THE YELLOYZ-JACKET. WEEKLY. & MONTHLY. i ' ' r -s fc J, 1 EDITOR: - : . t WEEKLY, ONE YEAR,;... id six months, . ; :o; monthly; ONiTYEiR: :f: l6 CASH ALWAYS IN A VANCE." A Cross j Mario on y our paper, means mat your supcnptipn ; has -expired, and lliat you win receive no more papers less vou renew. "'-" .. .- r , J u,-: un- ouwicu ut Moravian , rai is, ; JV. -, j; as second class matter.; ' 1 " 4 v INSTRUCTIONS. J w uii?u w rosiage stamps enxittances of silver of small slims niabe made with coniparativi?!safet in ordinary letters, using ood enveldpes. .viuuuuls aooye nrnr cents it. woulc be well to send by Registered Letter. P. O. Money Orders "are better., still, but they' must be drrvn on ''Wilkesuoro, N. C. as Moravian Falls is. not a Money Order :opce , . ; .. ; n -. . . - ' ; r WTien 'writing to have your paper changed you must give your former as Iwell as your ew address. ' V , fv Always Jivrite yotxx own" name arid ad dress ptoinly, and direct all your lette rs to ' r The Yei.w)w-Jacket, f ? Moravia Faus, NC. ISSLlEDEVERt THURSDAY. 3 , , . : : a Thaysclay Mar, 2P, 19QjO. MELLO THERE! LookHere, Brother:, If you are not already a subscriber to the Yellow Jacket, consi der this coot an- invitation to be- cxmxhKftfJ Beid thife IrjaperLo- ver carefullv and iLvon lik lftaitius 50 Vits1. for M year's It, sul- . sciipliori. '?Tfie Y. J. each week will co ntai t some th i n g , gc od , and each succeeding issue vill get better if pan, be made so. Being a firm believer in the principles of Lincoln, Grj nt, '(rarfield andlMcKinlev, the Y. J. will ever be; found contending for the.irights ahd: liberties of the people.5 We would not only Iiketo liave,yQutbecomfe a subscriber: but we;Vobld also be glad to hae'y6u do a little mis sion arvwork for us among ypur 1 P11MI11 IIfH.II I I Irf III v iV L J 1 1 llRIl' 11 1 Y . . t ?Z v. Jh - - 2 1 & . 1 bors. You can reacii tnose tnar ! we can't." Take thi. copy w len ck- eet vou golbut froni home and ta 1e every: Republicrtn you n and don't let up on him till vou have secured Ins subscription. By so doing you will not only be doing us a great '...favor;, - but you will:Uso be ; aiding us jin ieachiitghe people, and help ing to present tlie facts ..! of Re jublicanism, , which only need 10 be known by : the people miiL-ft th Rennblican oartv to so ble liarmonious and invulneri that the tribes of Bryan, the world , the-flesh an'd' the rd0vil vault overthrow it? at the, pajliv You will eviierience no dim uifty in finding several of your neighbors who will take' the pa T ' - . - . . 1 1 per, so try to make us up a cjuo of 5 or lor If vou can't' get up our Subscription and ;try- the tj; cluli later! Tle Y. J, is not cal.'-but circulates over ; all Mat and preaches ,the5; .repiib J ican- gospel in the interest 4 ' OC Ci f'l the laboring man?sstandpoht. Now this is about; all" puisfcnd Jtlong the subscriptions and help do the circulatiu' and . wakUl d6 the preaciiin'. ' Keaxl uwlWCi tions at top ol tins column, be jmjxea. v iass ITAlS, JN. C, THURSDAY, . - . - . . " ' .- - STIKGS. Machine .methods in poli tics must and will come to an end, and may heaven speed the day: T The weekly Yellow Jack et is one year old to day, and feels pretty frisky for a yearl ing, thank you. We have obtained another letter from the "Devil" which will appear in a week or so. It's a scorcher. Since last issue we have added over one hundred new subscribers to our list for! the weekly, Yellow? Jacket. It begins to look like sec tionalism was about dead when northern republicans invite the people down in Dixie to their lovef easts. The circulation of the Y. J. continues to expand. It now goes to every state in the Union and also to the Philippines. If Bryan is sincerely a gainst trusts why dont he oppose the ballot trust? Now don't break your neck trying to answer. The more personal abuse the "aunties" heap upon President McKinley the lar ger his majority will be next November. The republican elephant this year will not be side tracked for the benefit of any little one horse 4tanti" shebang that happens to be on the track. T The hardest thing the ca lamity party ever bumped up agains't will be the full treasury, high wages and the large employment of la bor that prevails today. The editor who reported that anrice factory in his va cinjt stroyed byfire and a hundred ns of ice reduced to ashes, must undoubtedly have been "aSimmons democrat. We believe it a duty - that every naan owes himself, his God and his country ;to work to' purify politics. - ' Make partyism respectable1. Take down'tyrants. So long as 'men -'stre countenanced who - ' .:;:.,.- . , . . ,, katnit that tbev "may rule by fraud' f and such as are not ashamed - of J it'! our and- our liberties in jeopardy, Does not spell any thing, but what we started out to say was this: Do not send ' postage stamps on subscriptions to the Y. J.; and when you send Money Orders, have them drawn bit Wilkesboro, N. C, Moravian Falls is not a M. O. office. Kansas City Fourth of July celebration is already an assured success. On that day the democrats and silver republicans will hold their convention there. Williq ni t J. Bryanfis a democrat "before taking,' Grover Cleveland is a demo crat 4 after taking," which leads one to infer that the last state of democracy is worse than the first. Wanted A democratic paper that condems rotten eggs and readshirts as ar gument. We don't recollect lever seeing anything ot the kind therefore would like to get hold of one to file. lib eral price paid. . -. You will find, in an article on the inside of this paper in which the type reads 3 cents, in speaking of the price of cotton, when it was ment 10 cts. It requires jtwo figures to mate the price of cotton under republican rule. , It is now Clearly evident that the democratic and re publican parties will each present a Bill to the people for President this year and it is still mdre evident that the democratic Bill will not pass" because he is the very embodiment of bad money. We acknowledge the , re ceipt fom Hon. Charles B. Landis of Ind. of a copy of his speech on the Roberts case in the House of Repre sentatives. Mr. Landis is an able representative of the 9th district and goes for every fraud in his reach with a bass ball bat. vA subscriber in West Va., writes us that the republican party in that state was nev er in its history in so good shape as it now is. He says after it gets thru with decid ing whom it is going to nom inate for office, it will mop un the entire surface, of West Virginia with the draggled garments of mocracy , , be-de- About the awkwardest predicament ' we eyei- saw men get in to is t ha t display ed by those fusion Pops who spend one half f their Jvtime slobbering praise for Wil- QZZJX MARCH 29, J900. Ham J. Bryan and the other in cussing partisan election laws . Bryan has proven by his course that if he lived in Kentucky he would today be found fighting on the side of the Goebelites and in behalf of the GoebeJ: election law, which for partisan taints has but few equals and no superior. An office seeker who should be elected for his candor, if j for nothing else, makes this unique announcement. I want the office f or the moner that is in it. I ain't patriot enough to serve the state for nothin'. I couldn't even if I wanted to, with one ; wife, two mortgages and eight children. If elected I will prove worthy of the trust; If not, I don't know where I'll get trust!" The efforts of the demo cratic editors and politicians to make it appear that Pres ident McKinley is 4 losing ground ' ' and 4 growing weak er" etc. and so on remind us somewhat of the vlrshman who tried to put the bull's nose to the ground. They might as well squeeze out their little jokes and jeers now for there will be no con solation for them after the 6th of next November. Mr. McKinley will be renomina ted by the grandest party that ever existed and re-elected by increased majorities ever7 where. Mr. Bryanite, put that in your pipe and smoke it. t The democrats of North Carolina have found their man for Governor. His name is Aycock and this is . the way he talks: 4 The re are three ways in which the dem ocrats may rule by force, by fraud or bys law. We have ruled by force, we can rule by fraud, but we want to rule by law." This is a parallel to the language of Senator Tillman, who in the United States Senate a few days ago r said: 4 4 We stuffed ballot boxes, we shot niggers, we are not ashamed of it." Mr. Democrat, aint you proud of your party? Say t Why don't you smile? The republicans of Mass. opened their campaign at Lvnn, on the 12 inst. in fine shape. They had invited as special speekers for the oc casion Hon . Romulus Z. Xin ne v and Hon ; Jeter C . Pri t ch -ard Cpngressnian and Sena-! t:or respectively f roni sN6rth Carolina. ' Both . these " dis- NO.-52-J tinguished Tar Heel repuh: licans accepted the invitation and eachVnswered the r call with speeches in ; thorough keeping with republicax: doctrine, arrousing all pres ent to a high pitch of enthu siasm and convincing them that North Carolina is capa ble of producing something worthy of the name of Re publican. The entire country- and more especially the South; has a right to b rQud Vjxf such men as Liriney "and Pritchard. Rev, Sheldon disapproves the publication of scandals ? and murders in his columns. . Are we. to understand that Mr; Sheldon would have ex cluded the birth of Eve and the killing of Abel had he been in the business vajt. thtf time? - Vw The republicans gave us the Dingley Tariff and a sound financial system arid,- prosperity. The democraig, erave us. Grover Clevelai and Grover gave us the devil That's just the size of it. Gen . Wheeler is ; affording??;? mighty cold comfqrio 4,antis" in his refusal iQv'-y tack the administration its Philippine policy. li winter nnsrers rauenj. r: , longer in spring's lap, she . will be justified in r using a hat pin on him. His time was up on March 20 . It is to be hoped that the Kentucky' affair will not gen- erate into a progressive as-v; sassination party. 1- Cuba should be solemnly -warned that she is not. to model her.jicoming elections Free silver is a democratic promise; f reevsojip was . a democratic resutfeMoRAX, L,et democracy alone. i. , . ,.-v. . . .. " "H We have a very late sprinsf. Wonder if Mark Harina isn't to blame for this too? The Yellow Jiicket . every week ; for 12. mpntlis only SO cts. Subscribe to-day. State Republican, Little Rockr Ark. , V And now 4t:;:isl said that Cleveland is abo)it to cime out" for Bryan; What a fall, .my countrymen! - The ; democratic, party is getting ready, to ? fight ;he second tattle v on ! tfie same ground " withr ther same a mu-- nitioii;--;.miiichv-bf:7which is burnt powdery VNo -y tinde r v t If - .till iurer remuting; t . 41' V.i

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