.Jh:r'-M.- '.'hi ft;-;.'.' pinions; .'--.'3;""',iivVi v;--; Topics of the Day t cotton- has tiiriied traitor to the calamit j: howl ers, atidgpn e.-b dutiding S tip i ward in price; Benton , 111 ;:No use of lying jn order i : tninisxraiion . 'x:ne truth ; need onlv: - be r told. V; Kan rHerald. . i Clyde, -:.:'i;';-Po6 i 'Thofflas3 1 Jefferson . VlpEKHs held1 responsible for fool idea entertained aiiy man calling himself a :emqcrt--':'" j Sp -iiigfield; 3Mass.Y Union. ' ! ' ' , , Wi t h MciKinley and . Bry i?xin Smsi Presidential ; ; candi , r . dates, President JMcKinley K yas figured as a five to one ; chance in New Yor i. Wor- V,:cester Mass; Spy: tMjll vBryan says that prosperi llllftyjas yet is only a Iream. If - r he wants to be I hoi .est-, why - doesn't he admit tl at.it is a ; nightmare to K him-'Sioux City la. Jou rnal ; fef :!.fe w ' sporadic tr ikes are j'pall thef democratic barty can if-ifiiid now to be giad over. lC;;:-f;. T?h"e prosperity canker is on Ifin the leaves of th iir rejoic . ing. New York Press. Brooms cost n ore than ISilthey did ; f nevertl eless -the publican party ilias : not ; ; given up its idea of" making aclean sweep. Rochester, :-.;..-; iN . x . , democrat s nd Chron- : , ; lCJe. .-v"k. , -; : iv ;vi:. Wool and sheep a re worth 1 twice as much now as they ; were in 1896. But the Dem- f ocrat who has no sheep and rv;.';v' -C ' ' '' v:. - .1.. . . ' : . no wool can fsee ; :encet rTrenton tr' izetter'''; " 1 "' the differ- ttsr. j. Gi- 4 ' : The farmers who aire .for tunate enough to have .hogs '7. ;to sellfattthisltime ,(andt,the fifMbountry . Jias a goc d many; of them) have a rigt t to wear fAthat contented look. OnSV vva Democrat . . : i '" This is, a I. fur ny, worlds One year ago he Bryan i k ;GDemocrats were , crazy; to lilhave Dewey; say he was a Nbvvj It hey 4 don't like td hear him say it. Da- llPyeripbrt la. Rept blican.t :3frBryan' wl o says he- - V represents the eternal prin- rlSljeep on -; reesentingl them i H ith rough all eternity and nev ( r come any nearer the Pres Sldential:cHair than he was &Jur:fe' years 's ago Topeka Kansi, Capital. i - ?x iy-j if -v It. is but natural : for the democratic party to, oppose : " the buudins: up I of . the A- V -iv niericah marine Jr- It will : be 5farty Scan tin iplatelwas an iinboss- If the Nebraska1 reflects ; Mr.; fl Bryan's pur poses' and convictions---and we.are bound ' to suppose that it j does-tbatf gentle-: man cannot possibly ibe cho sen ,bjr: the American people to be w their I ...President: Washington Post. i 5 i Yearsjago the burden of the wails ; t fiat came ' from Cleveland and JBryan f "was, that they wanted to . restore, tliei country to prosperity. They did restore it to pros perity, but they did it byre tiring from , office. Chey enne County1 Rustler. . ; , Mr. Bryan; has duly pro mulgated the platform .upon which he dqsires'to run. A similar performance on the part of a Republican- would very promptly be - termed "bossism' You see, it does' make a migh ty sight of difference whose ox is gored. Nor walk O. Reflector. , Will some of . the Demo cratic -admirers of , colonel Bryan. -please inform the "Republican" what bill he introduced or what- measure he supported during his two terms in Congress that was for the good of the country or in the iuterest of the masses? Davenport la. Re publican. ; ' CHRONICLES OF THE LATTER DAYS. . A Parable of Dear Uncle Samuel. (By One of His Boys.) - American Economist. 3 , , CHAPTER II. Pettigrew Groweth Pettish Israelites, and Philistines Battle over Porto Rico. 1. And it also came to pass, inv the fourth year of the feign of William, who is al so called McKinley", that the Sanfiedrim , yere .gathered together at Jerusalem, :whicb by interpretation . s Wash ington. V i , -ly.l v2. And, lo, their tongues were hung! in the, center - and wagged flopped arid tintil latedfatjboth ends, and there was a great gab; yea, so iriuch- so that men " marveled fiow men5 could "sling such f : a multiplicity tof words and their several vocab- ularies, yet say so little. f i 3. (Albeit I Pet tigrew . grew exceeding f pettish, U and fl in fierce and to w,lf slander or the H First n South-; Dakota: iput that the soldiers had no f patriotism , arid this did fie because tfiey were' mostlyvwae ' earners 7 4."; Ho wbeitv tfiis abuse was also uttereq oecause 01 vjyjlc- s lust praise for their amotism; tor, oenoia, our Chief ; Magistrate 's ;'pa- xnotic soui reaiizetn ana ap- preciaxetn inef patriotism i;pr the : people, and especially of the! splendid ma terial of iichth fnationrs srlonous army and nav is com S.i And it came to pass falj scHhat the mi v- T,' , ,i Philistines knd, the iibattle iwaxed sore. u 6. .And 1 led -byi McKinley the Israelites oright for, Porto Rico s inhabitants'' ifiM taxed 'enutc irig thafclncane and ' flood had sore visited them, But that merely a nominal aver age ar-ifl: d tvty of 4per cent . should be levied upon them . cent, duty meaneth 15 ; per cental of the average Dingley . Tariff; for, lo,. 8o per cent, was stricken off the 26 'per cent, ay erage Dingley duties . 8. Then the Philistines a- rose in great wrath and shouted as those that shout by reason of wine; because, forsooth , they pretended to love th e Porto Ricans with a love that many waters could not quench. . Moreover, they said one to another in classic Philis tine lingo: Now we've got 'em! And we wiU smite them hip and thigh from the rising of the sun even unto the going down thereof . 10. Nevertheless, while the lords of the Philistines jubi lated and moved in the joy ous contillion with all the grace of the dancing! bear, there came a message froin William, saying, 11. Give yejrom our over flowing: treasury two mil lions of dollars for the relief of the stricken , half -starved Porto Ricans, and let it be recorded in letters 6 f golden hue, as iti were, that - Ameri ca is a Christian nation .and delighteth in mercy ; : yea re member to whom is lent that which is given' to ; the pbor; verily-, let love be without dissimulation, forget riot the golden rule arid bear iri mind that ye loeu n6tx in (jwbrds only ; as the Philistines do , but in deed arid in truth . 12. , Then the men of Israel sent up a; great shout, and the lords of the Philistines tried to shout , but the sound thereof was as thesoundof a great wail - mingled with sobs; and beirig greatly a shamed many of 7 them fled from the if ront of the battle and skulked; u wh ile t a i f e w fought for the Porto Ricans arid' joined the 4 mighty :rnen oflsraeir thetf.. Philistines JWught a- inst.relieving hepoor Porto Ricans; , yea, verily, they fought; in shane - and humiliation ;;rf or itheyi ;inust have xiespised ;.themselyes for their; lack ot;cha rity : r '5 14. Andtthey d owlingr 3 ty tucu j jairs , n o w 1 mg ; 11 Ke Irelidthesou yowl still ecfioetfiindye berateth !-Sf wfiey rev r-ppdinfr wroth lithat& theyf Ricans tfiffiBanjaia: Pi!Mhos are not comings o- ver -to cut tfie ; wages, of wage earners m tw .r:;ii.'sr, i.H-1 v 15 :7 And for ;hareasbiii; ree-Traders'and ex- t that wage earn ers have 'plenty of york .and fair wages , they .still ; gp , a bout like roaring lions peek ing whom they r may eat up somebody. clK-f Here . endeth the second ,(To be continued.) The Party of Negatio 11 . . , , 4 1 Sll.UcLl.Km ill t UC,UUi.cuvjta.v.o . -r-r ; i j j) , , - , . : -, . ments severely upon me a. l-, titude of the democratic parr. ty, which it characterizes as a party of negation andsense less oppositfeh. ; Since- tlie death of Jefferson aiid Jack son, it asserts that the, par ty has been doing, nothing for the country save . to ; op- Lpose the attempts of the) re-j publicans to - further-a the growth of the republic. Gro? ver' Cleveland; it; declares, was turned dbivn by the tim id ouls of his party because he showed an inclihation.to make progress , andit sums up the, attitude of the; demo crats as follows: "The.dem ocrats do not maket the : big republic grow. , They, used to do so, but they have be come intellectually rusty.' And the attitude of the dem ocratic 1 party e ver "since ; the war bears out this sii mma ry It has ho t b ffig to bflFer ; piit puerile complaints and de huhciation . Its efforts have consi sted in trying to array class against - class, . to ; stir u p .race pre j udice and oppose th e nation . , As a p rominent New Yorker stated, had the republican platform declared for 'free silver the Membcra cy would be found opposing it. Even the probable plat form of that party . ibr ' t he comingcaWpaig this estihaate . ' Gathered from the utterances of -its leaders.it comprises: . . Denouncing "imperialism' and expan- SlOn. - ; V.v; . .yr 'V, -: y -. .y: y Denouncing the war in the Philippines. Denouncing the government, establish ed in Porto Rico and Hawaii. - . . ' both these:iislanlsi?&''-: iA:nuuncing uie revenue measures m Denouncing the gold standard and the currency-bill.,,: Si with Spai'ri. Denou y i uusxnes. , '-'v",-:. -.hv- -r Denouncing trusts and accusing the i pubiican partyof fostexinor tliem V re4 ' 'Denouncing McKinley berause he hai not done something more in the ' interest of theBoers. v Denouncing the republicans ; for disol buying the CdnAtltutibti.' criminateVaenun tration has done in the past ;tfarefe;'rs is there discernibie an intelli- , ora state- ainder , like conditipns:rIt is a pg.rty of mere negation, and at this period of America's greatest grpwth the people will reject its .j Grand .Rapids , Mich . , . Her aid grumble because tinies are too good arid iprices of -products too highr they say ( they would have things different if they were? intrusted with power. Arid there is no doubt in the world about it; they . would cnarige things in the twink- of an eye t to ruin and UevilSLdtlUil JL 1ICIC III) , , - . i i ( jUav mat vvao turn , m iii AU1 earnest after the democrats 1 every thing? wenti to smash ; when staryirig 'workingmen applied for work to get something to eat, they were told to eat tfie "roosters; they had parad ed.on their bats. Salt Lake It is said that money talks, Kbutit won ' t do a lot of things . Mr. Clarkioft Mont , has three times borigh t a seat in the US. Senate, and still is not in- 0 DESIGNS I A! AND COPYRIGHTS 4 I OBTAINED 4 V ADVICE A TO PATENTABILITY rPTTTiTPrP Notice in "Imventire Age " 3 " p ? 1 'Book "How to pbtin Patents U U U La LH " Charge moderate. No fee tin patent is secured. 1 L Letters ftricUy confidnaL Address, ; E. G. STGGERS, Pahnt Lawyer, Washington, D.C. ERN iti f STANDARD BAIL WAY OF The Direct Line to All, Points. CALIFORNIA, AND RICO. ;nStrictl3f;M Equip- . . ment o all Through and L.o : cal Trains ; Pullman Palace : Sleeping ' Cars on all Night : Trains. Past and Safe Sched- sured Safe Comfortable and Expe- arp as niuous journey, oooooooooooooo appzy to Ticket agents for time ta- , BIS, RATES AND GENERAI, INFORMA- TlON, ,OR ' ADDRESS II-y E RNCW DARBY, Sf yMirfV. A TWc;: P. &T.A., 1 Charlotte; N. C.: : Asheville, N. C. No trouble to answer Questions. rrat&?S GaSnonr J.II. Culp, "W. A. Turk. 3a v.f. &Oen. Man. .Traf.Man. SfJlWASHIN hvoiui anytbin yon1 invent or iroprore ; also get PnnTFfTlrtl .ni4 mrsol --vVi nTTihotO. r-nn nnTi.n t r fee. ojw V ii fU I uUIU fee before paienw "Write m l - -"" r 7 JT. fr&fTt)- Patent Lawyers. Wflfi 1 1 i M GTO N. D.C. of wbat the democracy ran SOUTH RAILWAY mmx-& r i da Piiir thatfthecKinleyf -:yfv;vv,--';l;:$- - o