is.- -, .w ' r J 1 WEEKLY EDITION VOL. VI. 4 MORAVIAN FALLS, N. C, THURSDAY, NOV. 1, 1900. . f . -' NO. 30. . i- f v I THE YELLOW-JA K hi OUR TICKET. WEEKLY & MONTHLY. B. DON LAWS, EDITOR. WEEKLY, ONE YEAR SIX MONTHS ....... MONTHLY, ONE YEAR, 20 CASH ALWAYS IN ADVANCE. I r i i Milium f W v ....soi wxa w rA v v : ; -"tit., i Mr. Brvan has beeh face to face With I HTflrinti "Riiflr Tit-are t"h TVvncrif XTorfh I onf rrnhe "hats fWt-riTsfirl '"tliemoheV to the North Carolina question a number Carolina to hold their nose and vote for discharge old -mortgages and build new of times recently, but somehow he al- Bryan and Stevenson, but we believe homes; labor finds employment $ in our ways shifts off to Porto Rico or the Phil- that every pop -who has any respect for State, and the laborer fixes the wages. the I his olfactory nerves will take the I Whv should vou desirea change unless more sensible view and vote for McKin- it be for the better? And; that .better ley and Roosevelt. Butler evidently state you cannot hope to find in the bal- It is somewhat singular that this na-1 has some of Bryan's gall and is expect-1 loon of the idealist Bryan."r Edward S tion has achieved a good manv wonder- in? a whole lot of his trie if he should I Bragg, soldier, statesman and life long ful tnincrs in tne past Dy ignoring tne I uappen xo De elected, sucn a signt - as advice of Carl Schurz and is likely to I Butler proposes is a spectacle to make achieve a good many more in the future I the gods go into convulsions. ippine islands each time and leaves question unanswered. democrat. by means of the same simple device. Entered at Moravian Falls, second class matter. N. C. as INSTRUCTIONS. Silver preferred to Postage Stamps on suDscriptions. j Remittances of silver of small . sums may be made with comparative! safet in ordinary letters, using good envelopes. Amounts above fifty cents it would be well fo send by Registered Letter. P. O. Money Orders but they must be drawn N.C. as Moravian Falls is Order office. wnen writing to nave your paper changed you must give your former as well as your new address. Always write your own name and ad dress plainly, and direct all your letters to The Yellow-Jackict, . Moravian Falls, N. C. I want to make this statement . here. It is something of a question whether I once and for afl, in reply to all . these some democrats are ,trvmer. bv velliner rfmrws a-nA incinnationc fenitn.. What about that club you were going fraud, to prevent thefr Votes from be- to my aspect toward labor: if any man ro get up iorthe Yellow Jacket? ing bought or are trying to sell them. in the United States of America "Methmks the lady ? doth protest much." 16 howls about 'imperialism to ;one for free silver, is the way democracy is running this year. , y The greaatst imperialist in America' is William Jennings Bryan : j . . r too How can you afford to vote to encour age armed rebellion? can bring into my presence a man who has ever worked for me and truthfully state and substantiate that I have refused to meet at any time and anywhere any In one breath a democrat will nounce "bossism' then in the next that Croker will carry New York. de-say are better still, on Wilkesboro. a Money The democrats are basing their ri- The democratic party is making war diculous hopes of carrying New York man in my employ, that r have ever in upon sound democratic principles. on the ground that there are more j tentionally done any man a harm, that I voters in the slums than in the higher I have ever insisted on lowering wages to Asruinaldo wants vou to vnt fnr n. ranks of city life. They forget, how-1 any man who works for me, or who can an. vvnat are vou croino- tr An a h,, a? ever, to taice account oi tne iarmers, I trutniuuy say tnat I nave done evil to not There doesn't seem to be much apathy about the registration lists, does there? who are really the backbone of Ameri can life. him, ! will resign from States Senate tomorrow. - na. the United -M. A. Han- If W. J. Bryan wants a cheap dollar so bad, when our people don't, let him go to Mexico and get is worth 47cts. there and circulates for that amt. altho it is as large as an American dollar and contains more pure silver. Figures don't lie. Perhaps, the cam paign prophets find them awfully handy to lie with. ISSUED EVERY THURSDAY. Thursday, Nov, l,i 1J900. If a horse ever laughs it must be when he hears a democrat advocating honest elections. Possibly the republicans have got an enormous campaign fund, .but it certain ly doesn't lie in the mouths of democrats to object to this. The only reason the latter haven't got a big fund is because they can't get one. There isn't any question of superior virtue about it. The chief occupation of democracy is hatching out bugaboos and trying to keep alive dead issues. GIT A HUMP ON! Look Here,, Brother : If prou are not already a subscriber to the x eilow J acxet, consiaer tnis Mr. Bryan recently denounced a Con necticut manufacturer who said that he would have to close down if the demo crats won, accusing him of trying to intimidate his men. Can't Mr. Brvan see that the manufacturer spoke asrca "This way, gentlemen, step right on regretful prophet and not as a partisan, to the republican platform and thereby seeing nothing but ruin ahead if the de- climb into the nmsneritv wncrrm tn mocrats should Win. fcX x J " &w -"-.f lively now.' an invitation to become copy one. Read this paper over and if you like it, send us 50 cents for a years subscription. You will find the Y. J. a warm article. Its bus- iness end registers ZUU aegrees in it was a pretty Pettigrewsome job Kv v a j t, . -1- -- mu: ;U .iJo-TT.-LA., 3 publicans are imperialists dyed in the tne snaue. ni paper eacii ween cuawf nauua uau to aiscnarge up wool. No one has proposed W. J. Bryan for the Hall of Fame. But then, Bryan will not have been dead ten years until November 6, 1910. The democrats refer to the republicans as imperialists. All right. If conduct ing a successful war against Spain, free ing and providing for the education of the Cubans, supporting the honor of our flag and protecting our citizens wherev- er located, is imperialism, tnen tne re in South Dakota but he shrinking too much. did it without will contain something goo I and each succeeding issue will gst bet ter if it can be made so. I eing a firm believer in the principles of the great party of Lincoln, Grant, Garfield and McKinley, w) will always be found contending for fair play, and for the rights and liberties of the people, and wag ing an unrelenting battle against than free silver. the devil and the so-called Demo- cratic party. We don t only want Bryan is far more dangerous than the you to become a subscriber, but platform he is on, and both are unsafe we also should be pleased tof have things for this government to meddle you ao a nttie missionary worK a- w- 1 -1 1 who have been conspicuous in the polit ical history of the Gulf States. I can not subscribe to the teachings of Mr, Bryan. Believing them to be dangerous and especially detrimental to the inter ests of the South, I shall cast my vote for the first time in the history of a mem ber of my family, for the Republican National ticket. It seems to me to be the very acme of insincerity for a South ern democrat to preach about individu al liberty, the right of the governed to be consulted about matters of state is sues. A Southerner by birth; in poli tics a democrat; an American by the grace of God, I shall, in the absence of a democratic nominee, vote for William McKinley because he is something more than a man after an office.! James S. Evans, Chicago, 111. Illinois is a doubtful state that is, it is doubtful if McKinley's majority will be less than 150,000. The republican party is the only party that fully knows how to conduct the af fairs of this country for its real prosperity. It isn't free silver that is so objection able in Bryan. It is Bryanism, pure and simple, and that means a good deal more It is inconceivable how sane voters, who believe in the gold standard, can support a man who deliberately de clares that standard shall not be main tained any longer than he can get rid of it. Surely it is midsummer madness to choose such a man and then rely on one's ability to prevent his doing what he declares it will be his first object to do. Coxey is not marching on to Washi ton this year with an army of free lunch and soup house boarders, and the reason is both he and his "army of unemploy ed" are busy at work for 100-cent dol lars. The democratic way of meeting - re publican argument when it gets close to their mangy hides is to throw rocks and mong your Republican friends. You carr reach those whom we cannot. Take a Y. J. wheA you go out from home.' and tackle ev- rotten eggs at the speakers. ery Republican you meet and get him to subscribe. In this way you will not only be doing us a great the people believe that whichrttiey don't favor, but you will also be aiding believe themselves us in reaching the neonle, and V A. JL. We want agents everywhere to take subscriptions for the Yellow Jacket. There's money in it for you boys. We propose to make the Y. J. a thing hard to beat. The political questions are by no means dead. During the next year we propose to make the Y. J. cover the entire field and several acres of the o- cean. -If you want to help in the apply for terms and agent's outfit. Bryanic papers complain because the religious journals of the north all favor the reelection of McKinley. With the religious 'and business elements com bined against Bryan he must ; look to the devil and the other fellows for sup port, and them only. helping to present the facts of Re publicanism, which only need to be understood in order to make the Republican party so In howling about imperialism $e 4em- ocratic politicians are trying tdvjniake numeri- Bryan is insincere. No candidate can take nominations from three parties without intending to fool some one in case of his election. As Prof, Elliott says the actual actions of Bryan and McKinley in regard to the Philippines must necessarily be much alike, with the advantage of honesty in favor of the President, who declares outright that we will keep the islands. Bryan, on the other hand, wishes to extend to them the promise made to Cuba and then to indefinitely postpone carrying it out. Aguialdo has no more use for . the stable form of government which Bry an promises to set up in the Philippines than for the form of government offered job j by the late congress. What he wants is an unrestricted opportunity to ' plunder his countrymen after the Spanish plan. State Republican, little Rock, Ark. j 'He who knows Mr. Bryan knows that he has never abandoned i6v to 1. The carrying into effect of his financial theories is the great purpose of his life; He is honest, if not practical, . and he has never said, and he never will say, he has abandoned it. He would not aband on it at Kansas City. , cally strong, so harmonious and I The prospects for political freedom in invulnerable that the tribes of Kerituckyartf sdmewhrft dark; It mat Rtmto 4-1, 1,3 4.-U fl-u 4-un ters not how the people may vote so devil can't overthrow, it at polls next November. t long as the Goebelites do the counting. If vou believe that times have lm- See all your neighbors and pake proved under President McKinley.'s ad- ban t ministration, then you should vote for a j I have said Mr. Bryan is an honest, if dear to our hearts is the old yel- I not a practical man. What he says he low pumpkin, when orchards are bar- I believes he can do, and will never falter n of stuffing for pies, when peaches I in his attempt to do it. d apples have both been a failure, j He is a dreamy idealist. He talks and d berries of no kind have greeted the I acts and believes, if he were President, es. now iondly we turn to tne iruit 1 Dy a wave 01 ms magic wana, as 'twere, 1 during all - ... . - up a club of 5 or 10. If you get the club now send along own sub. and trv the club later. The Yellow Jacket is I not local, but circulates all over America your continuance of his policies. Mr.,-Croker goes farther than Mr.-Bry- an in his love for the young men oif the and goes to foreign lands, and all not only be protected against the trusts the cornfield: the fruit that our chil- I he can make a desert blossom; that he are taught to despise the old yel- j can do away with want and misery, and . ' A . J 1 . ' 11 l .. T low pvmpjcin, , tne muu-tovercu pump- i moKc au m& buujcuis pxcnpcruus and kin, the iKg-bellied pumpJcin tnat mates 1 nappy, ptner woras, mat ne is pos- Mr. Bryanite, suppose you drop out pf the band wagon long enough to take "a good look at yourself and think over a few things. This country is not going to stand still; we are going to leap for ward or slide backwards. How can you afford to sieze hold of the shirt tail of progress and bust your gall bag yelling woa just for the sake of giving Bryan and his crowd a pull at the public crib? Don't you know Bryan is an avowed Free Trader? . Don't you know that Free Trade in this country means ruin to tne American laborerf Just let your thinker run back to the time when we had a tariff law modeled after" Bryan's idea. Under that law. . we all felt the sting of hard times, besides the income of the government was not sufficient to pay current expenses. It was called, by the democrats -a. tariff .for! revenue only, but it didn't produce the revenue. Two hundred and sixty two million dollars of bonds were sold in time of peace- to - pay the daily obligations of the democratic administration. From being a debt paying nation we became atlebt-creatirig nation. But that wasn't half the trouble this law brought upon the country. , In ustries languished. Mills shut down." ilding almost ceased.' The : army "of e unemployed increased. Panic came. nks failed. Fortunes crumbled. Ia- or begged in vain for .work. : Thatf gloomy substitute for the full dinner pail, known as the soup house, sprang up to succor the, starving. Everybody; remembers those days as the gloomiest and darkest financial and industrial pe riod of his whole, life. - But Just as soon as the people could' express their verdict at the , polls this calamity breeding . tariff and the party who made it were repudiated and a change was demanded. ' With ( the election .of. : a republicans President and. a republican Congress, aj Protective tariff measure" was 'enactfed, , The Dihgley bill become - a law. Now just think what havet been i the result!.. To-day the National treasury overflows. The nation has been engaged in war much; of the last 3 years; yet has beerio paying debt at the same time.. , ,,,( t Bond issues have given place to bond redemption and refunding the 'outstand ing obligations of the nation at a lower rate of interest than was 1 1 ever r before secured by any nation in: history. 1 New : mills have been built all. oyer ,the country . and all the old ones .started up.. Wages have been increased. I,abor has been . k profitably employed. The exports, during the four years of the Dingley Tariff have exceeded the' combined a mount of all the exports of the ' nation the previous 'years of -the nation from the begining of 1 Washing ton's first administration to the i close of Cleveland's last administration: . ? such good pu the time preaches nothing but Re publican gospel and ; common sense. Before sending j mo; ley, read instructions at top of this col" umn . Npw, brother, take the sase . You send: along the subs, land help but should each have a valet .and a pup. .bull 3 A British lion, seeing an American sheep feeding on a high precipice where he could not reach it, I besought the iheeo to come down lower for fear it sessed of the mysterious power that can mate tne wona an Utopia, 11 you give him a chance. Such a man is a delightful companion an estimable-member of society, but a wild bull m a chjna shop would' not be I Sir, there is the , record. None I deny I it. The books have been audited and Now what There are many reasons why , Bryai should be defeated, but a leading one is that he seems to have niore love forjtbat rould lose its footing at that dizzy more dangerous to the safety of the tinuation of the Dingley eight: "and moreover," said the lion, crockery than such would be to the safe- times, iext Tuesday is the prass is far, sweeter and more a- ty Qi tne tate, 11 intrusted' with the I O . .- I . rr . bundant here below." But the sheep management 01 anairs. the balance is known to all. dp you want? " A return to the demo cratic tariff and panic times, " or a con- bill the it r 4-1 - i 1 . 1 -11 : j 1 a z a a : -i -l a 1 1 ' m . -lio yircuiuwiig ana. wo wiix uu artf aHUiv16UiUiUUU "a uieuis-1 replied: "Excuse me; it is not for my 1 wuuuy is prosperous money is the prea ching. Let the band fclayl franchised and red shirt ridden citizens 1" that you invite me, but for plenty and good; ; interest 2has dropped puDnoani8m. : ; 1 01 his own native lana. - . which this ques - . Think over thes d your own. to 5 per cent; the market of our abund-1 shirt on and. sense dictates tipn - r ecf and good" day upon : will be , decided. things with . your . de as your common i 1 ( r. V 4 ,