A, - : .. -..a J ; - "-. i. l-f V ; - y - f -i Z?r.Si . V:'4-Pr '-,:.s7;iiS':'4? ; :" -' - ' . ; . -"';,r - ' . r'" VOX,.' VI. . AIORAVIAN FALLS, 1. C, THURSDAY, APRIL 26, 1900. " : ' ' NO. 4 ; - I : i ; - : : : ' ' r ... j . -, i 1 i,' 5 THE YELLOWtJACKET. WEEKLY & MONTHLY. B. HON LAWS, EDITOR WEEKLY, ONE YEAR,. .". . 50 f SIX MONTH'S, .... .... . . . . 5)0 MONTHLY, ONE YEAR, . . . .10 CASH ALWAYS IN D VANCE. A Cross Mark on your, paper means tliat your suDscnjDtion Has expired, and mat yon win receive no more papers Un less you renew. Entered at Moravian Fills, N. C. as second class matter. INSTRUCTIONS. fc" Silver preferred to .Postage Stamp j on subscriptions.. Remittances of silver o ' small sums may be made with, compara ive safety in ordinary letters, using good envelopes. Amounts above fifty cents "it would be well to send by Reeastered JLetter. . O. r Money Orders are better still, Wilkesboro, but tliev must be drawn on jn. Las Moravian Jb ails 'is not a Money Order, office. When writincr to have your paper chaiired vou must cive vour former as well as your new address. Always write your own name and ad dress nlainly. and direct all y 3ur letters to The Yellovv-Tacket, - - i r ' ' Moravian I 'Ai,ii, N. C. QlSSUJEP EVERY THURSDAY. C : Thursday, Apr. 26, 1 900. . L - , ( HEXilA) THE! Look Here, Brother : If you ""-are not already a subs sriber to the . Yellow . Jacket, consider this popy an invitation to be cqm ;one.CiKbacl this paper o t veTjearef uliy an d if you like it , mai) 'us; 50 cts. ; for a years sub r fseri ptioli . Th e Y . J . eajch week vilUcontaiu something . good. and' ea'cli succeeding isslie will gjOetleFiFir'clair he made so J5eiiig:a: ,nrni oeiieyr principles, of Lincoln, Garfield? hud' McKinlejv in tne Grant, the Y. J. will; eyeibe"ixund!edntei:ding ibr t&;Sightsand of the . people. We : would not only like to have you - bee )me a subscriber, but .we .wo'pld; ilso be glad to 'bayey!6u iip.aitt e mis sion'aixworlc;f6 ? your Republican" friends and,.beigh- bors. You.caiL-ri2acli .those that we can't. . Take this copy you go? out irom home anc le every JRepubiicau you when 1 vou and don't let up on, him ti iave setirdf Msubscrip I3v so elbinu: y oh' will not tion. onh; be doing us a great favor you will also be ; aiding u but in reaching he people . and ing to present" the "facts of publicanism . which only Kfjp lie to be known by tlje ..pepp to make the. Republican part harmonious ::and invulnei Lablo tli at the " trioes J of Bryan , world ,1 hefleshl and.,; the the evil can 't overthrow at tat the oils n ext November You will experience no di in- cn l ty i n , fi n di n g . se veral of y j u v neiglibors.who w.ill take; the pa &?r, so try to make us up a club of 5 or 10. If you can't set up va club, then send along your own subscription and try ilie club latei The Y. T, is not lo cal, but circulates over , all t'Jie states and preaclies-the repi lican gospel in the ' interest b of 'nmmrkn conP nnrl seen frnlm the laboring man V standpoint;. J. . . i i 4 1 1 i XT now uus is abouj aii; xuu sei d along the subsi;nptipnstaiid he l 11 do the circulatiti' and y. e wi do thG breachin,J; llead instru tions at topof'tbis c.dluai!2, b i lore remittirVLf. " ' - EOITOKIAL REMARKS. Many men have ceased to be democrats " because they object to being tied to a corps. 1 he Dewey candidacy is I giving the Bryanites a big any- , scare, if it isn't ! thing else. doing ; "The Yellow Jacket has a i larger general circulation than any other republican paper published in the south. Well, Gomez still sa's that he has faith in the Uni ted States, even though Pet tigrew and Wellington have lost it. ' iZJ'X. Does not spell a ny thing, but what we started out to say was this: Do not send postage stamps on subscriptions to the Y. J.; and when you send Money Orders, have them drawn on Wilkesboro, N. IVTomvIfin "PjiTIq i not a'M O ofFi re Isn't it about time for the ISTw "Vorlr YpIIow "Kid to send n hallnhn evnedition to t. HplPtia to resr.ue. Oener- al Cronie? - Prosperity and demo - rrntinrnle have never been known to both prevail in the) United States at the samel time. This is going to be a re publican year simply because the people have been brought to have faith in republican principles and policies. "Rhode Island is a small state but McKinley. prosper ity en n bled it to turn out a big republican majority the other day. ' One of the "conspicious signs of the times just now is a republican club at Den ver, composed of voters who I in ,Q6 supported the other side. Of course times may be- , :;;!come better than they are to-day, but it win never oc cur under a democratic ad ministration.. In saying that he. will a: gain appeal to the people of Montana for election to the Senate,: "doe's Mr. Clark mean to drop a iiint that--his bar rel yyill again b.e on tap? There isn't the slightest probability that the .republi can Vice Presidential nomi nation will have; to be forced on.anybody. It is an ' honor that has never oeen aecimeu. '' ' ' . '" "" , ifIn thelast lirie of t lie first column on third pae of this hccup the word "prevents pre; lap pears wher e the word permits was intended. Mistakes will occur in well regulated print shops and more especially in this of ours. The overwhelming triumph of Senator Morgan, who is an expansionist, in the Ala bama democratic primary election, ought to be a use ful hint to the democratic platform-makers. Secretary Long, who was as far west as Colorado, says he found plenty of enthusi asm for Admiral Dewey as the hero of Manila Bay, but absolutely none for him as a Presidential candidate. Mr. Cleveland is right when he says that the de- ! . r ! Solely by the mistakes of its mocracv cannot triumpn C.H ponents, but must itself T- . - . - . - . do aomethino- to show that it is worthy of power. A democratic exchange calls uPotl s to name a trust I C A. 11. or any consequeuce inat tne republican aaintntstration 1 has busted. Why bless your ! iite the tree ROUP- trust.- That's otic. Come again. A palmist of some note makes the'startling announce ment that the fate Hue in Bryan's hand reads -"victory." Boys, shuck your coats and shout. Here, at last, is one favorable sign for Billy. , Anyhow, Senator Hoar thinks it better to stick to a party that has made what he considers one mistake, rather than to go over to a party that has 'never made anything, but mistakes. The average democrat cannot understand Grover Cleveland's . poly-syllables and shies violently at them. If the colored brethren were democrats the result might be different as, that race dearly loves big words. When Porto Rico belonged to Spain she paid 2 cents a pound .to get her sugar in to the United : States under the Wilson Bill. Under the Porto Rican bill, . you hear so much about, it will cost her one-half a cent to land her sugar. About the funniest thing in politics is to hear a, Free Trade democrat arraigning the- republican party as 4 'England 's tool ? Being the, daddy of Free Trade,. Eng land hates the protective Tariff. worse than the devil does-hoi v water. ' We want 500 new agents right away to solicit sub scriptioris to theYellow Jacket. There is mbey in it for you. Write for Terms and Subscription Blanks if you mean business. The democratic papers continue to write idiotori- als" about the iniquitous burdens of Dingleyism and republican extravagance, but they can't hide the fact that the public debt is decreasing now at about the'same ratio it increased under the dem ocratic rule. l lie amount or money mr circulation m March was some $20,000,000 more than it was the month before, largely as the result of the new currency bill passed by the republican Congress. The per capita circulation of the country is now by far equip us with the stench pro the largest in the world. dnrino- nrr.outef merits of a Hill sa7s he will run the campaign in New York: this year if the democrats don't maKe-roois ot tnemseives at Kansas city, or in other words if they will not adopt the Chicago platform. But the chances are 16 to.l ,that they will 4 4 make fools of themselves" at Kansas city and everywhere else. See. There are portions of Ken- tucky where it isn't safe to quote from the Bible. Amah was killed in Lexington, just because he, doubtless think- ing of Job's observation 44A11 men are liars "walked into a corner grocery and re- marked that none of those present, excepting the store- keeper, were capable of tell- ine the truth. . passed the ;-pin"giey ariffbUl , The good Orator Puff who ..mastered tn speaks from the top of fac- world, started the If uf nates' -tory smoke stacks- may not in theadle mills of : theria- ; be able to parade' the country tion; passed ; th ! currency and, jam wind from the tail bill, f red Cuba "and -licked , end of a special car this year, Spain, ;and'afman but his sterling eloquence:. to',. ,be;;'W will appeal more strongly to than Jesus Christ? I that rwill the buisness interests of the assert that it has done ndth cohntry than all the Boy Or- ing-earns a sdrer:throat When : ators that you could stuff in- he make'suc statemehtki to the Hoosac: tunnel.': r ; Another pne c ' Bryan's .; favorites is.: "Today, we are The Republicans in the d rif ti nga way from h the Dec - House have decided that it laratioti of Independence to ; i - .r . ... ... .. - f.n. . -.r . - ' ' is' not necessary . to : amend Monarchy:' vh5Dhe.ThaSrWho the Constitution in order td deliberately ulse 'the word make things' warm ? for the. 1 'Mdriarcby "rV in .. -: cbnnectibn trusts. They will accord-rwith ingly soon report a bill which it is1 hoped will , reach the' evil. Tliis is as if should be V Evils' that , require';' a Constitutional Amendment to.reform thme likely. to bedong .lived. . VV. ltness the present method ; of .electiho-; senators. J Protection : to Amen industries, sound money the American people aiid 1 preservation of 1 Americ honor is the reouDiic platform in a nut shell, a any man who would object j this would want .to kickr:o of Heaven if he were therd Our allusion, two- weed ago, to t ne statementr ti Lebanon , Virginia New man,. seems to have affords him the opportunity to ' tea wide open4 his ?stink-tan and give utterence to an a' column of low-grade slan; and vulgarity that no decen man would inject, into, the columns of a respectabl newspaper. We have v toe much respect :f or decency tc put ourselves on a plain wi t li such sewer-pipe suckers, be-J sides the Almighty .. didn't pole cat like he did the "edi- ru 11 resent tne isnappiugs ; of a Curr, the kicks of a jackass, or the mdutliihgs of a- fool , but w want tfufc readers to understand that Ve' always a skunk the road ; " " ' . -t- . LateMispatches ,say .tliat Col. Bryan is suffering from a severe sore throat and1 has been almost; unable1 to speak. it V no wonder. What bet- ter could be , expected from an:effort to get siich queer doctrines as he is preaching into the form of 'v -speech? For. instance'he s;avys:; 44The republican party "hadone nothin sihee 896." it poSsibie that: ;Mr. Bryan takes the people-to be a set Gf raving -; becussed fodls? nu -UMnU ;:,mrfV' lnn any possible; futureripf this country is a vdemagoguir pure and. siinpleJ Thatall ; there isaut-himWeave heard this cry years ?ajo. The time has passed in ,j:liisl cbunti when intelligent 3 ; ; - , ' ;1:-;-1r-;,!v: vters can betfooledy ayr such clap trap. ;c ' : T i ' - "3. - i'-- i