- 5 ' WEEKLY ED ITION. VOL. VI. MORAVIAN FALLS, N. C, THURSDAY, OCT. 25, 1900. NO:29, Sit J VlJl It'll . 8 R PM ,.iTi THE YELLOW-JACKET. WEEKLY & MONTHLY. E. DON LAWS, EDITOR. WEEKLY, ONE YEAR, . . ... 50 SIX MONTHS, ........... 3D MONTHLY, ONE YEAR,. . . .20 CASH ALWAYS IN ADVANCE Entered at Moravian Falls, N. C, -second class matter," as sums in es. be INSTRUCTIONS. ggf Silver preferred to Postage Stamps on subscriptions. Remittances of silver of small may be made with comparative safet ordinary letters, using good envelop Amounts above ntty cents it would well to send by Registered letter. P. O. Money Orders are better still, but Uiey must be drawn on Wilkesboro, N.C. as Moravian Falls is. not. a Money Order office. . A M When writing to nave your paper changed you must give your former as well as your new address. Always write your own name and dress plainly, and direct all your letters THK YEIIOW-JackKT, Moravian Fai,is, N. OUR HTICKJET. v ine ox jcnowetn ms owner ana tne i History repeats itself and the history When ass his master's crib," and Boss Cra- fof the democratic party is nq exception, to label them, "to be ' answered bv . Trust, and Teems In 1864 the New York World had this cWldT'arul iliote 1 ' ' ' ker's crib is the Ice Kalamity Jones' is Trust. the Cotton Bale The price of elephants in Siam has advanced sharply. Here is another chance for Col. Bryan to expatiate on how the necessities of the poor are being increased in cost. to say: President Xincoln has shown by four years of "Usurpation of lawless and reck less misgoverninent that no principle, no resnect for law that nntttino-an History has crucified Bryan own record. The democrats are making lots of noise, but it will take a heap of fuss to make the people forget how things were the last time the democrats had on his I the administration. 'The PilininrMS txftx : .111 Vrt,4-,rr i - says the Arkansas Democrat. Yes, -and . Bryan "and his supporters ' are still 4 short but his fears, would restrain hijn J encouraging them. ; ? 7 - ; : 1 irom any lurtner desperate and . lawless opto f-i ArAccn-w -v--v -4- - a 1 i i .1 ji power.-NewTorkWoC Bryan's second battle will end in a I864. second Waterloo, after which the demo- . The above declaration of the World ctic party will get itself together, J and. compares favorably with its brazen tlle northern wing will write its plat- blusters and ridiculous charges of to- f ?ms and shape its policy, while - the day. It would be as impossible for the 8011111 wil1 farnish votes, as of old. World to issue an edition now without ad to ISSUED EVERY THURSDAY. Thursday, Oct. 25, 1900. c. GIT A HUMP Om Look Here, Brother : If you are not already a subscriber to tli Yellow Jacket, consider this cop an invitation to become one. Read this paper over and if you The paramount Business. issue is Bryan Vs. Straighten up and tell us. flag -flyer or a flag-furler? Are you a The democrats offer us prosperity by advocating a policy that, carried out,, would close the manufacturing indus tries of this country. Do you want to try their game again? charging McKinley with "lawlessness,' 4 'usurpation," "reckless misgovern meht" and kindred expressions, as it would be for a wooden legged man to catch Aguinaldo. However the World today undertakes to down McKinley by holding up Iincoln. Here's more gall.j "I am the whole thing" liam Jawsmith Bryan. -Col. Wil- The way to reform the democratic party is to knock it in the head. Lots has been . said about how the traveling men are liuing up for Bryan, but the fact is rapidly developing that about the only traveling man for him is Aguinaldo. lm- The democratic paramount issue has turned out to be a paramount humbug. That army of unemployed that was to be forthcoming. Where, oh, where it? Gov. Roosevelt called upon Mr. Bryan to know whether he is willing that the Constitution should pass thru North Carolina on its way to follow the flag, and the Col. answers by saying never a word. some men seem to tnink: it more portant tahave the flag: hauled down in the Philippines than to keep the wheels of commerce turning in the United States, and Bryan is bell-wether of the crowd. Ninety per cent of the coal, brick and-, lumber industries of Georgia ; are con trolled by contractors of i convict labor. This is' not a theory, but a condition; that exists in Georgia where the de mo-" crats count on 100,000 majority for William Tenninc-s Brvan. "the WorV- ingmen's Moses." Ark. State Repub-; lican. Admirabi y Answered. is f Which is the worst for the country Bryan's secret alliance with Aguinaldo Chairman Jones and all the demo cratic papers are trying mighty hard to work up a definition of the word trust that won't include the round bale cot ton trust, but their labors have fallen flat World's questions as examples The New York World propounded seven questions to the New York Times, which the Times answered satisfactorU ly, but not categorically. We like categorical answers with very brief ex planatory additions when necessary. We submit the following replies to" the of the as a flitter. . Altho the republicans have the Rough and his Pen alliance with Boss Croker At A tf Rider it seems that the democrats having the rough riding. History teaches us that no party be supported in this country that courages our enemies in war. are will en- or his ridiculous charge that an alliance exists between McKinley and Queen Victoria? "I want you to come out in force," said Gov. Beckham to a Kentucky au dience the other day, "so as to overcome the republican majority of last year." Here's the first Goebelite we have heard kind of replies we should like, butcan not get to the questions which we ' ask of the democrats: 1. What is "self-government" ?of a people and what does Mr. McKinley mean by this term? Answer The government of the pecM A prominent democrat gives as- his Lf who has practically admitted that the Ple . by, the whole people as opposed to a The idea of democratic leaders sound ing, the alarm of "imperialism" is like a mink squalling, "chicken thief." . You remember you voted for a change in '92 and then had no change irt your pockets for a long time afterwards. reason for supporting McKinley that the tramps have disappeard in his locality, and adds, "Under the last democratic administration I fed two or three tramps every day." Goebelites are a set of election thieves. Bryan may rant and howl about in dustrial trusts and imperialism till his eyes stand out like bureau knobs and his tongue lolls from his mouth like a Every man who intends to vote for the dying calf's, but he can't disguise the like it, send us 50 cents 'for years subscription. You will find, the Y. J. a warm article. Its bus iness end registers 200 degrees 1 tne shade, rnis paper eacn wee. will contain something good an each succeeding issue will get be t- X i. . 1 T L ler 11 it can De maae so. neing a Brvan believe in free soeech? firm believer in the principles qf we should smile. Who couldn't The application for sample copies of the Yellow Jacket is so great that we can't supply the demand for at least two weeks. orator of the Platte, should get out of debt before he does it. If Bryan were president no property would be good e nough to borrow money on. Say, do you hear? fact that the worst imperialism that ever cursed this country is that which robs our own citizens of the right of suferage. 1 Well, afford" to believe in free speech at $200 a night? Hey? There is not a principle declared in the Kansas City platform which the democracy does not violate with impu- the great party of Lincoln , Gra n Garfield and McKinley, we wi always be found contending for fair play, and for the rights and liberties of the people, and wag ing an unrelenting .battle against nity. the devil and the so-called Demcj cratic party. We don't only want you to become a subscriber, bu 4T I we al3o should be pleased to hav a vui i A " Where is your boasted adversity?" you do a little missionary work aVL J rnong your Republican friends iou can reacn those wnom we Bryan's argument is that the republi can policy is to build a fort at every town. The trouble with Billy is that he's got the presidential itch so bad, that he can't distinguish the difference between a fort and a school house. The democrats say the republicans put j gregated in 1896. tne aoiiar Deiore tne man. ine repuDii cans admit it. Yes, they put good old 100 cent dollars right before the work ingman where he can get them. What did the dems put before the man? Tell us. The savings banks of the United States have on deposit $2,500,000,000. This sum represents the savings of the workingmen whom Bryan said would be reduced to starvation and wretchedness by McKin ley's election in '96. Will some real smart democrat rise up and tell the peo ple what the savings bank deposits ag- the government of the Philippine afchi pelago by a tribe occupying a small part of one island. 2. Who is the rightful judge as to what sort of government is 'suitable f to the wants and conditions" of the inhab itants of the Philippines? If Mr. Mc- Kinley or the Congress of the "United States is that judge, what is the source and nature of their authority? Answer The President and Congress " They derive their authority from the treaty of Paris, which Mr. ? Bryart lol bied through the Senate. 3. Are the inhabitants of those islands, or are they not, "endowed ' by .their Creator with certain inalienable rights among which are "life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness?" Answer Yes; and President McKln ley is. doing his best to get them far them. So far the democrats here and Where is your boasted prosperity?" Candidate Bryan. And the Ameri can workincrman answers bv askiner Stevenson on their ticket this year. He reminds everybody of the good old times we had from '93 to '97 when we all 1 .1 t, a. : -u jt -r 1 ' vTTt. 11. -l a; 1 1 cuuiu jCt iwitc as uiii a. uu ui wuik iaj W lit' II I r llf IIIIII'THI II 1 il I I V I If! J INN III I ' " l see tne Drave Doys in Diue, your brothers, your sons and your sweet hearts, shot down by men in ambush, my sympathies go put to you and to them rather than to a Tagal savage, and I have got to flop. And as I love my The dems made a good hit in putting country, my fellow men and my God, mj man win uup aucau- uic. 7x1011. Joseph C. Sibley, When I see the flag fired upon, when in ave Pvented his success cannot. Take a Y. J. when yo in 1 1 1 1 1 -go out irom Home, ana tacxie ev ery Republican you meet and ge him to subscribe. In this way you will not only be doing us a great A-vur , dvlz you win also oe aiding us in reaching the people, anc. helping to present the facts of Re ¬ publicanism, which only need to practice what it preaches, it be time enough to give it a save the country." will then chance to do for a dollar as we can now. In 1890 we made no tin plate but were sending twenty million dollars a year to I continue a war against our boys in Bryan's cheek in asking the soldier's vote is without a parallel since the devil took Christ on the mountain to tempt him. It baffles our understaning how a soldier can vote for a man whose words encourage Philippine guerillas to the The democrats are in favor of a policy that has always ruined business and if elected they would be sure to try' their same old policies again. Be sure to read the article on inside mw. headed "Whv He Flonoed." It's Europe for it. In 1899 we made four hundred thousand tons, and gave Amer ican workmen the twenty million dol lars. This may not please Bryan who said we couldn't make tin plate, but the workmen are not kicking about it. field and shoot them down from am bush. If Bryan's gall was to bust the very buzzards would break their necks trying to get out of the country. Another batch of Benedict-Arnoldism be understood in order to make enough to give any democrat the back-1 was witnessed at Wilmor, Minn., the .1? IT - I tne ReDuhhV.fvn -nn.Tt.v ho nnmeril ache. strong, so harmonious anc. invulnerable that the tribes ov an, the world, the flesh and the kvil can't overthrow it at the Polls next November. See all your neighbors and maka "We condemn the Dingley Tariff," say the democrats. In other words they favor a free soup kitchen tariff like we had under Cleveland. . other day when a Filipino flag was dis played at a Bryan meeting and was ap plauded to the echo. Such treasonable demonstrations are doing more to de feat Bryan than anything in the campaign. I shall vote for McKinly and Roose velt because: - First We are Americans, and are against all of America's enemies. Second We are patriotic, and are desirous of suppressing those who give 4. j.i iney nave no sucn natural or divine endowments, have they any -rights except such as we may see fit to grant them? Have whites and blacks a right to govern themselves, ' but . not browns? Answer 'The republican reply to this is that whites and browns1 and blacks have the right to govern themselves. The democratic reply is that whites and browns may grovern themselves, but not blacks. We hold with the republi- ? cans. ' - ' ' " 5. If, as Congress proclaimed in; de claring war Upon Spain, the people of Cuba"are and of right ought to' be 'free ; and independent,", why are . not the Filipinos in the same category? ; . Answer Because they aie -not ca pable of the self-government to i which they have the right. An infant may have the right to a fortune, but it is withheld from him until he reaches maturity. " ' ' ' ' ' " 6. Mr. McKinley says that ' 'Freedom is a rock ; upon which the republican . T4- its cnirl 1-i o -ft-io ilAtTincratt' STvH- P a club of 5 or 10. If you can't biuders find that the Western farmers community solid for Bryan by declaring aid and comfort to our enemies. Third We are honest and are against party was founded," and that VIiberty all efforts at dishonoring the nation by is the great republican1 doctrine." currency legislation or otherwise. These are fine words but just what is Fourth We. Are law abiding, and' are the republican definition; and applica- A Georgia campaign orator, it is I against an encouragement w aojtcc m i uuu 01 ireeaom ana liberty as applied said, has turned a Hardshell B aptist I tne settlement 01 disputes. to tne innaDitants ot the Philippines? Fifth We are progressive, and tavor Answer The: largest measure of self one to get us a pose you try it. That isj for new subscriber. Do it today. each Sup- nl 11 i - I 6i the club now, send along iyour are inclined to nrefer the work of the Wn sub. and trv the club later. self-binder in their business this year The Yellow Jacket is not local J bnt circulates all over America We want every subscriber to the and trc. i j 7l Yellow Jacket to do us one little favor t.h0: , . . -r Derere tms election. wme preacnes notning nut je 4uuucan gospel and common sense. Before sending money J read instructions at top of this cow y w ow, brother, take the case. u send alongthe subs, and help Jo the circulating and we . will do preaching. Let tne band play At Am - . I that the election of McKinley will be legitimate expansion ot our commerce government consistent with their wel-- followed by a meeting of congress for the abolition of baptism by immersion, as McKinley is an ardent Methodist. and our power. - , Sixth We are hopeful that Mr. Mc Kinley has seen his former errors anfl will treat our Southern people fairly and Shot-trun Tillman has been telling his broadly, and cfarefully refrain from hu- Illinois audiences that if the people of miliating tjfem. the United States were acquainted with Will he do so?. If he does, not, then the doings of their representatives at all hope of ever breaking the solid south Washington, they would move en mas- must be postponed until he is succeeded A reduction of the tariff on ; imoorted se on the Capital city and .hang a ma- by a wiser man; and we, who are leaving articles was largely 'responsible for the jority of them. Wonder if Tillman will the beaten path, will sorrowfully and fare and our duty. v j r ; 7- Are government without consent and taxation without representation "tyranny when applied' to us, but phil-l anthropy when applied . by us?' ' ; j c ii'.f ; Answer No; when applied to races , incapable of self-government like the American Indians -and the tribes of O- hard times under the second Cleveland administration, If you want to see the game repeated,' vote for Bryan. repeat that joke on his own state? If he penitently return whence We came. w does he mav find himself on the pended list." . ' Alexander R. Iawton, Savannah, Ga, '. . ceamavn-r ; Ask us more things. Republicans hide '.; nothing," dodge nothing. We will even " tell what we are going to do : about free silver and what we think of the "grand- . father clause of the Southern ' Constitu tions. San Francisco Chronicle.. .' V; .v jt v y$ . v

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