What William Jumpup Bryan Said. ....". . i . Editor The Yellow Jacket : Not that any i discu ssion of the money question is neces ' sary at this time in Drder to convince sensible men that Tkorkf itintipv never made ofiv nation rich; but a fellow sen sible man that Willie Jumpup was just simply lie ing for "revenue only." ; W, t. Morehead, Ky. Our Way's The Best, It is astonishing how diff erently the various nations can't help but think over the of the earth will act in pre- calamity speeches of 1896. cisely the same circumstanc- commit- in 18 id not John Sherman had ted the "boss crime' 73, but the people- find it out until thjey had swallowed a real live free trade rat in 1892. Cleve land called his soup house agents together and after 18 months of wrangle they gave us the "starvation the Wilson Gorman which was so unsatisfactory to Grover that he went off fishing and let it become a law ' ' without his signature . He had been elected upon a sound money platform and failed to vento the act re pealing the purchasing clause of the Sherman law right here him and William Jump up Bryan locked horns, Cand have been raising sand and hair ever since. Four years ago William Jumpup Bryan was riding around on the tail end of a train preaching his silver plated gospel of 16 to 1 to the benighted far mers and wage earners of .the whole United States. 41 The Crime of 73," Jnd the "repeal of the Sherma'n law" es. For instance, when a fly is found in a glass of beer just as the drinker is about to drink each nationality pursues a different course of action. - An American will laugh and order a fresh glass. A Spaniard will pay for the beer, but quietly move off without touching it. A Frenchman will pay and go, but makes a tremen dous fuss about it. An Englishman will empty the glass and demand a fresh one. A German will carefully hook out the fly with his 'lit tle finger and then swallow the beer, A Russian will swallow the beer fly and all. A Chinaman will first res cue the fly, eat it, and drink the beer afterward. Ex. Changes In Kansas. Shelling The Woods. had caused all the low prices" and ' hard times." O yes the "Wilson law" had nothing to do with the "low prices for which intended. The tariff it was ques- The "had tion was "not the issuL" A h 1 of a "crime" had been committed in 1873, and labor was about to be "crucified upon a cross of gold." "dollars of our daddies been "demonetized" and the country was going straight to everlasting starvation, stagnation and damnation, and would land there right in the middle of dog pays, unless we declared for I free silver" at the heaven born ratio of 16 to 1. But Willie Jumpup got set down on the head of salt river, and the "purchasing clause of the Sherman law" still Jooks natural, while the Wilson" Gorman law and those soup kettles, and the skeleton of free trade fill one and the same grave in the democrat ic grave yard of dead issues. Willie Jumpup stood on his tip toes and declared that 44 prices could not rise under the gold standard," but must continue to go "down and down" until the misses would become the "servants of the money' sharks of wall street." No argumen: is now needed to refute every word that he uttered : :rom the stump four years ago. The daily market reports are all the argument that is needed to convince every Sam Jones is shelling the woods at Toccoa, Ga. We cull a few paragraphs of his talks as printed in the At lanta Journal: "I want you to come to preaching before you efet full of beef and the devil. Don't lie about it you old hog you. I wish folks were "as de cent as hogs. Wish all mean I n t t rooi, wmsKey selling moon shine scoundrels would go off to the creek and drown themselves. The Presby terians are good folks and I love them. They just need more religion and will go to hell if they don't get it. I like Baptists. I got my wire out of one of their ponds but think they are the last folks to brag, for they don't know where they started. Some of them have got re ligion, but vmost of them haven't. When I hear some preachers preach I go home feeling like a baby had slobbered in my ear. You mountain sprouts are as good as Toccoa. They are just mean and you are a combination of ignorance and meanness. I'm going to shoot in the hole where you are at. liquor and re ligion wont stay in the same carcas. You drink liquor and call yourself a christain, you dirty, hound. Nobody out dirty lousy devils go in a saloon. Ifyou boys drink liquor and have the right daddy he will take you out and fix you so you will have to stand up; to eat vour meals for six months, Some of jt icn your DOtxie in your pistols m church .ijh ballot-among the blacks as covered. The banlTl you to defud your character, well as the ;wh?.tes? irigs throughout the counT" Why you haverno character When Bryan in 1896 , de- have steadily grown and what do you think of clared that the success of ing infallibly that bus ineJ?" that bud? Some one ought republicans ment 8 cent corn increasing. Railroads !! to break a jdg over your head and 25 cent wheat , foreclos- other corporations are D and make you hit the ground ure of mortgages on farms ing dividends without running-a mile a minute, and the starvation of labor- question as to earning can, d You could butt with a billy ing people, I actually took ity. Our foreign cominerc" goat and send the goat home some stock in his oroohecies. has With a headache." But he has oroven a false Utid a JL , prophet. If he was wrong in the history of the coua in his prophecies then, why try, and in the face of all m. i r tt ii vv3ww uv iixo pup- iiicac gigaiiLic trade movp m,n C- u J les nowr ments the , failures have Falls Kan., which appeared This talk about consent grown to the smallest nUm m yesterday's Journal and of the governed., coming ber in eighteen years gave the result of a canvass. from democrats, is redicu- Does the intelligent voter of Delaware township, Jeff- loM. That doctrine is not wish to change this cond? j mencionea in xNortn Carolina tion ot affairs? Does he rl exceedingly interesting and and other Southern States, sire to create a condition PromiSIg stbry of political r have become disgusted where business may S off flowirStT Sua" with the sympathy the Pops failures increase and debts flower State. The canvass profess for the laljorilJg man; 5e aid in a depreciated ts was made by a correspond- It is bogus. rJ? Jf fae ? ated J ent of the Journal las a yen- Plenty of work and good vote for Bryan. -Philade fica ion of the Republican times have changed me from phia Inquirer State Committee s report on a Bryanite to a McKinley that township. The com- -r u ... i rm. . , , . ... , - . , "'j"" v-nuguu us uul iucre is no aouDt ol there- mittee s report was verified years ago with his alarmist election of President McKinley in every particular, there speeches. He will not do it although there is some aboul being thirty changes from agajn. , the election of a majority of the Bryan to McKinley and none I have had plenty of Work House- But there is time trom McKinley to Bryan, the past three years that's enou8h to remove the doubt, if and of the eight gold demo- what interests me every individ"al republican cratsofthe township who I have made money farm. wiU realize o danger and go voted for Palmer and Buckner W under McKinlev It keot t0 Wrk t0 help get out the fuU or McKinley and Hobart in mLrr;n lll . V- Chairman Bab- 1896, five declared their in- W nfw rA?JZJ cock, of the Congressional Com- mittee, wiio knows, says a full 1 am for prosperity and republican vote will, certainly fcUV- retain control of the House. We should not swap hors- tention to support the Re publican ticket this year. As this township which was selected by chance for es in the middle of the investigation, may be re- stream garded as a pretty good test My motto is, let good e- r - wvu xlx nougn alone. Kansas, the report is very The republicans gave us thZr T u u ; what they said they would those who have changed nA - ' from Bryan to McKinley are I am for McKinley. given and" most of them Z voted for Bjan . , give their reasons for chang- because I thought he would iTd -SeraTSare tlme" brin P'Perity. He lost, ly and instructive, comine 'Pt, t - . , u i - icpuum.jus nave "uut proxessionai men, brought it, and I am for- Mc merchants, farmers, me- Kinley lth A" These good and sufficient mong the sentiments ex- reasons x as . pressed may be mentioned other States as in KanSaV DESIGNS TRADF.MlRIfC m mwm W AND COPYRIGHTS UBIAINEO TTV1 J 1 1 ADVICE AS TO PATENTABILITY TFTE Notice in " Inventive Age " 5 Book "How to obtain Patents" I J I ft Charges moderate. No fee till natn t f r, strictly confidential. Address. E, G. SIGGERS, Pafent Lawyer, Washington. C. Kansas City, Mo. Journal. Fewest Failures in Eighteen Years. the following: "It has been demonstrated that we have an abundance of money, and the laboring people are having a chance ers are prosperous and busi- " Bratreet's," that ar ness 'in rftral i ffs eyed observer of trade r - w CVVUi I 3TJ ' ... There is ,.. toctanire ,, " """"T. off a .rt;t fr C3lls attention to the fact SOUTHERN RAILWAY. THIS o . o . o . o . o STANDARD RAILWAY OF THE) The Direct Line to All Points. TEXAS, CALIFORNIA, FLORIDA, CUBA AND PORTO RICO : Strictly MRST-CLASS Equip- ment on all Through and Lo : cal Trains; Pullman Palace peeping Cars on all Night -xaiiiH. j asL ana Sate Sched off a certaintv for an n r. d"en"on .. tnat the failures reoortert L- ni?8---- "It is impossible for me f?6 paS six nths are j;g3$!l with my love of American-' the feWest in number for the dlbUSjey-0--' ism, to support a ticket! Pd in Giht SSiKiZSJ SS whose main issue is the haul- i -, . Were 4 880 ing down of the American J" imated as" flacr." sets $2 ,475,514 and liabili- "I think that the future tleTs 60,064,208. success of the country de- 0t these facts a pends upon the success of fTn ?fuld be olhardy to the republican party The eciare that business has not most disastrous thing that prosPered under republican could happen at this time con?,?lh The record of the would be .the PWf!n t past four years, or since Mr. Kinley took office at Wash- "I have no confidence in ,? S0WS a steady de- cane in the numhpr m m lis ures and in liabilities. Thi is, cue election or n democratic president." 'I have "u.vj.v.uuc in the j democratic professions of liberty and freedom, as OR ADDRESS R. Ii. VERNON, F. R. DARBY, T. P. A., c P &T A iNo trouble to answer Questions. 3d v. & Gen. Man. Traf.Man. G.P.A WASHINGTON, D. C. MIETZ & WKISS KEROSENE or GAS ENGINE. Cheapest Power their past history will not TJ " Auto- your buggries and brought bear them out. If thev b- . ut hen it is tic spie, and Reliable for au, Heve in equal rights whv oHf other tors E?R PUR1os - cau do thev f I 7 7 6 business situation an - a. mirtz, do they not encourage a free interesting condition' is dis- - FSIte 1