wind and th ? rnooh and tho stars thrown in. We don't want all of these, nor very much of 'either. But we herewith enter a solemn sind emphatic protest against try ing' to live absolutely on air. .We can use a gODddeal of air, but we need, and m ist have, aiittlecnsh. As a means :o obtain this cash, we propose to increase our subscrip tion list to tjhe Yellow-Jacket. A bout the only available way to in crease this list successfully and rapidly in through the prompt and hearty cooperation of ourRepubli can friends--thoso who believe in the principles of the great party of Lincoln, Gn nt, Garfield and AJc Kinley. Now, brother, will you cooperate w th us? That . is wilL you spend a little time in helping to put the paper in the hands of all your Republican friends? 'Take this copy wlien you go out from home, and don't let up n a R-e publican -'until you have secured his subscription. If he is too, poor to subscribe pay it yourself. By so doing you will not only be mak ing that fellow happier, bilt oit will aiso . uejaiuiiig ue m jjAcjro.ni.i the facts ofl Republicanism, whic onlv need to be known by the Tponle to make the Republican party so harmonious and invulner able that trie tribes-of Bryan, the world, the flesh and the devil can't nvrt.hmw it in lvilXi. If you haVe a Republican f riend II vino-in a distant county or state, subscribe for him or send us his ad dress that vie may mail him sam- nle conies 'The Yellbw-Jacket is not a lo- cai paper nor the organpf any district or section , but circulates nvpr all the states and advocates ,Kr TniYwh'ean doctrines. .Now, brother Kdpublicaiisl we want to hear from Vou with some rqusmg When, a fool opens his mouth' his head is soon emptyi It must discourage the fool killer when lie looks around and sees how far behind he ik with his work. Admiral Schley also announ ces that he is a Republican. It begins to look like the democrats were not "in it." , Dewey favors the annexation of the Philippines, root and branch,-and yet he has been called a democrat. A great many men who claim to be self-made were evidently nterrupted before the job was completed. ; Man claims to be lord of all creation, but when a savage bulldog chases him he fails to act the part. If there is ever an3rthing in a larae it must be when it is loca ted on the southeast corner of a bank check. It is necessary for a woman to look into but one class to paint her face, but a man has to look into several to paint his nose. : It is said that Boss Croker lost $150,000 betting on the New York election, but as he knows where to get plenty more it is not worrying him very mjiich. A subscriber writes us to pre scribe a cure for bed bugs. That we will do with pleasure if the gentleman will -please tell us what is the matter with the bugs. It would be a great improve ment on things if there was more leisure for men of business, and. more business for men of leisure. If we can't civilize the Philip pine Islanders, live can kill them offin short order. A western firm' has just shipped six ca loads of cigarettes to Maiiila. - Some men can sit up all nigh t playing poker, but ' they would kick like a steer if they , were asked to dandle a col icy kid ten minutes. ' v There is "nothingin the West" to which the democrats can point with pride. . It hasimore grain, more money, more enterprise and more Republican voters ii an'ever before. vH all these things in its favor the people in the West ought to be contented and happy. Hie republican plurality in Ohio is 61,000 against 28,000 last year and 47,000 in 1896. It is scarcely worth while to talk fur ther about free silver in that state. Senator Daniels, of Virginia, says the democrats got just what they deserved at the late election. We congratulate the Senator. His head is level, if he is a dem ocrat. The democrat who accepts the nomination for President, to run against President. McKinlev in 1900, will stand no more chance of successhan a hareliped boy in a whistling sehool or a one legged man in a foot race. An exchange desires to know why the office doesn't seek the man like in old times. That's dead easy to answer. The reas on the office doesn't, seek the man nowadays is because it doesn't. have lo. Ask us some thing hard. Every time the Republican party wins a big victory some profound democrat bobs up with a prediction that it will never win another one. This predic tion has been made regularly for the past forty years, and history has just as regularly failed to verify it. Col. Bryan's reasons for re signing from the Army is be cause he can serve his county better out of it. He is certainly assuming a great deal in sup posing that his services are so much needed by his country. A greater part of the people are of the opinion that the nation is doing as well as can be expected and a good deal -better than if Wm. J. Bryan was at its helm. Talk about Admiral Dewey bein a democrat! He paid $3 a word to cable his congratula tions to Col. Roosevelt upon his election as governor of New York. Democrats never do that sort of a thing. They arn't built, that way. When. Republicans get e lected down here in North Caro lina, it causes such a sudden dropping of the jaws of demo crats as to nearly jerk all their upper teeth-out. Dewey is .a warrior, a statesman and a re publican, and democrats might just as well let him alone. He stands for' McKinley, the reten tion ;6f the Philippines and the protection , promotion and per petuation of the American flag. ; Be sure and read our Kuock 'em off the track offer on 2 page. We give $1.00 worth , of books free. Lieut. Hobson broke all pre vious kissing records at Kansas City by kissing 283 women. True there is a discrepancy of nearly one hundred women in the different reports sent out, but we take it for granted that the maximum number of kisses is a correct report, because no gentlemau of or ..Unary .de- cernment could help repeating or showing partiality between a maid of 40 and a peach - of . six teen. A western man announces to the world that he thinks it should be made. a misdemeanor punish able by fine, for any qualified vo ter to abstain from voting unless sickness or absense precluded his exercising that right. This fellow ought to have his head sawed open and some buckwheat batter put in the place 'of the stuff he calls his brains. If the voters cannot be induced to go to the, polls and vote through . patriotic aud voluntary impulses they should not be driven there by force of law. It is as much against. a Republican form .of ; government to drive a man to vote at all as it is to force him to vote contrary to his sentiments While certainly it was not a Republican war, yet the war was conducted by a Republican ad ministration, and had the results been otherwise than successful does not any intelligent citizen doubt but what the opposition party platforms would have rung with the cjianges and charges? Its Tariff workings have been, emiuentlv successful and the many thousands of men placed';, at work since the last President al election was held, with the,, unmistakable prosperity that has visited the nation, are hav ing their effect with the people. They are not desirbiisjof turning over the Government to. the fus ion mongrels and the Populist hydra headed aggregation the entire aggregation of political curiosities and freaks, with their assorted ideas and principals, from bewhiskered Peffer down--to Socialist Schillings. It is not to this assorted job lot of., political pot boilers who are ca- : tering to the masses in hopes of inducing, them to give them power by which the nimble. jacks may fleece them that tHe . people' are going to give- power and place. V s J r A V ; -A . -. - -'x ; , V :- yA big clubs. - - y a' jT v ! ) - -- - -f , - V. t

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