-I At. v- 'it-- M 1 0- 'AS-'.' 4 : A Do-Nothingr P rfcy. The33emocratic party is n donothitisr party, k party whose history- has Ar nnthintr in the been- to of way VH v - j- practical and successful statesmanship. iopne can 'r.arne a law now in the sat ute book put there by the Democratic party in the last fifty years that is td-day any benefit to the Amer can pao pie, and especially to , the laboring man. And yet they alwavs in election times, and in their speeches pretend X.tVmf thev are the friends of . - j laboring ;mari. Tlie Republican party is ithe great affirmative, prog Jressive party in the country. It has laid' the waV in every -forward step our country ha"taken:in the last fourty ;yersv It has. put on the statute Mae v bpok every laf ire that liehefits the poor manv that that builds uo commerce, WneTrjrs-the farmer, that VcJ:iplies manuractures, guards the rights J liberties, and privileges: Ohc Amef- . - 1 -.1-. . V rr-L:-. 7 I I ' I v I Well said a mmoer or -a rf nsrress. the Kipublican for fortv years has marched at the head of the 'lty k:lreat American f :VMne flag of our co process'on untry in its flight hand, and the band -Hil Columbia Yankee Doodle' The barked and the donkeys i ' -i u4. " i . ' . i m- i i i -ill t i at s l i ' moved grandly on. It has : t - j A, j a , nbeen well said that the re- "publicans proposes, the Al- mighty disposes and thedem- ocratic party opposes 1 T . Ttto&s M Times HVe Changed ;rs'. Joucs in 1893 and , V- J.' L-L . ' 190( Times change and men change with them. Here are two pictures. v Jones, of $Te Jonesj Nev ada, 1893. ada, 1900. en Jones, .Sdelivereaaspepch in advo- : cacy or tne Tree coinage 01 silver in 1893, - I - tne galleries were crowded the Senate thronged, and pers printed it the newspa- a i mo si vcr- " 1 . ; A.' batim. It occupied several days in its delivery, and when afterward printed 7 made a book of considerable size, which ha's always been resrraded, i as a marvelous v presentation :vcause. j , of tlie silverJ 4 n r Yesterday yacla, made speech . .The ones, of Ne- nother silver enate was half filled, the galeries were prac tically empty and in the press gallery one cprrespond- en t sat in olitary s state i f T he newspa t2 rs will print but little of the speech. ions. knows more about silver today than he did in speaks as well 1893 i and hd as ever, but Times have changed. Washington Post. Yes, times have changed, so much that democratic pa pers of N. C. are reproduc irigt the above article from the Post without comment. In '93 such an article would have jstood no more chance of getting into the democrat ic papers than a clawless cat yould in getting out of the kingdom, of ; Hades., When a democrat begins to publish editorials that prove t)iat his own creed is tottefing and then fails to continent on them it is strong, Suspi cion that he is about. to get astraddle of, the fence ready to fall which ever way that appears to he the most pop ular. . f O or m an On Bryan. Those Bryanites who have been disposed to look upon Gorman as a convert to the 4 cause which is headed by the Nebraska whirlwind have, no doubt, had reasons to feel a little disappointed since Gorman gave "out tfte "follow.- iner interview iust after the of the National Committe ni riiiiiiij m m fn i 1 1 rnt-.s rn t-t i 1 ti i j a.- c ..tf , i. : ,w h;n ton. T . i t the nominatioft 0Mr. Bry- an today as I -was- in 1896. He is the same man fetanding on the same plat tofm, and it i tne same reasons apainst nis nomination apply wxth even more xorce xoaay xnan men x d not think his nomibatioi would be wise and I haVe not said that nothing can 'pre- vent it.- On the contrary, while I realize that he ha the support of the people to a remarkable degree, I be lieve his nomination could be prevented if those who be lieve it unwise would get to gether and unite their efforts . Every now and then I hear an influential man in the democratic party say that he does not think we ought to nominate Mr. Bryan but that he does not see how it can be fion of peo'pie who feel that I nrprptifpfi rVt 'iirilTfri ar- vvay can prerent it. Mr. I - . . Bryan has a great many un- Willing supporters. I itlfnl-n net -mm - 99 w utc j jl . I The Prohibitionist party, when it first started out in politics; used frequently to urge, "Vote as you pray." Well, that is a pretty good mbtto and the voters of the country would undoubtedly do well o follow it. And if . thev do. there- will be- no need. to worn lest, bv some gruesome . chance, by some triffbtful mistake, such as was made in 1892, the Free- I Trade policy may be saddled upon the country again . Ev-; ery single individual in the country prays that the nation al prosperity may be contin ued, that the wages of work- ers may continue highland go higher, that poverty and want will vanish. Then vote asr you pray , - and .vote, for Porte tection means ; all these s.- American $ ivconp- inist. onev moves tne wonu, smd pays for a lot of bad whiskey. It can prevent the truth and knock reasons off the pereh in the fourth round. 4 'Money makes the mare go." For monev, man will work, worrv, sweat, bleed and lie. It is the loadstone of 'activi ty, the north star of energy, the acme of man's highest ambition. More people want a part of it and a few want it all . Money getting is a virtue and a crime. With it is. blended prayers, prevari cations and pledges; tears, tvrannv and tribulation; lies, lamentations and loathing; poverty, peevishness and pa rasitica; misers, misery and meanness; blood, bliss and bludgeons; hell, heaven and happiness; sedition, salva tion and suicide; brain , bra wti and boodle, death, debt and despair Money is some peo- pie sgoa wnicn mej- worsnip with a devotion and sacrifice that puts the fanaticism of the Hindoo iii(. the shade. Yet, when we are called up on to shuffle off this- mortal coil it is but .dross and rises up like Banquo V ghost to accuse us of lost opportuni ties opportunities wherein we might have added to the world 's store of " usefulness and happiness. Ex. SAY THAT Bryan has expanded on expansom. As a failure the democrat- ic party is a success. egroes are not always as black as they are painted; A hit or miss policy usual ly has few striking features Some men need time locks on their lmasfinations. It is easier to eret mad than it is to get over your mad. i t A skunk would smell just as bad under any !other name. The south is a first ; class, country with third class politics. . . : . There are about 33 kinds; of democrats, What kind are you? .; .: a , You can see the seat of a dog's pants by ' turning; the ;X-rayson him. r ' : When money is we never stop to . : a' t '-" " ... - : o criticise xaiKinor th money. ... The man whose ion comes by spurts will not do to tie to. . Congressman ? Roberts is now shalcing his statthe American Eagle 1 , 4 When ty "Rets together" there is most always a scrape. Flying machines will ( not enable some men to get a bove reproach. There is a special tier of griddles in Hades for the ballot-box stuffers; The democratic party is un alterably apposed to , bosses except democratic bosses! Rev. Sheldon experienced a good deal of trouble in running a newspaper 44as Jesus would. " The monumental cheek of a democratic politician is enough to . make, a pencil swear. We should never despise physical disformities. The dog with his tail cut off has no fear of tin cans The militarv force in the Philippines has taught -the Filipinos that 44 there is a God in Isreal The best time to celebrate labor day is at the polls on election day, by voting for the republican party Seme wxmen are not con tented on being the -'better half; ' they want to be the whole thing. , The fellows who know the most about how to han dle a wife are those who never had an v. s More women would climb the ladder of fame were it not for so many gawky I men ! standing around, at the bot tom1 Paste This in Your Hat. The Republican National Convention will meet in Phil adelphia, June 19th; the Populists National Conven tion in Sioux Falls, South Dakota , May 9th; the Mid dle of the Road Populists in Cincinnati on the same day; the Prohibitionists in Cbica go, June 27th , and .the Dem- cratic National Convention in Kansas City, July !4th.; - . . M. S. .POULTRY FENCE 4 u WHPR "jC j . , IIUU . la N X XX -Patented Jaly ar, 1896; baUs, Posts, Rail, eta-Write for UNION x-r , MrTKarAMi ..... . II . ... l I ?m PI-'- til 50 PFnifiFriT SAUIHfi Requires no top or bottom raO and only h k JHr1 lUf M UaVliJU, - maiy Posts as tie old stvle nettins: and maks a better fence A full fine of Field and Ho Fencing, Steet Picket Lawn Fence, ' A t rta I I n , i for 30 days in ur rn hunt sot( wava IW to tti. mmmej Ut imm. . rj rrti(ii. Buy rram rctory. Sv ' Catalotot and tKtiiMnial FKU. Write at on-. 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Travel by the Southern and von are as sured a Safe, Comfortable, and Expe ditious Journey, opoooopooooooo APPLY TO TICKET AGENTS FOR TIME TA . BI.ES, RATES AND GENERAI, INFORM A " - . . TlON, QR ADDRESS R: L. VERNON, F. R. DARBY, f v Ti P. A., , C. P. &T. A.; Cfiarlotte, N. C. Asheville, N. C. No trouble to answer Questions. Prank 3 -Gazmtfn,-' j. 21. CuXp. "V7, A. Turk 3d V. P. arOen. Man. Traf.Man. G.P.A. , WASHINGTON, D. C. v' C V-C r i i - i ' M K t ; o ; v- V X X X f . 4i 5 y f X J XX X. - - J V X X . s V X TV. Patented July l87- full particulars. FENCE CO.. DeKalb, In m (TRAD3 MACK. i i '?x . 1