i i 1 vw w K EDITION. .1 vol. yt MORAVIAN F AEIiS , N C ; , THURSDAY , APRIL 12,. 3900. NO. 2 1 '- WEEKLY & MONTHLY. E. DON- LAWS, EDITOE. WEEKLY, ONE YEAR,...! BIX MONTHS, . . . Jv. . . MONTHLY, ONE YEAR; . 1 . J 80 . .20 CASH ALWAYS IN ADVANCE, A Cross Mark oh your paper medns that your subscription has expired i ririd tlat yon will receive no more papers4:ift- Entered at Mpravian Falls, N. second class matter . ; i, C.;as . a INSTRUCTIONS. Silver preferred to Postage Stamps on subscriptions. f ; Remittances of . silver, of small ! sums ina be made witli comparative safety in ordinary letters v using" good envelopes. Amounts above fifty cents it would, be well to send by Registered Letter,' I ? f P. O. Money Orders , are better still, but they must be drawn -on Wilkestjoro, N. Cras Moravian Falls ji not a Money Order office. When writing to' have your paper caangea you must give your former dut well as y.uur new auuress. Always write your own .name arid ad dress plainly; and direct all your iletters to Moravian fali J n. c. ISSUED EVERY THURSD Thursday, Apr. 12, 19pp. H - MELIiO THERE! Look Here, Brother:. Jf jypu are not already a subscrib $i to the Yellow Jacket,, consider this copy an" invitation' to be come one. - Read thispaper vo veiycafefullyrarid if y6.u Ukii i'.it, jnail usi50 cts;(fora;yar's sub "scrjptio,n. T : TheYi J.:each reek .will icon tain' something - good, and pachVgucceedUig.'' issue will o;et betterif itican;be;mtdfit so. Being a Jfium , believer, tinLthe. principles of Lincoln, .rt Grant Garfield: and McKipley,-- th ; i . J. will ever be found contending f o r the ' J;i gli tV. ah d , li be r ties of therieQple.f : AVewpuld not only like to have you becdiuV a subscriber, bo t we would alsorbe glad" to have' you do a little raiis sionary!tw;brI? for .us anjopg, your Kepubllcan friends and " neigh bors: , ;Yoii, can .reach those that we can't r ' Take thisr-copy when copy von so out f roni" home and ack- le every ,RepunHcan ,.:you . meet and doti't Ibt.nv oh liiiiajtilL vou have secured hisvsubserij) By so douigfyuvjI not be doinusa great favor, tion. bnlv but in vou will also be aidiuc us reach iricr the Deonle and help mg toprjesenttneiacis, oi ( xwe publicanism which orily . iced to be known by the people to make the Republican party so harmonious- ;andVinfuherable t hat the tribes , of , Bryan , the w.orld , tlifleslt antit hrf devil can 't overIir6Ht !at thl iolls next November f " You will ex)rienbe np . fliffi culty,inSn4i,njV1: yur neighbors who will take the pa- er, so try 'to make us up & club of 5 or 10. . If you cati't gel up a club,- then send' along ryour o.w n su bscript io i an d , try; th e club later. The Y. J. is no s lo cal, but circulates over, all jthe states, and preaclics the . re pub lican gospel in the interest ,pf com mon sense and as seen from the laboring man 's standpoint! Now this is about all.-You keiid along the subscriptions and help do the circulatm' and, we will do the preaehih':' Itead instruc- AY lions -at t o p . or t n is com m n , fo re rem Unrig. :' ' ; ' -; - a be Ticket -Dewey and Mc Lean: Pla tf ormKeep1 ; it in the family. r "' " Democratic promises this year will be; full y as good as their old ones. Oh , Dewey , dori ' t you do it.- If you do youfll wish jou hadn't 4 f EJx-Gdy . Campbel I , of Oh i o sums up the democratic out look in four ' words Bryan and another defeat; Cleveland's denial that he had aid,he woujd support Bryan is equivalent to a dec laration against him. We are adding over one hundred new subscriber's names to our list each week ; f: of the gold standard, f lt's enough to make the horses laugh to watch excit; able eaitors retire Irresiaent McKiril'e' because of the lit tie Porto Rican muddle. Don't lose sight of the ,fact that it is free t radii with t'Ke "'world, ;j:nt5t'- with little . . Pdrto Rico, that the demo crats want. The order of the Czar of Russia for 1,200 . improved rapid firing cannon can har dly be taken as anindication of continued peace in Europe . Kentucky democrats ' con tinue to monkev with the 1 .. ' mf buzz saw of fate. If they are not careful they will do one fool thirig too many. r Does not speH any thing, but what we started but to say was this : Do not send postage stamps on ; subscriptions to the .V. J. ; and when you send Money Orders, have them drawn on Wilkesporo, rv. Moravian Falls is'not a M. O.1 office. It is because .the solid in terests of the country know that Bryanism cannot win, this year, that our prosper ity 'continues to? Increase, ; ' Dembcrat ; who'3 ?can ;' ex tract - party - comfort f roni the Ohio" niuuici pal- leetions are the sort of men who cam , upon occasion, banquet on moonbeams - . : Solomon said ;there?: vvas nothing new tinder; the'' sun , but of epurse; thatT wis long before we had any red shirt democ rats of rioebel elect i6ri tf t". Th; way , i;jn wlich:;the Bryai. leaders are Jspeaking of Dewey -candidacy has in QZZJX LOOK MEREI We arS arranging to put in a new and rapid press, in about four weeks ; and very much improve the .Yellow Jacket., The complete outfit will .cost us over one thousand dollars but weve got to have it to meet the t rapidly 'growing circulation of the paper. Now to partly compensate for this: big outlay of cash, we want at least QNE THOUSAND :neW'J anftual subscript tions to go on ouf list by the time we put in the.press, and , we taskA every, subscriber .to help us to, get .them. .. Soys, put your shoulders to the" wheel ,and let's roll up tnat thousand! Take Registration or i Money Order fees out of remittance, k Don't .end stamtjs. Write plainly. . . v . - THE YELIX)W JACKET; 1 I i r: . i-ij suspicious resemblance: to whistling through a grave yard to kep their courage up. ,f ::.;-, ; , . . Louisianfans are once more devoting rnqre attention to raising political cain than to raising, sugar cane, not with standing their previous ex perience.shOjWing the former to be an unprofitable crop. Hon. 'Grover Cleveland . . ' has once more shown his lack of sympathy with the present leaders of the demo cratic party, by coming out good and strong for the Ni caragueGanal treaty. Aguinaldo isaid to have announced, Iiat his friend EM ward .Atkinson was about be eleptedrsidentf of the great state of Miljwaukee. The, Beer City ust certain - ly be in a great, state of mind over the news. A man . is a bigger fool than Thompson's colt to ex pect a democratic promise to be worth veiy much tqvy since it is only a .few years since people were living on free soup as the result of having accepted democratic promises. Intelligent persons must have observed that it is only when republicans are in con trol that Unck; Sam is able to accumulate a surplus in his Treasury, and it is only to in telligen t voters tha t re publicans appeal, to be kept in control. , ' The cable tells us that Commissioner Petk 4 has de cided ttvblose the "Ameri can section of the "Paris; fair on Sundays5; :Bciddaf 'is decidedly good. Mr. Peck reached'his 4 conclusion as a result of positive orders from the President , against which hep rotes ted ihvaihi : ' J J a : fc ; i-' . . . fc When an r anti-expiarision friend is denouncing :the Philippine policy of the govT c rn men r ana; cix 1 n g .ine c osr. of; the warljustTremind him that the nationabdept is de creasing, more every 4ay than f (r ' J lilt. ..4- .-.-r. under the Jast democratic Jadministratibn it Moravian rails, N. C. The demand for American steel ha s increased 100 per ceu t during the last year , tawing to foreign "orders. There isn t a " country on earth that is not buying ? A mericah steel, which we can make better and sell cheaper than the steel makers of a hy other couhtrv; : The substantial majority by which the Senate passed the Porto Rico bill must ha ve been af disagreeable u jolt to the know-it-alls who- have been saying that it would -be impossible to; get any bill providing for a tariff on Por to Rican products 7 through the Senate. . Dewey says that he isl a democrat. Butt this really doesn "explain much iWhatdKjP-oFQt: could be ex- sort of a democrat is he? There are so many kinds; Inhere are Cleveland demo crats i Silver democrats, Gold democrats, Anarchist demo crats, and Popo-democrats . In which category doe t he Admiral wish to range! him self. ; 1 " President McKidley' is strongly in favor of a reduc tion of war taxes, now -that it has become- certain H that the Treasury surplus 1 has come to stay, and las soon as it can be done without disturbance totade relations he will recommed a reduc tion to Congress, Wonder if the democrats wilM Jdare oppose that? v v V: Gen . GrbsverierV Chairman of the House Committee on Merchant Marine and Fish ers; lias presented Jfrom that Committee alfstrong report in favor of the shipping bill . The report was endorsed by all the ' republican members of the' committee; -'which f is as'it should be, as the bill is endorsed by practically all the -Republicans of the coun- tfVVarid by many democrats. " Democrats in . Vongress have opposed, appropriation' bills containing items I-made necessary by the.f . maintairiT ence of any-a.rmy-iii tb4;Bhil ippine, but :not one rof rthem has-darM: to i say that he' opposed making those par ticular appropriations; - al though several of thein halve beeri pinned down by repub licans and compelled to : say that they were' not opposed to- supporting our army . ?If every man ;in the United States who has; been profited by the Republican adminis tration would ;vote s for Re- ; publicanism in November there wouldn' be enough left of the Bryanistic. crowd to hold a political prayer meeting at 4 Cross oads school house But ;t here, can always be found a few, .peo ple who will cut- Off their nose to sbite their face and' thank the Lord for the5 op portunity. ' A 4 4 Divine ' hearler out in Illinois claims, to have had. a vision in which he saw hell and says ifor the x benefit of podr ,'isuffering hunianit' , that the literal -hell - of fire and brimstone x does not ex ist.'' -He further says that 4 4 hell as . simply darkness and stagnajtiom f ' , It 's a twb; to one bet that the ; gentleman was only- 0 vouchsafed a: pectedits the. democratic par ty "were to get control, of the c.ountry and would, put its theories into practice. We understand that the editor of the : Lebanon Vir ginia; News says - that the editor of the Yellow Jacket is a nigger. We will; plank down to the News man a dollar for ;eyery subscriber he'hasfgotf to his rotten; ly ingdish rag of a paper if he wi Improve it,orif he, prefers, we will get on the train, a ud run up to Lebenon and give him the chance of - personal ! observation1 if i he will pro--duce, , three reputable .wit nesses, who, will swear , . that the editor of , the; News is hot adarned fool. -F it .4 Representative Marshes blood arose 'q" jthe. boiling point' yesterday' when he an swered the. American "Agui naldists: and, t;;us?d . .some plam langjijigel '.jabpu t th e Democratic party in general and bnVof its iribst offensive members in particular-Mr. Xrentz. With one : of his ;statementsawe; think . nearly all .'downright . Americans ft' ws . in peacei the 'Democratic party is ailrhell fpr ' war, and in a 'air hell ; fof r peace. And he ? mights have, added another , truth which the Nation hSs learned !from un yaryihgr experience that th e Democratic rparty is; alt; hell , fbigetfiing the? country - into trouble xyhett'it1;6ut; of it, and fwhn 1 1 tes got lis . . . into ;tbellf tioayelsel tdjget us out4 of it. -1 V V