VOL., VI. MORAVIAN FALLS, N. C., THURSDAY, JULY 19, 1900. NO: 16 THE YELLOW-JACKET. ; ' - " WEEKLY & JVIONTHL. r. row LAWS, EDlidB WEEKLY, ONE YEAR,. . . SIX MONTHS, ....... V.. . MONTHLY, ONE YEAR, . . .50 ; so .20 CASH ALWAYS IN ADVANCE.- Entered at Moravian Falls, N, second class matter. - - . , C. as INSTRUCTIONS. Silver preferred to Postage Stamps on suDscripuons. j Remittances of silver of small psums mav be made with comparative safety in may De maae wiui comparative safety in ordinary letters, using good" envelopes., well to send by Registered letter. I: P. O. Money Orders are bettetl! still, but they must be drawn on Wilkesboro, jn. as iviuravian rails is nor a Money Order office. When writing to have your changed you must give your former as your new address.. paper 1 S WCll Always write your own name arid ad- uicaa pxrtiuijf, ouu uncuttux your idlers 10 Thb YElVIOW-jACiajT, Moravian Faias, N; C. ISSUED EVERY THURSDAY. Thursday, July 19, 1900. GIT A HUMP ON! 1 Look Here, Brother : If yon are n ot already a subscriber j to fT, Yellow Jacket,; consider this copy an invitation to become Read this paper over and if one. I J" like it, send us 50 cents for yeajsi subscHptibn: You Tvill the Y. J. a warm article . i Its UU8 I the shade. This paper each week will contain something good and each succeeding issue will get bet- ter if it can be made so. I Beig a firm believer in the principles; of the great party of Lincoln, Grant, Garfield and McKinley, j we will always be found contending for fair play, and for the rights and liberties of the people, and Wag- r I ing an unrelenting battle against I 4- t -v 3 W l A r" -3 - T- V - 1 1 "P -V- -V tu y.vx uu ---- urauu pa-rt-y. v e uuu i uinj wum i you to oecome a suDscrioer, dui we also should be pleased to have you do a little missionary work: a- mong vour Republican ! friends. ' C . .. . ' You can reach those whom cannot . Take a Y. J. when go out from home, and tackle we you t I ev- ery Republican you meet and get him to subscribe. In this wajiyou will not only be doing us a great i-vorj ou. you win io u niuiuK c 1 x n 1 1 'li--l u. m reacmng xne peopie, "--pxii iu pxcfccxiu uiiuuw be understood in order to make thesouE ..n i : i : L .T cally strong, so harmonious and invulnerable that the tribes, of u J 4.r. " ' . - i . j . i ;i wr if of Uu " ! . it I ii ixil b UVvlvuiun iv: uv - iuu I pons next IN ovem oer. -. . I - . -r -1 n i i. Sao oii'Trrmi nAicrhhnrfl nnri Trln tra , : : I I up a club of 5 or 10. If you ekin't .ii. X, I 1: I 6 me umu xiuvv, bcuu aB- ru. "wnsub. and try tne ciuoiaierL . , . 11 1 1. 1 : x ' I The Yellow Jacket is npt local, but circulates all over America "u guea 10 loreigJi : iuuub j ttUH ; " ae tinvft nrAnrhPfl nnthintf but Re- publican , gospel and, ; common r W r-W -- ' -r I , I sense. Before, sending :: money, read instructions at top of this bol- umn. ffnw. hrntbfir.take the cfase. ifou send along the subs, and help ' ' ;- Ark . ww r;il l U0 the CirftnTfltl 11 f and We Will! UO theDrech; 7 Letthebnhd may ,IlepubioanTsm.,,. , - I .:, uuxxUxtlAlj KJbMAKKS: 1 ; .. ' A - Diauua iUf vjuaiaian ui jriubperii You will hear no mn f V fool tal about "imperialism''' after the 6th of November. Boss Gorman,' .of; Md., .has not yet offered to take the stump for Bryan ani Stevenson. ' The democrats had a chance arid fell. back in it. What do you want to give them another for? Grover Cleveland has so far "r v- neglected to congratulate liis old side partner or the demo- Cratic party. The man who votes without an eye single to sound money sound government is either w i blind Or can't see Straight. It would seem to be advisable in the future for all foreigners m China to keep a j flying ma- clime ready tor use at all times. Col. He nry Watterson says if he can stan tancl the democratic ticket and platform surely any democrat can. He didn't stand , . - UUUiUUlclli Uilll. X1C U1U11 b StbllCi wic aauau iuiiig iuui . jxjoilo . agu. Those neonle who think with n . .' I- . . meiv snirts on -are responsible for nearlv everv democratic cv- p.ione tnat ever swent over anv ' , . . , The democrats won with a 1 ne democrats won witn a third-hand ticket, once upon a time, but-they can t i win with the Bryan and btevenson see ond-hand affair. It takes greenback as well as gas. to run the democratic cam- . T '11 "U xl. paigtu Bryan will furnish the j rn H VVt t i an ar an c ean an Carnegie will put up the green- : ' ; . : Col. Bryan makes more mon- ey doing nothing, undr repub- lican rule than he made at hard 'I . i 1: f j x:.. worK as a lawyer in luemucriitiu i ' t ,i. JiJi. - . xl I times, and there are lots of oth- ers. - - Uncle Sam's cash balance is .: . $300,000,00(1, but just put . te dems in and in a little while be found skirmish- they would trving to find bond , Purchasers lie Cleveland did, 35r- . , - it a Ttn c t: tti i i iifiiitii ii i iii i iiu . into the democratic, campaign ii" itti - i .1 xt x o mna r nai aoes iuui uieaii v I w ca t. n ri 1 i Orri t. r 11 h n mtii k smki iii ; xi 1.x x 1.-1J i.u Ann l-v I me muiocrais nuiu'bu tuoicuuir . . -- i. ' lican party. . - : mi. :. ii a x -x-i I ne way me .rusi, inague.- are boosting i up Billy. Jenny with contributions to the cam- paigu iuuu, i iiiaca iu 1 uu 4.11-0 1 there was a dead nigger . in the H woodpile, somewhere. - l- , . --t. ; : Lost, strayed or stolen ap income tax plank from the dem-L ?.c"' x ': xr: -1 De lioerauy re warueu. uy ,rLUiu- s. . f ing same toLits owner w. J.-W.l '.at. - Linooln; Webraska, -k ' Mules are not kicking half as 1T bad these davs as the democrats j . . because thev (the- mules) are i Worth a head more to the farmers than they were at the beginuinS ofl897 No interview has: succeeded in getting Dave Hill to say that be believed Bryan and foteven- ?on would be elected r for the very good reason that he doesn't . .. believe it. Ttbse having,mony to throw against the success of Bryamsm and the odds are likely to be in - o8 ' .'thft nnmnnrart rro creasea ab cdmpaigu piu- gresses The man who yells "calam- , n " -2 . , . 4 . . and the silver trust are: "ant ity" for a living these times is . :.t-4,-" rpuA in poor business and ought to I HiTnorl n o ovL T f-ot norl , r . : -J , ea into a sewer pipe 5 ana snoc through a feather bed as a re ward for his cussedness. Tj. ,i . t . David the ne gro delegate from Hawaii t0 Kansas City, created such enthusiasm as to cause th nnn,-n ,TQlrt , fuQ Trparty had fa chance.7 ' There m , , , , u fnmfi Tn.isr -nlanlr. what vvonlrl have been left out if Aguinaldo i i ,1 n naa Duen mere: i . We thank the democrats for nnft.ino RtAvfinsnn on thfi t.j.il -7; ---- . of their ticket. It is a gentle re- minder that Adlar as Clove- i j t j xi x- xi In.Tid'ft nalnnnnc thfi timfi the democrats were trying their lev- el best to send this country to hades. Several mistakes occurred in last issue. . Our chirography is nsnallv so bad that our comnos- ltors can naraiy reaa it ana last w - v , - . T w umu i1t " V week we didn t get timetopioot fl -v www -mm -v -m w j j- m jb - w a ft Wle WUx tw UUlSt!lVC5. Y C XlUjJCi our readers caught the meaning Lvfin thfi words were wronp1. even the words were wrong. A Kansas soldier boy in the Philippines writes his parents tLt llfi hfls namea his little dog William Jennings Brvaii. 4 w j found tiie dog," savs .1 0 in a barking like h1? ud had chaged. io mon- J ' ' keys up one tree. enmp nnr1iHnnR ov- tain sums 0f money have been referred to as "blood money." Now whv shouldn't Gas Trust m,, T? McWn's ' 25.000 ..cWp to th. democratic cam- rkoirrn fund he rllinhed l?as paign iuna De auouea gab ... money" or "trust money ; ; : : - - , . Tts no troub e to find Dlentv - " i i x- -1-.-. hnnnfiiir nn. 01 uju.ia.ia wuu xjj 1 . . . . . -r : . I Arco f hA ntticia aets. ot rresi- I, I dent McKinley, but it is some- , . .n x-. .:- Wliat Oimcui- iu uuu . Utiuuiuc . . . reDUblicans who condemn his -'--.-p. This fact should assure reelection by the largest ma- . . . j In '96 there were ; over one niillion idle! men in ; this coun- - no 1v nlf. of democrrti "V , . " v..-. ,11 m-.J . iMla man flinf. f "".T ..wnt - tjrnna wor, jyp . ww.ww u?mv.wr. republicans . in . power and I -- this condition will continue: I rut the dems in power and 'yb times will return. Let the vb- j ters take due notice thereof and act accordingly. Does not spell any thing, but what we started out to sav was this: Do not - send x. A . iLi.il a. y. j.; and when you sendMoney Orders uuauii!c i Mttujus uu auuauiuiwus . iu llie ffve tnem oawn on vyincesDoro, w. u Moravian Falls is not a M. O, office. Tnlin "R. MhTipfln hfi sprit his lheck,to ilUam jenney forj $90 000 Hlnrlr of Mnntana is said to haye .-chipped De - .... .... ... w., A j r d old Carnegie is going into his millions to help out the skee daddlers. Thus the gas trust ,, Tn 4 . ' . murtr mg up. Ice trust next. Then 4. 4. to- sugar trust. Just watch the , movements. Say, you fellows that are a- bout to make up your minds to vote the dem ticket and lv boys another cnanc0' Just remomDCl tnat last time that the democratic isn t a parti particle of assurance un-: der high heaven that the party WUU1U UU ttU vwv. wmm. uwix- r cuuiiutj viiaii t uiu witu uie one il once had- In 96 certain men told the that if McKinleyism won that the country was ruined : J 7 tbat the "Poor would become poorer and the rich, richer that all the money would be ' destroyed but gold, and that v i ti..x : ,j greeay-n annua pi uocrny vvuuiu hold hl?h. carnival over the des- olate nome&01 an ouirageu peo- i r i ixi -ttt rt lcs o main nc r. nar. c ; l m j a i. ij in i 1111 ' " l J , , ..,5 the fact, some fellows have dis- - . - - . , , the shape of Imperialism , &ftd mo ouw Vi xiu.. , witn tne same oia ;yo serious-, ness on tneir iaces iney swear . t .1 . that the jig is up if this perialism,, carries. Bray ye incredulous disciples of Dog- berry ; the people have heard I - Y0111 voice oeiore. I - : - 1 Words are too tame to express our appreciation of the deep in- terest our republican menus everywhere are taking in the Yellow Jacket. Subscriptions e ourinS ? at the te 6f ?7er 6UU a weeK lrom eve sectlon & x ting in about 16 hours a day we are now nearly. '4 days" be- Kith Tinf W aiit 'nArrDonnnrlP.nPft muu Wxx, 11 r f 1 . I uuu vuo vuiwui-viu v - uuv.-,- 1 . , t.t r n ! -1 Klir.lPr.T.llR '' K11I1S- ULU. --f-lw -r" fTIt . . -.-.r, nnrl lif AI1IT we exnect to . make greater llU-I - rr5 . v ivy. . - nnnnmnnfa fhan ot7t nnnn til P. 1 Y. J. and try to merit the in- terest sho wn us. V " Patriots, freemen, christians -J. Listen to this. On the 7th inst. Hon. H. F. Sewall, a higll- toned gentleman, wenc 10 iiaur- burg to discuss tne political jxxx & y lU . ... .A , -. i -1, 47 , l-ninrlrArl jrfYCfWn r fol-l Tr !2U w' QZZJX threats to crn W.k nW t.Kp train I "N-f ---- W -h .JV W .: . : and'lrara TI-mq' ic " 4t:v si- i - - r .. if aa.. w . premacv demnfiranv straight from the ahnuirt peace and harmony, the . free- dom of speech and the' safety f of person that prevails under dem- - Qf:n 1vrilii at n mu: n . . - r kLuiLUiJioioiJLi wibii ct veugtsance. I 'Pnl Ir .aVirm f. Ii 1 ri - r cunVi n . -i- AviwiU tx c itn- ty save the country from "negro domination" by voting for 4 the . . , " - - i; . Amendment ! tfod forbid. We'd see the wholft Simmnna machine cooling their tongues' with melted not mfitnl in the furnaces of-hades before we .wouW-aW tnfv, a r,. . . science by casting a single vote for such a Part7- The Charlotte, N. C, Obser- ver, the most ably edited and . , , v . - , widely circulated democratic -J: , . j , paper in the state, has served " . , notice on tne Jtsryanites that it will positively follow them no further in their " headlong ca- - of Chattanooga walks -u(. and.s ays he takes no Bryan in his. The Boston Herald, which leads' the democratic press of New England declares for McKinley;f The Galveston- cy to bolt isryan. The .Lexihff- ton, is.y, ieraia leading anti- Goebel democratic paper of that state opposes Bryan. ...The Den ver Republic , which 4? years ago supported Bryan; is out for Mac & Teddy, also the Denver Times repudiates . Bryan as a false pr?phet and hoists , the epubli-. can colors at its" mast head. lhe Worcester, Mass. -Fost hitherto democratic, condemns lutj-wiioiB uBiiiuurauc. wuciurni, . T fi .p - , a-, - - s ,.no. democratic paper of the North- west spews out the Kansas City r niHTTnTrn : no vnnr ah 1 u kh f . r l m. , m m . & k j w w .. . JT , , . , : . - p T, habit of swallowi ncr fivprvt.hincr bit of swallowing, everything I s m - n - branded 1 'democracy ' ' li as ex- pressed the belief that Bryan I will meet defeat ands appears to , W1U meec aeiea. ana appear: glory m tne laet. 5ut foremost I .-? 1T i-. 1 Tt xl. "T7-iJ Vx y mw uuio m vana oiiy. Times, whose rfiasflris fni so rln- vet given. Thus we see. that the leading democratic Papers' 1 il. x 'r-.ii. x ui nic wuiiuj-iau , iu,see :auy good to come from the election of Bryan . , People every where wno are in business, or who ithfi ftnnrsfi nf t.Vifof , nnnora j an1 ! , nf thn, o-, a choose for prosneritv. safetv. and .honor as against ruin, TTJL0''' a.bpe.a.wd a Wal C. De Exack Situation. - -r j-r..i,ii : . v x uumaa pany is gwmeter win; Tt- .'1 L.r.t . . . ... , .. ucxo .an- aev ii ao it aar'in: Krvgtl tolTn Vin 1 i. . - oney, dey only a joke; An' 1 tell'vou. now. when hftt,!f-rrJ . ' w ousiio'gwineter.s some smoke! De 'Merican.flag is flung unfurl; . . We got dis universe in a whirl; -. Miss Columby sho is a fetchin' girl, 1 WiderhoneyfuL light in her. eye; -- J Her smilCt my babV) Snquers She looks so sweetan sly ! Uncle Sam done 'got a bran' new suit, : -- ; ,"V - y A ; T J " An' T tell vou. now. mv chile. . s " wnen ae-oxe man zruuits uiswumu' DOQt . . .. .. . . - ""eL : ':; ,-, .... .r-v,. attS,