.1 " v v 1- v '. r-.'.v. W K PITION. VOL,. V. MORAVIAN FALLS, NC., THURSDAY, MARCH 22,19(30. 'X.- ' ' ?' r 3 f.-f'.: THE YELLOW-JAEKEL WEEKLY & MONTHLY, E. XCH LAWS, WEEKLY, ONE YEAR, SIX MONTHS, ......... . 50 30 .20 MONTHLY, ONE YEAR . GASH ALWAYS IN ADVANCE. A Cross Mark on your pajler means lumyour suDscnpuon nas expired, and that yon will receive no more papers un less you renew. Entered at Moravian Falls, second class matter. N. C. as INSTRUCTIONS. t& Silver preferred to Postage Stamps on subscriptions. Remittances of silver of sniall sums may be made with comparativelsafety. in ordinary letters, using good envelopes. Amounts above fifty cents it Would be well to send by Registered Letter. P. O. Money Orders are better still, but they must be drawn on Wilkesboro, N. C. as Moravian Falls is not a Money Order office. When writing; to have yo ar paper changed yon must give your former as well as your new address. Always write your own name and ad dress plainly, and direct all youi letters to The Vkuow-Jackkt, Moravian Faixs, N. C. ISSUED EVERY THURSDAY. Thursday, Mar. 22, 1900. HEUU) TUER11! Look Here, Brother: If you are not already a subscriber to the Yellow Jacket, consider this copy an invitation to be come one Read this paper o ver carefully and if you like it, mail us 50 cts. for a year's eulv scription. The Y. J. each week will contain something good, and each succeeding issue will get better if it can be'miide so. Being a firm believer in the principles of Lincoln, Grant, Oarfield and McKinley, the Y. J. will ever be found contending for the rights and liberties of the people. We would not only like to have 3rou become a subscriber, but we would also be glad to have you do a lit le mis sionary work for us among your Republican friends and neigh bors. You can reach those that we can't. Take this copM when you go out from home ai le every Republican yoi and don't let up on him d ta'ck'l meet ill vou have secured his subscription By so doing you will not only be doing us a great favor, but you will also be aiding us in reaching the people, and. help ing to present the facts of Re publicanism, which only nfeed to be known by the people to make the Republican pSrty so harmonious and invulnerable that the tribes of Brya i, the world, the flesh and the devil can't overthrow it at tin polls next November. You will experience no diffi culty in finding several of your neighbors who will takeihe pa per, so try to make us up a club of 5 or 10. If you can't get up a club, then send along your own subscription and tjy the club later. The Y. J. is Jnot t lo cal, but circulates over all the states and preaches the repub lican gospel in the inteijest of common sense and as seep from the laboring man's standpoint. Now this is abefut alb You send along the subscriptioue aiid help do tne circuiati" rln the nrea;hin'. Read ihstruc- tions at top of this columb; be fore remitting. . STINGS. Here's yoiir Topeka Cap ital. All about prohibition being good and war wicked.' Democratic statesmanship to-day is a species of 18th century skunk cabbage, run up to seed. Jeff Davis is a democratic candidate for Governor of Arkansas. The name sounds familiar. Bryan like most democrat ic orators is afflicted with a diarrhoea of words and a constipation of ideas. Rev. Sheldon has succeed ed in every detail but one of his experiment. He hasn't made a "news" paper. Senator Hoar is hard at work defending Aguinaldo. Why doesn't he take a day off and defend Hoar? The silent eloquence of the gold standard bill will outweigh a good deal of noi sy talk thi& fall. The democrats may con gratulate themselves on the fact that Japan settled the gold question two years be fore the United States did. There is more honesty in the wag of a 'possom dog's tail than there is in all those long-winded wails about imperialism." If Republicanism is demor alizing as some democratic organs assert, we say then let us have more and more demoralization. It's good for our systems. The surest and best way to prevent .the democrats from afflicting the country with bad legislation is defeat all their candidates at the ballot box. Mr. Croker is doubtless troubled a good deal with his broken leg, but we haz zard the guess tha t there are other things causing him more concern just now. It is to be hoped that the Rev. Mr. Sheldon does not make his sermons as dull as he made the Topeka Capital during the week that he published that paper. Having become recently possessedof both a valet and an automobile, the Hon. Joe Sibley found the Dem ocratic party just a little be bind the .times and got out ! The Bryanites seem to be afraid that the gold demo crats vill control the Kansas City convention. There is no such good fortune as that ahead of the democ ratic par- ty- "Does not spell any thing, but what we started out to say as this: Do not send postage staf on subscriptions to the Y. J.; and if-n ycu send Money Orders, have fhem drawn on Wilkesboro, N. C. Moravian Palls is not a M. O. office. The republican and demo cratic parties are both level ers, bufthey don't work a like. Republican policies level business up, and de mocracy levels business down.' As a,itirty of jumpers and straddles the dems can't be beat, here is not a ques tion of ajiy importance they have not been on both sides of and straddled in the last 10 years. The distressing intelli gence has been con ve3ed to us that the passage of a Porto Rican tariff bill wTill give an Extension to the offi cial life of the Hon. Richard Rev. Mr. Sheldon will take the lecture platform, in order to. try to realize on his biir free advertising. We trst he will not say that he is doincr as Christ would have done. You might as well try to fatten a fan mill by running oats thru it as to please the democratic leaders. A set of men who can't agree upon anything they do themselves needn't be expected to agee with the doings of other men or parties. When the National House of representatives the other day threw overboard Wil-f Ham A. Young, Democrat, of the 2nd Virginia district, and seated Richard A. Wise, Republican, it decided that it was better to be Wise than Young. Senator Hoar's generous proposition to give ex-Queen Liliuokalani a pension of $10,000 a year has been very properly sat upon. Just what distinguished service this interesting woman has done to entitle her to a place on the national pension roll is something that Mr. Hoar entirely fails to explain. The Yellow Jacket every week for 1 2 months only 50 cts. Subscribe to-iay. QZZJX The $2,000,000 appropria tion passed by the republi cans over democratic opposi tion will go far to alleviate the situation in Porto Rico and to show that the repub licans are striving to find some means of helping the island without injuring the United States. In 1892 the people were, so engrossed in their prosperi ty that they forgot themsel ves and voted for Gleveland ism, and so they got Cleve landism straight from the shoulder. They should re member these things when election day rolls around this year and vote for the party "from whence cometh our help." If Bryan is really going in for an anti-expansion plat form he ought to secure Ag uinaldo as one of the special attractions at the Kansas city convention July 4. With the "George Washington of the Philippines" to listen to the reading oft the Declara tion of Independence, the show ought to be a howling success. Advices fro hT South Da kota indicate that the peo ple out there are prepareing to give the ridiculous Petti grew an indefinite term in the deep cool shades of pri vate life. This arrangement will command the cordial approval of pretty much ev ery citizen of the United States, except Pettigrew hrimself . It nearly always makes us smile when we open a letter from T. W. Henritze, of Lebanon, Va. We have over a dozen agents in Russell County, Va., but I Mr. Hen ritze excells any of them in the number of subs, he sends us Mr. Henritze is a hust ling subscription agent and is stuifing his section full of Yellow Jackets. President McKinley has succeeded in pulling this country entirely out of the mire into which Grover Cleveland pitched it and it is the paramount duty of every republican to help keep it out by keeping Bill Bryan out of the President's chair and all his hot-headed heelers and.finatical follow ers out of Congress. Republican Senators from the middle west have assert ed positively that Indiana, Illinois, Minnesota, Michi gan and Wisconsin will all be doubtful next fall if: Con gress i mposes a duty on Por- to Rico. Senator Platt'of Conn . , asserts that his state will be doubtful if Congress doesn 't impose one. Which does the republican party prefer to lose? If it be fair to judge by I the little scrape at Lincoln , right under Mr. Bryan's .v. nose, so io speaic, xnmui dle-of-the-road populists of Nebraska are going to make : ; tro uble for the dem-pop com bine this year. - The Republicans in the Ho u se have gone to the root of the matter by proposing an amendment to the Consti tution, giving Congress the power to deal with trusts Even Col . Bryan admitted the need of such an amend men t recently, though it is probable that he will now denounce the Republicans" for advocating it. Some of our subscribers complain that recently they don't receive the Y. J, until several days after its usual date of arrival, and ask us to explain the cause. The reason for this delay is that Y. J. has outgrown the pres ent facilities for carrying the mail from Moravian Falls to the R. R. mail . Last weeks issue of the Y. J.. could not be moved from Moravian Falls, until Mon day following the day of its publication which is on Thursday. We hope to soon see better arrangements made for carrying out our mail to the R. R. If this is not done we shall move our whole shebang to the R. R. Cplorado republicans who have supported Mr. Bryan on the free silver issue are gradually returning to the party fold, the most recent to do so being Mr. Isaac N. Stevens, who served as vice chairman of the National Silver Committee in 1896. Mr. Stevens is done with the free coinageSionsense: it is time, he says, for republi cans to. stop fighting one an other, and consequently he follows the example of Sena tor Wolcott by cpming back to the old party to stay. The argument-of prosperity has played havoc with the cause of Bryariism in" Colorado k The enormously increased gold production of the State has taken all the force out of the free silver dogmatism andif it cimtinues to grow, as seems morally certain , it will surprise nobody to see Colorado again lined up in the republican columu next fall. ; . i - V f J , r - " v ' . ' 1 '

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