J" Jine The liemocrai. ;:sK?yoii:want see the mills and factories thousands of, mehandwdmen thrown out of , employment was the case in. Cleveland times, . i Jine the democrats. aws that deny the right of odpos- rep- resentation on election boards, the umtea aies : mexicani by having to pay honest la- bor with 5Q-cent dollars Jme the democrats. If y ou believe a man should be denied the rights; of zenship because of his Jerty and illiteracy, j citi- pcyv- Jine the red shirt demo crats in North Carolina. If you want to see th U- nited States flaer I ha uled 'down in the Philippines and the victory of Admiral Dew - ey brought to naught, Jine the democrats. If vbu want to see andther I 4 ' Coxey army" organized ana marenmg across land to demand work of national lawmakers, the our v Jine the democrats; If you delight in sdeing banks and business, hduses bursting like bubbles, and firms of all kinds going to the wall, Jine the democrats. If you would have wages cut about half , prices times grow gloomy and fall, nun- d reds of thousands of homes made desolate on accoun hard times, , Jine the democrats. If you want to make lassack of "vonrself ' and Idis- gust the whole human race, Jine the, Aguinaldo wing of the democratic party, If you want to raise wool, ' Jine the democrats. free r. If you want to return 4 4 -4 . " I to Xievejana times, Jine the democrats. If you want to vote fdr a party that never redeem 2d a pledge it made to the pec pie, -x-444 4-u Ai r iuc luc ucuiuudis. ; If you believe in appdint- ing dead men as judges o-pd- nf . election , Jine the Goebel eleme ts. It you believe it is rigfht to; shoot niggers, stuff bal - ed of it," Jine the democrats; If you want to see .Treasury busted, , ' t Jine the democrats, the jli you wan l 10 see y old calves sell for $1.50 a pieced . : " . .." ' . Jine the democrats. If .you wantto make mon- ey scarce; . ; Jme the democrats. If you wan t to issue more bonds, : : ; : Jine the democrats. If ybu waiat.to see! cotton cheap,' ' : Jme the democrats. If you want, to play devil fight. : v ,r. -, . toe the democrats. the JUST A SAMPLE. i v. " Whboppeeee r' t . Here I come againaridf I guess you don't know me'this time, do you? ;v -..:, frade, anti-expansion, tree ncKer. - waite suoremacv. Hanner hatinsf William JenM ' i .... - hings Bryan i democrat. That s just what lam. - nmif.: .f5j. .in-ttf an" J?U1 -t f- fTupwc ntid f hnt Wi11mtn t. Brvan is second to Jesus unrist ana micrht have hert 1 . ryr . ahead of him if he had been , - 1 I'm for, Free Trade 'cause Bryan's agin Protection. Whatever Bryan's for, I'm for 'cause he can't go vvrong. I m. agin the tariff, cause it breeds trusts. The reason I know the democrats are a- gin trusts is 'cause I - heard the boss say so I know the republicans are for trusts, CUUbC 1 lCdU U 1U a UCmU' era tic paper. I don't read rnuhlirnn nnnrs for thv jare agin my party. But when the boss sends me. a democratic paper I read it otiri ho hotro . oxrortr ntmrri u "r - ll t. wu:f t lnnw n savs. 11 il savs i Jiitt ;k is Wish I had some more Liitttci . f 1 - t The republicans are ty- rants. I heard the boss say so. Then I read it in the paper. - They make the laws that make the trusts that make us poof. I heard the boss come over these very words, I m agin McKinley. I'm agin Mark Hanner. T m agin the government, n u4.: 4-u cause it s a shooting of the Fil-hell-if-I-nos w h o e v e rl they are. That's what the uuss sea.-;.-, ine r n-nen-ii-j.- nos 4are and of right ought to be freeandindependent.,,, come oW tf. . Rut th :s 1 t hitilr TnJiT c triA tt ho no dickins if I know what all that rigmarole means. But dadgum the dadgum trusts if I had another drink or that licker I could think r .4 . vx Ul lit .1: Hurrah for Brvan and anjaemocrai: wnemer i can give ti-imperialism, ; and anti- trust, and free silver enough to keep the boys together, That's about the" way the boss said to say it I ve got no use for the dat ; mit-. swaLLieu rauicais. . jl ney ue- lieve in nigh taritts and souna money ana expansion. iaon t want no tariff in mine. All i'wL is straign wick- knWo4 - o.;o fx o 4 n - 4 straignt, ; ucKet, .L - n them the nigger party, and 1VJ.U.IK nanner s pups anu in- lernai jiu uugo anu aicu like. Dadgum the trusts. Hurrah for Bryan and an ti-imperialism.. r L I airit ashamed or my poli tics; cause I've always been a de'mocrat. ' a-t-oTTii-r' 1iV nnrfxr xrn "f I followed, i f- : -: f I'm following it today . ( Don t know - where it's Sfo- ing. S 1 C v ii ? r ; S Don t care . cause it r can t go wrong, Z Zl S u-n i v l. ; "-'i'A rn- everything be Frer trade. fee silveV. free lickrndftfie J Knows,; Pon lP.;P g:-!' - : renublicans have made times better Jand that's what .v -. : . , r. r . . . 3 r Ybu see 've t to yella lamitf W - Dui-ifle uoss torn me fpreaa myseir, ana x amgo- in? to ao er. JUistenirJJad- . . . t . . . . uj nw fu;c ift ' Vh VrP rohh( nf th. nPon1P. Tho.v arnnt l;i,s 'f 7il ri" i T t the. Uinp-Jev tarilr. . 1 sav Ljv frP tr .nd smnsh nu I LiiC Li Lid Ld . J,UaL O tut uoy w wc w if: n.t a.clincher. We are out for the offices some ot us are. W.e an want to beat .the republicans. So we've got to howl, Howl for a tariff for reve- . n only. ; Howl at every passing thing that don't offer us an ofiSce. Howl by day and howl by -!-Lt l , '1, , nuwi Aor anytuing iuul will make votes. Howl tor white suprema- cy, and asrainst "nigger '1 ' j aomination. Howl at the trusts. -nowi at tne war. ; Hnwrl nt thP ornlrl ofnurinrri . Howl at McKinley and Hanner. tt r rc. - ' ' wuor oiuu:. v UWL aL CVCLU1UK " everybody tnat aint agin tne trusts and in favor ot tree trade, free silver and free licker. But I'm a democrat all . v.. v . right! You can t rub that 6 out Democrats are nice folks. We represent the Drains ana intelligence 01 tne country. We are no scrub cflr w unrr . franchising th niggers. We always stick to the party and don't kick, we, know what to do and do as we are told. -r - u xvjlv uuoiucna ia iu uc a l - . 4 a 4 T I any ason or noi. I don't have to think, I let mv boss do that. That's the hautv of heinp- a democrat. Nothing to do but to drink , , . . , the bosses licker, vote a . . - . - ' 1.1V uanu wagun anu uuuer. I don t know a blamed thing about anti-trusts, tree silverr anti-imperialism nor any of the issues Its onz of mY business. jlw uuao pcijr o xnjr juu is to CUSS tne rtaas. When he -'says cuss, cuss. . .'.'"4,;V , - , When he says holler, holler; ; When he ' says : vote, 2 vote. - .That's 'de mo cracy. Dadgum the trusts. Dadgum Mark Hanner. Dadgum McKinley; Dadgum that dadgummed Yaller Jacket. f r-v : -. - i Can 1 thinS of the rest :of it 4- Z-c t isi; Vi.il -" 1 drink of licker I could re- boss SQi aqa fdl asleep the. rn1a -Difference in a" Name lYoii have heard it no - . doubt, that eres norning in a name. f many respects, but it won't lurrrv. - -J w:fu ;, , "vr'- i - - . number of good and that any man on to be proud of. It bears the im print of certain well-defined K-Vr "r :11:11'" principles and is a synonym ior Americanism. Confidence. Contentment. Work. Prosperity Progress. Expansion. 'J Fair play. xair piay. ... Protection to American industries. - Sound money and chance to earn it. Sound statesmanship.: Busy factories and mills. Busy merchants. '. Busy farmers. Busy everybody. Fair election laws. Good wages. Full dinner pails. Good will. Good argument; . Patriotisin. Now what does the name yp -- for? Just listen; here it is: Calamity howling. t,..c, c,fI Fifty-cent dollars. Anti-expansion. Dishonest, partizan e- lection laws. Brvanism. 1 Clevelandism. Free soup houses. Free trade and free! starvation.. Contraction. Rags. Free likker. Bond soles in time of PeaCThe belly-ache. Coxev armies Comtition with nau- per labor of Europe. , r r -cA 47 More bonds. More pains in the stom1 ach. . Tramps, and Tillman- ism. Business failures. Praising Aguinaldo. Kepudiation ot honest debts. : Idle factories. j-iiLiuiiuu liuii 01 , voLers. Voting dead niggers. Cursing Cleveland. Rotten egging populist, Courting populists. Yelling vHanner." Bal lot-box ravish ing . Mortgage and misery. More cramp colic. More bonds and bank ruptcy. : Disfranchising honest voters. More calamity 'howling. Wild-cat banks and wild-eyed Altgeldism. Ice trust scandals . ' : . Squalling ; 'Hanner" some more. Stealing populist .plat forms. - . r ; Cursing "Hanner". Goebelism Simmonism -4 . . . .;. v feassm, sttotgumsm and 1 vin Pisrn wnrlH c mili 'mif on't you really think there is something in a name sometimes. Sometimes a srooddeal. , . , THEY SAY THAT ity howlers7 - uinaldo endorses aU w cfo T!1 A Tfte minute Ithe calamity howler, opens his mouth now adays , ' h e finds hi in self gag ged with figures. a The democratic. nnt. I Inrlf s rninrpif . rnnf ir - conviction. It will be con- victed in Nov. r - : The democrats who don't VVOUl. .JLlJIftU VV 111 IlClVe a chance to vote for McKinley this fall. V .The New York democrat ic platform generalized on trusts, but failed to mention the ice trust. ' , Another year of prosperi ty will make the advocates A r -;ia b ui 11 cc 011 v d do scarce as buffaloes in Kansas. Trade follows " the flag, but bankruptcy is about the only thing that would follow the Bryan rag. The man who talks the loud est about hard times is the fellow who does the least to make times good . If Willie Junebug Bryan keeps on running for Presi dent at $250 a speech, he'll get to be a millionaire long before he s President. In denouncing trusts why don't the democrats condemn the democratic congress that repealed, the republican anti trust law. ' It don't . require many brains to wear a tin rooster in vour hat, ride in the" band wagon , holler and vote a straight d emocratic ticket. William Jennings will stand by his party, right or wrong, but when it comes to his country, he rides with the skeedaddlers.v The PhUadelp min who is willing to bet 100 A will be elected needs a nrst- . ------- The frantic .efforts of a democrat to show a good thing his party ever did, re minds one of a dosr trying: to catch his tail there is olen- ty of motion but : no prog- ress. the o . o . o . o STANDARD RAILWAY OF TlQ Direct Line Ao; All Points. TEXAS, CAL;lRORNIA, FLORIDA, CUBA AND PORTOfilCO. I. Strictly FIRST-CLASS Equip xV l men t oh all Through and Lo- I cal Trairis;v Pullman Palace : Sleeping Gars; on4 all Night I Trains. Fast and Safe S'ched- I ules. . . . . . . ........ . 1 . . Travel by the Southern and you are as sured a Safe,-' Comfortable, and. Expe ditious Journey; oooooooooooooo - - APPIYro TICKKT 'AGSNTS FOR TIME TA HUES, RATES AND.GKNKRA1, INFORMA ' TION, OR ADDRESS Hi L. VERNON: F. R. DARBY, : t p a r p &t a J - chJotte.: c. : vtie.N'.c. : No trouble to answer Questions. JS21 s Gannon, j.ii. Calp, v.'A, tuts. - RAILWAY

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