- fir- m ' ' - iMa inniiw r- i i i For President: WILLIAM McKINLEST 1 : " For Vice-President: THEO. ROOSEVELT. For Cnnirress 8th District: E. SPENCER BLACKBUflN. ' "DT . A ' 'H i IHClVi: 7SOUND MONEY, r PROTECTION, t PROSPERITY, PATRIOTIS - PROGRESS. ElilTOBIAIi REMARKS A vote for Buxton is an endorsement of all the Sim- mons vote-stealing machine includes. Mr. Buxton talks about trusts but have you heard him say anything against the Southern ballot, trust, the meanest trust whole catalog? the - T t f ?11 ; be our next representative in - Congress, IF the republic ans win stana togetner ana see LIJ IL LUdL L.1-ICZJ.1. V J ait counted.- We've got the v Bryan and Buxton make an excellent pair of clowns in the anti-impen alistic fan- daneo circus but a miserably 'Door substitute" for the full ; dinner pan. There is the same diff erence between the demo cratic and republican argu ments this year that there is : between a full . din ne r pail and a pocket full of rotten eggs. Will you take rotten eggs in yours? We are under lasting obli gations to some Buxton dem ocrat for sending us a nice roll of side-show J. B. For tune's advertisements for speaking in the 8th; they make -nice Yellow, Jacket - wrappers. If you oppose such a state of affairs as prevailed prior to '97 when the democrats had control of this country then walk out and vote a gainst Buxton and Brryan. They believe in the very -DOlicies that hrniierM "hnnrl - w " V-V sales, soup houses, Cbxey armies idleness and tramps. i . .. Having no real issues to discuss it is natural for the democrats to 'hatch, up all , sorts of charges against the republican candidates th is year. It needn't surprise any one to hear of some democratic editor making the discovery that Spencer "D1- .1.1 i tt jLia.ciiuurn is DOin a horse thief and a high-way robber befor the election. xSlackburn is ; conducting his canvas on business prin ciples. He speaks bus iness to business men. His Argu ments reach the hearts of the; people, .Buxton howls about imperialism, trusts', and militaryismjancj other old thing tfiatl tie can use to detract the attention of the people from the issues and from the prosperity and progress of the republican party. Blackburn appeals to reason, Buxton to preju The Goebel law of Ky. has been condemned by the democrats of Kentucky, so now let the people of North Carolina condemn the N. C. Goebel law by voting against every man who belongs to the Simmons machine. When you vote for Mr. Bux ton, you vote to uphold Goe belism in N. C. Are you going ta do this, or will you work for and vote for the party that represents' honest election, fair voting and true counting? There is no time to lose. That distinguished Ex Rray of moral integrity and devoted dispenser of Bull Pen Simmons' liver regula tor and other democratic de coctions, known within a rad ius of 10 miles of Wilkesboro, N. C. as the Chronile, has made the( startling discovery that E. Spencer Blackburn as U. S. Com. in Ashe, did some very crooked work. This presistent parroter of Simmonism and hooter at "Mark Hanner," declared that he has authority for the charges. No doubt of it. But who is authority? Is it man who has never been known to invent political schemes to fool the honest people? No, bless your life, not by a jug full. Its au thority is a hot-headed ma chine democrat, a man who would deny that water was wet if it suited the policy of the democratic party, and more, he is a man who was the instigator and cir culator of a letter a few years ago, purporting to be from Grover Cleveland which stated that the old Duck Shooter was a free silver man. It is anJionor to Mr. Black burn to have his integrity assailed by any man who would try to palm off Grover Cleveland upon the peo pie as a free silverite, and as to the Chronicle's own vapor ings little attention need be given. Republicans before have defied it and lived lived beyond prison walls, loved and respected and they will do it again; if the court knows herself , and we think she do. Blackburn Meets Watson, Spencer Blackburn sooke at Dobspn Monday. Cy. W atson was there and asked for a division of time. ' To his surprise he got itT He had friends that hoped would not be granted, and it it would be hsed as campaign thunder. But he. caught thunder from the boy- jwho in 'jbis youngfdaysi: plowed ; k bull calf on the mountains The boy from behind the plow is the hope of the churchState and society so the preachers sav. Thev 'should be elevated to fill the highest positions," says W. J. Bryan. They are the hope of our country. Hick ory Times-Mercury. It is not our motto to grum ble, and we do not now enter a general grumble, but we don't believe that some of the good people in the 8th Congressional District are doing their duty. Some aro making sacrifices in order to make our ticket win, but there are others who do not seem to realize the great importance of electing their nominee to Congress. We have a majority of voters just as assuredly as the sun rises and sets,, but if we $ not get together and pull our full strength for the ticket our strength will amount to noth ing! Let the people of each precinct in the District get to gether and organize themselves and see that their people are all registered and that their box contributes its full share of the vote for Mr. Blackburn on election day. Union Republi can. Our Democratic friends can't tell things right ; they won,t tell them right; they won't let the people know the truth ; they live on the swill of pre judice and become rampant upon their clamor. Crockodile tears are shed in the Sentinel and in other neighboring con temporaries over the fact that District Attorney Holton added a few counts to the bill of in dictment against Registrars Thompson and Wall, and a heart rending tale is told about bow these defendants escaped the "tyranny" and "persecu tion" and 'intimidation,,, (such words !) which was about to be heaped upon them, by getting the trial continued. Oh no, Jonny, not much of this, Mr. Holton in order to have the trial and save the expense of postponing offered to take a nolpros as to the new counts, eh? But they would 'nt go to trial on the old counts either, and they swore to the Judge that they were not ready to go into trial on the old counts. Union Republican . Consent of the Governed, Government without the con sent of the govrned in the Phil ippines, according to the Bryan dogma, is imperialism. Ac cording to the same authority "government without the con sent of the governed' ' in North Carolina is white supremacy. The--s Philippine experiment is a menace to the republic. The North Carolina experiment means higher civilization. What is a crime against humanity in the Philippines is patriotic and right in North Carolina. It is imperialism to use the shotgun to protect the A merican flag in the Philip pines, but it is a patriotic duty to use the same argu- -. . s ment against the right of suttrage m?JNortn Carolina. In' the Philippines the in surgent is shot to death be cause he defies the authority of the United-States. If necessary, in North Carolina, to disfranchise the colored voter and govern him with- L out nis consent, it is rignt and proper to shoot, him to death or. count .his vote against him. f And who are the im ists? The men ; who saved the republic from dismem berment. The men who have made the republic. The par ty whose ' legislation has broadened it and established it in the affection of the A merican people. The party under whose guardainship it has grown into the greatest, the richest, and most power ful nation on earth. The party that stands for equal right's, humanity, the law, progress, civilization. The savages who arebootingt down American soldiers, in the Philippine islands are defying the lawful authority of the United States. They are insurgants insurrec tionists, bandits, outlaws. Is it imperialism to compel them to obey the law and submit to the supreme author ity in that island? And who calls it imperialism? Bryan. And he sets the pace for the little -fellows like Sim mons in this state and the whole pack including . Troy and Sweetheart, yelp to the same music. lyittle wonder the self respecting democrats are disgusted with this crowd. There ought not to be any guessing or hesi tation about their vote in the November election. The state has been discredited long enough. It has been sufficiently punished. Save it in the name of civiliz ation from this last damning dis grace . Gazet te , A sheville , N. C. A Voice From Ashe See here, young man, what are you doing to help elect Mr Blackburn? Are you simply sit ting still hoping he will be elect ed? If you are, let me urge you to go to work not tomorrow or next week, but today. Remem ber that the enemy's only hope of defeating Mr. Blackburn lies in the intended prostitution of the ballot, therefore you should arrise, one and all, in your de termination to make his major ity so large that it cannot be stolen. Remember, too, that Mr. Blackburn, besides being eminently deserving as a zeal ous Republican and a high-toned gentleman, is a young man brought up here among you, that he understands you and sympathizes with you in your efforts to surmount the obstacles which always confront those who would climb. ' 'Spencer ' as he is to those of us who have watched his marvelous progress, has not been pampered in the lap of lux ury, but, like many . of those whose names have -brightened the pages of our Nation's history, he has through his own perse verance . climbed steadily on ward and upward never falter ing in his purpose to , "rise" in spite of the low, malicious char acters whose only avocation in life is to hinder those who have outstripped them. And he has arisen as few other young -men in this section have done, aild his many friends in "Old Ashe" who know him best, -will show on election day that , they de-,, lightfio i honor Him most.'- So now, bid man, whom ex perience has taught what life's struggle means middle-aged man having sons of your own whom you would inspire with the spirit of emulation young man especially those of y ou who will on Nov. 6th cast your first ballot , rally around for your intrepid standard-barer. Let no day pass from now un- ti w 1 the close of this campaign in hich you do not win at least one vote for young and brilliant Blackburn. Bury the representations of fraud and dishonor with their "tools'" deep beneath an ava lanche of votes and give the 8th Congressional District of N. G. the honor of sending to the next House of Representatives its youngest member. - Patriot. THE TABLET OF LIFE (Pilula At Lomgan Vitum.) The Scientific Discovery of the gre! The Magic Key to the Mys tery of Iiife! Frdm times immemorial it has been man's predominating ambition to pro long life. But among the many brilliant minds, wlio have devoted their lives to the fascinating subject, it was left for the immortal Darwin to give to the world, in his great theory of I4fe, the fundamental principle upon which to build all further research in this direction. Following closely in his footsteps came Prof. Dr. Iyudwig Buechrier, a German scientist of international renown, with his remarka ble work entitled "Das Buch des Xangen Iebens" (the book on longevity. ) But alas, like Darwin he too died ere he could reap the fruit of his wonderful doctrine. Others however, equally great took up the interrupted thread! with the result that two famous German scientists, after years of experiments and research, have at last discovered the secret of longevity in the shape of a remarkable Vegetable Compound, which, if properly used, will positively prolong Iife. This new reme dy appropriately named "Iongavita" (meaning Ivong Iyife) has been subjected to the most rigid tests at all the leading clinics and hospitals throughout Kurope with marvelous results. Appreciating the importance of this discovery, we have acquired, at enormous cost, the t ex clusive proprietary right to this truly wonderful preparation, which has pioved a blessing to mankind. 'Longavita ' ' is the true Tablet of Iif e, a rejuvenator par excellence, embodying the veritable sec ret of longvityin a practical, feasible form. It is. the fountain of perpetual youth, which it prolongs far beyond its present limits, while retaining health in a perfectly, normal state. 'Ivongavita" brightens the eye, stimulates mental ac tivity, gives elasticity to the step, makes the face full, absorbs wrinkles, cleanses the system, purifies the skin, and is the only true Ponce de Ieon remedy for old and young of both sexes. Endorsed by Europe's leading physicians. ; $1.00 & "boz, "by mail. HUGO von TILLENBURG MEDICAL co.; (sois u. s. agents) 1 1 31-1 133-1 135 Broadway, New York City. SOUTHERN RAILWAY. THE 0.0. 0.0.0 STANDARD RAILWAY OF the SOTJTH-- The Direct Line to All Points. TEXAS, CALIFORNIA, FLORIDA, CUBA AND PORTO RICO. : Strictly FIRST-CLASS Equip I ment on all Through and Lo . I cal Trains ; Pullman Palace I Sleeping Cars on all Night I Trains.. .Fast and Safe Sched- ' ules. . . .... . , ....... Travel by the Southern and you are as sured a Safe, Comfortable, and Expe ditious Journey, oooooooooooooo APPIY TO TICKET AGENTS FOR TIME TA BI,ES, RATES AND GENERAL, INFORMA TION, OR ADDRESS R. L. VERNON, F. R. DARBY, . ' . Ti P. A., C. P. &T. A., Charlotte, N. C. Asheville, N. C. No. trouble to answer Questions. Prank 3 Gannon, J. 21. Gulp, "W. A. Turk 3d V. P. & Gen; Man. Traf.Man. G.P. A WASHINGTON, D. C,

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