WmwW WEEKLY EDITION- VOly. VI. MORAVIAN FALLS, N. C, THURSDAY, NOV. 22, 3 90p. NO. 33. THE YELLOW-JACKET. WEEKLY & MONTHLY E. DON LAWS, EDITOE. WEEKLY, ONE YEAR, 1 SIX MONTHS, MONTHLY, ONE YEAR, . . 30 .20 CASH ALWAYS IN AD VAN Entered at Moravian Falls, N. second class matter. INSTRUCTIONS. ggp- Silver preferred to Postage S on subscriptions. Remittances of silver of small may be made witli comparative safet in ordinary letters, using gooa enve Amounts above fifty cents it wou well to send by Registered Letter. p. O. Money Orders are better but they must De drawn on Wilke N . C. as Moravian Falls is not a Order office. When writing to nave your paper changed you must give your former as well as your new address. Always write your own name and .ad- dress plainly, ana airecx an your letters to Tns Ybixow-JackeT, Moravian Falis, N. C. ISSUED EVERY THURSDAY. Thursday, Nov. 22, 19)0. TO OUR READERS Well, boys, young and old, one and all, we are highly grateful to yon for the deep interest you have taken in helping us build up the circulation of the Yellow Jacket during the past campaign. Sev eral thousand subscriptions ex pired with the clo3e of the cam paign andwe now desire to see all these renewed and many thousand new ones added. Our terms for sending the Y. J. are cash in a vance, and stop the paper pr Iv when time is out. We will somethingjto say each week' will interest you. The democ rave fthat tatic party is dead but hasn't yet found it out, so it will continue to kicking for quite a while. I desire to see the roasts the will give it, you should pro renew for the paper and alsoi all your neighbors to go in a with you. We expect to make a great lm- provement on the Yellow Jacket about the middle of December or soon after. Each issue will then contain about twice the reading matter that it now contains and everything will be either the prod uct of our own pen or of "Eli Pucker's," with occasionally letter from "Old Nick" jusje to show how he stands. We hope every reader of this article will skirmish 'round and get us up one or more subsjby that time. It don't make any difference what your i)olitics is, you will enjoy the Y. J. Each week from the date of the improvement on the paper we will print a surplus numbejr of copies and?all who subscribe after- ward, and so desire, may their subs begin with theJTda have te oi the change. Now, boys, lethear from you. Put'your shoulder to the wheel and help toJ mak i the Y. J. buzz. Remember the Yellow Jac: set is not a local paper nor the organ of any district or section , but Circu lates over all the states and advo cates only Republican doctr nes. hit t r amps sums i I topes, d be still, iboro, loney 1 fceer1 ntly I J I I get knb EDITORIAL SQUIBS. Do Pettigrew and Welling ton know where they are at? Possi bly. Mr. Atkinson will now cease to see things. Great is democracy but Bryan and Croker are its hoo- doos . Bryan still insists that a majority of the, voters were deceived about the issues. Batavia, 111., is entitled to a medal. The town did not give the democratic ticket a single vote. What about your becoming an Agent for the Yellow Jack et? Read further particulars elsewhere. Jerry Simpson says "4ie's disgusted with the populists, but didn't they get disgusted with Jerry first? Those who were sure that the people would never reelect another President are keeping very quiet just now. That traitorous utterances are punished by the public was shown by the defeat of Senator Pettigrew and Representative Lentz. There is no probability that Mr. Bryan will have to break his promise not to go to Senate from Nebraska. The State will have two republican Senators. Makincr paramount issues to order is one thing ; getting the voters to accept these issues is quite another. If you don't elieve it ask Bryan. s : Cheer up, brother democrats. By failure you may succeed. It really wasn't you but Bryan that the voters wanted to hammer on the 6th. Mr. Bryan has not quite made up his mind whether he wants a third battle or not, but the chances are that he does. Whether the democrats will be so besotted as to give it to him is another thing. In calling attention to the fact that he is still a young man did Mr. Bryan mean t o serve notice on other would-be candidates ot his party that he would still be in the ring in 1904? South Carolina has 100,000 registered white voters, but the total vote of the State in the Presidential election was not half that many, which indi cates that Mr. Bryan's isms are not popular . in that State. The democratic donkey seems to be trying to get his nose out side of the free silver nosebag, but it is doubtful whether he will succeed. "The ox knoweth his master's stall and the ass his crib." PERSONAL. as previously seated, we in tend, within the siext month, to effect a complete change in the schedule of . the Yellow Jacket, whereby we will give our readers a paper, each issue of which will be much better than anything we have ever given before, besides the print will be improved and each copy will contain more than A. 90 twice the reading matter we now give,- the most part of which will be original write-up by the editor himself. In view oi tms improvement, we desire to also double the present circulation of the Yellow Jack et as soon as possible, and in order to do this, speedily, we want at least five thousand local agents to take subscriptions for us. We will allow a com mission that will" pay you hand somely to work for us. If you mean business, ;give us. your address, enclosing a two cent stamp to pay postage, and we will mail you an agent's outfit at once. This agency need not interfere with your r egular business, but will enable you to get a liberal cash commission on every subscription you secure. However you may give your full time to the work if you so desire. . Remember all that it costs you to become an Agent is 2 cents to pay postage on outfit, which includes In structions, Subscription Blanks Commission Card, sample coDies. etc. Write at once if A. ' you are interested. There's money in it for you. Do you want it ? The Commercial - Appeal, since the defeat of Bryanism, has flopped, coming out square ly on the side of sound money and expansion. This is a move in which we are sure the C-A. has the approval of its conscience. Of course, we are not in the democratic councils but we are willing to bet that the next platform of that disorganization will "recognize the fact that, etc," instead of "hereby re affirming, etc." Senator Wellington will not find the remainder of his term a pleasant experience, but it will doubtless be his last appear ance in public life as Maryland is pretty securely anchored in republican waters and republi cans never forget renegades. Here's Gen. Joe Wheeler's explanation of the McKinley, landslide : "There are two things the American people reverence first, their God, and second, their flag. A word a- gainst either will bring down their condemnation. There never was a President defeated for election who had conducted a successful war." The reason for the confidence of Chairman Stone in the election of Bryan has leaked out. Governor Stone kept red liquor on tap at his rooms in New York, and the boys found out that they could always get a drink by reporting that Bryan was to have a landslide. Altho imperialism and 16 to 1 are so dead they smell to high heaven, the information comes to the people from demo cratic headquarters that this brace of "paramount issues will continue to be jammed up under their noses for the next four years. Four years hence, we feel free to predict that Hon. Carl Schurz will take the stump to remark that the country has escaped up to then by some . , i i x. miracle, but that if it does not use his patent elixir, it cannot long survive. He told Lincoln that some thirtv odd vears ao. If the national irrigation Con- gress, which is to meet in Chicasro this month, could onlv convince the people of the profitableness of spending more money in irriga ting land and less in the alcoholic ir rigation of throats, it would accomplish a great and lasting good to the country. It is always difficult to reor- ganize a party. No doubt if the democrats were to elect delegates to a national convent- ion now they would choose men who would repudiate Bryanism, but they will not have a cfiance to do this for four years. Until then the party must - remain under the direction of its present national committee and the Kansas City platform will stand for its declaration of principles. It is often easier to start a new party than to re - model an old one. Under its present arrange- ment the Yellow Jacket doesn't afford room for much of the matter we would like to publish, in the shape of letters from our subscribers, but after a few weeks we shall remedy this drawback and then we will be glad to have short, pointed letters from any of our sub- scribers, who may wish to write us. We have now several letters we would print but for subscription to the Yellow Jack the fact that no name accom- et and telling us to give the panys the article. Don't fly off democrats "hot stuff" a3 it the handle because your letters -would tickle him, that he was a haven't appeared. There's a chance for your articles yet. The democratic organ of Russell county Virginia was wrought up to such a pitch of enthuiasm when it learned that the democratic candidate for Congress carried that county by a small majority, that it adorn- ed its entire front page with rooster after the election. And such crowing! It seems to think that Russell county is the whole thing and part of what s left of the other thing. Not - " content with an ordinary proclamation of victory it had its "unconquer ed" cock to ascend the peak of a lofty mountain and pour out the glad tidings until the sum mits around echoed with the happy pean, and to add defiance to the proceedings, this ob streperous bird then rasped one spur across the other and split the bark on a pine tree ten feet from the ground. We presume that this Virginia, sheet hasn't vet learned that- almost .the entire earth want Republican on the 6th inst ? go we take tMs method to impart the informa- tion. Yes, Mr, Bausell, not only the earth, but almost the entire solar system went republi can with the velocity of lightning on a greased wire, the only thing a c r a rnnrr f.Tia 1 o n rl si l rl A hAinC fl. r . t a aww few counties m the Red Shirt belts of the south where the nigger votes are all counted for democracy, W a few western towns sucn as tnose m uoiorauu wThere a Bryan mob rotten-eged Governor Roosevelt. Yes, sir, McKinlev spurred Brvan a a plague of a sight deeper than your rooster did the pine tree on "Old Clinch Mountain." We notice that Tom Bost, the South River correspondent to the Salisbury Daily Truth- Index, in a recent issue of that paper, pays his respects to the xellow Jacket by classing it as a "little boot blacking rag up here at Moravian Falls." He also calls attention to the fact that we applied the words of a dead democratic editor to Bryan, just as tho it were a crime before high heaven for a man to use at random, a few scatter- ing words form some speaker or author without . bristling them with quotation marks. Not satisfied with squirting several gobs of cheap ridicule at the Yellow Jacket,! this brilliant young jassack then offers a personal insult to each of our thirty thousand readers by suggesting that "all idiots should take the paper because few sensible people do." Acting upon his own advice that "all idiots should take the Y. J." this budding gosling sat down the next day after writing to the Truth-Index and wrote us a letter enclosing his Democrat but not so stingy " that he could not enjoy a joke at his own expense. It i3 no uncommon thing to hear men declare other people idiots and fools, but this is the first case iu which we ever knew a man to testify that he was an idiot. However we will not be hard on Mr. Bost this time because we believe that the Yellow, Jacket taken in weekly doses for six months will prove a thorough cure vr the disease ' with which, he is suffering.

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