WEEKLY ED (3 VOL. VI MORAVIAN FALLS, K. C, TUURSDAY, NOVEMBER 30, 1S90. SO. 30 rrnm MM a hi ru M A WW "... ' r . 9. I THE YELLOYZ -JAQKE i . ' WEEKLY & "MONTH ,y. B. DON LAS, EDX50S. WEEKLY, ONE YEAR,, SIX MONTHS,". ...... MONTHLY, ONE YEAR, . . . 50 . . 30 , . . .10 CASH ALWAYS IN ADVANCI 4 CVosa Mrk on your p; r means that vour subscription has eq5red, and that yon will receive no more paters mi less you rencr. Entjtfted-at Moravian Falls, N. C. as second class matter, June 23, 189. INSTRUCTIONS. jT Silver preferred to Postage, Stamps on subscriptions. Remittanccspf silrer of sir all sums may be made with Comparative safety in ordinary letters, trting good Envelopes. Amounts above sixtjrjjcerits it would be well to send by Registered letter. . P. O. Money Orders are better still, but they must "be, drawn on . Wilbesborp, N. C. as Moravian Falls is npg fai -Honey Order office. - : S-p0?.- When writing to haye'o if . psqSer chatiged you must give voixr fbm er as well as your nevr address. -.. . Always write your afca. name and: ad dress plainly, and direct all yoiu letters to Tub YEILO w-J AC KET, Moravian Faiw,"N. C. ISSUED .EVERY THURSDAY, Thursday, Nov. 30, jtS99. BREAD AND BUTTER. Look here, Brother, taJk a little Kugipess'' w want to th you. Being a siib3oribef -to the Y. J, we presume that you axe a 'Republi can, or, at least, that you are a Democrat who has the 'backbone to read both sides of the cuestion. We take it that you know a good thing when 3011 see it, and that you are not so selfish as to denjr your neighbor a good thirig when it doesn't cost 3'ou anything for him to obtain it. Now the point ve are striking at is this : Do you believe in' the doctrine tho Yellow Jacket teaches and in trie fight it Ais making? Do you .desire to help in defending the cause of Republi canism? If you do, then kve want t 1 sk you to help circulate the J. a little further amclng your neighbors. You know its politics. it speaks tor itself. It cbsts but 4j0 cents a year, and it nev er "rips. rusts nor runs down at thfe .heels," but comes forth ' every w full of Republican trutl will help io make vonr I pek brim s wrhich publican faith stronger and enabli you to vote more iuteiligently. We want to ask. every subscriber to make one square, honest effort us one new subscriber to o secure lie week- ly "Y. J. Take a copy of the paper v. nen you go 10 the store, the shop or mill, show it to your r nighbors and persuade one or more of your Republican friends to take the paper. Don't slight the .Democrats either. Some of them love to read the. Y. J. The campaign of 1900 is drawing near, and 3-011 want 3-our neighbor as well as your self to be prepared to vote with a uucimauuing (-1 t,ne issues. T P 11 3Tou ra-fj interested in 1 this mat- ter we shall PTnont f t -.v.v-v iJCitl. XlUIIi each of you with one or more new subscriptions.. Don't thtow this matter aside but act to day or to morrow. We are not U Iking to that other fellow, bnt. in vr together, everybody. 1 Let the xouew Ja.f.KeU fly. EDITORIAL, KOTES. To the credit of the Ken tucky Judges, they declined to be Goebelized. Boss Croker has gone to Europe to spend some of the New York city tax-payers' money in horse racing and other sports. The republican leaders hoDe for the adjournment of tliis session of. Cong-ress hk fore the nation ;il conYentioh is held. - :r-. So many goocl'men are a vailable for the . republican Vice Presidential nomination that it would be impossible to iiMke a mistake. ' " .... ' a .t.f vuwj iv..- , J but it was mine; not- thxrtr of ' 'TH flnfr hac rvofT -rxxitjiffrn your Uncle Sam.,, Aguinal- do. 'V The annals of athletics fail to record anything to equal the present exhibition! of base running given by Ag uinaldo's seat of government. There are a number of members of Aguinaldo s cab inet amd congress who are quite ready to trade their independence for an office. ! I The financial bill prepared by the republican caucus committee is likely to be a mong the first bills passed by the House r Roberts, the Utah polyga mist, Trill have more respect for the strength for the uni ted sentiment of Ameicau womanhood after he is kick, ed out of the Hotme. One of the things that it is difficult to understand is why any man should wish to be a democrotic leader in the House during the present Congress. Goebel is now in a position to testify that political burg lary is just as uncertain as the other kind, no matter how careful plans are or hoy good tools are. Aguinaldo had to eat his Thanksgiving day dinner on the run, and it was a mighty skimpy, meal, if captured Filipinos tell the truth about his commissary department. Republican members of the House should keep the size of the party majority in mind, and see that absentee ism is not allowed to" make trouble for the leaders. We hope our new fixtures will reach-usm time to get out the next issue of our pa per much improved over the present. We are now supplied with order blanks for taking sub scriptions to the Y. J. All our agents will be supplied as soon as we can mail them out. , ' i''xx.ujcnv vi lac Lewey t fllome excitement, there is clear evidenc that the Ad miral possessed sufficient presence of nitid to retain the night key. P Democratic howling will not prevent Congress, re publican in . Voth branches, President. A southern contemporary declares 44 thaVMr. Bryan is a mere man and not a god." Can it be possible that the paper has sold out to Wall Street? The de,rn erratic managers woifMVdoYl to -call in an eeFt;.hQCf?Sj trainer, when the effort is,made to hitch the Xlarylanu' democratic nag to the Chicago platform. Every indication points to the fact that Mr. Hanna will not manage next year's republican campaign, but it will not be because of the democrats objecting to him. Evidently, democratic chairman Jones pins his faith to the Sam Jones votes in Ohio, but in this case some other kind of a pin than a coupling pin will have to be used. There is reason to believe that the contemplated fight between Jim Jeffries and. Jim Corbet will excite about as much interest as the election returns from Virginia usually do. The Hon. John P. Altgeld seems to have taken on a new lease of political life since the Nebraska election, though it is difficult to see how he figured out a "vindi cation" for himself from the result of that state. The poor old . democratic donkey is to be loaded down with the octopus trust next year. Haying borne the sil ver load for. several years it is reasonable to suppose that the longsuffering beast vyill welcome the change of bur den. - Jerry Simpson's paper is called "The Bayonet. " The name was doubtless selected in order to keep in touch with the times. So . far it has developed into a blank cartridge. While denouncing- Mark Hanna, an Ohio politician broke his arm in making a speech. However his jaw- j bone remained intact, and he had no difficulty iu resuming his speech, using the other arm. 1 Col. Henderson knors his! business, and is attending strictly to it, without paying any attention to the various program ins arranged for him ! by enterprising newspaper men. President McKinley, un like his--, predecessor, never) regards Congress as being! ion his hands; he knows the art of making use of Sena tors and representatives as adrisers, and practices it. Senator Morgan of Ala bama places the situation in a very striking manner be- ifore the country,' when he says that expansion is ac complished, and imperialism is impossible. Great care should be ta ken in breaking the news of Aguinaldo's loss of capital, government, army, son, and typewriter, to the hysterical Miss Nancies who have been yelling "haul do vrn the flag." Apparent , what has held the Goebelites in check in Kentucky, is the fear that any considerable amount of throwing out would very likely be followed by some lively stringing up. No republican should ren der any aid: to ex-Senator! Gorman, who is scheming to prevent Mr. Bryans nomina tion again; Mr. Bryan is the man ninety-nine per cent of the republicans would prefer to defeat. France also has an anti expansion party, which ad vocates the dropping of all the outside possessions of France. If they are not more numerous than the anti's of this country they will not accomplish m.uch. The Hon. Mr. Sulzer, of j iNew x one, wno is one or me candidates, for . the demo cratic nomination for Speak er, declares, in a loud;voicc, that he expects to secure the solid support of the New England democratic Con gressmen. This sounds big, but it only means two more votes. Now is a good time of the year to hustle about and get iup a club.for the Yellow Jack- et. The latest prediction . giv en out by a contemporary is that if Mr. Bryan can carry New York and Ohio, his chances for the presidency will be very bright. To this prediction we are disposed to give an unqualified assent. It remains to be seen what the democrats will find to howl about after the Philip pine war has been ended and Mark Hanna has resigned as national chairman of the re publican party. No, we for got, there's the trust octo pus. With each issue of the Yellow Jacket quite a num ber of subscriptions expire, and we hope each subscriber will take due notice of the date on the label and act ac cordingly. . We concede the ability of Mr. Brynn as a talker. He has been accustomed to talk against. time in the west, but when it comes to talking a gainst factory smoke in New England, we fear that he will find his match. Tire re was a legal execu tion in South Carolina re cently, and one of the ne groes executed was sogreat ful for the innovation that he made a speech on the scaf fold thanking the public for its indulgence, do move." "The world Carl Schurz expresses the opinion that . the cause of anti-expansion was injured by being associated with free silver, and then there are silverites who are convinced that anti-expansion is not a proper associate for. free silver- The opposition had better eet together and do ci'de on a platform that will stick. . It seems that some people have got it into their heads that an editor can live on wind and saw dust and pay his bills with promises. Ev ery few days we receive let ters from fellows who ask us to send them the Y. J. and they will pay for it before the year is out. We could add "thousands of namep on our books every month if we were to addopt this plan, but we don't propose to do it. We consider one bird in the hand worth a whole flock of geese on the wing, and as it costs us about SOcentsayear to publish 52 papers we pro pose to run nb credit concern. ...I 'l I -

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