mitt WEEKLY EDITION. VOL. VI. MORAVIAN FALLS, N..C, THURSDAY, AUG. 9, 3900. NO. 19 Site A ASS ftt ; - : THE YELLOW-JACKET WEEKLY & MONTHLY. XL. DON LAWS, EDITOR WEEKLY, ONE YEAR, SOV SIX MONTHS, .. k MONTHLY, ONE YEAR, . . . .2C CASH ALWAYS ADVANCE Enteredat Moravian Falls, N. C. Is second class matter. INSTRUCTIONS. Silver preferred to Postage Stamps on suDscripuons. . -r- .'u - r "1 i . lemuiances oi silver or small sums may be made with comparative safety in ordinary letters, using good envelopes Amounts above fifty cents it would be well to send by Registered letter. P. O. Money Orders are better stil but they must be drawn on Wilkesboro . C as Moravian alls is not a Monev Order office. wnen writing to nave your paper changed you must snve your former as well as your new address. Always write your own name- and ad dress plainly, and direct all your letters to The Yuow-Jacket, Moravian Faias, N. d ISSUED EVERY THURSDAY. Thursday, Aug i), 1900. GIT A HUMP ON! Look'Here, Brother! If you ares not already a subscribe to tht Yellow Jacket, consider this copy an invitation to become one. Read this paper over and if yot like it, send us 50 cents for i years subscription. You will fine the Y. J. a warm article. Its bus iness end registers 200 degrees ii the shade. This paper each weefc will contain something good and each succeeding ossue will get bet ter if it can berymade so. Being a firm believer in the principles oe the great party of Lincoln, Grant, Garfield and McKinley, we will always be found contending for fair play, and for the rights, and liberties of the people, and wag-J ing an unrelenting battle againstJ the devil and the so-called Demo cratic party. We don't only want vou to become a subscriber, but we also should be pleased to have you do a little missionary work a inong your Republican friends. You can reach those wnom we cannot. Take a Y. J. when you go out from home, and tackle ev ery Republican you meet and get him to subscribe. In this way you will not only be doing us a great favor, but you will also be aiding us in reaching the people, and helping to present the facts of Re publicanism, which only need to be understood in order to make the Republican party so numeri cally strong, so harmonious and invulnerable that the tribes of Bryan, the world, the flesh and the devil can't overthrow it at the polls next November. See all your neighbors and make up a club of 5 or 10. If you can't get the club now, send along your own sub. and try the club later. The Yellow Jacket is notloc but circulates all over Amenta and goes to foreign lands, and til the time preaches nothing but publican erosnel and : commpn O J. . ..... r-. sense. Before sending mon read instructions at top of this c umn. Now,"brother take the cas You send along the subs, and hel do the circulating and we wilj do EDITORIAL REMARKS. It seems that the Shanghai roosters are crowing altogether too loud these days. The democratic platform in lour words : ''We're agin' the government." comes to making noises, mnese gong-beaters . are . . , no. in it witn western popu- lists. a gooa 10 to j. wager that ex-Speaker Reed will find T i i -4 rt -4 time to make a few republican speeches, before election. James Larkin Pearson, late editor of the Patriot, Jefferson, N. C. stakes a position this week with thfe Yellow Jacket. When the results of Bryan's ,,,;,, rih, , - va 'a ItheKansas City platform to made known" the Col. will be several huncre4 thousand short." Mn who buy gold bricks are wisVn comparison with those menwho are contributing good money to the Bryan campaign fund. The assassination of King Humbert, of Italy, was not cal- ciliated to add to the ease oi mind of other European crown- Wearers. Ifibrag, blow and bluster couid carry an election, tne . - Bryanites would have a walk- over, but. Mack and Teddy have the votes behind them. The managers of the Bryan spell-binders are said to have decided that Webster Davis' Bryan speeches were not worth the price expected for them. We want every subscriber we have to help out the cause by sending as much as one sub. each within the next two weeks. Everybody wants Yellow Jack- ets. Imperialism-is nothing but a scarecrow, and Btyan knows fliic no ivpII as anvhodv. but it I - " - u ' I offers a chance to the pie coun- ter and he doesn't hesitate to use it lor all it is worcn. A Bryan administration would do this country more damage in a fortnight than all the "Imperialism" the repub- licans will bring to bear in the net feneration. - o hen iUncle Sam entrusted business to democratic is statesmen he had to borrow ed millions money byvne nu to keep hisffairs rom going to the demniti OWWOWS, DUt when he turned over his atlairs to the icans it wasn't long until e found himself able to pure islands by the own and thous olJey. Do you ot mxss QZZJX Does not spell any- thing, but what we postage stamps on subscriptions to the srartfvl ntit eav -etroc Vi i o . - j Y- J- and when yu send Money Orders have them drawn on ' Wilkesboro, N. C. Moravian Falls is not a M. O. office. Some time ago the Illinois populists demanded the "initia tive and referendum", and in- stfinrl nf fhnf. .n B.-van. Thev n. tr tw I J w-. fv UUV L-i j i oupuacu vvtio uruciu. ana they got a stone. The democrats would try to laugll at Teddy's exploiting the San Juan Hill charge, but the tune turns to the Qther cor- ner of their mouth when he talks about that ice" charge of the trust. There isn't enough free silver in Bryan's speeches these days to eralvanize the silver nlank in iu ii um smciiiug uaa. i ec Bryan's for free silver, you know. Yes, you know. Boiled down and viewed with an eye single to its exact mean- ing the Kansas City platform is a document of ' -against", "op- nose" n.nrl denounce" wnrHs X v J v - un-American in these days of prosperity and progress. The President's critics would I - ' - obtain more attention if they WOUld noitlt OUt a Sinsrle tlim? f he could have done at Wash- ington that he has not done at Canton. He can be depended - - - - x. Up0n to do his whole duty wherever he mav be. , Jas. H. Eckels, controller of tj1(i currency under Cleveland, again announces that he is strongly opposed to the election of Bryan. Eckels opposed Bry- ,m in '9fi find hfi assarts thnt lift can see no reason whvhe should not do so now. Tn nvouonf micnnrlofof anrl- -1Ugf we mention that New Or- leans, where mobs of Boxers have been chasing down and murdering utterly unoffensive negroes because one of their race committed? a bloody mur- j,, Xc r,;itoQl TTnUorl KX J X , lO Oil 14 KJ iu viavs aaa.vwva i states and not in China. j ne retention oi gooa times will be the 'paramount" issue with everybody this fall who a. puts the interest of the country above the success of the party "Hold fast that which is good" if it sends the "antis," the "denouncers" and "opposers , to everlasting deieat. The lact, known to every in- I. Hi . T IT ll. .1. 1. rt teingent scnooi ooy, lunt Liiure are no advocates of an Ameri- can empire, makes the talk a- UUUHUipuuaiiaui "omg paign lssire aiuipijr luiuo. pansion is an issue, and it will be upheld by an overwhelming majority, who Deneve in ureai- er America and the benefits it to brought and will bring to The missionaries are resent- ing the charge, originated in Eurpe that they were respon- sible for the Chinese trouble, and showing that the responsi bility rests with the "robber na tions" of Europe, which, have been steadilv robbine China and the Chinese for some years. The Kansas City Boxers are threatening to assault prosperi ty and drive good times out of the country, but twentieth cen tury civilization will not likely accept eighteenth century ideas. ".. " . J ,T ctry is ot in the hab- it of growing like a cow's tail nor traveling like a crawfish "Senator Hanna is an hon est, big hearted, charitable and unassuming man. I believe that under the verv strongest temptation he would not do mu. .upug uUnUUU1. is the opinion of Senator Scott, wh0 was closely associated with Mr. Hanna four years ago, as he is again in the present cam- paign. Senator Jones, of Ark., who earned the title of "custodian of rainbows" in '96, sees still hio-frof voinKnnro nnw Whw Iq 55 LtlU U U .UVStV II XJL jf f isn't willing to concede a single state to McKinley and Roose- velt. Poor fellow ! He really I V V A.X V VV VUUV V IUV V11JL1J fi W .KSkJ sen the magnifying qualities of lu him'n TTa i rlAmnrrnfifnll v I A. A A. A. V . -. - Jfc.- A M.MM V & V V - bWA . J run mad. We must confess we can't understand Colonel Bryan's policy towards the Philippines. He contends that thev are as - much a part of the United States as the District of Colum- bia and are subject to the same laws. Yet he talks about set- ting up an independent govern- men t in them. Please eluci- date, Colonel. Senator Hanna's advice, to WOrk aS tllOUgll CVerV VOte was needed to elect McKinley and Roosevelt, is good enough to be accepted aud lonowea Dy every man who believes in a continuation of the country's present prosperity. Let the not be lost siffht of for a o moment that republican suc cess is necessarv to the country. Isn'tit time for some demo crats to discover that the Mon roe doctrine forbids us to send troops to China to rescue our imperiled citizens? Some time ago, Mr. Lentz discovered proof of an "alliance" with Orreat Britain in the fact that Conger took refuge at the British lega tion and it. is about time for some other prize idiot to come to the front. We notice in the American Economist of July 20th a col umn article under the heading of "What's In a Name?" and tQ the Blackfoot Idaho Mail. In justce to ourselves and as a caution to the literary jackasswh0 hasn't sense enough honor enough to give credrtrfor. those he steals, we wish to say that the article referred to, which is credited to the Mail, was stolen fit. literatim, irom tne xenow Jacket oi March 15, 1900. The election in North Caroli na last Thursday under a Goeb-. el law, aided by terror inspired by Red Shirts, shot guns and rotten eggs and the terrible in fluence by the cry of white su premacy" produced a democrat ic majority of anyything from seventeen thousand to sixtj'-five thousand. The state is saved to the democrats. In the Red Shirt districts, according to the democratic papers, there was. no opposition. Republicans and populists staid at . home rather than incur bloqdshed by going .out and voting their hon est sentiments. Hi there, ye democratic trust Tt cusser. Mold your tongue and, lend us your ears just a mo ment. Listen: The quarititv of tin imported into the- United States by the Welsh Tin Plate ' Trust in 1893, under the Wilson free trade regime, was 253, 15o tons and in 1899, under the Dingley jDrotective tariff, the quantity was only 58,915 tons. It seems that any one who is more interested in tho welfare of the nation than he is in par ty success, could easily, decide which is the better condition for the nation to be in. ' Don't you think so, Mr. Democrat? Congressman Sulzer, the New York democrat who so enthu siastically talked for the Boers, has been having a good time at the expense ot the widows and orphans and maimed and sick soldiers of the South African republic. Something over $1,100 was collected from Boer sympa thisers in New York but when the banquets, the wine bills and the travelling expenses of Sulzer aud his friends and the Boer en voys were paid the splendid sum of $18 was left to send to the needy on the veldts. It is not always the men who yell the loudest for liberty that are the most patriotic nor is it generally the man who talks most about liberality that will reach deepest into his pocket. Lakefield Minn. Standard. Another sad situation has presented itself to the anti-imperialists. They were a few days ago sifting on the top rail and crowing vigorously. They proposed to do something that would shake the McKinley ad ministration to its foundations. Yes, they were going to run some great big man for Presi dent. Thev were sure thev would settle on Senator Hoar. ex-President Cleveland or Snenker Rfifid. "Rnt n.ln.s- Hoar comes out for McKinley, Cleve land" opposes a third ticket and Reed is going to making republican speeches in Maine. Now the poor little old antis are stuck fast in the mud without a big man for president. It's too bad that these antis can't find- some, great leader to help them save the country and kill , tho ! old imp monster, W - f the prea ching. Let the band play Republican jgm. " any difference? us. to write jus own editorials nor

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