i WEEKLY ED 1TION. VOL. V. MORAVIAN FALLS, N. C.,; THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 15, 1900, NO, 46 "r. THE YELLOW-JACKET , WEEKLY & MONTH I. B. DON LA57S, EDITOB. WEEKLY, ONE YEAR,. SIX MONTHS, 'MONTHLY, ONE YEAR, . . . 50 . 80 . .20 CASH ALWAYS IN ADVANCE. A Cross Mark on your .paper) means that your subscription has expired, and that yon wfy receive no more papers un less you renew. Entered at Moravian Falls, N C. as second class matter, June 23, 1893 INSTRUCTIONS. ft Silver preferred to Postage .Stamps on subscriptions. Remittances of silver of small sums may be made with comparative safety in ordinary letters, using good envelopes. Amounts above sixty cents it would be well to send by Registered Letter! P. O. Money Orders are better still, but they must be drawn on Wil cesboro, N. C. as Moravian Falls is not .a Money Order office. When writing to have your paper changed you must give your former as well as your new address. Always -write your own name and ad dress plainly, and direct all your letters' to Thk Yellow-Jacket, Moravian Falls, N. C. ISSUED EVERY THURSDAY. Thursday, JFcb. 15, 19CO. STINGS, The democratic party is i a. t i J i 'a sun navinff irouDie wiin its tail. Politics, and not law and evidence, apper to control decisions of the courts. Kentucky Will somebody name a single trust that the cratic party ever Now don't break your trying, to answer. demo- tilled. neck Yes, Billy Bryan iJ still sticking to his 16 to 1 policy that is 16 words of sympa thy for Aguinaldo to due for the United States. We hope our subsc Will fotrc .4-- -I ribers w.c ijuute ana no t send ption. We e can us stamps on subscr for a while at least nave more now than vl use. Je rry Simpson sats he would rather be U. Sj Sen- ator than Go vernOr of Kansas, but as there is little probability of his beinV eith- er his preference is nAt lm- portant. Arthur Sewall, the sound money, Protectionist demo crat who fan on the tail end ot the Bryan ticket in '96 don't see much ahead for the 16 to oners this year. says McKinley will be re nominated and reelected Gov. Johnston, Ala., may not get to the Senate, but he is giving Senator Morgan a warm run for his money. . London, Kentucky is a dry town. No wonder the dem ocratic members of the Ken tucky legislature object to meeting there. There are a good many reasons whv the democrats cannot win this year, but the main reason is that they haven't got enough votes. The Queen of Holland has had some trouble in securing a cut of herself handsome enough to go on the coins of her realm. She needn't wor ry. Any coin looks hand some to the man who has it. The man who can readthe .North Carolina Simmons E lection law and then proceed to declare that it is an honest law and fair to all parties could eat a pole cat for break fast and never make a crook ed face. How far -some 'Mississippi democrats are behind .the political procession may be judged by the news that they are booming Dave Hill as a candidate for the Presi dential nomination. Forty thousand Mormons are about to move from Utah to Wyoming in search of "religious liberty." They will find that Wyoming is no more free handed with such religions liberty as they ask than Utah is. Call such utterances what you may, but 44 Corporal' ' Tanner made a bull's eye lit when he said that "General Law ton's dead hand points an accusing finger at those persons calling themselves anti-imperialists." This is a two billion dol lar country. The value of the foreign commerce last year exceeded two billion dollars and now it is announ ced officially that the money in circulation in the country exceeds two billions. Those democrats, includ ing Mr. Bryan, who are making a specialty -of black guarding the newspapers ap pear toforget that newspa pers exhist solely by the fa vor of their readers; conse quently that their views are in the main about the same as those of their readers. The HbitCpl. Wm. J. Bryan has added ; the Boer cause to his free lecture rep- repertoire. The Hon. Sam Jones who failed to carry Ohio for him self last fall is now talking of carrying, it hat state for firyan this year. v Scat! Senator Pettigrew should now denounce the adminis tration for its tyranny in preventing Agjhaldo from casting his vpte for Bryan. With a strong navy and fortifications at Porto Rico and the Qaapagos islands, the United. States must dom inate the cuial, no matter under what terms it is builtV "Gold and Glory " has been suggested by Chauncy Depew as the campaign mot to for 1900. This glittering alliteration will doubtless ap peal to th? church-going people. " The Canadian government now propose? to exclude A mericans and other Uitland ers from the gold mines at Atlin, B. 6. iyefeGanada- is sending soldiers to aid the British in preventing simple taxation of the Uitlanders in the Transvaal. Col. Watterson, who is a master hand at political jug glings, is now -engaged in trying to put the blame for all of Kentucky's troubles on a railroad-. The law-abiding people of the State have long ago placed the balme where it belongs on the democratic bosses. There are about fifteen States which have no demo cratic representation in the present House; and if the democratic party does not speedily change its tactics, the number of states that will send solid republican delegations- to- the next House will be increased. The republicans of the Ways and Means Committee have the courage of their con victions. They have taken the wind entirely out of the democratic sails by ... boldlv announcing that Porto Rico is on the same basis with Oklahoma, for instance, and then by stating that in their opinion neither Oklahoma nor Porto Rico is entitled to any privileges except by force of the treaty by which they were acquired or by- the free grace of Congress. There : about this position. Will you please send us a list of your neighbors whom you think might subscribe to this paper. We want them at once The campaign is warming up and we want to reach all the boys we can. Col. Willie Jenkins Bryan needen't depend on the peo ple turning down prosperity and excepting democratic promises this year just be cause they did in 1892. The fact that a man has acted the fool one time is no-reason he should xlo so again. The road of democratic success is a very distinct trail. There is no chance of mistaking it for any other road unless it be the road to perdition. It is filled with .tramps, ragtags and Coxey armies, and lined on one side with soup houses and idle mills and the other with business paralysis and treas ury deficits. Circumstances alter cases. "Law by Injunction," al though so severely denounc ed by the democratic .nation al platform, seems good e nough for the Kentucky dem ocrats. This somersault is easily explained. The Ken tucky courts are part of the democratic machine. It does not speak well for the Christianity and civiliza tion of the Boers that they should have publicly execut ed a young Scotchman, in the citv of Harrismith, Or ange Free State, for no oth er reason than that be re fused to take up arms to fight against his own "coun try. No better argument -can be made for the continuance of the republican party in pow er than the official figures showing the value of Ameri can manufactures sold to foreign countries in the month of December, for the last three years-in 1897,523, 000,000, in 1898, $23,000,000 and in 1899, $26,000,000, The canal question is sim ply whether the United States is big enough and brave enough to trust its own ability to meet any iin ergency that may arise in the future," or whether it prefers to refuse to play un less it is allowed to line the canal with fortresses and look askance at all the na tions of the world. c A New York yellow jour nal has announced that Ohio will go for Bryan next fall. Possibly, if "go for be in terpreted in its slangy sense. It is now said that the people of Arkansas are claim ing that it was Coin Harvey who discovered the circula tion of the blood. Owing to press of busi ness this week we are com pelled to supply our monthly readers with the Yellow Jacket printed from forms of the weekly edition. It is claimed that Col. Bil ly Bryan is still gunning for an issue which will stick in the coming campaign. The coon which once remarked to David Crocket, 4 4 Don't shoot; I'll comedown," has not yet put inan appearance. Governor Taylor does well to hold to his post until he has some real assurance that the Goebel election law will be repealed. It is a serious quest ionwhether . the legisla ture will agreeto uphold the terms made for it by the un official peace conference at Louisville. - The brave action of rep resentative Sibley of Penn- sylvania, in leaving his life long allies who elected him to office and coming over to the republicans is significant of the change in party issues. All else is rapidly sinking into insignificance compared with the mighty question involved in expansion and the extent to which the JConsti-' tution applies to the new ter ritory. The . preliminary skirmish, on thfe question is to be fought in Congress during the coming week. The license tax which th North Carolina democratic legislature saddled on every man in the state who deals in lumber is $10 a year in stead of .S5 as we stated last week. It is reported that about a thousand bills of in dictment have been drawn against as many men in Wilkes county for failure to pay this tax, and hundreds of these fellows are among our poorest men and work in the lumber during the winter to try to get money to pay their regular taxes and buy the necessaries Ihey are bound to have. Oh isn't democratic legislation a glo rious thing. Say Mr. Dem ocrat, wtfy don't you smile? l-r-

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