Vl1 WEEKLY EDITION. VOL. VI. MORAVIAN; FALLS, N. C, THURSDAY; SEPT. 20, 5900J NO. 24, Set the yellow- WEEKLY & MONTHLY. DOIT LATTSr fi EDITOE. WEEKLY; ONE YEAR, SIX MONTHS, .... MONTHLY, ONE YEAR L...50 ..30 .20 CASH ALWAYS IN ADVANCE. Entered at Moravian Falls, ( second class matter. N. ,C. as INSTRUCTIONS. Silver preferred to Postage J Stamps on suDscripuons, Remittances of silver of small sums may be made witli comparative saf et . in ordinary letters, using good envelopes. Amounts above fifty cents it Would be well to sena Dy cegisterea letter. P. O. Money Orders are better still. but they must be drawn on: Wilkesboro N. C. as Moravian Falls is not a Moneys Order omce. When writing ;to have our pape r cnangea you must give your iormer as wen as your new address. Always write your own name and ad dress plainly, and direct all youn letters to Thb Ybixow-Jagket, Moravian FaiIls, N. C. ISSUED EVERY THURSDAY. Thursday, gpt. 30 900. GIT A HUMP ON! Look Here, Brother: If vou are not already a subscriber to the ibiiuwi, wmuW wi W an invitation to becoma one. Read this paper over and if you "HIta if, spnrl ns fSO cfirits for a years subscription. You wSU find v t . wnrm i.rnl: fts : . l"- I innca onrl ram' ofora OfTTOOO 1 the shade. This paper eaclT weei try will contain something good, and . ' , each succeeding, issue will got bet- The fact that Dick Croker is a ter if it can be made so. Being a firm believer in the principles of the great party of Lincoln, Gra nt, Garfield and McKinley, we will always be found contending tor fair play, and for the rights and liberties ot the people, anal wag- ing an unrelenting battle ajgainst the devil and the so-called Demo cratic party. We don't onl;d want J , , . ' ' . , . r, "we also should be pleased, tcj nave you do a little missionary work a mong your Republican friends. You can reach those whom we nnnnni nnoV a v. t to-ViotI Trrn I go out from home, and tackle ev- tion purposes who believes in ery Republican you meet anld get the e&tablishmeut of an Ameri him to subscribe. In this way you can empire. Apply to Uncle will not only be doing us a great favor, but you will also be aiding us in reaching the people, i and A vote for Bryan and Steven helping to present the facts of Re- son is a vote for rags and soup, publicanism, which only need to because that is. all a democratic be understood in order to fnake administration ever gave the tne hepublican party '. so numeri- strong, so narmonious , ana invulnerable that the tribis of Bryan, the world, the flesh and the devil can't overthrow it at the polls next November. See all your neighbors and m ake up a club of 5 or 10. If you get the club now, send along can't yqur own sub. and try. the club later. !; . The Yftllnw .fnnkpt iaJnot'localH but circulates all ovei: r Anerica Jdpmocratwe are reminded that and goes to r foreign landsidv alii the time preaches noton buter.lQother of a mule colt. publican gospel u and"" common sense. Before sending money,! read instructions at ton of th id coll unin. Now, brother, take ih'caW ion fifinn M.lnnity fhfi ' anhu. n.nn CiO the oirf.nln.ti nor 4onVl wa will! do ro - - ' the preaching toe band fclay OUR TICKET. EDITORIAL REMARKS. Wliat did Bryan predict in '96? The calamity wail is a with a brass handle to it. lie The imperialism dragon is a thin democratic shell stuffed with Bryan gas. The only rates we have for the campaignHs thirty cents for six months. Jltf , you admire the Yello jacKet s Temperature order a good supply for the campaign. Trade follows the flag, but hanVrnnfnv ia nVrnf. oil f-.VinV' would follow the Bryan rag. The only expansion Bryan seems to enjoy is the expansion of his bank account and his mouth. . ; - -t s a j j .1 is about to swallow this coun - tfr.yan man is not surprising. All the men who are following Bryan are croaken, The Bryanites continue to try to defend Aguinaldo's char- acter, but it makes some- of them sweat. The name of the greatest clown the world has ever known is William j Jennings Flopper Dodger Bryan. Wanted a man for exhibi- Sam. pe0pe Lots of democratic politicians haven't, much horse sense but they make up for, this by hav- UnS more impudence and gas than anything else on earth. When we hear" a Bryanite bbast that- he is a Jefferson many a good mare has been th 5 ; L. 'Vv; ijA;; e national debt couldbe paid off with promises and cm;; ., v. .1 .1 1 . '. , couiapay on tne wnoie tmngn A ""at ls u man hils-,nmagines the 'imperial devil' twQnty days. 7s Democratic' principles remind . . . ..-. us'of the old forked " stick used for a stave jointer-leg, they can be adjusted to stand upon a platform in any position from- a plain to a perpendicular. ' Europe is for Bryan : because . ' . y ' . the foreigners know tBM. mother of trusts election would turn the pros perity from American manu facturers to those 6f Europe. Une oi tne strongest reasons1 why all honest, respectable peo- pie should pe against Bryan is because. Tammany has comcrflor. ,,. mno out for him. A continuance of good tim may be vouched-safe if the peo pie will keep the free soup house party consigned to;he dungeons of defeat. t makes lots of democrats as mad as a wet hen because the people refuse to gefc scared into conniption fits over the " imper ialism' ' scare crow. 'London papers declare that 'there are hundreds of trusts in Free-Trade England. Of course the democrats will tell you that the Dingley Tariff is the moth er of the last one of them. so wear a tin rooster in your hat, ride on the tail end of the band wagon and vote a straight democratic ticket is a task that requires nenner Drain nor DacK- Kb one. r ine nartv tnat is stanamg up rrii i t L itQ hinrl Ipo-a nnrl hnwlino- a. gainst expansion is the very same old fraud that at one time said Abraham Lincoln was an imperialist" and deplored his tion for that reason. r t j. i,ii n explaining to the bovs that the Tariff i .n tnt.hpr nf trRts I nlflanfl TYifintinn th rubber trust. There is not a cent of Protec- tion on rubber yet there is a 4-1 i--r-r t I linn rlnl Inn tnhho " fifty miUion dollar rubber tupu8." Brvan told the people in '96 that he'd save them from hard times, and he did by being de feated. Now he tells them he will save them from imperial ism, and he will- by being de feated again. We want 20.000 new subi scribers to the Yellow Jack this fall. Now let every suty- scriber help us to get theii. We hope every one who reads this copy will try to get up club, and push the list along. Come, boys ! K 1 1 ii 1 sensible man can afford to deny The most prosperous periods of our national life have beeh under republican rule and thb most disasterous . periods oV A our nationaiine nave oeen unuury democratic rule. Kead up and think' over these statement, Mrv ere is one trutn tnat noivr t j Voter; and be a man, ; "'; Does not spell any tHing, but what we starts ntittnsnvmiQfWc. To postage stamps on subscriptions to the Y. J.; and when you send Money Orders toethem taon wiiketoo, N. c Moravian Falls is not a M. O. office. .' J- j v T J"" uemu" tfrT.a4- catrr t.iA.: just ask the young rooster who was the mammy of those soup houses that sprang up under democratic rule. s We didn't sav that the rennh- Flican ministr.-itioft was resnnn- the last few seasons, but it is seasons, but it is responsible for the 100-cent dollars that pay for said crops. Yoii can't rub that out. Bryan's sympathetic soul seems on the verge of melting into tears for the rights of Tagal sjivages,. but American voters who oppose ring-rule have lost their savor in his eyes and seem only fit to be trodden under foot by Red Shirters. Under Protection 1 e United States has cut down her imports 80 per cent, and in creased her exports 600 .per cent. You might put that in your corn, cob pipe and smoke it, Mr. Bryanite. If that anti-trust, anti-im- perialism, anti-prosperity, anti everything crowd wants to keep on puoiisning ncticious names as converts to their wav of look- ing at things, just let 'em rip. I ml T xnev, are aomg some very Ufffintiva namnaip-ninp- for Mack and Ted. Eead this copy of the Yellow Jacket all over, and if you like " sena us ou cents ana Sev iu a whole year. It will not only ue a warm aLbiuio iniuuut tiiu campaign, but its business end will register 200 degrees in . the shade the year round- S BQth nted Tho x i- democratic 5 ill represents . dis- honest money, Goebelism, tt6? 8 .r backwards ; the republican Bill represents financial honesty, fair elections and going ahead. Mr. Voter take your choic9. . democratic hard times is eath to trusts' and evrey other business. Republican pros perity is profitable to trusts and all other business. Mr. Bryan- ite, which is best, hard times and no business, or prosperity and revival of business every trrVt om9 PnVo Tior mtt cun hnv nixuxvt -"j , i , j i. j. v. ou know you don't want to lie. I If you claim to be a free man, if A111 1 1 h.vh 71. 11 i 1111 villi 1 rsiiinii 1 ders and think for-yoursef, vote Yoav own sentiments, vote for. what , you think is best for yourself and your country, but if you're a backboneless fool with no higher motive than to serve a- boss and be ;a mudsiller for .; - j:., j-; M TnHti&T 1 ihW hnntivr QZZJX )t one of , them, tell you how t6 saiai was unwortny. to - hold Qtef r- ;iUeyenueorTxce.' - Brother, von can't afford : : rx v0nrtm Tnt ' ,, "" f u i Jnis Campaign. Every issue Wlll be a Stinger. It Will COVer the entire political Beld and several ' t , acres of the ocean. . If you are alreadv a subscriber . nrdftr TTi nr e . con5M ' H .Va i CODlOSianQ Scatter tnem aTnnnn: 5 ey will help your party. , The : more papers you help circulate tne inore votes you will help - to make for Mac & Ted. Among all the platforms ever devised'bv anv nartv tho TCnn- sas Citv nlatform covers thn mnat mnH t ?. o w merated affffregatibn of meratea aggregation 01 com- munism, socialism, . anarchism, Altgeldism, Coxeyism, 16 to 1- ism, Bryanjsm and raise-the devil-in-generialism and to ex- pect any good from such a doc- ument of demonized doctrine i would be as absured as to expect a pair of dunghill1 chickens to.- breed a Bird of Paradise. Geo. Vanderbilt, of Biltmore has helped fit out an expedi tion to go to Java inf search of the pithecanthropus, pr missing ink between man and , mon- eys. We are surprised at the pedition going away to Java hunt this interesting animal, hy doi it learn of Chairman Jones where William Jennings: is and. capture him. Hes so near a pithecanthropus that the scientists will never know ' the . ence. . ". We suppose a few of , our readers have heard that there is sucli a man in 'North. Carolina as P. M. Simmons, and that he is the State Chairman of 'the ed Shirters, and looked upon the Democrats as a mag- ni icent monument of , morality a d fairly slopping over with litical piety. . He is also the same Simmons whom that great and good man Zeb Vance said. was morally unfit to hold an In- ternal Revenue . office. Well . - this great bimmons has declared himself a candidate for U. S. Senator to succeed Marion Butler, and wo .notice that several democrat papers are growling because the republi cans are repeating Vance's words. They say that Sim mons' victory in carving the state democratic entitles him to anything he wants. You see it don't matter if a demo- crat was to set so morallv low down that he WOuld have to - , aimo up juu tu into 1 naaeSi & ' i . -j -i ii - . just so lie was :to . engineer aa . election successfully, that would ouwwo.mm tu m uuxiurs o 11 T"i T 1 rt m f-i-v mii within the gift. of . a people, k according to the view of some democrats.1. God for bid 1 ";that'; ; any man ever ! holds "down a seat"in the U.S. Senate " a.? ncrinz-i 'J: fJ. UUUi riUitu uiiua wuum so : . , gRP a lemocrot as zeb v ance i -