- -. - . .. . i WEEKLY EDITION. VOL. VI. THE YELLOW- JACKET. 4 MORAVIAN FAIS, THttis EDITORIAIi SQUIBS. NO. 32. WEEKLY & MONTHLY. I- . ' EDITOE. B. BON LAWS, WEEKLY, ONE YEAR,.... 50 SIX MONTHS, . Tliof oo Trrrt i J (fir I . ' Hi V: h 7 appreciatioa "A man with an opinion and Yes, we were at the dvin hnJBryan." say some of th TW. L tne VICto.r7 7 sending us the courage to express tit is a it wasn't our funeral. - anites. A CentS ior tne Yellow man who is valuable in the - - - M- -vttvi, ulujjuuijs. vviiuiiixujr. ib uues not mac- The democratic nartv o., ht ' You are invited to snWUw, t ..,.77 . ter whoro ho stands whether 80VJ to sue .Bryan for dama, . for the Yellow J ato niJ " m,uwa are not Denma the counter, MONTHLY, ONE YEAR, . . . .20 CASH ALWAYS IN ADVANCE. Entered at Moravian Fall,' secona ciass matter. INSTRUCTIONS . t Silver preferred to Postage Stamps Remittances of silver of .small si may De maae with comparative safet ordinary letters, using good envelopes: Amounts above fifty cents it Would be wen to sena Dy Registered letter, x. j. iuoucv uraers flrc hAtt.- .fill inrr onnnnnn If the democrats had t?rabhed cause and yourself xui icss tney might have cured more. ft wa,s not sweet enough for S lor the Yellow Jacket. OnlvU, . .. " . " ' " w"uler m.; 50 cents a year. Help out the it, to 1 e eaitorial room behind;the cause and yourself. question just let them trot Ppit. If he thinks and has : out the old lady again. n. c. as ft WJ.3 McKinley so the sugar refining me courage to back ud his thoughts and the intelligence to I observe that tnaiorities t0 express them he is worth ? a p o-"- x xxxxig . " . - a 16 Democrats snowed under companies reduced the price of nse Wlth Prsperity and tnousand times more than the one elected is about the way sugar 15 per cent. Grayson, at the American people truculent boot-lick, the go-be-Q question stands. Ky., Eagle. 5 never fail to support the tween ; the tale bearer or the flag. President McKinley. hyPocrite who is all things to - all men. The day for honest The Governor of Colorado rp nion 1S t0 day an tomor- row." Hjx. And now the question Sockless Jerry Simpson, it is arises : Is Mr Bryan still run- 8aid laughed with ghoulish glee mug for President? As a winder, Bryan is a howl-J wearing silk sox ne Has about CJ -- v -wwxvx UUU when he read that CushmaTi savs demnrrafir viVfnrxr j -- " VbVl. V V XXX "Pi - T 1 1 P . I . . . avibnaams ioot poisoned from be possible four years hence with Bryan to lead. All This is the form in which a young woman advertises in a but they must Wra oV n nas aDout right, governor, the iurv is V s aavertises m a N.C. as Moravian Falls i: not L itr WOUnd UD the dftmnnrniip. nnrfv One bier fcrnsf-. "hoc Var, J Japanese nan fir frrr o Imonj . . ; p Jjxv4jr i X .wa . 13 --.ww luCXX U.13- J VVllllnP" I -1 bw xxuouaUU. . V ' ' , posed of all right. That is the when wntitifr Tiana A- I HT. -i i . I - - - i. -" v vijiii t lMTipir i iviiwu r"v a it i i i t These words will be en- - mo uuuoraiguea, am a pretty girl, with abundant hair, flowerlike face, perfect "eyebrows chgedyoutgieyforarwVu .4 " lo says uroter dld country will not trust its affairs These w as vour new address. I it. Croker aavs fisa 1ft t 1 i t r t -r " - ' w x m mo uauua ui uryan, Jones, o-nwrl x, ix- ..uxao, pencuu uveorows Alwavs write vnur nwti io,. a -.j 1: t i ,1 , I J V ' tiVeQ On tlie . nnlltiral ... i , - J dress plkiniy.an'ddirluyPersTo P 7 e Dotn uroicer and Altgeld. tombstone of William j, good hgure. I have Tna Yawow-jAckr, omostone or William Jenn- money enough to takelife. easy Moravian FAi.ts, N. c. . It's all'over now and ovor IT& " ured is and to enable me to sDBnr? Nlf the devil was as badly body should feel thankful that lammany' an Cfoker Is years with some beloved man "stove up" as democracy is the the contest results ir, - Its Prophet." Chicago who will ever be mvn.ni reachera would have smooth for thn nart.v ti,ot on .. Tribune. and who can nd - v HUIfVOi ISSUED EVERY THURSDAY. I - " i.u CV V x. 0 1 kjl y TO OUR READERS. Well, boys, young and olx, on and ail, we are highly -grateful you f oiTthe deep interest yoix have taken in helping us build upU the sailing the rest of the time. ?his election has proven that rhen the democrats say a state is doubtful that they mean it's going republican. government without borrowing with me by day and the moon money to do it. Who says the country is by night. If any clever, accom- not prosperous when demo- Pllsned, : handsome, and ,fastid- x f w .wj xivxx ucxUU" x t uvuxu, auu -lclo tlu.- Sixteen St. Louis mothers cratic dinners were only $1 ious gentleman is disposed to recentlv MOrPPrl r rlar re- rt1n-(-A -C - afififinf. tliia T . j &-wwv v iuo pv-x. piatc iuur years a2TO and r ""ex x uau assure ballot which of them had the $12 per plate thi; Wnr him that I will be true to him 1. 3 1 i - . " x The democrats can now tieht- , ,D?Dy ana oa dls" e "t included? Sau- en up their belly-bands a notch ,S 8 T " , sl 10 ana De- Francisco Chronicle. or two and goto making faofi9""lu' acn DaDy naa cexved circulation of the YeUow Jkcket ft7. fTI7rt OT1 ' hl each T XT- X V,FV M"U tiV IU XXiaiS-lxliJ 1 CtC6S I ' , daring the past campaign. Sev-Lf xtfl , i- ' just one vote i . j - x, at the republicans asram. cxiti tiiuuBuiiu suDBcripuons ex- " pired with the close of the mm- re - , i j -i Ui course we don t , Know but nm crn onrf -rn-kw laaina ain nil w , xwxxvy t UUk for life, and that after life is over! will be ready to be buried with him in one grave." Wanted Agents to J -----... iVO L11C 1 t W I OTT'O -nTX' .1 paign and we.now desire to s4e all , " ' """" upw bnnt DnfUi mu , " wuars the civilization and in order to p these renewed and many thouUdpern.apS me recent cold snaP Zl,",, . , ine SeCOnd matter with Croker." Noth- cape the storm nnnfo'i v. new ones added. Our terms for 6ron8" b7 the 8udden " ! L on to iaff at all , and we 'd iust like fled from Chicago rZa ad- unexpected cooling off of Wil , , " i x outox lie MS LKJ 1 -i rv .4- --.II S -i In in . - - William Jennines BrvM I s. we a Just llke nea lrom l"cago and settled Rainhnw ncn, T.i V lUMVC Lfle vvoria teil what 111 Arkansas, where he savs thp " " vmwvx, xmavwijj . 11 c- ' xi , , - . I , " braska. Liberal commission 18 me maUer with Bryan as PeoP are to be congratulated North Carolina terrify 'a fitst class hoodoo. toT having no large city and no extremely rich people. We I - X7 j- . t r w -cxxiictLiu newspapers ; "a0 011 getting l .. - I I . . . , - 1 If -n i . I xxri I I m.AKnk 1 -i - 11C1 OI Sllfn a h ofowf ; x it out, so it will continue to keep mit themselves to be tied to a vluJier wm nereaiter mdiie a ioua , r WiMUO,uu cxuii,y rou skunk again. devote himself exclusively to outcry over the advance of T J vom, out it is too ? bad for a state with th ouxxu-xxjg tuo x. o. are uasu 111 i uu- vance, and stop the paper promp- iain - ryan. .1 Xi X ITT Tf lJ ' " - iy vviieii iimy is out. w e will xiave I v mvx. something"to say each week that Some, of the Populists say Nortn Carolina territory very win lnierfisn vnn. "hfl rifimnnriitin "uoy want ii, uistincLi v nrtflr. wuu"wwlo, party is dead but hasn't yet found stood that they will never per- 1 h Oil i. an 1 f Twill rtnnfinno fz-v Voon mif fiiamaaltma "Kx xi,1 x J -r j.u TT 111 WUU VXli UO UV XT I W VUUXUOVXT kicking for quite a while. If you j skunk again. uesire to see the roasts the Y. J. . uorse racing and .Bryan will J-U cents a gallon in the . witu me pusn will;give it, you should promptly If Bryan can keep up his old give his time to the Presbyter- price of linseed oil. Thev and vior of Arkansas to have renew for the paper and also jet ratio of $250 a speech, he will ian ministry there may be will preserve a disriW' i a man take refuge within her all vmir oihM 4- xit i i i " ui&treet si- borders wh n xi;.t,x . , uW5uUUxd iu 6u xu iv uu awn uo uiaKing more money ame cnance ior tne democratic iptirp a c fv. o-ni j I " xxixua m cne than he would have ma4e as party to get on its feet again Lance of 35 cents a hi II Stat ha? nado no wxd pugro8s man sue nas and with you. ne expect to make a ereat im-rPrflir1nf. tt;i axx Brnvomonf n ii. "vrn t il-x l i-.viuvui uu txlO itJUUW UHCxtet Orl v. BfVftn SftVQ Tl -ccroa about the middle'of December oon after. Each issue will thbn by prosperity. Strange isn't Contain nlinnf f-nri t & matter thn.f. if. nnw nnfoina n As3 I - ii wvuvnuxo wixu during the first quarter of 20fch century. the . , . i ir wxxoixx oxio nas ana. m the price of flaxseed. The who will, on w. :x latter goes to the farmers, sieze the young elephant of utaiuc uL-j.nteingencer. pgress in atic. by the tail and go to squalling woa. i ,: everything will be either theprok-l ct of our own nen nr nf idli Perifc Tucker's," with occasionally a Jetterfrom "Old LNfick" jus to iow how he stands. We horfe Onn XI , ry reader of this ,, article wi Finnish 'round and rf U JjWU r ''I shall take an active in terest in nnllflPQ na lrnrr oo T . I X? mivj ""0 to JL xiyau aia tnere was no pros- live" Wm. J. Rrn tu,.I , l7. 6,uu,uVrA. : am Old. and I havo nomr. lhe tiaor ia r.nf n.i Once I was young, but now I A, A ux uxu, auu 1 nave never vet A uu nas is not to - be nnllp means that the democratic Q i .ix . 1. . De pulled r,o.f,; ,1 , " was uniaitniul rvvvu 111 -f nuippmes. The Mr Bryan should be able to fn a r' iMh . i to her mother that ever came power of this republic is not to f o UxK. , . m a noie and pull the hole in to be worth a on Wf be nrostrWrl . m. ' , during Bryan's to her hnsh T i IbricanrJ gH . - r-- -xv xo yxio lOiW I O ol God It isn't exactly in the The sun is not to set on Dime, due it is wntten large American soil. Tho work that ' &ww u, -a uu . XXXo UXUUUO' I o U j ciesfor we are confident there mundane pilgrimage. 1 is nothmsr else like them on iuuuu OiLlVX Lie Li I IK Till I O - or more subsby. that time, it nearens nor in Experience is a dear school, but and awful in th ' m n me"CanJS0?1 T The work that untmakeany difference "whaU the waters under the earth. L-.JL.m, , .. ' and awIul 111 the miserable Dewey did is not to Kb in PoHtiC8is,:youwm:eiljoyitlll3 New YorkW orld We would r " Tl he laborer is to We H iihW6ek fr0beiiat , 0St-APair of twin bogie renldehe" luZ oJ hon- Wre. The empmyl "ie improvement on f.h ft nflnfil rinlla onfifi cT-,--:ii n . u vuau wxoio is time. It one of VOU chans fn 7- t.:Li. : ; 5 J - f " " I v vivxou .xxx uduhi mill l xi x- t . . n. I v I vj &nn i 1 1 I u ri rt-i Act- x v,- ir.. . ; , a uttiby mans so destitute ot I . :T vugou i,luuw hxxxu Buroius nnmoer 01 and " Vnoto " xi i ' ox umo auuas u srin mat. ttx .1 -- . . n e 0 V vieu ngnts are still saffe m you. Pntvnnr TiAn1r?Ar fri' ne wheel and Tilr M, - buzz. L v ' 4 pft . . -; . :-: ememer the Yellow lJacet is ot a local paper nor "the organ ipf district or section!,! butSSircut Ca GS ver a the states; and tidvo es nly Republican doctrines. How it HapperiecL Ttt., t X '"wmprintasnrDlusnnmber Ur, rn,,. . , - , -xv ' ever come across a ffirl t.W ,r. , . .T" cPiesand'allwhn;nWJlln fU Z.. "rr.,"01 U1 observation and moral gump- with a face fall nr . 7; v t-stea . rignts ' are i and so de WThivl r"Jwl".,,e Pauy. rewaraea tion tnafit Wt even learn in - " " unaer tde constitution of the BubsbeTinShS toning same to their that. The first letter of its 4tThLr' ited ; States, The night- " 7 ' "I, r v "lluules mare of " lawless confiscation yet for the dishes .are hot has been h. fm washed," you wait for. that f,0 ,:;rL W 7 "ght. d0wn 0n The honor, the prestige, the the doorstep and wait fori her. ' i, . ' , because some other fellow may ,W T u - u lldy I ment that- ha Wn come along and carrv her ni? " . n. VUA . , . , V - rr7 ner oh, possessions for four yeai-s are nd right there you lose an - 9 ansrel. Wait for that crii nj3 ivy ? . l.i? . 1 x i. im fe"x a'uu ; -fxuu the nag is still there stick to her hke a bw mule's tail nm a inter Solomon said there was nothing new und er the sun ; Biyan chose V'piili down the fl u -x xu i. ', ' V n - Mack said "keep it there". but that was loner before. Dick .i. - t - i L .... i -. . - . - . ; i n.uu wxux lixxs qaen one sei oui .Orpker : and'. Jeems Kalamity To win the big.Arm Chair. T rir ra nrlmanl lin j a ' TT 1 a xi ' s V .r xuxjr uumiccu Lxxe iron xxtTrse And sailed over hill and plai& : Mack, he took no horse atall . But he got there just the same. Jones advised the democrats to use, base ' bair bats to 1 run' the election in New Qceaiv . ' t- " .ir J;. 1 : -it. ' - ' 7