t v.-r.. - :. .v -"V -.- AT? f . ; : ."-i-MZJ - f if! 1;- i 'If "' - ' " , L? ,'v '"7 "' in iu.;.'..:"- -- 11 !;.,- ');: I -.-'jf:- IB '"-.ST1-.- Reversal of the Bui y Only two hundred and nine new textile mills were estab- 3c 'lished during the year which lillrecently closed. Only two ISiSitindred and nine. Ye : we IfKSperceive in that fact nacause for inconsolable.sorrow. , ne Vear before one hundred and seventy-two were iouhdea. while the record for. the year preceding that shows one The hundred and titty hve. g-ain shown by these fi is, therefore, . , seen tb be steady, but even if it bad been smaller there would have been no need to ipolo frr thp influence or Re- ,J.V V . - publican policies on the -national industries . Before the advent of .these p licies through the election or Mc- j .1 r; Kitipv a no a sounu money not their, opening or estab : lishment, was the usua 1 rule. PpPh iladel phia, Inquirbr. Why Not? Nothing- possible vyi 1 con-mate- tribute so much to thd rial welfare of this '"State as a complete change of front in politics. If we fea r- com petition from the o itside, why not join the only party that has Protected the A merican farmer and mechanic for all the past years? Thousands of as good Re publicans as have come to any State have voted with the Democracy to keep down the negro and secure white supremacy. The Echo stands for white supremacy through legitimate I means and the only way to ' insure that for years ;o come S JS is to legislate and yotfe so as to keen our state at the head ;i , of the procession. G ive the electorial vote of Ca lifornia !$Sffi and Florida to Willi; m Mc- Kiuley next November, and you will add millions to the taxable wealth of this 'State, ;and thus allied we may hope for reciprocal benefits from t he party hi power: Nottiing jfiliss 'will save our seinitiropi iH5J cal . interests.- Grand Ridg'e, Fla., Echo. : The Enemy's Counfcryl It would scarcely pay Mr. an to talk to the employes of the Pennsylvania Steel Company at Steel to i unless they: were entirely out of their heads. ' The following Steelton extract trom . the j 4r rceporter gives a lew or tne i-SS;Sreas6ns why:-. ' illllfKiVben Mr. Bryan iiiSSSarrisburs in Aueri was in st, 1896, fiiyS he total number on the pay jig:t;W:.roll QT tne irennsyivania fcteel works was5,vy. tal number on the December the 31, The to- pay roll -1899, at ithe steel' works wa as o.tjy-z. iIhtAugust.;i896v;i Mr. an was -in ni ;;Kf;g,-the amount 'paidT rfvnn whq -in Ha rrisburg, - VJ Aft AAM n waeres -r i I, . -:lVfWt4ia1 truth when he ( RITIiFfg trie? f3I KI J KffETiTTI .. ii?, ii i:w t- th tort on tlieir jtoarzr j. - i irfiyiiiaiHisiii-iiTiuiaji for the! month was atfJesf haii4 Senator as f& a - other eioc nno iT--"nKtli hir33st .jf i 1-. t-4r 'irt ..this- 1 9 000. iltf DecemherM2fet'; the month just past, for for which figures are obtain able, there was paid out as wages at the steel' works $240,000. : In 1896 there was a 10 per cent, reduction in wages and the men were 4 working on. half time, quarter time and an- time they could get. Since then the 10 per cent, has been restored to their wages and they are working full time with night and day turns. Add to this the fact that the general .manager of the company has posted a signed notice of another 10 per cent, advance, to take effect upon the first of March, and; the additional reasons need not now be enumerated. Phila delphia Inquirer. Republicans Must Work. Although the Republican party stands. . before the country and the world with a splended record and with all its promises to the people made. four years ago - faith fully fulfilled; although the nation is now in the enjoy- ment of its greatest era of prosperity, chiefly through the fulfillment of these prom ises and the wise administra tion of President Mckinley; although it is a foregone conclusion that McKinley will be renominated for an other term, and although there never was a time when the republican party was more united than now, yet there is danger ahead. This danger is nothing more nor less than over con fidence. Republicans know that they have a wily foe to contend with; one always on the alert and ready to take advantage of every opportu nity to get in an effective blow. Democracy, no mat ter in what guise it may ap pear, will bear very close watching. It is not known what scheme the opponents are now hatching or what trap will be. sprung to catch unsuspecting Republicans; The Republican leaders at Washing-ton who have been watching the drift of things see in the democratic plan a desire to get together on general principles in order to beat the Republican ticket next campaign. . To this end a fusion with; every disturb ing element in the country ! nder tbf leadership of Bry- Ian is invited. ne oniy way for Republicans to counter act this influence is to organ ize for work and then work when organised. Senator Beveridge has sounded a note of warning to the i-epublicans of this State , fearing that - they have too much confidence? in the .'.con tinuation of the existing con - dition of things without " ef- fort on their tpartf leaders df .-tfcep5rt; Sn'f this State, at Washington see danger ahead, and therefore they are solicitous. St Jo seph J County Republicans have set at good example for other portions of the State by perfecting a conplete; or ganization, for campaign work thus early in the ; -year and by sustaining a well offi cered, permiriant Republican club of large membership to aid in. this work. Thus in terest in- the cause is kept up and the party locally put in f.,r r,r,rrr.K'iv. nd effective work . . If every com- j munity in the State would do the same there would be uq complaint on the part of the leaders of lck of enthu siasm or fear of the result next November. South Bend, Ind., Tribune. "Good God Good Devil.". Mr . Editor: Iii the Raleigh Post of February 23rd. we find the following from its Washington correspondent in giving an account of' the meeting of the Democratic National Committee: "Tho platform for 1900 was outlined by members of the committee as anti-expansion, anti-trust, anti-treaty, anti-England, free silver. While the silver plank of the Chicago platform was con sidered certain of adoption, it was not expected to play the leading part in the cam paign except in the silver ftfnc H-rpat stress was laid by speakers before the committee, and by others in halls and lobbies, on the ne cessity of capturing the Ger man vote, and it. was felt that the less said about sil ver in this connection the better." The above is only further proof that the democratic party has been and will con tinue to be "all things to all men and nothing to no man. ' With them it is "good God and good devil," 44 pig and puppy "hawk and buz zard." One thing in Missouri and another in N. Y.; it ad vocates one system of finance in N. C. and an entirely diff erent principle in Wisconsin. Its policy is to "run with the hare and bold with the hounds ." In other words , like the chameleon, the dem- l ocratic party takes the color of the latitude or longitude of the locality in which- it is ranging and quickly adopts itself to what may seem most popular in the particular state they may happen " to canvass.' One thing intone place, another thing - in an other place, nothing very long; is their motto, and it I is thisi wavering v "changing, fickle, Inconsistent and ; - de ceitful 'method that caused General.G'rosvenor to -speak Baid:-;- Enbusand' years frigPf now the democratic leader of today will sit pale ghosts on the Stuygian shore, and rea d t h e record of t b ei r ac ts bf the red light of Hell . ' N. R: R. in Union Republi can. No period in the-' history of the reptiblic snows a more rapid increase of money '.itf circulation than the three years ended September 31, '99.' The amount in circti- lation has increased 33 per cent, within two years and Brvun.'s Mints remain cl(sed .Little Rock, . Aak . tate ixepuuncan. The price of cotton is higher by $12 a bale than it was before Republican pros perity came to visit. us;. The South is in favor of ex pan -sionf and opposed to the Bryan theory of contraction and free silver: And yet, when the - South conies to vote, it will be solid for free ' silver, anti-expansion ana cheap cotton, solely and only hpcanse those tmns will have the democratic label on them. And yet the voting part of the South is intelli gent in all things save pol itics. Lawrence Kan., Jour nal. : , QZZJX Does ' not spell any thing, but wlistt v,e started out to say -was tliis: Do. not send postage stamps on subscriptions to tlie Y. J. ; and when yon send Money.. Orders, have them drawn on Wilkcsboro, N. C. Moravian Halls is not a M. O. onice. . - I KelUble penoni of a mechanical or fnventiT rxiii desirinc a trip to the Pans Kxponltion, with goa salary Dd rxpenses paid, should wrtt . Tlio rAXEJTjC ai;t;oafcA, Bwumoro, ma. Trade Mark - Designs Copyrights &c. : xntona aendin iketcb anddeacriptloa taay atitcfclT ascortsin r,ar opinion tree wnetner n lnrntion is prob',tiy patentable. Commnntea. ti JnVlTConndentfaJ. Handbook on Patent ent free. Oldest aaency for securing : PatentaV pjiteuts taken throueh Munn ft Co. receive tpecial not ice, witbont charge, in the Scientific American. A bandaomely ninstrated weekly. 1;. ' HUHN &Co.36,B"iSwH6wYorl Bancn Office, 62& V BU Washington, CO. TBY ST FREE Vrm for .1 ly in your wn Hohm and Wre tit to fti. Jim mmntr Im u. M ArUU ImUm for -c tS.Sa At-.A i; lterntf i. All attMkmemU raKS yte-pHj frehu Buy frrai factory. Say ignite Urjr proAK. Ow iaa,S0U Ik ae.' v atalogue and tentlmonialu VKXdm Write at on".- .tMrti itarkHn . CASH BUYER' UNI OH ' ;U . N . N vv."vv v.V v mmtm . v j. .x . x. .x "V V 7 V 7 A; V V S . jr.S. 4$ ; 6 S ; , r. o V.-O. r, 0 V J 0 0 V V v 3 a s a s - m i: Patented Jniy ar, 1896.; J -;tf t-QftRADB JMJU - BO YEARS!; M -ilUv rtn Ul-If IV wHVIHU.'ina and makes a better fence A full line of Field and Hbg Fencing, Steel Picket Lawn Fence, uatcs, fosts, Kail, etc.- Wnte for nrnmntlv ncein our ODicAon f ree concemincr anH'risriTtioii of anv invention wi tthe patentability Ipf sam.l Hor to Obtain a. Patent cnt upon request. 'ratecU secured through us advertised for sale at our expense. Patents taken out through us receive special notice, without charge, in Tue Patent Record, jm illustrated and: widely circulated journal, consulted by Manufacturers and Investors. Scud for sample copy FREE. Address, VICTOR J. EVANS & CO. ;w (Patent Attorneys,) Evaaa Building, WASHIKGTON, D. c. Mire -traoe-mArks 4 amd copyrights 4 obtained j K Notice in " Inventive Age ' M z3!?!.3 P 1 Book "How toobtain Patents!, U U S Ga 3 1 Charges moderate. No fee till patent is secured. 1 E. CS. SIGfiERS, Patent Lawyer, Washington, 0. C. 1 aavthinflr. yon invent "or improve ; also get CAVEAT. 1 RADE-MAflK, COPYfiieHTor DES1&N PiwrPfiTinN: A model, sketch, or photo. fm ir-a m.n o.t i nn a.nrl advice. A yjA. sv, DUUh UII T l-fcf 1 1 W fee beiore patent. Patent Lawyers. WASH I N GTO N.D.C. Address . A Ojtralofnie of the best i3urr Mills for fine Table MoaU at prices that will surprise you . Be convinced bv writing to. W; cT MEADOWS, : vs. ?& 5 : poors Knob, N. 0, southMw RMLWAY. ! THE o -;o . o . o . o ' . STANDAUD RAILWAY OF THE' Direct: Line to All Points. TEXAS, CALIFORNIA, " : FLORTD Ay , CUBA AN D RORTO RICO. Strictly FIKST-CIj ASS Eqnip- mfeiit on-all Through and Lo- ! cal Trains; 'Pullman -Palace "Sleeping Cars on all -Night- Trains. ..East and Safe Sched- Travel by the Southern and you are as sured a;Sufe,-Gbrnortable, and Expe ditious; Journey.. 00000000000000 " APPIyYTO:TlCKKT AGKNTS FOR TIMK TA BIES, RATES AND GKNERAI, INFORM A TlON,OlC ADDR15SS R. Ii. VERNON, F. II. DARBY, T TP. A-,. CP.&T.A., Charlotte,. N. C. Asheville, N. C. r No trouble t a an sVer ; Question s. Prank S Gannon. J.' H Gulp, A. Turk 3d V. P. & Gen: Man. Traf. Man. G. P. A 1 -WASHINGTON; JD. C. V V - V V V T V V f. -r- 4 v v v v a y i v y y r. , ,N 0-N4 ami WW Or?"Tfeo- . n a- fj z fj - Tnr? y t -4 ''j o MARK.l -i: -Ptatef July 5, 1S07. full: particulars. rYrtr f retortil if we fail. Anv one sendin MVmomCE'CO: DeKalb, ill. ,1 5.

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