POINTS POIiITi 0 AIi. Chairman Jones was right, Mr. Bryan will not pack the U. S.' Supreme 4 Court; he, will not be given thi opportunity. Mr. Bryan's chance to console himself for his de feat for the Presidency with a seat in the Senate grows less every day. Are democratic v i ters for sale? Mr. Bryan anq! others among' their leaders say they are, when they say ijhat the election is to be bought. - Mr. Wooley, the prohibi tion canidate for President, is doing his best to help the democrats , but, fortunately, his best isn't much. The defence of the cotton baling trust by -r - Senator Jones, or iim., one of its owners, shows how much there is in the Bryan ing about trusts. te yowl- - president MciYinley is back at Canton, where he will remain until he votes the straight republican tick et. He knows already that he will be reelected. Mr. Bryan's failure to v make connection with the train to which his private car was attached was mere- ly a forerunner of his failure to connect with the Presi dency. It is evident from perience of a New the ex- fHamp- shire patent medicine man who spent $50,000 trying to get a congressional nomi nation, and failed, that money doesn't buy tions in that State. nomina- Adlai is modest; pe only claims 189 electoral votes as sure for Br van. He puts 120 in the doubtful column , and gives McKinley 138, JBryan will fall far short of 189; i when the votes are counted. Boss Croker emphasized his opposition to imp erialism by giving Mr. Bryac a touis XIV banquet that cost thou sands of dollars-dollars wrung from the tax-payers of New York City "Tammany boss. by the South Dakota is going to give its electoral Votes to c . ivr v McKinley and Rbosevelt, and to repudiate Petttgrew, whose Senator traitor- pus utterances on the floor of the Senate brought blushes to the face of SO .many otjts citizens for South Dakota ! Rah, insurance company has , completed a poll of the coun try, through its local agents, which gives McKirjley and Roosevelt 270 electSjpal votes, Bryan and Stevensor 160 and : puts 17 in : the doubtful .column. Senator Scott, of W. Va., who is i help ing to : manage republican head quarters in New Yoirk, now j claim 284 electoral votes. . ArrnrHiiior fn Mr.' "Rrvan'. . t i u: the man! who ;votesV noney. out oi nis own pocKtanu himself out of a good job, is ;aisetnan; In other words, the party that gives the country soup houses, to feed the unemployed; is the j5arty that ought to '"ruler " How does that square "with com mon sense, not to mention patriotism? Senator Hanna says he has no desire to change his denunciation of Mr. Bryan, unless some one can suggest stronger words, than he used; than he spoke at Lincoln because it was Mr. Bryan 's home , and that his word were intended as a reply to Mr. Bryan's five years continuous abuse of him. The Anglo-German agree ment as to China follows so closely the policy announced by this government lasJuly no dismemberment, no land grabbing, and open trade to all the world on the same footing-that it is evident Secretary Hay's note was used for a model. This must be highly gratifying to President McKinley, as it insures our peaceable reten tion of all our trade rights in. China... An independent and im partial estimate of he Con gressional election gives the republican gain as 11 mem bers and the democratic gain as 13, a net republican loss of two, which would give the republicans control of the next House by a -majority only two less than what they have in the pres ent House. Estimates made by the republican pommittee are for a larger majority. Virginia democrats are holding up their heads in holy honor because the re publicans are taking steps to see that the negro vote is cast and counted in the close Congressional districts. The dark-skinned man in the Philippns is good enough to be encouraged to shoot Americans; but he isn't good enough to vote at home. Hypocricy . and democracy .are synonymous. No stronger argument has been, will be oil xan be off e r ed f or the reelec tion of Pres ident McKinley than this, opening sentence from an edi torial in , the independent Washington Post: "The financial situation of this country is superior to that of any .other power on. earth . ' ' This superiority was made by. republican legisla tion, signed by William Mc Kinley. ?. ,:' Just Wliat You Wanted. years ago You demanded work ' for your idle spns. ' : , .'. You got it; . You never had so. many people employ ed as now. , f You wanted idle capital to be employjed. i LYou s:ot it. V r You wanted to : see ithelr- my of tramps mustered out. They are gone.' You wanted your soup houses closed. They are closed. You wanted to get rid of the receivers of your rail ways and banks. They are gone. You wanted to see the smoke coming from the stacks of your smelters , millsj and factories. It came. Many have since been kicking about . the smoke nuisance. You wanted the savings bank deposits to increase. Never so large in your history as at present. You wanted to see inter est rates decrease that .your people could borrow more cheaply wherewith to devel op your resources . You got it. Interest has never been so low as now. You demanded more mon ey. The circulation must be increased per capita. You got it. It has in creased with marvelous ra pidity for $rrr years. You demanded that one dollar be just as good as an other, y . "You got it. That is the kind we have now, and you can get all the silver or pa per you want at any bank. " You demanded the mar kets of the world; for your surplus products and goods. You got it. Got it so quick it almost dazzled you. You wanted us to stop borrowing money in Europe. We stopped it and Europe is now borrowing money from us. ou-wanted thj govern- tent tcrcollect ery dollar f the Pa ailroad debt, nstead of ORTION, as t. Clevl r. Cleveland Taroposed. Mr. McKinley ade them pay rery c&i&r, principal iand ii !St ou wanted Cuba libera ted. It?is done. You wanted the rights of i our people maintained at home and abroad. ; It has been done. What you really wanted the worst was what "AN HONEST DOL LAR AND A. CHANCE TO EARN IT V 1 You got both. Not from the TBryanites , but it was none the less acceptable, to the man behind the dinner bucket. I you want more things of this sort you can get them from the same source. What a marvelous change in the treatment of horses would quickly occur if men were treated ' exactly like, WWW Human jBJducator.- they, treat their horses . I Jn'fthat case whips woul d seldom be used. - Jerking the bit! would cease also. , Yelling, cursing, jpounding arid kicking. Check reins would be very slack: Blinders vould be discard- " Clipping and: -docking would go "out;of styleJ B ig loads , w oul d rarely ' be seen. . v . f.y-yi . Axlegrease would have a s Better roads wbuld be loud ly demanded. m m w . ' Wide tires would- be uni- versal. " Rack-tracksr would be 4 'for sale." 7 Stables would be "light, clean and airy. ; Horses would be watered frequently, and regglarly, and have a variety and sufli- ciency of food and a deep, soft bed at nisrht. All of which proves How -mean, crueland toolisa some men are. ' rts i Poor woman, she broke : down completely. ' It be- gain this way: Her feet seemed heavy, her, - ;j liver sluggish, her digestion poor, her cheerfulness gone,; her brain slow to grasp facts, her eye dim. Then came neglect of household duties throuh lack of energy, and finally total collapse. ; She had never heard of 'Longav ita," a priceless preparatipni, that brings roses to 'the cheeks, rounds out hollow faces, makes the step elastic, the disposition cheerful, and renews Jthe, vigors of girl hoodvRead advertise merit another column. Iyongatr ita "is the true" fountain jpf perpetual youth. It i i a vegetable t riiedicine ; that came from the brains 6f Germany 's leading scien tific physicians, "absolutely harmless, : and a. benefits to old and young, Dotn men and women. . s', Our fee returned if we faxl. Any one sending I sketch and description of any invention will f promptly receive our opinion free concerning the, patentability of same. 44 How to Obtain a Patent" sent upon request. Patents isecured through us advertised fdr sale at dur expense. Patents taken out through us T&xir special notice without charge, in Thk PatkntRecori an illustrated and widely circulatedjournal, consulted by Manufacturers and Investors., Send for sample copy FREE. Address, VICTOR J. EVANS & CO. (Patent Attorneys.) n Evans Building, - WASHINGTON. DC. K P.T, The American ProteciiveTariff Leaguo fs a national organization advocating " Protection to American Labor and Industry" as explained by its constitu tion, as follows: " f ' . b.to BNtMl Amnoan labor by a tariff on imports, which shall adequately, our ' Amrioan industrial produote ajainst th oomprtition cf forin labor." There are no personal or privatb profits in connection with the organ W zatioh and it is sustained by member ' ships, contributions, and the distrlbu Wnjn its pubbcations, 1 v J wtMthap small or lar, to our causa. PhMwof th Tariff quartion. i Com pUtaWt wal b maiUd to any addivM for 60 oanta, amplo oopv of the . - Am.KoanTEoonomlt." Addr Wl(bUI F. Wkamn nmmmmi Does' not spell any thing, but what we started out to say, was this:" Do not send postage stamps on subscriptions to the Y. J.; and when you send' Money Orders have them drawn on Wilkesboro, N. C. Moravian Falls is Hot a M. O. office. LSAiA THE TABLET, OP LIFE a- 5 ( Piiula At Lomgan Vitam.) The Scientific Discovery of the Age! The Magic fOKey to the Mys- tery of Iiife! . " From times immemorial it has been man's'predominating ambition to pro long life.. But among the many brilliant minds, who have devoted their lives to the fascinating subject; it was left for the immortal Darwin to give to the world, in his great theory of Life, the fundamental principle upon which to build all further research in this direction. Following . closely in his footsteps came Prof. Dr! Jjudwig Buechner, a German scientist of international renown, with his remarka ble work entitled "Das Buch des Langen Ivebens' (thebook on longevity. ) But alas, like Darwin he too died, ere he could reap the fruit of his wonderful doctrine. Others however, equally ' great took up the interrupted thread with the result that two famous German scientists, after years of experiments and research, have at last discovered the secret of Longevity in the shape of a remarkable Vegetable Compound, which; if properly used, will positively prolong Life. This new reine dv appropriately named "Longavita" meaning Long Life) has been subjected o the. most rigid tests at all the leading clinics and hospitals throughout Europe .vitn marvelous results. Appreciating the importance of this discovery, we have acquired, "at enormous cost, the ex clusive proprietary right to this truly wonderful preparation, which has proved a blessing to mankind. 'Longavita' ' is the true Tablet of Life, a rejuvenator par excellence, embodying the.veritable sec ret of longevity in a practical, feasible iorm. It is the fountain joi perpetual youth, which it prolongs far beyond its present limits, while retaining health in a perfectly normal state. 'Longavita' brightens the eye, stimulates mental ac tivity, gives elasticity to the step, makes the face full, absorbs wrinkles, cleanses the system, purifies the skin, .and is the only true Ponce de Leon remedy for old and young of both sexes. Kndorsed by Europe's leading physicians. $1.00 abos, by mail. HUGO von TILLEN BURG MEDICAL . v co.; : ii 3iTi 133-1 135 Broadway, New York city. SOMraERN THE 0.0, o ; 0.0 STANDARD RAILWAY OF ' -' m The Direct Line to All Points. CALIFORNIA, FLORIDA, CUBA AND PORTO RICO. Strictly FIRST-CLASS iSquip ment on all Through and Lo I cal Trains ; Pullman Palace t Sleeping Cars on all Night ! Trains . . Fast and Safe Sched : ules. . . ........ ...... . . Travel by the Southern and you are as- sureq. a tate, Comtortable, and Expe ditious Journey; 00000000000000 appi,y to ticket agents for timr ta- BI,KS, RATES AND GSNBRAly INFORMA TION, OR ADDRESS R. L. VERNON, F. R. DARBY, T. P. A., - C. P. &T.A., - Charlotte, N; C. Asheville,. N. C. No trouble to answer Questions. Frank S Gannon, J. II Onlp, "W. A. Turk 3d V. P. & Gen. Man. ' Traf . Man. G. P. A WASHINGTON, D. C. THE MIETZ & WBISS KEROSENE or GAS ENG-rNE. - Cheapest Power Knovn. Burns Kerosene. Self ilgnition. Auto matic, Simple; and Reliable FOR AhU lO WBR ' PURPOSES. Send for Cata logue, r A. MIETZ, 128-138 Mott St., N. Y. CITV, T w T w t ,'i Designs 4 trade-marks -4 AND COPYRIGHTS OoTAINcU ADVICE AS TO PATENTABILITY Notice in ! Inventive Afire Book "How to obtain Patents" U Charges moderate. No fee till patent is secured. ' Letters strictly confidential. Address, E. G. SIGGERS, Patent Lawyer, Washington, D.C. QZZJX RAILWAY Mil mm m m m m ,m m m , mm m m m -1