v til 4 4 WEEKLY E DITION. VOL. VI. MORAVIAN FALLS, N. C., THURSDAY, APRIL, 5 1900 NO Li. WEEKLY it MONTHLY B. SON LAWS, EDITQB WEEKLY, ONE YEAR,... STXIOXTHS, MONTHLY, ONE YE Ail, . . . 50 80 .20 CASH ALWAYS IN AD VAN CE. A Cross Mark on your paper that your subscription has expired, and neans uiat yon win receive no more papers un less you renew. Entered at Moravian Falls, X. second class matter. C. as INSTRUCTIONS. EzT Silver preferred to Postage S tamps on suDscriptions. Remittances of silver of small may be made with comparative safety in sums ordinary letters, using good enve Amounts above fifty cents it won well to send by Registered letter. P. O. Monev Orders are better opes d be still, but they must be drawn on Wilke.Hboro, :s. . as JVLoravian tails is not a Monev Order office. v nen writing to have . your baper cuangea you must give your tonnerfik well as your new address. ' Always write your own name am I ad dress plainly, and direct all your letters to . The Yeixovv-Jackei; Moravian Falls, N. C. ISSUED EVERY THURSDp Thursday, Apr. 5, 1900. V HELLO THEKE! Xook Here, Brother: If you to the leJiow Jacket, eons der tnis copy an invitation to be- . o it, come one. ieaa tins papei ver careful v and if vou like mail us 50 cts. for a year's? ; suription.' The Y. J. each w ub- bek will contain something good, and each succeeding issue vill get better if it can be made so. Beins; a firm believer in the principles of Lincoln, Gmnt, Garfield and McKinlev. the Y. J. will ever be found contend for the rights and liber of the people. We would ies lot a only like to have vou become subscriber, but 'we. would alsd;b,e glad to have you do a little i 1S- sionarv work tor us anions: your . ' i Republican friends and neigh bors. You can reach those that we can't. Take this copy wl en vou o out from home and tack Je everv Renublican vou mi et and don't let up on him till y ou have secured his subscript to n. lv Bv so doing you will not oi he doing us a great favor, n ut you will also be aiding us in reaching the people, and he P- ing to present the facts of Re- Dublicanism. which only ne bd to be known by the people make the Republican party to so harmonious and invnlneral le ie that the tribes o , Br van. world , the flesh and the devil can 't overthrow it at the po next November. Is You -will experience no diffi culty in finding several of yo.ir neighbors who will take the --paper,, so try to.. make us up a club of 5 or 10. If you can't get tip a club, then send along; yojir ow n subscription and try the club later. The Y. J. is not lb- . ii ca . hot circulates ovTer an the states and preaches the- repu lican gospel in the interest common sense and as seen fro the laboring man's standpoin. Now this is about all. You seiid along the subscriptions and help do the circulating and ; we will lo the preachtn'. Rad instru tions nt inn of this coluiuil, b THE YELLOW-JACK tore STINGS. Bryan has, run further and talked more than any man who ever wanted to be President. Most governments seem to have declined to offer mediation, either . in the Transvaal or in Kentucky. Hoke Smith has retired from journalism just in time to escape another term as a Bryan supporter. j Kentuckians seem to be j j competing as to who can ; make the most awful con cession. A man who talks all the time can hardly expect to j get a - reputation for deep j thinking. What has the democratic party done to entitle it to be put in control of the govern ment? Send answer on a pastal card. Just keep it in mind that the enactment into law of the gold standard and nine cent cotton both struck this country about the same time. Not long ago a goat m New Jersey ate the records of a democratic club. They were so tough , however, tES) the goat died of indigestion. Isn't it about time for Xentuckians accused of shoot ing Goebel, to form an as sociation of some sort for mutual protection? South Dakota is preparing to do the Senate, and the country, a favor by retiring Pettigrevy, the Filipino Sen ator. Before the democratic par ty invites the voters to get in its band wagonit should explain to them first where the old thing has started. . If the Bryanites can suc ceed in side tracking the ex pansion sentiment they will fhave accomplished more than any other set of men have ever done. ; As Aguinaldo expects to hold out until Bryan is elec ted President, the prospects of an earlv close of the war Hare not very bright.; When a political partj gets so depraved and rotten that it cant keep in power without stealing, it, out of respect for fairness i to per mit itself to -be: hurried r i The surest and quickest way to get what 'ou don't; i want is V) elect the demo- j jcratic part" to power. It j keeps on hand a supply of things that the people don't jwant. 1 One d inference between j Cleveland times and McKin j !e' times is that you don't I have to wear Cleveland badg es on your pants in McKin ilev times if vou don't want to. The Kentucky democrats j stole everything from the convention to the governor jship and Bryan, the great ; reformer that he is, has nev j er denounced the proceed jings. I The best plage to test the I merits of a party is from the standpoint of the man' who gets his bread by the .sweat of his brow. Of this class the republican party has nothing to fear this year. A little while ago it was those "Patriotic, liberty loving Filipinos." Now it is 4 4 the starving, ragged, wretched Porto Ricans." Zounds! what great sympa thizers the democrats are. 'Every resolution calling for information that .the democrats have asked Con gress to adopt has furnished an additional reason for the reelection of President Mc Kinlev. To intimate that the dem ocrats are following Brran like sheep is a pretty insinuation on the It would be a foolish touirh sheep, sheep indeed that would vote for Bryan. While the democrats are so busy pointing out the "trusts" that are flourishing under McKinlev 's adminis tration they ought to be fair and point out a few that were "busted by Cleve land's administration. Colonel Brewster, who was chairman of thajt histor ic BryctnS dinner in New York on the anniversary of Jefferson in '99'- has got a shamed of himself and walk ed but of the Bryan party. Who will be next? Kentucky democrats will gain nothing in the end by their- attempts to ; distract public attention from their own rascalities by making sensational charges connect in republicans with the kill - The truth is bound to be found out -- t started out to sav was this: i)o tint n.i ing of Goebel j postage stamps 011 subscriptions to theidid testimony to the skill i Y. J.; and when you send Monev Orders, : ... ... : c I have them drawn on Wilkesboro X C 1 Wlt" llich the tltUinceS . Of i jiuraxian rans not a m. u. oihce. j - - . - ' ! During the past three I years of Mc X i n 1 e v ' s a d m i n - ! istration our - exports were! j nearly one billion and a half, j 1. U1U 11. J. 11C1C1U1 C i A . v 4- 1- . 4-1 I mere theorizers imagine vain things The farm products of the United .States the past rear was worth ;,to. : the farmers 1 over one billion dollars more than in either-ojF the ' years j of demdcrjrticrule and., de- pression 'underjg- Cleveland . ! This money will talk, in a I loud voice at the November election. The democrats have some mighty slick tonarued orators, 1 ' a- '. a a dui it is gfoinir to taKe more 4.1 i ! a 7. a Liictu suck ton uesi oratory , brass band musiid sheet iron thunder combined to! a- i i : ... ci lxi j li ij' l uuv a . in rsiJiiic: sections. . . .. ! Among-all the wild-eved J business-wrecking schemes j of the administration has: proposed by the democrats brought us. And yet there we have yet to hear of a sin- ; are people who, want., us to gle democrat who asks for!ff back into our shell. , . the reenactment of the G-.)r- ; " , : . mon-Wilson, dificit-makino; i The Porto Rican fight in; - j soup house building tariff! law. They have something ! else to talk about now. The Iowa House of Rep- j resentatives nas passea a ; aesigneu to lurnisn revenue resolution denouncing the for the island government: Porto Rican tariff bill. The and to enable the Supreme Iowa representatives in Con-1 Court to consider a tes?t case gress say that the legislature j involving the right of. Con of their state does not under-1 gress to legislate as; it sees stand the situation and will come around to their side ! after they learn the truth of the matter. The Loud bill has been 1 killed in the House, and there are few to mourn over its grave. Popular opinion is decidedly with the con ten- ion that the anuaT postal deficit is due to railway eX.! Wdr' gruir voice., tortion instead of to abuse !in the back of the hall ask- of second class matter priv-led: "Well, how do youthink ileges.. If the United Statesybii 're goin&- to get it?" Mr. : should turn its entire mails Bryan failed to answer. -He' over to the express xom-L , . tt; o-n 'hacr. wn pauico a wa uauuug u. l jl CcjCLI L ra tes , the total ch a rge wou Id be only about 56,000,000. But the United States ; pays the railways $30,000,000 for exactlj the same service. j The fact that the Presi jdent and Secretary Gage icorfsider it advisable for Con- i war revenue taxes, is a sol en - ; me country nave oeen man- iaged. There , are few 11a- j tions whose revenues would ! s h o w a su r nl us of f ro in fi f t y to sixty millions the year af-' ter a foreign war. I ; Si - . . - V- I Tt-wC ;Mtmnar,ti' xuiiippincs are untrue, ine i m nnrf" nf linnrr th"rf snown ov omciai siatistics . i . i er. : . i j a T V -M f 1 I riCC T M 1 -- It" ll i j been for vears. InsteScL of -too saioons jh lviuuiia, il is positively asserted that there a. ... . .1 .i .. r.. ait: nut muic luuu a kauu in (III, JLU bliUl L LiiC VV ilUlC. 5iLU ry is one that has been works tr itti Na' "f n n n 1 1 nnrl r1pmo- I .r - - - . V crats for campaign purposes. I The correspondent snt 3 A-a PniTfttt! 1-1-1 c nf nor - fi'"i i tw wvjft v..-3 xv... . khfvwrc that thA tiirfrl St:irf i w . v,. ! makes no recompense to liu-1 rope for the 4open door" in i S1 m TXT 1 -1 .1 nriri rit r. i(rt iiaot xxrvt si V ri-n tttorr.; ' 1 1 t . -, j This shows td vvhat a point ; in luc auaiis wi luw viaui. j atld of the world, thepoiic - . ..'-- the Senate is over, and the. result is as it should be. The bill has been modified until; it will barely serve to attain the ends for which it : wa( fit for the territories ofnhe United States. , : , While speaking in New York the other night - Mr. Bryan said: 44 A dollar that rises in purchasing pevver is jjst as disnonest as the kiixiiii I si.ii iiii ill iirivi iii w V A. w m.m 44 W M M A w A A.M. . S ft.- X- JLAi fcj . . .- . ' I " f & ir t. ex. ot,(j. -i. punctured. The admission that the silver dollar falls in purchasing power j'as fatal to Bryan's, argument . . Ben- ton. IlC RepubHcai' remitting.