WEEKLY EDITION. "- t t V A t. Vol. vi. , : ir-Mg5BM,all,IBIw,l,MI11 " " . ... : ........ - - . . J. " -: " aAH MM - - . J ' ' i . 1 1 1 IMWMHJ ED rNCv, THURSDAY, MAY 24, 1 900. NO. 8 liHE YELLOW-JAGIE: WEEKLY & MONTHLY;; ,!P.. :'D0Xf LAWS, 'WEEKLY, ONE YEAR, . . ;,. 50 ;SIX MONTHS, .. . .V... .... 80" MONTHLY, ONE XE .20 CASH ALWAYS IN ADVANCE. : A Cross Mark on your ' paper means that your subscription has expired, and that yon will receive no more jikpers un less. yoU renew. . - . : , . : j-y Entered at Moravian Falls, N. second class matter. "X: ' . C. as , INSTRUCTIONS, i: Silver preferred to Postage Stamns on subscriptions. ' , A':- '' - , Remittances of silver of small sums may be made with comparative safety in rdinaryj letters, using good envelopes. Amounts! above -fifty cents it - would be well to send by Registered letter. - P. O. Money Orders are better still, but they must be drawn on .Wilkesborb, X. C. as Moravian Falls isnot a Money Onler off ce. . '"'A A -A r ;A .'"L ; ' 1TOIUA& itEMAKKS. . Punish the tliioves f iWill Abdul Jlarnid :manaffe acve a place in the ; party auormsr '. jMosqui toes may not cause malarial, but they certainly ' do cause, insomnia. : ' " tl Adrairal Dewey is finding oil t e difference between hurrah ahd Presidential support, f The pops figured that if one ticket would make things lively two would make them livelier. W ... . V . .... ... - - Let no guilty man escape is; the motto of the - administra tion in dealing with those pos tal scoundrels in Cuba, and it will be endorsed by the jieople. Prominent democrats are jol- lying viowne with a view to persuading him to withdraw from the Bryan pop. ticket, af ter, the Kansas City convention nominates somebody else. I Upon Bryan's retirement 'for a few; weeks rest,, his running mate, Aguinaldo, it is said,! took tl field. v Hen j writing to - have your j paper umscu you must give yourtormer as well ai, wur new aaoress. y : ' v ' - ?V- U1S n Ahvays1 write your own name and ad-1 fnkf J v.v. vauj 9 iu4 uucuuii your je tiers 10 V .THE YEIAOW-JaCKKT, : . Moravian Faixs, N. C. In speaking of Ireland, Lord Salisbury., it seemsv never opens his mouth without putting his m it. : ; Senators Pettigrew ahd But ler are credited-with having put Town eon the Bryan pop ticket for no - other purpose than to help them in their ' campaign for reelection to the Senate. The coming eclipse of the sun will be only partial in the greater portion of . the U. S.. but the eclipse of the democrat ic party next November will be complete. The Populist platform mak ers at Sioux Falls seems to have tackled every proposition and the sooner it takes steps ; to build an armor plant of its own , or to "force the steel companies to su pply it at reason able rates , th e better it will be. . There can never be enough prosperity to get some men a jh. The price of corn ..within six mouths has advanced one third. Four years ago an army of- sil-ver-tongned orators" was para ding the country and insisting that corn would soon be a worthless incumbrance unless the money, of the country was degraded to the free silver level. The achievements of McKin- . that President McKinley is re sponsible for the postal thieve ry in Cuba. . : 'Read your Yellow Jacket and pass it along to your neighbor. ! We notice that the democrats still believe in the free and un limited coin age of promises " Mr. democrat j do you ber those speeches? re mem- ex- How do the democrats expect ept "the end of the century the neonleto trust them rn hnct. problem." AVhv was this left ISSUED EVERY THURSDAY. th trusts when the democrats fov future generations to worry Tliursday, May , 24, lOOOj i. won't trust one another? th to corral a single elector. GIT A HUMP ON! LookjHere, Brother : If .you are jiot already a subscriber' to the Yellow Jacket, consider this copy an invitation to . become one. Read this paper oyer and if you line it, Kena us cents lor; a ears subscription. You will firid ihe Y. J- a warm article. Its bus- compulsory arbitration law. iness end registers 200 degrees in the shade. - This paper each week over? Debbs and Barker and Don- The Cincinnati Enquirer is nelly might pool their votes and willing that a little sense should en they wouldn't get enough he injected into the Kansas City The anxiety of the democrats lest the republicans in Congress do something, or leave r some thing undone, that will injure their ch ances of carrying the country is. the most humorous exhibition of the season: -i No body knows better than the democratic leaders that Presi dent McKinlev will be reelected by a larger majority than he received in '96. - ley will live in the hearts of the people long after the grass hop pers of democracy have . held high carnival over the neglected grave of Bryanism. . A Yankee has discovered a . new process of making butter by forcing wind into the milk. ' Like most great discoveries it came about accidentally " by hdlding1 a free silver convention in a cream rv. The only civilized country, in which? there are no labor strikes is new Zealand, which has a platform, but the rest of the party is the same old jackass and will tolerate nothing of the kind. Southern papers have much to say about the "good impress ion" made by Admiral Dewey, One of the most encouraging will contain something good and signs' of the season is Jerry hut none of them have reported each, succeeding issue will get bet- cf? Lorkr.0 onn.f u0Jthe selection of any Dewey del- eT if cau be maaD. ; Being a disusted with the politi. egates to tho Kansas Gity vention. : , v -VA cal outlook. tne great party; oi xincoin, vjt rant; Garfiel.il and - McKinley we will ..i ili r",A lJ:AiAin ' fl - Do names carrv hoodoos ? ;i u: vn i m mil in . i i i i r-: 1 1 i i fc? - e i i ; . , mj ' ' i 1 . o a t ,r , uninstructed delegations to iair pla, and for the rights and Graver Cleveland , Moxlev, a H (n . . . -i' , , TTT. i -:J - ... Kansas Citv are "hissms: jiDeruespi tiie peopie, . aim wag: j"mh ,h.hiiijjiuu iu.ui, is jji ing an unrelenting battle against trouble foirobbing an Express the dovil and the so-called Demo: I company; erratic party. . We don t only, want you to Decome a 8uoscn:r, u.ii, -tVo agree with the . poet that iouiu ik, pioascHi to juive thJ: modulating "Song of the you uo a nuw missionarj ;-- LaLk ig very prctty( ut ; for mong your Republican jfriendsi Since our last issue we have ed ! 200 new subscribers' ,,,; Tnt,. Yl .T. when vou "L?yf Hen. io out from home, and tackle ev- ry KepuDJican you meet aim gL &i him to subscribe;' Tn this way you f adde will not only be ddihg us a. great names on our i books, besides i avor but you wiH also:be aiding . - nuraber of renewals; us in reaching the neople,. and m? . ' ' Re- Exbansion ! You bet. puDiicanism, wnicn only .neeu . w p Rpnnhii.nn ,o, cn mpr! ' Te rainy season in ji11v strnntr cn Krmminiis and Africa is about" over . - ' k a W A A H AAA " - - a I tribes of Democrats will have to pre- 1.1 , TT . . , buse of Senator Hanna before Some time ago Sam Jones said he believed that the "devil and the democrats were against The Neelev defalcation should, I God." Sam has shown his faith and will, be probed to the hot- ly bis works as he has now torn. It was scarcely possible come over 10 lne wpuoucan that out of the thousands of off- n a new possessions, there should pose to kick every man out of not be a few rogues. But there the democratic party in Ken- have been very few. and those tucky who refuses to endorse few should be huntedTdown re- their methods. The Goeblers 1 , rnt j j adopted iron clad rules in tbt lentlessly. ,This is demanded, - , ,. - ; . - , J i th congressional district the not.onlybjevery sense of Qther day denying the right to right and justice, but in the in- vote m the primary, to all dem terest of preserving our iair ocrats Who didn 't vote for Goe- name before the world. Pel Jast iNov. xms same spirit prevails m North Carolina. ,lt. a democrat has the hardihood We are highly gratified over and bravery to oppose the A- the valuable assistance . the mendmeut or auy other piece democrats all over the country- of democratic rascality, the , . , xr 11 v T 1 Simmons doodlebugs proceed are rendering the ellow Jack- tQ read M bt oUeptXty and et. rium an tjecuous couie re- class him as a "nigger" or of ports that the machine demo- the "black and tan", brigade. . crats despise the Y. J. and that the limber jack fellows de- Kansas is to organize a farm- nounce it with the most bitter ers trust. : This is certainly terms. This induces1 numbers running the octopus into" tho of people, who never heard of Srounc- the Y. J. before, to learn of -its Kentucky's crop of hemp this whereabouts and to subscribe year will be the largest on rec- at once, for observation and ex- rd;. She needs plenty in Jier periencejiayeitaught them that fKA.r nnn nKnnffo ; oxr vAfoc o niguer inuuw ur euuurse- ii western poet nas written a their exnerience four vears airb ment can.be given to anything poem called "I'll Walk With uieir experience lour years ago p v5t tTawov u con Senator Tillman declares that snakes'. Don't' send them, brethren. Democrats are too prone to see snakes or octo puses at any time. should have taught them that much, . but when did the demo cratic party profi t "by experience? invulnerable that the Bryan, the world, the flesh and the ''-vil can't overthrow it at . the ol!s next November.; ... A See all -qur neighbors and make up a club of 5 or 10. ; If you can't et the club now, send along your own sub. and try the club later. The Yellow Jacket is not hcal, b ii t c-i rchla tes al I : over America and goes Jo foreign lands, and, all the time preaches nothing but Re publican I gospel -and common, sen se. Before sending money, read'instructions'at top of this col umn. NTow', brother take tbe case You send ilong the subs, and help do thecirdulating.and we will do the preaching:. Let the band, play poets will have to stop rhy ming assist the- democratic party in jMm withV-blp6d or take fastenin unon tbe brave and honest people of North Carolina a-law that will ultnnatelyv;dis- South and .the -We would ; rather; be a toad and spend oiir days ' in - the darkness of a dungeon than to ed out by the" demoprats. dressed to Gen. Coxey. The -smokeless factory smoke stack was one of the leadiug features of the last democratic t national administration. the consequences. Qhicago lias shortened J .auto- franchise hundreds o f ho nest mbbile and tlie young inen white men because of their Will tile endorsing conven-; tion that meets in Kansas Citv on juiv 4tn accent the whole inn 11 - there are now said to as k ; their misfortune and poverty. r;.ib 'in rri : "mobiiisr' ! with - ; ' ' them.' - ... ':' ' "'' "rJ ;:!lftheUjiiteUStatWis: a col o h ial po wer an d t o . The press of Germany do not j the Kicaraguan canal it to be biiUd needs iikd doc the press and people. Senator: .Lodge's .Monroe no -prophet to foretell that it rihe.-'speech', but it meets must be a great, naval ' power. approval of .the,. 'American If it is to be a great naval pow- er, it will' need lots df armor The New York. World still shows symptoms of being, a democrat, as it lays the entire Cuban vpostal thievery at the ddbr of McKinley 1 "Why didn 't the World go on and say that tbin and add the-re President' McKinley was ahorse tail to their populistic kite? thien and that; he directed s When a democrat goes to the western train robbery v and laid polls to vote next November he the plot to assassinate Goebel , won't know. which ticket to put audV that he was responsible for in the box the democratic or the robbery of some man's hen- the populite, for either will, bo roost or smoke housef: It; would. or Billy Bryan.:' , -;;--;' y have imposed no burden upon -When "the; democrats nbmi ihe World's conscience to- have nated Horace Greely for presi made such charges, and all sen- de they got a good dose of re , -; - ' t . , . pubhcanism. When the demo- sible, honest people would have meet in Kansas City they regarded them with no less dis- win : be prepared to - swallow gust than they do the. slander populism. Ak-iStateEepub- ous intimatiou pt the World iican. . " Kepiiblidaiusm. S -