mmt. WEEKLY EDITION. M0RAVIAN FALLS, N. C, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 22.1900. VOL. V. NO. 47 T THE YELL0W"5a5eL WEEKLY & MONTHLY. fc. DON LAWS, EDITOR. , WEEKLY, ONE YEAR,. SIX MONTHS, MONTHLY, ONE YEAR, 50 30 .20 CASH ALWAYS IN ADVANCE. a " M.jrt ri four uauci. in""" - maatiu ;r cnhscriDtioii has expifed, ana lldt T vM- ww j- i L z. iV no more oaoers un- ciiai yuu wu - x x less you renew. Pntf red at Moravian Falls, N C. as second class matter. INSTRUCTIONS. jggg- Silver preferred to Postage ou subscriptions. Rfmiittanres-of silver of sina: Stamps 1 sums may be uiade with comparative safety in ordinary lettere, using good envelopes. 'Amounts above fifty cents it vc uld be well to send by Registered Letter. P O Monev Orders are better still, but they, must be drawn on Wilkesboro, X. C. as Moravian rails is not a. Order office. When writing to have 3'our Money paper changed you must give your formejjas well as your new address. Always write vour own name and. ad- ArriK njiinlv. and direct all vour letters to -WWW r J " 1 The Yellow-Jacket, Moravian Falls, N. C ISSUED EVERY THURSDAY. Thursday, Feb. 22, 1900. HELLO THERE! Look Here, Brother : It vou are not already a subscriber to the Yellow Jacket, consider this copy an invitation tc be come one. Read this papsr o ver carefullv and if vou like it, mail us 50 cts. for a year's sub scription. The Y. J. e"ach week will "contain something good, and each succeeding issm will so. the .get better if it can be made Being a firm believer in principles of Lincoln, ant, Garfield and McKinlev, thb Y. J. will ever be found contei ding tor the rights and Jibe rties not of. the people. We would only Jike to have you becoij le a subscriber, but. we would al so be glad to have you do a little sionary work for us among Republican friends and n rais- your fcigh- bors. You can rearh t.lmsp that we can't. Take this copy When you go out from home and ack- le every Republican vou ueet and don 't Jet up on him till vou have secured his subscrip By so doing you will not be doing us a great favor, V(Ml ll-lll nl . . i 1? tion. p'nlv but vnji iuu uc aiainir ua reaching the people, and 1 elp ing to present the facts of Re in ijuu.iciinism, winch only iieed to be known by the peopld to jnake the Republican part so iicwuioiuous- and invulnei that the tribes of Brvan world, the flesh and the kble the evil c,lu overthrow it at the next November. You will experience no culty in finding several of neighbors ill .1 polls diffi- our pa- c ui liiKe tne t j oV LJ tU IJ3iiKe us u a ,Jub - - "x V ai you can't get a club, then send alon- v wn subscription and trv up our the ub of ora nt. Viiib later The Y. J. is n0t at, out circulates over all states and preaches the rer 1'can gospel in the interest :,u Tl sense 1 as seen f ituoriiig man's standpo -NOW this IS nhnn .11 XT -J II I I, .All V - u. 1 UU nd Hinn I r iou send along the subscriptions and iLp 4o the circulatiu' and we iothepreaclnn'. R,ad inst,W uons at top or this column be lore remitting. STINGS. It's a good1 while between shoth in Kentucky. Mr. Bryan has gone South to thaw out the icicles he brought away from New Jersey and New York. All the anti-Bryan Demo cratic booms show a marked lassitude in their progress departments. The democrats stand in need of a lot of things, but the thing they need most is something upon which they can all agree. Southern cotton mills are now working day and night. Four years ago, under dem ocratic rule they were sleep ing night and day. There are over two billions of money now in circulation in this country. This means a per capita of over $28, more than it any other count- ... i try m me worm. -r i . . leading democrats are a- bout convinced that the only way Bryan can be shelved is to' allow him to be defeated again by President McKin- ,ev' ' 'British and Boers alike appeal to Heaven tp help their cause against oppres sion and do so in the name of 'civilization and freedom. Are these things only names, after all? Kentuckians are subscrib ing for a monument to the sainted Goebel. To those who like that sort of a saint, Gpebel is just the sort of saint triey like'," as Lincoln would put it.. Mr. Bryan says he doesn't like the title of "Colonel." We should think not. It per haps reverts his memory to the fact that he skedad dled from his regiment when there was a prospect of smelling gunpowder. Since the democrats such - a hearty spew Grover Cleveland they claim that they have tGOk over now been born again." If this be true, they must have been born backwards for they show no signs of either bod- lly growth or intellectual progress. i Why should thedemocrats bother about any platform this'year? No matter what they put in their platform the; voters will know that the nomination of Bryan will mean simply Bryanism, which has already been re pudiated by he country. Does not spell any- thine, but what we started out to say was tins: Do not send' - postage stamps on subscriptions to the x. j.; ana wnen you sena Money Orders, have them drawn on' Vilkesboro, N. C. Moravian Falls is not a M. O. office. It is said that if Mr. Bry an will consent Johnnie Mc Lean will. become Chairman of the democratic national committee, in place of Sen ator Jones. We had suppos ed that Johnme was out for the second place on the Bry an ticket. . Mr. Andrew Carnegie is having as much trouble vyith his business partners as he is with the foreign policy ;of President AicKirle3T s ad ministration. It s hard for - any man to be the whole thing, either in business or in politics- u A subscriber to this paper in Indiana desires to learn the address of the owner of the flexible sand-stone quarry in this state. fj We have seen the flexible or 44liinber" 'stones but do not know where they are obtained. Will someone of our North Carolina read ers please inform us. Some of the Texas popu lists have recorded their op nosition to fusinp- with the democrats t SUODOrt Mr. Bryan, and elected middle- of-the-road delegates to the National Convention. Tex" as populists don't count, but their example may be follow ed in states where they do count. The very things the free silver democrats, in '96, said would come to pass have not come to pass, and that which they said couldn't happen, if free silver was defeated, has happened, all of which goes to show that the free silver argument is an egg with a very rotten shell .and filled with populistic wind. The Kentucky courts will now have a pleasant time hunting out precedents for declaring that the ballots at the last election were partly legal and partly illegal leg- al as regards the election of the legislators who have chosen Mr. Blackburn to the Senate and at the-same time illegal as regards Governor Taylor, who was voted for on the same identical ballot, There was a time when it J business draging out a mis seemed like Marion Butler jerable existence among the had the populist party by the tail and a down-hill pull towards the democratic camp but it begins to look as if ATr Tntlr will o-n intr the L . " . - , i - ii 131 van Procession tnis year I With Only a part of the tail hanging over his shoulder. The Plow Boy, a middle of the road leading Populist paper of Georgia, says the three members of the nation al committee from that state are 44mid-roaders," and that there are 96,CC0 Populist voters in Ga. and that none of them will vote for W. J Bryan for president no diff erence what old thing nomi nates him. The democratic newspa pers of the south which still pretend to recognize a presi dential posibility in Billy Bryan have been publishing in the biggest tyrpe their shops contained that he talk ed free silver right along in the New England States-. Yet the Associated Press, a non-political organization failed to report the speeches that the eminent Nebraskan is credited witlf making, and nobody except his adherents in the south believe that he did anyT such thing. Our republican Congress concluded that Brigham H. Roberts was too muchly married to occupy a seat in the House, so it sent him back home to playr with his babies. Now the Governor of Utah has called a special election forApr.2 for the pur pose of electing a congress man to succeed Roberts. W. H. King a democrat and also -i r lit i i. a iviormon win ue eiectea, as the 4 'Latter Day Saints," are bitterly opposed to the republicans because . that party refused. Roberts a seat. Wm. J. Bryan at one of his recent jawbone entertain ments said: 44I am more conservative than Jesus Christ who drove the money changers out of the temple . 1 1 1 1 A because tney naa maae it a den of thieves." That com pletely knocks the socks off his little 4 4 Cross of gold and crown of thorns" epithet. Now we shouldn't be sur- prised at anyr time to near of Col. Bryan being caught -mm j 1 ! up, like Elijah, by a mystic whirlwind and transported to the sweet subsequent, and given a berth in the broad bosom of Father Abraham. A man 4 4 more conservative than Jesus Christ" has no rapscallions and political blatherskites on this mun dane sphere. The man who can't see how we are to be expan sionists without being imper ialists is too shallow to float an idea, and too green to burn. One of Bryan's theories for destroying trusts is to break their backs with a license tax. It would kill the trusts just about like it does the saloons. . A presi dential candidate who can't devise any better remedy for trusts than that ought to be bored for the simples. The Simmonized editor of the democratic slush-wagon published at Wilkesboro, N. C. raised somewhat of a howl about what we said two weeks ago concerning the $10 license tax which the present legislature imposed on lumber dealers. He grabs up his editorial ink paddle, yells 4 4 negro supremacy sheet" and then spin&arourid like a torn cat with its tail Gn fire trying to prove ex- actly what a lumber dealer is and then goes on to say that 44 if there be any one else indicted or honest far- mers molested it is the work of republican officials," etc., etc. He further says our article 44is no doubt , meant to scare costs and republican official fees out of some poor fellow." It was meant for nothing of the kind, besides it vyas from a democratic sheet published within two whoops of his own den that we obtained our information that so manyr of the boys had been indicted. If any costs or fees are 4 4 scared" out of anyTbody the blame rests" on a democrat. What we did was to call the attention of the boys to the fact.that this state of affairs was some of the fruits of democratic leg islation. And this is what set the Wilkesboro sheet to having conniption fits. Such talk hurts the dear old party. He further says our course is not commendable. Well, we don't want to pursue a course that would be con- . it 1 11 M strued commenaaoie oy a man who clings to a party that is now trying to do that which its leaders 2 years ago solemnly swore and affirm ed they never would do. We were not brought up on the tailings of a brass foundry.