:J7 1 WEEKLY EDITION. VOL. V MORAVIAN FALLS, T. C, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 10OO. NO. 4:4 THE YELLOW-JACKET. WEEKLY & MONTHLY. R. BON LAWS, EDITOE.. WEEKLY, ONE YEAR,.... 50 SIX MONTHS, 80 MONTHLY, ONE YEAR,. . . .20 CASH ALWAYS IN A PVANCE. A Cross Mark on your that your subscription has baper means expired, and that yon will receive no more papers un less you renew. Entered at Moravian Fal second class matter, June 23 s, N. 1899. C. as INSTRUCTION B. fig Silver preferred to on subscriptions. Postage Stamps Remittances of silver of small sums niav H- nmlp with romtiarative saietv in ordinary letters, using goott envelopes -well to send by Registered IJetter. Amounts aDove sixty cents it would be P. O. Money Orders are but thev must be drawn on better still, Wilkesboro, X. C. as Moravian Falls is nbt a Money Order office. When writing to have your paper changed you must give your former as well as your new address. Alwavs write vour own name and ad- dress plainly, and direct all your letters to The YKU.OW ACKET, Moravian Ii AIXS, N. C. ISSUED EVERY THURSDAY. Thursday, Feb. lJ 1900. EDITORIAL NOTES. The anti-expansionists be lieve in the expansion of the mouth. 4 4 Praise God fronl whom all blessings flow;' was kicked out. Roberts 11 you aon t iiKe tne the Y. J. goes for the daddlers don't read it. 1 J i 11 way ske- Oregon democrats are go- ing to waste time and money 1 1 1 -i py noiaing a state conven tion in April. Mr. Bryan talks like a man who sees the necess itv for m0 hedging on question. the expansion Read the-Y. J. do vour friends who are out df there- publican fold. It them good. may do Several' new cases of ex- pansion fever have recently broken out among th e demo- crats. Secretary Gage she uld con sult all the squirrel tailed democratic editors before he makes any more mov ;s. Senator Allen, in trving to outdo Senator Pettigrew as a common nmcntirlu 1 undertaken a difficult task. The attention of thfe voters is called to the fact tkat the annes opposed thfe Dintr- ley tariff as bitterly d they now oppose trusts. Mr. Bryan seems to, be having a good time socially, in the east; but he isnt ac complishing anything politically. Bryan will come out square ly for expansion or there will be another democrat nomina ted for president this year. Stick a pin here. Expansion is the wedge that is splitting the demo cratic party wide open today and the old thing was badly cracked already. If hatching scandals and circulating sensations, con stituted statesmanship the democrats would have enough to run a dozen little old countries like this. For a man who is holding his first political office, Sec retary Gage has shown a re markable indifference to the lies of the political slander ers. The first great principle of democracy is the right of the majority to govern. But Goebelism knocks such prin ciples higher than a kite and Bryan is a Goebler. Milwaukee's liquid claims for the democratic conven tion seem in a fair way to win. There are few demo crats who can stand liquid temptation. Bryan still holds on to his little 16 to 1 skillet, but the way he holds it under his coat in some places makes it look like he didn't want ev embody to know that he had it. -UL.. 1- Bryan is, trying to eat his words. Listen: 4 I am not opposed to expansion." But unless he has an iron-clad con stitution he will die with in digestion if he eats all of them. The three days of talking on the Roberts case, before sending him back to his wives was not to make a case a- gainst him, but to set- up a precedent against a polyga mous Congressman, to stand for all time. Congressman-elect Roberta is not so very slow in having a good opinion of himself. "You can brand me," he : said to congress 4 with shame and send me forth, but I shall leave with head erect and brow undaunted, and walk the earth as angels walk the clouds' ' It is told thai a book agent once toofarefuge" finder a hay stack during-a thunder storm when a bolt of lightning struck him on. the cheek, glanced off anrf killed a mule a mile a Way.; Brigham H. Roberts must have been the fellow " Walk the earth as angels wallc the clouds;'' that has the genuine Mormon jnng to it. It is but . right for Congress to expell any man who thinks so highly of himself. Besides, what busi ness has an - angel-even a fallen Utah one-trying to break into- Congress? The thing for the Utah democrats to do is to fceiid all such an gels to the penitentiary in stead of trying Vorun them into Congress. Congress is no place for angels. No man can caref ullv read a single one oSfednrrpf. ic speex. es in the Senate , a gainst the financial bill with out seeing that their worship at the 16 to shrine is per functory; How any sensible man can obj ect to President McKi n - ley's policy of" 4 4 hands off"' m xne ooutn jerrican war is beyond our comprehension. It is certainly not the busi ness of this country to med dle with every war that comes along in foreign countries, and if President McKinley had attempted - to meddle with the Boer war, his pres ent critics would have been the loudest howlers against it. Congressman 4 4 Buck" Hiurichsenfhas been appoin ted drti inme r-a t-large f or the democratic national commit tee, or asone; man called it 4 'national pulse-feeler. ' ' The attitude of the - democratic party indicates that it needs a popular pulse-feeler. i t i i.'W M- i i -J While jfngland is- chastise ing the obstreperous Boer, Russia rand. France ja re play ing the part of the bad boy's and helping themselves to some of the Chinese fruit that John Bull was waiting to ripen so that he might pluck it. The democrats- are so hard up .for political amunition that acotene: of them , in Congress, are actually trying to utilize the very -proper neutrality of this government in the South African war to make some, and, strange to say, one or two republican Senators are helping them. There's a hot time in the aid town of Frankfort , Ky . Senator McLaurin of South Carolina, declared unequiv ocally for expansion before a New York audience, the other night. The signs are multiplying that the South is realizing. where her true interests lie. Several of the Southern democratic leaders in Cont gress have, it is said, writ ten William J Bryan asking him to withdraw from the Presidential field, remarks a democratic exchange. What for to make the election of McKinley unanimous? A democratic exchange re marks that "Mark JHanna having selected McKinley for the next President, it is ' onlY turn about that McKin- leJ saoum select Mr. nanna a's his manager." If Mark Hanna has select ed William McKinley for President he has shown his good sense, and is only mak ing the same selection that three fourths of the people are making. It begins to look as though some of the eminent gentle men who have been flooding the senate with resolutions demanding that all corres- pondence which has passed between the Americans and Filipinos be submitted to the senate will get more than they bargained for. It has already been givn out that in the correspondence will be letters sent bv that "arch traitor, Atkinson, to Aguin- aldo and it is possible that some will be found from men who will dislike it more than Atkinson does to have their names made public. ' Those who are still insist ing that the Filipinos are civilized, enlightened people, capable of conducting the highest form of modern gov ernment, are respectfully re ferred to the story of Gil- more and his, party. Apaches and Sioux have never been guilty of such inhuman treat ment of prisoners as were I the murderous gang of cut throats who had the defense less .Americans in charge.! Indians -and all other, savages kill their prisoners when they are unable to guard them, but the Filipinos, those cultured and refined gentle men; turn them adrift, un armed and defenseless, to be murdered by other savages. There are a good many democrats who would be lad to get rid of Mr. Bryan but it can only ; be: done -by putting some one else in his jlace, and they have no one to put.- The absolute dearth of leaders in an old party like the democratic, is one of the most remarkable signs of the times. When it a dopted free silver in 1896 , it drove all its great leaders a way, and now has left only scrubs, beside .whom even Mr. Bryan, with his cap and bells, seems a giant. Silence is golden. This may explain why Mr. Bryan objects it so strongly. Of course Mr. Bryan was well received in New York. But it was plain that only men of Tammany's; peculiar social character took part in greeting him The rest kept away. The surplus of receipts over expenditures for the last h al f of .'99 amounted to $25,000,000. If any Bryan i states man wants to p resent like figures for the closing six months of: Cleveland's third year we shall be pleas ed to give them space in these columns. Ark., State Republican. An inspection . of the democratic campaign mate rial convinces most people that the republicans will have a walk over this' fall. The party has only three guns- expansion, silver and trusts. At least half of the party members are disloyal on expansion, while the re publican party can be trust ed to muzzle the trusts quite as well as the democrats. Every state heard from tells of the plentifulness of labor and the scarcity of la borers. Alabama is the lat est to put in its claim to be counted in with the rest of the country in its march of prosperity . President Mer rill of the Mobile, Jackson and Kansas City Railroad Company says: 4 4 There seem to be no idle men in Alabama; if there are any, it is because theV are too lazy to work , and you will, Iregret to say, find some of that kind in all . parts of the world. " Pro-v. Jection times are bad times for those who can work but won't. They get shown up. ThVcom plaint of 44 no work" won 't go in face of - the uni versal demand for more la borers. in every line of indus try Ex,