s ... y .1 W E EKLYED I T ION. VOL. VI. MORAVIAN FALLS, N. C., THURSDAY, JUNE 14, 1900. NO. 11 THE YELLOW-JACKElT. WEEKLY & MONTHLY. E. DON LAWS, EDITOE. WEEKLY, ONE YEAR,; . . . 50 SIX MONTHS, fco MONTHLY, ONE YEAR,. . . .20 CASH ALWAYS IN ADVANCE. Entered at -Moravian Falls, N. C second class matter. as INSTRUCTION fST Silver preferred to Postage Stam on suDscnpnons. Remittances of silver of small su may be made with comparative safety! ordinary ieners, usinsf gooa envelopes, Amounts above , fifty cents it would be well to send by Registered letter. VwMonfLrdcrs ruiiU' but tney must be drawn on Wilkesbqro, N. C. as Moravian Palls is not a Money Order office. vyucji wnuug w nave your paper cnangea you must give your xormer as well as your new address. dress plainly, and direct all your letterJ-to Thb Ybi,ww-Jackkt, Moravian Faixs, N. C. ISSUED EVERY THURSDAY. Thursday, June 14, 1900. GIT A HUMP ON! liOOK nere, urotner : n you ar not already a subscriber to tn e e Yellow Jacket, consider this an invitation to become copv one. Read th paper oyer and r4 like it, send us 50 cents for , years subscription. You will fin thfi Y. J. n. warm n.rHp.l. Tfa hnL. iness end registers 200 decrees L the shade. This paper each weelk will contain something good and each succeeding issue will get bet- ter if it can be made so. Being a firm believer in the principles -of j the great party of Lincoln, Grant, Uarheld and McKinley, we will aaysoeiouna comenamg ior K- r s T liberties of the people, and wag-1 the devil and the so-called Demct nrH r,o.f,. '.i ' v J you to become a subscriber, buU we also should be nleased to have you do a little missionary work a mong your Republican friends' Ypu can reach those whom we 1 cannot. Take al Yi J. I when voii! go out from home, and tackle ev ery Republic ah ypumeet and g mm io BUDscnoe.i m tuis wayy will not only be doing us a gre favor, but you will also be aiding us m reaching , the people, and helping to present the facts of Rej publicanism whiVh nnlv upp frl : r - -j h be understood in order to makJ the Republican f arty so numeri- callv 8trdn-ff21'iso:-'Hambniniiat':nd invulnerable that the tribes oi Bryan, the vtrbrld, the flesh and the devil can't overthrow, it at 1 the polls next, November. 1-4 y See all your neighbors arid make UP a club of 5 or 10. - If you can't get the club now; send along your -n sub. and try the club later. Tho Voll huf -11 :"al--s-J circulates au over Aiuuriuui andeoeato fnrcm Und. and all' the time preaches nothing but Re- Publican gospel and common Qse. Before sending money, - re ad instructions at top of this col- nmn. Nlow, brother, take the case. vu send along the subs, aud help d . . ' , ... , u0 the circnlnfincr and w will do tug DTPft Air ,T 4-Wa Ulo I " nepbjjcapfim;,,t - editorial remarks. The democrats carried Oregon on paper but the republicans carried it at the polls. About the only road left for the calamity howler to "take i ISi the road to the woods. Many democrats, no doubt- oppose trusts because they are too poor to own stock in them Yes , figmocratic . TUe and Free-TrauQ in the U. S. wouL certainly be a good thing J Europe; In addition to its other troub- les the democratic party now .l?- J "v has a severe ase of bifurcated Populism on its hands. Every time an uninstructed ted Old man Grover is said to shake hands with himself. The attempt to impeach May or Van Wyck, of New York Ci for connection with the Ta many ice Trust, deserves tos ceed. c- Instead of making - calami t : u .i j j x Kansas aud help harvest the big Wlieat crop. This year wil1 wind UP tlie business of Showman -Bryan, Spread yourself, Billy, for the curtain will fall for the last time on Nov. 6. The principle products of Mexico are 50-cent dollars, nd William Jennings would h ive ns engage in the same "ind , ,, Kansas this year will harvest the largest crop of rheat in her history. The calamity howlers will have to hold up till after the harvest out there. Does anybody at this time recollecasingle prediction ev- er madeby-any of the Demo- cratic prophets that ever came to pass? The "opposers" rnajr, sneer, but McKinley will protect A- merican interests in China if ix - nuz ze in 45inS SP he blow8 tne J3ox ers'1 over the-moon. Yes, the democrats are using some mighty strong argument for the Amendment and demo- cratic rule in North Carolina x . - there's stale hen fruit, for , llISlOiUUC. - - - Send us the names of all the - ; fading republicans of your. community who are not no subscribers to this paper. ; L every will be helping a good cause The United States just keeps I right on oppressing the people? .:X2 i-i L. .. - '5xl. tjMinM- of fliaATnanaa of te government, or - w9yw Cuban school teachers to the U, S., to attend free of charge, the summer school of Havard Uni versity. Mr. Democrat why don't you cuss? now would tuis ao ior a plank in theJSemocratic nation al platfoqginE ' 'Resolvied that we have busteoSthis country once and if the people will give us a .chance well do it again." A republican platform will fit any state ltfrMie Union, but the democraticrplatforms, like a mother hul&ard dress, cover up everything but they fit no dace. The Conn, democrats passed the lie freely in their state con vention last week but entirely forgot to mention the moneys And the silver senj timent continues to grow, thj Billy Boy tells us. In Paris, Tex., lightning struck a farm house and "knockeaa) young man insensi ble." mtf Ister, who happened to be standing on a newspaper near him, escaped. Subscribe at once ! looks like democracy would let up ou begging Mr. Populist to "come back" till the rotten egsrs dried on him an? wa'' PerhaPs she wants to lick him clean though while the eggs are yet sott. When Josh Billines said a man'.e hind sirrht was nsuallv a darn sishSelter than his fore sight he must have alluded to dem nS uneT a In 1895 Idaho owned 919,8651 head of sheep valued at $1,299,- 7 7U, or per neaa. in 1900 Inaho has 2,658,662 head value a at $,444,zo4 or .ou per head. Get out your pencil if you own sheep. Rer. Sheldon, who for one week ran the Topeka Capitol r'as Jesus would" has just tak- en ship for Europe. Why in 1 n tS 1171 the duce didn't the old rooster h10p QUt on the water and walk across as J esus would do :-..n . rm, of fim ttoi-igoc mtv convention will ignore the "nrrtss of ffold and crown of thorn s" places jV7illiam J en- ninire'liflf.wi,Tfc his Satanic Mai- . - , AWc0'AfooHn. isty and a vast expanse;ot saline iiuiuity. The democrats and skeedad- l&Iers call this an administration of the capitalists, monopolists, extortionist' and imperialists, etc. , but me people don't care a tinker's asm what it is called so long as they are getting bet ter wages, receiving I; higher rices for their products t and re Ketter off in every sense of word .th an they ever were iinl4r aeraocratio Does not spell any thing, but. what ,we started out to say was this: Do not send Y. J.; and when you send Money Orders, have them drawn on Wilkesboro, N. C. Moravian Falls is not a M: O. office. Lots of good work was done by the republican majority in QZZJX the session of Congress just we have been cruel toward the closed. The endorsement of Boers. But what has Russia the Oregon voters the other day done for them? of republicanism shows that The American voter will be good work is always appreciated. prepared to give the campaign t a -1 - 'V orator the hoarse hoot when he In April, 1895, there were 1, , Al x - . aq . , j. ., . Al tt o takes up the trust question. 086 trade failures in the U. S. .. , .- - with liabilities aggregating The additions to Mr. Bryan's $13,665,756. In April 1900 bank account have not detract there were 706 failures with lia- ed in the least from his desire bilities of $7,214,787. Let the calamity howler explain. If Col. Bryan undertakes to e eoverned )Sk the teachings, of Jackson andXjfferson he wni have to come over to the repub- to take a drink. The temper lican party. Both these men ance lecturers will not be able were Protectionists and believed io utilize Noah for illustrating in an honest dollar. No single session of Congress l Crtia lllttU tl u"llVL recora tnan tne one just closed. Its works rank as Tar above those of Grover's congress as the flight of the proud eagle is above the trail' of the stuped snail. The per capita circulation of the country is nearly $27. It was $21.10 when William Jen nings was nominated in 1896. Put this in your-.pipe and smoke it, 'Mr. Democrat, and you can see the picture of Wm. Mckinley in every Pu Behold Ano-nstns Vnn - Wvnlr Woaching the Kansas. City one regular upright democratic cfork lilrk vntifw nn nnfLfmcf - . of American Ice Trust -stock. Ye ffods. did vou ever. jt ig not ,wiieat and silver that k eep pace. but corn and silver. New York corn was quoted recently at 45 cents per bushel while silver was worth 59 cents an ounce. Miss Silver wjii t0 get out 0 wav - . I or sje wjjj De run over by King Corn Gov. Rosevelt wrote truth and wisdom when he said: "Our standard 01 nnvate and nubiic conduct will never be raised to the proper level until we make the scotmdrel who succeeds feel the weight of a hostile public opinion even more strongly Ct 1 people to live under the haugh- sight, anticipatiiig its free entry ty reign of an aristocrat, the os- into the united States.' No tentatious rule of an emperor wonder the " democrats in. Con or the sweeping power of a king gress are so eager for free trade than to be compelled to live un- with PoVto Rico ! TJiey were . der the complete control or a 'iv '7.v''.,'i---A . . Al . . up to their old tricks of- trying nolitical nartv that 19 too- cow- r . ardly and corrupt to submit to iair play: and that answers; ap- peiWto. by intimidation and ridicule, THOUGHTS. From Washington Post. The cheapest thing to be had these days is money. Yet the. cheap money advocates are not satisfied. The Russian press declares to do a little more candidating on the hard luck platform. Alr- JNoan ?y ot teenon , - J- is 128 years old, in good health, and . has never refused purposes, If the New York World will come down from its housetop long enough to iew the situa- finn u -mnxr QC:Kiv ncfn; that it is every bit as wrong for it to try to steal the credit for the exposure of the Tammany ice trust as it is for Netv York's public officials to hold stock in that concern. Democracy is getting back to its old tricks just as fast as op- portunity offers. The other day at to"eiby, JN. o. a- populist sper was heavily pelted with j c suower 01 rotien eggs oy a cowardly mob of democrats. A party ' that offers rotten esrers as ment ishaningts own ninS rapidity and the sooner it meets its final overthrow the topr fnr n ,nn Democrats who talk of Bryan without silver are seeking means to deprive that : gentle- man of the few real things he stands "for. Bryan's nomination would be accepted as an en- dorsement of the whole Chicago platform, even if that document is not mentioned in Kansas . . "J-' Jl it ' cfcy- Bryan and free silver are as thoroughly one in public es- timation as McKinley arid pros- penty are. At last tne trutn is oat. - A ; private letter from Porto: Rico says that everybody" there 1 is pleased with the new tariff law . except one man,. -That man is 1 the British Consul at San Juany iir. rimey, wno naa oougnt up; a" sugar ana tonacco m h? Aing the benefits of . the A- mefca?arfeis ne BP.-l. of the British just they did by the Wilsbp bUJ, :". 'V

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