;. . .. . ? J v Eemember Tlie Cause. The times when this coun . tiry has flourished have been times of Protective) Tariff. The times when industries have languished and work ingmen have been wtthou : em ployment have been times of Jow Tariff or Free; Tiade. There has rarely been an era of depression in which IVee Trade politicians have dared to preach their heresy to the American workinman . They wait till times are good and then, presuming otv ; his credulity, they address thern selves to his prejudice a gainst his employers and seek to make him discontent ed by calling his attention to the fact that there are others who are "possessed of larger financial resources than him self, and that thev are mak ing a great deal of ; money -r i ' '" ' "' I' it ne is envious in aisposi tionv and cannot relishMi his own good fo rtune wh en com nafinsr tt with another's! he falls a victim to the sophis- t ries of the Free Trade dem agogues. But how deeply he resrrets his" when he and ot hers li ke him have voted Prbtection out of ; ex istence, thereby ! ' bringing back bad times. For in all bad times the direct poi tion of th e suffering falls upon the class of men who, with their families, depend upon daily earnings for their daily bread . It is to be hoped that the workingmen of this country will never need to learn again by bitter experi ence the bitter lesson of the effects of a non-Protective tariff which they learned after they had put the dem ocratic party on an anti-Pro tection platform into power at the Presidential election of 1S92. Physiologists tells us :hat pain is a beneficent provision of nature to warn man' of danger to his physical organ ism. The old proverb - s ays: A burned child dreads the fire. ' ' A man who has eaten food which has . disar eed with him learns, if he pos sesses common sense and self-control, not to eat hat kind of food agfam . ; It is the well for him to recall pangs which he felt when he was ill, in order to avoid indulgence . in the possible tempting diet that caused his illness: Wisconsin The Cafst of Oar Gover ment. i- ;? " It is interesting to see iow much it costs an hour fo - a nation rto govern itself ; 1 It would not, be fair to take a year in which there was a , war, or one- m, which a nation . was" put to any extrabrdinarjt penditureijBthe IJiiiSd ;tppsi6 m iuid C:bef air Oiie tata&fSAccDrd- ing:: to the statistics for .that year the government of the United States cost $40,203 an hour. The government of France cost about $80 ,000 an hour and the government of the United Kingdom about $56 ,000 an h our. i -Germany makes a remarkably good showing, for she J spent on her government in the fiscal year 1896-97 only $36,158 an hour. Germany has not the extent of territorv nor the population to govern which the United States has; neith er has she the great natural wealth which can afford to spe n d money rrbu t"; Ge rmany makes an excellent showing. , Returning to the expendi tures of the United States in an ordinary year of peace, every hour that the govern ment of this country is car ried on ,we contribute to the military establishment of the country $5,802. But in the appropriation for the 44 mili tary establishment V is inclu ded an hourly expenditure of $2,066 for rivers and harbor improvements, and the sup port of the various soldiers homes costs $397 an hour. To support the Prenident and his official family of clerks etc, costs $22 an hour; Vic toria lives at the expense of $217.50 an hour, contributed by. the British tax payers. The expenses, entailed on the country by the civil war are brought forcibly j to mind when one considers that be sides the expenditures for soldiers' homes the country pays in pensions $15,817 an hour. To support the navy costs only a little over $3,000 an hour. The civil part of the government of the coun try is run at an hourly expen diture of $9,957. If any one think that there are no Indi ans in the country : now he will be undeceived when he comes to realize that each -- ( .... . hour he nd liis fellow coun try men are contributing- $1, 388 to the support of the readskins. It must be remembered that the $40,203 an hour which is spent for govern ment represen ts only the ex penditures of the . federal vern ment . r ; Taking into the consideratiohthej state and the munic ipal" expendi - tures, one is appalled at the hourly cost of government m this repulic. And . as the country increases in popula tion and assumes new respon sibilities for r- outlaying, do main s the cost must inc rease . pep pi e ai rj:heir opih ions they are:sb rus ty they need airing. Everything in this country is expanding, even the anti- expansionists na ve r: the ; EblTGKIAIi JNOTES. Uttle Rock Ark. State Republican. : Every cotton mill in the union is running at full pacity. ca- The Bryanites are trying to cut wood with a dull ax. mignty The democrats ot Connec ticut are organizing anti Bryan clubs. There are 330,000 more persons employed in the mills and factories of Pennsylvan ia than in 1896. , The underpaid farmer of whom Bryan speaks gets 10 cts. more a pound for beef hide than he did five years ago. McKinley is as sure to be renominated and elected as Arkansas is to go democrat ic, or rather Bryanite-popo- cratic. - , If the surpIC and reserve in the treasury continues to increase ine- i3ryanir.es win an enormous surplus The Pine Bluff Comm er cial predicts that Bryan will be an expansionists by con- vent ion time. Billy is pret- J r tV SWlft On hlS political feet. The writer vi acquainted with Senator W. V. Allen, of Nebraska, and knows him to be a splendid man person- ally. He is an expansionists. Bryan has announced that yiji discuss xUe monev question" with other issues. He can afford to - discuss al most any topic at $250 a dis cuss. " We are bound to lect an other president in the nine teenth century, but we will not assume the reigns of gov ernment until the twentieth has opened up for business. Within the past two years there has been a gain of five hundred million dollars in the amount of money in cir- culation. It would seem the mills and mints opened to gether. Up to Jan. 1, the waares of 200,000 operators in the eastern cotton mills have been mcrersed 10 per cent. Bryan Will shortly invade that terri tory to preach the doctrine of calamity If he gets $250 a sermon, some other element than the wasre earners, will foot the bill. The legislature v of Ken tucky will turn Goebel down as emphatically as the peo ple did' at. the polls; The state hat Iprodhceid Clay and Lincoln is not aj heteroene- ous empire.- It is announced that Bry - willsbund the key note of the democratic ; campaign of 1900;at a banquet in - hafJanuaryS. j JBryans;! key notes'are not concords of eet-sond&hey arerout of harmony with American i de as of dr de rljr goverameh t7 Afit)UT TrlE Y This is the YELLOW JACKET, the only original thirty of the kind published on earth. . . . ' It preaches Republican gospel so straight that every issue brings many old moss-bac k Democrats to. th e ; mourners ' ' bench in a trot. It V'giteVmgoiii'an'dcom It retails'tp Democrats, Republicans and Populists at-FIFTY CENTS a year and circulaies over all the United States. If you don't like it, you don't have to take it. If you do like it, you are hereby invited to subscribe to-day. We want 10,000 new subscribers to this paper during thi$ presidential campaign, that's what we do. The Yellow Jacket is now over five years old and is getting older every week. u. , , - . J, - There are no life insurance features connected with it. You merely pay your 50 cents and take- it .whether you like it or not. Then you will take it - again . You always get what you pay for, then the. paper stops. We treat all our subscribers this way, even the President of the United States. Our advice is :x When you see a good thing, push it along. The Yellow Jacket don't crawl behind a tree to talk. It don't burst its cruppgr holding' back. to first see what somebody else is going to say. It has no "ax to grind." ' Everybody in the United States ought to take the Y. J. All Republicans should take it because it is helping to fight their political battles. Every Democrat should take it to keep track of the rascality and devilment of his party. Everv Populist should take wav to his political salvation.1 A , ftVf,PVhodv vU nntrht be full Qf Originality, Fun, Sarcasm and Logical Reasoning, v ,r T ' i. , , A . s . TIia mnrfi Yp.I nw Jn.ft f.ts, xrnn hPln t.n p.iwn atfi. t fl mom . h , . mVp' fnr tUtrinA l-Pnhlioan n.irtv. When you have read this bor, if you love one another, and way and try it. If you can use a few sample The politics of the Yellow Past be Republican. However wo belong to no man and I s o "v an matters inac come up ior puoiic consiaerauon. ; We will frequently publish "Letters from the Devil,' a3 - it is alwavs interesting to know what Old Nick" thinks about the way things are run on earth. - ' " ' - Eli Tucker .will continue to be a correspondent. Some of his letters will be worth the price Each issue wilLalso contain questions of Protection and Sound Money prepared by the lead ing journalists and thinkers of If you receive a copy of the scribe. You will get more fun for 50 cents than in any other Now we want to ask you to to this paper. Send us a club We want to also ask vou to bors wlora y0U think might subscribe for such a paper as . this. That is asking a good deal Well, ajsk something of us. T HE- YELLOW JA C'KET, MORAVIAN FALLS, N. C. zszszszsxs s x y-v v v y v v v y v 7 V S S -S v -S 3 s $ s s s g n y s y k y k ' X ' S X 7X7 X X X X s x x x H V fc x f xy x x -n x x V x V x v x xx xx x x x x - x x x x s v r s: lV U VSL lit Puteated Jaly ai. 1896. ; -. TKADB IttARK. - PmUuUdJuly 6, i397 K fl DTD htMTi OAlliin Requires no top or bottom rail and only -C as UU r Cu ULlI I OiiVlliU. many posts as the old style netting and makes a better fence. A full line of Field and. Hog Fendng, Steel Picket Lawn Fence, uatvs, fosts, Kail, etc Wnte for full UNION it because it points out the only - r . to rp.irl it because each issue will copy, pass it along to your neigh- if you don't, make a bluff any- ' copies, drop" us a card. 1 Jacket in the future, as in the mvjvuiivivnv .wwV v of the paper for a year. articles pertaining to the great the day. C Y. J. f it"is an invitation to sub and derive more information for way you could spend it. . send us a 50-cent subscription if you can. ' send allium a list of vour neii-" of you, isn't 'it? ; K K K k 'k nn- s v v j v y v v v S S-.S -ST SZSZSZSZS- a g a g $ s a s $ V'V V s x xx v 7 x v v v x x t v r -7 f 7 v S y s s S x Vx-Vx xx xyxx xX xx x x-X- particulars. FENCE CO.. DeKalb, III. r 1 i t 5