i -.- . . -s. . .:.-. . ' -.-'v ; -!... 1"'- - -.r- - -V -V '.v V - -v.- : " - J -.-. :.. -v.; -t ;,?'-; -':, :?, V si : ... -. 'V - VOL. VI. MORAVIAN ; FALLS, N. C, THURSDAY, JULY 4', J900. NO, 1,4 THE YELLOW-JACKET. WKEKLY .& MONTHLY E. DON LAWS, EDITOE. WEEKLY, ONE YEAR .... - : : SIX MONTHS, MONTHLY, ONE YEAR,!. . 50 30 20 CASH ALWAYSIiADKAlNG Entered at Moravian Falls, : N. G, as second class matter. ;( j ; INSTRUCTIONS. f:i J" Silver preferred to Postage Stimps on suubu lpuuiik. 'f - 4 h. Remittances of silver of small sums may be made with comparative' safety in ordinary letters, using good envelopes. h Amounts above fifty cents it -'twould be well to send by Registered Letter, j -; P. O. Money Orders - are better ptill, but they mus be drawn on Wilkesboro, N. C. as Moravian Falls is not a "Money. Order ofiice. - , , " - ' , When writing to have your jjaper changed you must give your former as well as your new address. - - ; Always write your own name and sad dress plainly, and direct all your 1 ettej-s to JHE YELI.OW-JACKET, : Moravian Fails'. ,N. C. - X ISSUED EVERY. THURSDAY. Thursday, July 4, 190C GIT A HUMP ON! Look Here, Brother If you not already a subscriber to are ,the Yellow Jacket, consider this copy an invitation to become r one. Read this paper over and if you like it, send us 50 cents for a years subscription. You willrind the Y. J. a warm article. Its bus- iuCOO ruu iiciflw urgiws 1U the shade. This paper each wtek will contain somethinsr eood rind each succeeding issue will get bet- ter if it can be made so. Being: a firm believer in the principles of , the great party of Lincoln, Grant, Garfield and McKinley, we always be found contending fair play, and for the rights arid liberties of the people, and wag ing an unrelenting battle against the devil and the so-called- Demo- cratic party. We don't only want you to become a subscriber, but , also Hhould bo pleased to luve J I ,1 mong ami You can reach those whom we cannof Tnta n' v j whkn Jn go out from home, and tackle ev- ery Republic an you meet and get uuu suDscrioe, in tnis way you will not only-be doing us a grat favor, but you will also bel aidiWg us m reaching the people, ahd neipmg to present the facts of Le publicanism, which only need to be understood in order to make the Republican party ; so "numeri ally strong,- so harmonious ; a id invulnerable that the " tribes ' of ryan, the world,. the flesh and the devil can't bverthrdw it at , the a "jicaii t? Ill UU1 . ; : See all vour neighbors and mako up a club of 5 or 1 0 Tf von nan't s get the club now, send along ; your , - mf . . - . I . ... I sub. and try the club later. The Yellow Jacket is not local, but circulatesJaHOTerAmerica dgoesto; uie "me preaches nothing but Ke- Till hi lOOrt- Airxvl , V nATYltTlKn ueiore sending : money. read I n Of m nil 'no n il- rtW At' f fl l d S-kT I Ulm r""V. 7 i E You send .lmmmd hM ri n f u - . x3. .i. j .-7i the preaching llte Hahdfcplay EDITORIAIi REMARKS. Bill and Ted ! . Gold ! Grit ! sixteen dollars to5 on e day's nificent administrationhe ' has 5an expect from him in any e d Go ! Hooray ! hoard ' : ;-: i: given the country. - - mergenc One cannot please and We are still waiting for some democrat tO-fiXnlain -linw rrinnlv V 1. , ., - , . : : uuoy iiitjre is on ice, y - r - VVliei is a trust not ;a trust? w nen some or the ; democratic are in it.- io democrat lias ; yet said il-:.'"- nv .4 ; - , 5?98?1Ht,??,:: rtoliowed ouriiag into China. - " ; McKinley will win in the coming campaign-because he is rieht. '-. ' ' - Rush along every sub to the Y. J. that you can. Let al 1 the ,ys make a dash. Imperialism -"-What a bra- fossiles besides its judges. There been nominated by the' republi-n-faced, devil-hatched notori- . n :ef, zen- ous humbusc. Innnnont hircranrlDi'Q n TO fl.l- r ... , ... tt- . Tjc. ways getting 4nt. Note Koose- . T)u-i-iuT,i velt at the Philadelphia con- venuon. hii. can ticket and platform has had a paralyzing effect upon many democratic tongues. ' The democrats show symptoms Of a very faulty mincL; ; For they stumble thru existence With their headlights on behind. - After Nov. the history of fho lomrtratift hnf nan ho written ith three , words : t?,,i, rnA fliT X UUgUVj iUUlUVU) U4J1UU( China prides herself on the fact that she invented gunpow der, but she forgets that other people know best how to use it. Four P's stand for the renub- lican platform : Protection, Pros- Pfity, Patriotism, j Prpgress, Match lt if you can. .-.- .. A hnnt the onesomest man known in the United , States tliPA davs must be Senator Tel- ler of Colorado. The Chinese boxers- are un- i;t,o the American breed. TheT fight a great deal and talk but iiie J i 1' We don't; notice pathy with; the Boxers in k the democratic press. Tlie;Chihese have no votes you know. : 1 The country will, go steadily forward upon the paths of j pros- perity and happiness if it don't ton to fool with - a democratic administration . . - .. ..- . - . - No' Vice-President has become president f fV)r 5 year v because fnr f ii a 10.; R11 1 : T?.onsnvel t is ' -r-- " -' ' --.' - . : -' -4 " ' '". 'V'-l, 'L -i ." If thoco is any section: of the country here the tendency to wards Brvanism has; been dis- liko to hear fro that snot. : : .. , TliXansas City f Convention is.a 16 to 1 affair sure enough ; The Kan sas. City platform Olr0;0 Qn'f finr n frnjf nlanlr "u'lZ " w " r .,r " strong enough to saiely carry the Tammany ice wagon across the campaign bridge. There are several people .who prefer a democratic promissory note to a republican rec0rd, but . ' - fortunately the breed is ru nning out. - . - ; - - ' , , ' Sound travels at the rate of 1,142 feet per second. Now let some, scientist figure out how far Bryan's words have travels Prq . . A Massachusetts: court - has decided that a bicycle is not vehicle. But Mass. has other I- I r i . i . 1 . -i . mr 'Dfiivnninm ivinnna , r-5flp 4-i ermg, and tariff tinkering means & . . & T more Cleveland times, and a v , ... r man that wants te see mora , .. - - uieveiand times could .eac a pole cat and never frown. The action of Congress, in kicking Roberts out, was vindi cated by the Utah jury which found him guilty of unlawful cohabitation and fined him "i Kn n I tin. I . II I II vk i The fiscal year closed with I 1 ' ' AfrH fr SOme uuuuu surplus in ine V- - reasuiy. nis aione ought to.be good fbr another term for the party jthat saved the money. The fight this year will be be tween the party that rejoices at progress and is fond of its,; rec ord and 'fche one that- mourns. decries and repudiates. Where yu stand, brotn erf From one township in Kan. n flvn fnrmr hav n to " -yvw f no Kono H.vnnoir.mn nnrl r.ntPn they will return in time to vote for McKinley and Roosevelt. As Gov- Roosevelt's term expires January 1 , 1901 , and his inauguration as Vice-Presi- 1S "f dent will not occur until March 4, there is no reason for him to As we .go .to press the demo crats are in Convention at Kan sas City, Mo. arranging for their funeral procession in $ov. Bry an will lead the, procession and , whoever he riames ; will , bring up the tail. ' -; : - ': Gov. Roosevelt is; disappoint ing his enemies as a candidate for Vice-Presideh t quite as much as heidid He is proving that a fmarLr can beboth impetuous J and level- headed. r n President McKinley, in going to his home, at; Canton,; j Ohio; for a short rest from his public 'od wishes: of thp people, wnotoi mso,- know how hard "Ee has . worked and who appreciate the' mag- - H 71 spell any" Vtfi-r-W ZX : mD but Wfcat we started out to say was this: Do not send postage stamps on subscriptions -to the -Y- J-; and wjien you send Money Orders "KT Moravian Falls is not a M. O; ofiice. ln all fche democratic talk . :x , x . . - , o -- . I ill III! Dili: HXliHillIILlI I tfS. LI 1 1? V 1 7111 t a f. . -rf;;,4 J v J n - 6 made by Congress that they are . Vr;r 1 willing to say ought not to have been made. - , . . .. - n.. i : . i. . . n . . . ... Pucu; populisms .as senators t .i i -vT- n -r-r . mutier 01 in u., ana arris, 01 Kansas .havo not hesitated to publicly say that McKinley and T?.nnsp.vflf-. rrinrlR -t.hft sf.rnncrp.sf. tip.Uof. t.w ,-,nihlv bnv L . - - cans. During the next" four weeks we want to add 5,000 new sub- scribers; names to our books. If every subscriber wilf do a little work we can get them easily, Now is the time to get a hump on, boys. . ; ' Senator Hanna'has taken the trouble to deny the story that inree mine-owneis 01 utaa naa cpntrioutea $ouuu eacn to tne republican campaiern fund, -i ' - ... $50,000 campaign contributions are more frequent on paper tlinninronlihr - Hnl Rrv-in hns hnn n. nnliti- cian and. a military man, and now he is a farmer. Ho seems taken by a dog traincrnd odu to be a regular. Emperor Wil- ated. The four pups lich Ham sort of fellow. Possibly he just grow up were never worth may also some day desire, to over $5; apiece, if as much as write a poem or be an emperor, "'at, because they did not know just to show that he is as versa- anything-and could not do any- Ul as his prototype. The money devil in.-Kansas has raised the wages of harvest the dog fancier- became worth workers to $3 a day, and the $1,000, and that- sum. was ; re farmers can't get the needed fused for him because ho - knew' help at that price. Billy should somethimg.and coulddo some rush down to Kansas, unmuzzle thing. Let us call the five pups his mouth aha explain that this five boys, and how does , the prosperity is also -mythical., Col. Bryan wants free silver because ' free silver - will increase prices. Mi. ; iryan wants to bust the trusts because trusts are conspiracies to raise prices. The people would like to see IP ol. Bryan getting -self together. . . - ; Almost every time Roosev el t has accepted; a new j ob his friends have declared that ' he was going in to - obscurity, but each time he has; shown , h is a- bility to get av good deal of fame and fun out of the office. ' So will it probably be with - the TobW McLean . : of Wn- ington D. C. , gas Light Trust party is not blessed with enough magnet and late democratic cari- - -;' -.VV ! 'v' -; x i didate for governor bf Ohio, has eiito lead it who possess the chipped $25,000 into4he .demo-1 cratic campaign fund to help get men to cuss the trusts, . 'McKinley;s strongest point is that the country knows what it everybody and some may ohiect to some of his acts, , but the great majority' will approve. With Bryan, on tha other hand, no one can tell what he may not" do. - democrats are a powerful set of fellows to talk of their fi- n dehty, to principles and their general consistency. However, they are now pretending that J t """ the sold law must stand because the lcnate is safey r0 blicau tljerofore it will be all right thov ' ij ,1 , " sav for the ?old dfimnRivits t,n - 7. vntft tor Krvan this vnn.r Arn'f, ' t ; J tliey;a prettyset offellows . to snoul5 consistency t The mercy and generosity of th a Prpsirl An t wfirfi nftvpr morft strikingly shown than in his proclamation of amnesty to . the Filipinos who have been in - re- peilion. jn one are excepted-save those who have violated the laws of war.. The President has t bitterly regretted the necessity of making, war upon those peo- pie aud. did so only because it was his duty. Had, he failed to ATTAP.n t Jth:rriVlfi?;'fn!rL'mn.rnft' the torrent of denunciation which the democrats would - htfve poured out upon him. a m a n whom we know had i water spaniels, all black and all looking just alike. x UUL U1 puppxua 1Cw up tu u? w ining except wag xneir tans, ana bark at the moon. The pup whicjwas carefully trained by proposition, ioojc to you c is easier to train a Doy tnan a dog. If yon have boys; study this problem over. -Ex. - The skedaddlers must derive little comfort from the reflec-' tions of the Louisyiller Cpurier JouVnal.on tlie? cent Oregon elecUonv " Hear it? i 'It is useless to 'moralize onL .the result. The country 'is for expansion. This is clearly indi cated by the first state in which the issue has been fairly tested. Will the democrats lie so, foolish . as to; insist r: phJrepeating : this test at the presidential elec- To be sure, Henry, they will insist on that vervi thin er. l he foresight that you' do. . Their foresights are "all out of fix. But -f : :w .: .V , v. -.A 1 -.: