Mm mmt SAMPLE COPY; WEEKLY ED T.I ON. vol. v. MORAVIAN FALLS, N. C, THURSDAY, MARCH 8, 1900. NO. 49 mm THE YELLOW-JACKET. WEEKLY & MONTHLY. B. 20N LAWS, EDITOE. WEEKLY, ONE YEAR,... SIX MONTHS, ..... MONTHLY, ONE YEAR, . . J CASH ALWAYS IN ADVAN A L.ross Jrianc on your paper tneans tliat your subscription lias expired, and that yon will receive no more papers un less you renew. Entered at Moravian second class matter. Falls, N. C. as INSTRUCTIONS. Silver preferred to Postage Stamps on subscriptions. Remittances of silver of small sums may be made with comparative safety in ordinary letters, using good envelopes. Amounts above fifty cents it would be vrell to send by Registered letter. P. O. Money Orders are better still, but they must be drawn on Wilkesboro, Ix . C. as Moravian Falls is not a Money jraer otnce. When writing to have your changed you must give your former as well paper ls your new address. Always write your own name an d ad- dress plainly, and direct all your letters to Tr . m J. 1 HIS Y ElvIOW-j ACKET, Moravian Faixs, N. C. ISSUED EVERY THURSD )AY. op. Thursday, Mar. 8, 19 HELIX) THERE! Look Here, Brother : If vou are not already, a subscriber to the Yellow Jacket, consider this copy an invitation to be come one. Read this paper o ver carefully and if you like it, mail us 50 cts. for a year's sub- son prion. The Y. J. each week will contain something good, and each succeeding: issue will get better if it can be made! so. Hein a firm believer in the -c i principles of Lincoln, Gi Garfield and McKinley. tW-Y. J. will ever be found contending for the rights and liberties of the people. We would not onlv Hke to have vou become- a u J glad to have you do a little mis- sienary work for us among your Republican friends and nigh- bors. You can reacn tnose mat m , U we can t, i aKe mis copy wnen vou go out from home and tack- le every Republican you meet and don't let up on him till vou have secured his subscrip By so doing you will not be doing us a great favor, ion. onlv but you will also be aiding us reaching the people, and n .in elp- mg to present the facts oi Re. publicanism. which only need! r 50 30 .20 CE. to be known by the people! tomu. Was it under your mate the Kepuoiican .P"J. harmouious J and invulnerable that the tribes of Brvan. rthe world, the flesh and ' the devil can t overthrow it at tne pons . . . . . i i it I ne November, You, will experience no diffl- culty in finding several of your neighbors who will take tne pa per, so try to make us up a club of 5 or 10. If you can t get up a club, then send along y our own subscription and try the lo- club later. The Yl J. is not cai, but circulates over all the states and preaches the repub lican P-oQnp.l in the interest of common sense and as see n from the laboring man's stand po nt. Now this is about all. You s nd along the subscriptions and I elp do the circulatin and we jill do the preachin'. Read instruc tions at tnn of this column, be fore remitting. STINGS. Bryan is still stumping the country in favor of Mc- Kinley. We rise to ask, what has the skeedaddlers done with Dewey? Governor Roosevelt insists that he shall be notified be fore being nominated to office. We have it straight f rom the cook, that Mr. Bryan is now taking a grilled octopus everr morning for his break fast at trust prices. Mr. Gorman has not been converted to Bryanisin. He has merely decided to take his medicine without making a face over it. An exchanefe wants to know wrhat Jesus would do if he were in Kentuckv. It's only a guess, but we think he would get out. An Illinois court has de cided that a baby cannot sue for damage before he was born. Can the Popocrats now sue for damage for the crime of '73? We wonder if Mr. Br van, in his talks on free silver, will enlighten his audiences with the fact that the Das- c UA tuc umu' oiaauim bill removes all danger of 16 to 1. , , r. xne protocol sienea in Kentucky will cause a peac- able solution of the present flnitiV fhro Rnf hnw - 0 annut the (-rnehel law Is it to remain on the books to aid the democrats to steal another election? The money per capita in circulation under the admin- istration of your Uncle Wil- ham McHinley is 546.l0. . great man Grover. Mr. Dem- ocrat . ll.yon want 10 we a nry anite's jaw fall just ask hio A A t m if he knows that the money in circulation in the U. S. has increased from one and a half billion dollars in '96 to over two billion dollars in 1900. We believe that the white man should and will rule this country. The hydrophobic yell of "negro supremacy " creates no alarm with people who take a common sense view of the situation. The;50ete. Subscribe to-day. things that should alarm our people to a sense of duty are those various brands of Goe bel election laws that are de signed for the express pur pose of entrenching a certain political party in power re- gardless of the wishes of the majority. John R. McLean, of Washington City, and late democratic candidate for governor of Ohio, is being ! mentioned as a tail to the Bryan ticket. Why not? Johhy has had some experi ence in 44running behind." The British now hold more prisoners than the Boers, and might exchange them man to man. But is this basis fair? It evidently requires about ten Britishers to whip one Boer and the latter should in fairness exchange at the rate. In his speeches about over the country to-day Billy Bryan has nothing to say a- bout fifty-cent wheat, and the connection between the price of wheat and the price of silver. Prosperity has knocked up that part of his old argument. The evidences of prosper ity and honest industry that Col. Bryan sees on every side as he goes tearing over the country today ought to make him ashamed of his calamity ranting and cause him to want to shuck off his coat and go to work himself. Bryan says this country is at the parting of the ways. That was true in '97. In November of that year the nation chose its road and is not in the least disposed to regret the decision. It will not choose the Bryan road this year if the court knows herself and we think she do." Did you ever stop to think of the difference between McKinley and Bryan? The one is dignified, quiet, at tends strictly to business. and seldom speaks, but when he does talk he says some thing worth listening to The other chases himself continually all over the con tinent, pours out a torrent of words wherever he goes, does nothing for a living, and is becoming a demagogue, even in the eyes of his fol lowers. Think' of it. The Yellow Jacket every week for 12 -months only ! ZTV Does not sPellanT- J .V thing, but what we started out to sav was tins- nn nn " Do not send postage stamps on subscriptions to the Y.J.; and when you send Money Orders, have them drawn on Wilkesboro, N. C. Moravian Falls is not a M. O. office: A number of democratic i exchanges come to our table and on the editorial pages in most of them we run across the same argument. They take the Hanner form: Down with Hanna! Trusts! Trusts!! Hanna and McKin ley!! Trusts! Trusts! And that is about all they say. Zounds! These democratic editors are powerful on . ar- gument. The Cleveland, Ohio, Lead er, commenting on Bryan's speaking tour through the south says: We never im agined that it . was necessary to preach democracy in that. section of the country." The Leader is sadly mistaken if it thinks that the entire south is dead set on Bryanistic principles. Take Georgia for instance, although demo- cratic in name, it has but recently been demanding of Congress Protection for its industries, and has also put the stamp of condemnation on a wholesale disfranchis ing law intended for that state. A people who take such steps as these may call themselves Bryan democrats but such deeds seem more like the work of republicans. Here are two democrats, Rev. Sam P. Jones, and Col. William J. Bryan, the former a preacher of the gospel and laboring to save men's souls the latter a preacher of ca lamity, and wanting to get an office. Sam has just made a tour through the South west and here are his words: I have not heard a howl or a wail since I left home, not a word about the 'crime of 73," or "the rich a getting richer and the poor a getting I poorer." -Business was never better with the mer chants and times never bet ter with the farmers." How does this match with the words of Col. Bryan who goes around preaching about the abuses and wrongs that are being heaped on the peo ple, yelling calamity and talking about trusts? Henri Watterson, it seems, has played twistifi cation in politics until he has about lost the power to help his so-called friends or hurt his enemies. "Henri is like ,an old toothless dbg now, he can't bite, duly slob- ber, i5 iuc way oam Jones it. puts 02 Lots of people would like ri T a i-4-. i m m w w w m m m m m -m mm mw -M m m m m I J monster "Imperialism so they could get a glimpse at the color of his hair. Tom "Edison has given the world inventions that work wonders, but none of them show a trick with some of the election machines invent ed by the southern demo crats. If fate, providence and the republican party do not soon let up, the democratic party of the country will not have an issue left with which to go before the people in the next camoaiorn. Recent Washington dispatches say that it has been discovered that some of the Philippine islands which it was thought had reverted to this country by the treaty of peace with Spain really still belong to the Dons. Upon represen tations made by the Spanish government the authorities of the state department made examination of the charts and concluded to di rect withdrawal of our clamis to the islands of Caygayeni Sulu and Cibutii, all , of which lie without the boun dry lines laid down by the trea ty of peace. As this remove s x the famous polygamous sul tan and his harem from the jurisdiction of this nation, the democrats are. deprived of what they had hoped and believed would be one of the strongest arguments they would have in their opposi- tlon to. a continuance of the republican party at the head . of the nation's affairs for the next four years. A va cancy promises now to exists in the democratic platform where it was thought the plank in reference to the sultan would fill up a gap exactly according to the ideas of the democratic platform carpenters. They can no longer Recuse McKinley of encouraging slavery and po lygamy in one of the posses sions of the country. The stage effect of the American flag floating over a harem will not be one of the tricks of the next campaign. How ever this unexpected remov al of one rof democracy's issues will cause no particu lar inconvenience to the plat--form mja.kers, as they can - fill up this vacancy by widen- g ing the plank in regard to those "infernal, damnable v ; readey ed , bam headed, brim-4 ' ' stone-eating "trusts" that " thev are talking: so much . about.