THE BE - u : .. TTades. Apr. 15th, 1900. To niv democratic friends, throughout t be Upitea states rpnr Bovs: I am so glad to have the' pleasure of writing vou again . Don 't think , boys , that I have forgotten you. Bless your old souls I couldn't afford to be that ungrateful. My future business would be a gloomy prospect without our influence and encourage ment. I think of you all ev ery time a ballot-box stuff er or Goebelite comes to my kingdom, and njy only re gret is that you paven't got a Goebel election law in ev ery state of the American Union. Or if we had a uni versal Goebel law it would be better. We kvould have a devil of a time then. I'd soon have to enlarge my roasting machine one hun- i i f 1 ifi.' ' L . a 4- i C . , WOUld llKe IO DC WILLI yuu in the present campaign and . . T , i helo you denounce trusts ana St against expansion, but , 4 1 nave lots to up. xuu campaign yearfare always year promises no exception. While I can't be with you in person I am always with you A 1 t u T 4- 4- Vl . CT TTTT 1 XT urea ioia to acc jmouaLc ujci . , - aa vast increase of business itJ ant devils who preceded to would afford de. Boys, I If t the Goeblers have it un , . J -n der the ribs with read hot in tne suiriL, aim ah tuiaway -l 1 'l , i. Vinnrlc rF pren mv best help you thru many tignt v J , 1 JHu piaces wnere you wuu.u u.u- erwise be leix nlio-ht. I trus a t C 1 in saa you remem- ber me in all your undertak ings. When iri trouble al ways look to me. I'd drop sr. c- l my Diismess any u au; swer tne emmergenc uu ui speding 150,000 dol- crat advisedly, lnere are tv . . . a few scatteriW democrats oose his seat ,n the Senate a icvv owauwv. jz, , is enough to make us all teel vou know who don t belong J n"Ueg. 15. th to 'the machine, but there are bad. But like, the good not enough of them to do us democrat he is Clark is go any harm. Most of these S ? tr7 ltSa.: 1 hoP. U eventuaiq go over to the dejjocnge ed itors won the republican, where they ni . 11 t" affair. The people are al- wiu nsrnt us openiv wucicas they are now fighting us in secret. Business is very livelv down here now. and I'm getting everything siz- j7. ft t msr not.; low rcmemuci x wrote you in February that T ,; . T r I was having a devil o t,i:4. time with the Urucucuicu that had comfe down here. uf vc.""'. Ahell was otis-inallv con- which are hurting our part. As hell was original! coiv Wfa B Tillman declared tracted it was supposed to vv L1 a c" q4-u contain accommodations for that the democrats m South every class of people, and as Carolina "had stuffed ballot a matter of I never had boxes shot niggers and were any serious trouble until not ashamed of it he told those Kentucky fellows be- the truth but he made a devil gantoarriveJ You know I of a mistake. There are had to drop everything else several democrats in S. C. and build a special cage to that love fair play and hon put these Gobelites in be- est dealing and who are cause I knewTthat if I didn't Wwdlj lead to believe that they would sion steal all the the democratic party is iip coal and brinistone and even right and honorable, and it j 1 Ben. who is a little go a a- ... L 'i. r iJC l-4 1 Mil UUL tjl 111 V j-rV. . - business. 1 no since caeing - il. - T 1 , , b up the boys, jl nave naa an awful time. They keep upl such an evetlastine racket tnat it gives me the head- ache, beside they have act uallv worn out two steel cages fightitig in them since anti- w irebruary. J You see I have two UoeDei aemocrats i i j i in cage. They the Goebel are opposed to kUV. IDC vjv-uci law On tne grounds that it don't afford as much chance for fraud and trickery as it should have done," They accused the Goeblers of being cow ards for this defect in the law and the result, was a fight which has been going on incessently for nearly two months. When the racket began I tried to stop it by getting on top of their cage and pouring melted pot met al down their backs through the cracks between the bars, but the hotter 1 made it for themthe harder they fought, besides I like to have met with a serious misfortune myself. Unthoughtedly I let my tail drop down thru a crack in the cage whereupon at least a dozen of these dev- lish wretches grabbed it. Angels and ministers of mercy, how they pulled it! I never, was hurt so bad since I was kicked out of Heaven. My screams brought to mv assistence a- bout a dozen of my lieuten- . 14- err. pitchforks till thej, let go tnT- fml TTnw T did wish j zr;' , t that Ben Tillman had been there with his pitchfork. - . My.tol wa. badly hnrt and than ornament ever since. But this has learned me a lesson. It learned me never to let mv tail fall into the V 7-:. r n friends, lest m a nt ot po- u' Hrnnhnhia thev seize "U4V-":" .r v J it and tear it rrom its very foundation. I was very sorry to learn that the United States Sen ate kicked out Clark from That was too bad , . n ready finding out so much a- bout our devilment .that : e are going to have .a tbunder- f ion hara time fe"l" bodv elected this summer. j rj.tx.i. ,r see it c on u a wa . to be too bold about our husiness. Several democrats . , I mnncr them, has a little more ! ! ..." i ! 1- -t.4- i r- 4-lnc hA 1 orftintr ouo" " , . " rt TV" fn.lrivs tVlfCF tnlkS ItttO the """'" . Republican party. 1 admire Ben and all other democrats for Laei1. - . "y, but it pains me to see tnem stana UP Di:a . . . 1 i bout xt- Bo's 11 ls ?11 rltit to accuse the republicans of rascality and fraud of every kind, but for mv sake and I r , J I 1 -a 1? your saKe ana tne saiie oi vit-d 1 uiu iai wv. ""J - of your rascality like Tilman did. Then there is Aycock whoin your party has nomi nated for Governor of ISorth Carolina, has played thunder by declairinor that the demo cratic party 'has ruled by fraud" in Ins staie. several democratic editor, . swear that he never uttered such language, but I tear ifc ftinnest democrats will regard their statements somewhat like the gooa peo ple do mine. . But if Sim mons, who is the ringleader of machine democracy - in North Carolina, carries out the special instructions tnai I g-ave him we'll score a Dig victorv in that state u- August. We will carry the Ammendment which will disfranchise over one hun dred thousand foor devils and of course it will be smooth sailing after that. Those states that have dis frtirhised the poor and lg- M, A r4m, V 4, - norant population are send- ,ng me aoou -? --v - cruits as tney uiu uuuC1 Soup-house poverty admin- istration of Grover Cleve- and. If yo want, to make a fiend and a devil out of a man take away his right to a. man LclKC away wV vnte. Give him to under- ;t i rn1v theedu- 4.1 fV,o rh-h xrhn hnv sense enough to know how sense cuuuu " "w " to use the ballot properly, If vou cint succeed, in ais- r... : iif'f why pass an election law like we have in Arkansas, Virginia, Kentucky or North Carolina, which puts the entire election machinery in the hands of one part v. ill LAIC vx vuv J- Then you can always throw mn-Vi vnn nlease and hold the offices. It may sometimes strain your con- sciences to help put such a law upon any state, but re- member that you win De re- warded some time. xou know how the democratic legislature which passed the Goebel law in Ky. also pass- .. . ' t i i 1 ' ed a bill at tne same session known as the "Prison Bill" which turned out the Re- publican officers and guards of the penitentiary and supt. of charitable institutions in the middle of their terms and distributed their offices . 1 -C 4.1.. amonsr tne memuers oi luc legislature as remuneration for their support of theGoe- bel law. And then if you should not be rewarded up there I will remember you when you come to my kingdom by fur nishing a tub of salt and snow for you to cool your tails in and a dozen assistant devils to fan j'ou. Now I want you to go to work. We have a big job on our hands this year. We have got to yoke the popu list party and the Bryan dempcrats up together and get the free silver republi cans to get m our Dana wag- on. we ve got to iuse witn every old thing that will give us a vote. Pay no attention to consistency nor party tra dition. You know if we had . A to abiae dv consistency or partv tradition, we mierht as well shut uo shoo. What k i you fellows want and all you care about is the offices . You have all ot the office trh and nothing but official sal aries will do it any efood,but you have got to scratch like the devil (that's me) to get them this year. You have got to not only scratch, but you have got to tell lies and lots of them. Invent all the new lies you can, and tell all your old ones in a new way 'Promise everything asked. If you are running for office promise places to every body. This is the way I in structed Bryan . to dp and he 's carrying out my advice to the letter. He informs me that he has promised Cabinet positions to 16 hun dred persons and lesser offices to a small sized army. You see this accounts for the way the boys are whooping her Hrvan. Come out o-ood and strong against! trusts and expansion . ne trusts wont care how much you abuse them. They know that your National Chairman is a big stock holder in the American Cotton Trust. Call them those damnable, bald-headed, readied brim- stone.eatinff. blood-suckers - ---- .r v; . u of honest toil. You see such talk as that will scare lots of fools and cause them to vote the democratic ticket, Save lots of breath . to , de- tiAiinrp pynanmon . DUt ClOU t - - i f nounce expansion, but don t call it expansion. c-au imperialism, ana maice it sound as horrible as Pps81' , T , , - A 'a... ble. In short, rip. and storm rnn. hpratise as 1 Said in fflV last letter, you know lots of uemut. vnxVw aemocr that will not stop to listen t A. ... it --v I nnr n ti i that will not stop to listen tp argument. Many of them also want to believe a- he, therefore let them be damn- . , -- ed. That s scripture and 1 want you to help me to ap- ply it to the people on this tApauoiuu h I have a lot more that I woild love to talk about but my tan is paimu mucn ngut uuw tuac x vvm have to close. I will; write you again when my tail gets better and tell you just how T .--- 4- itmi 4-- . r-i i -n -f l-i 1 n rrc j. wam ju Give my love to all the dem- ocratic candidates. Tell Aycock and Tillman that I'll forgive them if they wont talk so any more. Now, .boys, for the sake of all thats in democracy, don't 1 -i4- Viic 1a4--cki" rrcki- vt4-r 4-Vc icu ti g,- Hands ot tnat blasted x enow Jacket man. It just beats the devil how that Yellow Jacket fellow is catch in 2f on to our tricks. I hate him worse than I do holy water. Now in conclusion let me thank you for the valuable en me in your management t - 4-. n -CC m mr- n m A ot election altairs anri m cheating the republicans out or votes, i? rom time to time 1 will Hadlv criv von H- 7 m 0 J " ' " - vice in tbe business of elec- tion trices, as l nave been in the business longer than any lived I intended to have ap pointed him as democratic chief on election laws in the m u w . . m mt m m m v m m - w -mB7 uuikyu v v-v-wj um l -L. aiu UUW ..... f . - - . to Simmon of North rnrn. to oimmons oi iortn taro- hna . He comes nearer be- JX.. 4. ..A, '' ll iihL d ucuiucidL aiier mv uvvu heart than any man on your planet, and if he carries his state this year I'll reward him by making him chief lieutenant devil over all my dominions. Lets whoop her up, boys , and have a general juonee. If vou need any assistance letme know and I'll come up or send a hand. ; You rs for democratic success and also with a very sore tail. SATAN DID VII. P. S I forgot to tell you one thing. Now this is strict ly confidential. I have de cided to help elect Bryan by the use of a few miracles. I had nearly forgotten how to work them, as vou know I haven't had much experience since the da-s of Pharoah wtien I blooded the waters of Egypt, turned walking sticks into snakes, brought 1 up frogs, etc. But I tried my luck again the other day and. the result was that a hen in North Carolina laid; an egg with the initials of W. J. Bryan on the shell. Lots of superstitious repub licans will look upon this in cident with reverence ? : nd refuse to go against Bran. They, will never suspect that I bossed the job. I am go ing to try another trick. I believe I can work a miracle in the ballot boxes, bv caus- ! .i.:. ' f' . . flvuol. -a fVif- names Qf the democratic can- didates to appear m their places. If I succeed in doing this we're solid. It will beat Goebel laws, stuffing i . the boxes or voting dead ni wrR;ollt ofsiht. the boxes or votins: dead nig ers;.ouJ of sight,. ' A S. D. 'iGNS J -MARKS A DES1G TRSHP.M AND COPYRIGHTS ADVICE AS TO PATENTABILITY rpfoj OoTAIncU Notice in "Inventive Age " I 3 1 ni Book"HowtooOtain-aMJiiLs - u UU jUUk min mm mm s Charges moderate. No fee till patent is i secured. 1 E. G. SIG6ERS, Patent Lawyer, Washington, 0. C A. Avm,1,rvmA ' sltSO Cet I BBAWATIA CLamA WtAf?1. fcVf XT fa.. Of tQO lO. for fre examination and axlvice. S BOOK 0llPATHlT8R?5fcSopSSi Patent Lawyers. WASH IN GTO N , D . 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