'. .' .rt-. .' :-,V . WEEKLY; mo f y - -. -' t . 'J 1 X VOL. VI, NO. 13 hf?rlitt 1 l:Tir.'IIT.mi:.llll II ' ' ' ': '.'.? -'!' "! . .- . " - L 1 , r ., ,. THE YELLOW-JACKHT. WEEKLY & MONTHLY B. DON LAWS, ELISOR. WEEKLY, ONE YEAR,.... 50 80 ' i . V ( rr v , : j. j- six months; MONTHLY, ONE YEAR,. . . L20 CASH ALWAYS IN AD VAN 'E. Entered at Moravian second class matter. Falls N. C. as INSTRUCTIONS. Silver preferred to Ppstage Stamps on suDscripuons. s. Remittances of silver of small sums may be made with comparative safety Jin ordinary letters, "using good I envelopes. Amounts above fifty cents ;- it ' wou d be well to send by Registered letter.; t r P. O. Money Orders are better still, but they must be drawn on Wilkesboro, N. C. as Moravian Falls is not a Money uraer omce. . ; When writing to have your changed you must give your former as your new address. - , ; ; paper wen Always write your own name and ad- dress plainly, and direct all your letters to ; The YeiWw-J acket, ' : Moravian Faiis, ISSUED EVERY THURSDAY. Thursday, June V 8, 1 9 GIT A HUMP ON! Look Here, Brother : If yoi ;i are not already a subscriber to Yellow Jacket, consider this an invitation to become Read this paper over and if the copy one. yon like it, send tis 50 cents fc r a years subscription. You Will find the Y. J. a warm article.! Its bus iness end registers 200 degrees in the shade. This paper each veek will contain something good and each succeeding issue will get bet ter if it can be made so. Being a firm believer in the principles of the great party of Lincoln , Grant, Garfield and McKinley,f we always be found contending fair play, and for the rights liberties of the people, and will j for and ing an unrelenting battle against the devil and the so-called Demo cratic party. We don't only want you to become a subscriber, but we also should pe'pleasea to pave you do a little missionary work a mong your Republican friends. You can reach those whorr . we cannot. Take a Y. J. when I you go out from homeland tackle ev ery Republican you meet and get him to subscrile. In this . wav you will not only be doing -us a ijreat favor, but you will also be a ding us in reaching the people, and helping to present the facts of Re publicanism, which only ; nee I to be understood in order (to : nake the Republican party so nu rieri cally strong, so: harmonious ! and invulnerable that the . I tribe s of Bryan, the world, the flesh an I the devil can't overthrow it at ' the polls next';;NovemHer.'-; -; See all your neighbors and naka up a club of 5 or 10, If you can't get the club now, send along' your own sub. and try the club lat r. . t The Yellow Jacket' is not peal, out circulates valli oyer, Am erica and goes to foreign lands, arid all the time preaches nothing but Re publican gospel .and jv common sense. Before sending; iabney9 read instructions at lop of this col- umn. Now, brother, take thejease; You send alone the subs.' and; ihelp do the circulating and we will do the preachingSLeVthQ Sand wplay EDITORIAL REMARKS! For President-pWilliam Mc Kinley. . :. ' ' For Vice-Presidem Theo- dore Roosevelt Our national ticket and plat form are the best we ever had. Necessity is also the mother of expansion ; and h-tx&feve ex panded. R : Many democrats rail at the McKinley Administration purely from force of habit.' Oh, Billy, Boy, Say quick. How much1 tariff did the Ding, ley bill impose on ice? . Eli's, letter tp Col. Bryan is so long that we Jiad to continue tlie remainder in next week's issue. The democratic party is a aver and a kicker That's why the emblem of the party is jackass. We give the substance of; the Republican platform elsewhere. The full text is too long for our space this week. We are expecting every day to hear it asserted by some Free Trade democrat that ,the drouth in India is the result of the Dingley Tariff. Germany has a sugar trust. Now why don't some smart democrat show, that McKinley, Mark Hanna and Co. are re sponsible, fpr that. " ; , The Yellow Jacket has buck led on a new hame string and bellyband and proposes to be in the thickest of the fight helping to wallop William Jennings. The only piece of national legislation the democrats as a party have given us since the e lection of Abe Lincoln was the Wilson Gorman Tariff bill , and that ought to satisfy the people for 40. years to come. Out in Kansas there is said to be but one single ; pauper on thfi state noor farm. Isn t ; it a shame that I this j republican prosperity has Invaded the; poor house,7 give ii paupers employ ment and fobbed this poor dev il of his dear companions? Wouldn't it be singular ' if a state like Missouri,' acquired by expansion, arid which has just received a gift of , $5,000,000 from Congress to celebrate the fact, should remain democratic anrl onnosedito exbansion this . , srxr z - - - x The Stl iiois strike contin- ues with its daily quota qi out ragev aol destructioti democf atic governor sits silbht , nfvnid to act for fear that he mav lose; a few; votes ! this fall. Votes be d d,. as Peter : Stir ling once said, under No use speculating oh what Bryan would do, if elected; He will never be president . The Ark, State Republican says "the only remedy for labor strikes is another dose of Cleve land times." Ye gods, then give us the strikes.' - . - . . - . ' Some of the democrats v claim that there wasn't much enthu siasm in the Philadelphia, con vention, but there was enough to give the Bry anites the back ache. U. S.' Senator Morgan says the Chicago platform "has a few marginal notes that ate rather. too socialistic . " . That's just what the voters thought in '96, and thev'll show in Novr that they haven't changed their minds. Mr. Bryan, you can't run your, "imperialism" rabbit's foot over the people this year. You once helped work the. Free Traderacket, then you tried the free silver racket and now you would love to scare somebody with your "imperialism" buga boo. You can't do it, Billy. ,- . . . No wonder the democrats dread Roosevelt. Listen to him score the New York ice trust democrats : They (the democrats) have raved , they have foamed at the mouth in denunciation of trusts, and now in my own State their foremost party leaders, includ ing the man before whom the others bow with bared head and trembling knee, have been dis covered in a trust which really is of infamous and perhaps of criminal character a trust in which these apostles of democ racy, these prophets of the new dispensation, have sought to wring fortuues from the dire needs of their poorer brethren . It gives us pleasure to inform our many readers that we are now issuing the Yellow Jacket from a new Campbell cylinder press with the latest improve ments. It is one of the finest machines in this part of the state and, will print both sides of fifteen thousand Yellow Jack ets a day. We run it by water power same as we did our old press. This power consists of an over-shot wheel We-half mile from our office with a belt' a mile long which runs on a drum at the water wheel and leads o ver hills and hollows to over head works in our print , shop. The belt is supported on 'pulleys put on high posts every 40 rods. A wire . leading to the water wheel enables the printer to stand by the press and start or stop the water wheel at will. We designed I audi . ; constructed thispower-nearly a year ago; It is cheap, sioiple and safe and is one of the advantages of living in the country. We ; .expect to give to bur readers cuts before long of this water ' wheel -'and belt leading away from it thro' the woods to the printing office J ftlstf a cut of vOnr. a$li;.VfhM&, Didii't They Hit Them? Didn't the i democrats hit the trusts hard when they were in power? Didn't they hit the whiskey trust when they extend ed the time for paying the ninety million .dollars taxes due the govern ment? Didn'tk tliey lam it to thd; sugar trust when they dallied with the tariff bill until the trust had, scraped the earth for -raw sugar and brought it in free of duty and then passed a bill putting a cjuty on raw sugar that was free under the McKin ley bill ? Didn't they sock it to the trusts again when - they re pealed the anti-trust provision of the McKinley bill which im posed a fine riot exceeding $5,000, on persons convicted of entering into atrust, and then enacted an anti-trust law that prescribed no penalty against trusts, except among importers who are not organized and nev er have been? Don't they make the trusts tremble when they as sert that only the Protective, Tariff fosters them while it' is known that trusts are organized and flourish in Free Trade Eng land? Don't they land another staggering blow to the trust oc topus when they threaten to bust it, when it is known that their national chairman Jas. K. Jones belongs to one of the big gest trusts in America? Didn't they hit the Ohio trusts hard fwhen they denounced them in their platform in 1899 and then went to Washington D. C. and picked out the rankest monopo list and trust stock owner ; to rim for governor? Don't the New York democracy present a finespectacle as a trust fighter with a ringleader of the whole pack criminally connected with the American Ice Trust ? Didn't Chairman Jones land another broadside into the octopus When he offered an amendment to the Porto Bican Tariff bill to return the duties on sugar imported from that island to the person from , whom they were collected which would have put over $600 ,000. back into the hands of the sugar trust? P Then and Now. Five years ago this week we issued the first No. of the Yel low Jacket., It was a 3 col. 4 page affair and we carried it to the post office in our pockets. Every June since has found-the Y. J. expanding and this week's issue will be read by over fitty thousand people scattered all o ver the United States. From the very outset we laid down the rule that to secure the Y. J. you had to plank down the cash in advance whether you were'; a millionaire or a pauper, and we have lived lip to that rule. : If you don't like the YY J. you can have your money back. : Does ? not spell any thing, but what we started out to say was this: Do not send postage stamps ' on subscriptions to : the Y. J.; and whei you send Money Orders have thejn'drawn 'on WUkesboro. N. C OZZJX THE DEVIL'S LETTER . ' Hades, June 22, 1900. To the various tribes of democrats that inhabit the eartri, My Dear Boys: -It does my soul good to get time to sit down and write lyou all again. I'm feeling pretty well for one of my age and hard- , ships. My tjail has at last quit paining me and I think is as serviceable as ever. 'I have just received a cablegram from democratic beadquarters that the repub licans have renominated McKinley for President of the XJ. S. and named Teddy . Roosevelt for Vice. Boys, this makes - it f look like the case with us was about up. I' ll be datswattled if I know what to -ed- vise you to do. Put Bryan on the head, end of the ticket of course, but the tail is where the rub comes. . It is giving ine more concern than my tail did after the Goeblers pulled it so near off last winter. I don't think I ever saw the time when genuine democratic campaign thunder was so scarce as it is today. You just can't interest the people with our old lies any longer, unless it be the nigger domi nation lies. They seem to bear working -over more times ; than anything I ever rnoticed. But we can't work this racket generally. If , we just could find a nig-. ger road overseer or a negro J. P. in each state we'd be in the swim. Imperialism and trusts might take'a back seat, but we can't work the nigger racket in but a few states. I see in North Carolina that-, my friend Simmons is making things, warm with 'white supremacy" .argument. Occasionally a Pop" fires into our . lines with a few bombs of argument that threaten to do damage to our works but we soon get even by hiring a few ' irres ponsible democrats" to throw a volley of stale eggs on him. This never fails to silence a fellow and m ake Jiim seek shel- -ter, "and in some cases seek it in the dem ocratic party. It has brought Marion Butler and Jim Weaver almost into our camps; at least they have both become rank fusionists, and the only difference in a fusionist and a democrat is on the out side. Boys, I know the prospects for democatic success this year look rather gloomy, but whistle anil keep -up your courage the best you can, and maybe something will "turn up" in time to save us. It won't do to surrender. Ypu know that the democratic rout to hell is the, shortest by . ten thousand miles and that there is a saloon at every mile post. I love you fellows' and I don't want you to laugh at me for saying so Boys, I will write you again after the 4 of July Convention : at . Kansas City.' I. would like to attend the convention per sonally and have a talk with Gussie Van Wy ck about the troubles he met with as stbek holder in the ice trust for I am ex periencing some ice troubles myself. A serious state of affairs is taking place down here in hell that I never anticipa ted. You remember I once promised all ,. the democrats that would tell the most and biggest lies above a certain limit- I think the minimum was 20,000 that I would provide a tub of ice water for their tails to hang in wlien they came down" here. I didn't think I'd get more than ten democrats under this offer, but there is no devil (that's me) if -I havent got over seven hundred here now demanding that I carry out my promise, and of course I'll do it, for I always redeem my pledges .which has caused several fellows to throw it up to me that I'm not a dem ocrat. But here is where the trouble comes in; you see this tail cooling arrange- : ment is causing the accumulation of so much ice that its making me sweat . like blazes to keep the furnaces hot enough to do justice to-my cage of Goeblers. The fight is now on and we must make " the best of it we can. Gird up your loins and go for the trusts and imperialism like a mad -bull after a' red headed book agent. Try to make the people believe that the trusts are going tq swallow, the country hide head and tail. . Tell them that the tariff breeds trusts and that your, party will destroy these trusts; :. I'll . give any democrat in the world a certificate of ex- . emption from the fires of hell for a hun dred years if he can think up any bigger lie than that to tell the people.4 ; Spread yourselves, boys, ' Make all the fuss you can, and if. we have to be beat letsj go down making the most devil of a rack et that has ever been heard since the world - began. r. ; .:V.;-.; . : r . I will write you all a long letter as soon as I hear from the convention, r Yours Sincerely' r-i SATAN DVIU mm