:?;. : - - . .' P ; ;. 7 WEEKTL ITION. MORAVIAN FALLS' N. C, HltRSDAY, NOV. 29, 3900. NO. 34. :?.;:''.-v;:f--.;-r:.' ill THE YELLOW-JACKET WEEKLY & MONTHLY!. E. DON LAWS, X3DXT0B. WEEKLY, ONE YEAR,... SIX MONTHS, MONTHLY, ONE YEAR,. . , 50 30 120 CASH ALWAYS IN ADVANCE. Entered at Moravian Falls, N. second class matter. C, as INSTRUCTIONS. jgf Silver preferred to Postage Stamps on suDScripuons. Remittances of silver of small sums mav be made with comparative safet in ordinary letters, . using good envelopes. Amounts above fifty cents it would be well to send by Registered Letter. p. O. Money Orders are better still, bnt they must be drawn on Wilkeboro, N.C. as MoraVian Falls is not a Money Order office. When writing to have your paper changed you must give your former as well as your new aaaress. , : Always write yourown name and ad- dress plainly, ana direct an your jetters xo Thb Ykixow-JackbT, . Moravian Fai,i3, IN, C ISSUED EVERY THURSDAY Thursday, Nov. 9, 19)0 TO OUR READERS Well,; boys, young and old, , one and aU, we are highly grateful (o I y o a fox. the. deep interest you psjre taken in helping us build up the circulation of the Yellow Jacket daring the past campaign. Sev eral thousand subscriptions ex pired with the close of the cam paign andwe now desire to s6e all these renewed arid many thousand n6w ones added. Our terms for sending the Y. J. are cash in ad vance, and stop the paper promp ly when time is out. We will have somethingjto say each week that will interest you. The democ: ratic party is dead but hasn't yet, found i out, so it will continue to keep kicking for quite a while. Mi you desire to see the roasts the Y J. will give it, you should promptly renew for the paper and alscj get club all your neighbors to go in a with you. We expect to make a great lm- provement on the - Yellow J acket about the middleof December or soon after. Each issue will then contain about twice the reading matter that it now contains and everything will be either the prod uct of our own pen or of "Eli Tucker's," with occasionally a letter 'from .'"Old Nick" jus to show how he stands. We hope every reader of this article will skirmish 'round and get us up one or more subsjby that tim3. It don't make any difference vhat your politics is, you will enjov the Y. J. Each week from the date of the improvement on the paperj vrewill print a surplus number of copies andall who subscribe i fter ward, and so desire, may have their subs begin with theJdate of the change. Now, boys, lets hear from you. Put your shoulde r lb the wheel and help to make j the Y. J.buzz. . - Remember the Yellow JacB et is n ot a local paper nor the organ of any district or section, but ' circu- lates over all the states - and i dvo catea only. Republican doctrines. ''" ' J' i .... 1 . EDITORIAJL SQUIBS. , Aguinaldo "also ran." y 1- . !' T7 ? j. 1 . 1 jiiveii xne aemocrats never ventured to call it prosperity- ism. Kerne mber we always stop the Y. J. at the end of paid for. time Tf -vnn want a Vfillnw TanVftt. agent's outfit send stamp and get it. a two-cent Bryan is conceded to be a great talker but the ballots out- talked him this time. The trouble with carrying out the decapitation plan in China is that all Chinese look alike to the allies. "Boss Croker is . beat, Boss Croker a saint would be ; Boss Croker has won, , the devil a saint is ne. "Fighting for the Empire is one of the new books, but it isn't a Bryanite history of the recent campaign . The re mocratic anizaxion oi ine ae- ty wiIKbe post- "V noned until e aoroW's jury has had time to report. v Doubtless this great stUlness xf the democratic party means that thev are huntiner for an- y - other paramount issue. Boo. Hoo. Hoo. I want my Leonids. Make that bad old star that stole them give them back. Boo. Hoo. Hoo. The earth. Doubtless it was the clever acting , of Mr. Bryan during the campaign that prompted'a manager to offer him a big salary to go on the stage. The nerve of it. Croker de nouncing Tammany for en- couraerine vice and offering: to join in a crusade to suppress it. The cheek of it. Mr. Bryan has, not yet decid ed whether or no it would naive helped him had he announced the last campaign "as positive ly his Jast "appearance. it The man who desires w-k -rv nf North of JNorth .jjuu ren -.ftimmons oi Carolina seated m the U. b. KJCUaUO T tw WWAU n j. wf2 w ought to have been a 'possum. a be about on a par with . - I V" bout as likely to actually p In our next issue will appear some interesting correspond- ence. AmW them will appear lAf.tnr frnimA cminnlirirl t.n Tlrvi u w wr u m r-f via h wt a democrats, Eli Tucker to Bryan, ana a ooiiioquy py a aasmngr young lady called Expansion. og pax th If our democratic iViends will only exercise a little patience the republican majority in both branches of Congress will relieve their anxiety - about the legislation of the session. Democrats in Cangress would do well to remember that the country is in no humor to. for give them for any . attempt to hangup or block the import- ant business of the session . On January JLsV Governor Roosevelt becomes; a private citizen and from then until March 4th he will rest up and prep&re for his arduous duties as presiding officer of the Senate. President McKitiley is said not to favor the proposed plan to cut down Congressional representation.. ? He recognises the justice of the protest against the inordinate power of the South but he is said to think it is better to bear with this than to arouse sectional feeling, .Eincerprises wiai were con- L ll ' I ditioned on the result of the election are now being put into operation .increasing the srener- II ' - c . o ai prosperity and furnishine aoA ;0i for manv wnrkmnn. I J yv uuii , say xms uut oi mere mniliilnrkTY huf fr AmnhftQi7A f no good resultg of protection and the gold standard. The democratic party de clares that no one shall re organize it. All right, it can nave its own way. Jtsut we shouid-thillk the fact thafc it carried only ten votes outside of the states that would vote for a yellow dog on the demo- cratic ticket would open the eyes of the leaders to the need 0f reform Our export trade requires 20 per cent of the world's seago ing tonnage, and there is no reason we should not own the most of the ships. It is to give us an equal chance, to do so that the shiDoiner bill will be pushed at this session of Congress. England pays $20,000,000 a yearxu BUU3 ,u i i . i r ... period she' has gained and r & . vy joaioj uuimg . wxxxwio. t r , , .-, - subsidies $240,000,000, This is an object lesson for. us, showmsr now to increase our smppiiig. T ' The democratic- papers that charged- that Secretary Long was merely waiting uucii iter the election to yield to tne ale- manas oi ne armor pidw masers booumx -uyw. grace to be ashamfid of them- i t n:- -u Selves. , A half pf what , foreign nations are paying, is a trib- . . tiffi Knf "h v t.n t.hA Secretarv a aTid to the do wers of the XJnited States - to , produce Lcheaply. . ' Lydia E. Pinkham is dead, His thousand friends will be interested to hear that he was a man of mature years, in spite of the fact that he posed for so long as an image ot com- forting womanhood in' the advertising columns of ourjot there. If he had been he daily press. The Agricultural Department is hard at work spreading harm- ful epidemics among insects. Pretcy soon the farmer who is troubled by any particular pest will have only to apply to the Department to get a package of germs with instructions for applying them. pie d over here about their lit- It seems to be something akin to a guilty conscience which is causing democrats to express so much fear that the republicans in Congress will punish the . Southern States that have disfranchised thou- sands of their voters, hv re ducing their representation in Congress and the electoral college. "The guilty fleeth when no man pursuetb. I .. : . Miss Helen Gould very mod- estly said when asked to ... write an article on "How to I I make the most 6f Wealth?" that -she was not ' -hrell qualifaed I 4-r onoo b- q if hnnnrh ttt I linnr fr tell h t she k Thousands ! c t, i r il, c? . , war, wuu snareu ill uer uuum . 1 - T J T T T 1 benefactions, think that she is living the answer to the question. BI-WEEKIiY. As before an- nounced, this will be the last issue oi tne leiiow Jacket as a weekly paper. The next num- ber will appear on the 13th of December and thereafter the Y. J. will be published bi- weekly, we nave carelully gone over tne matter, and find that this arrangement will fin a. VV.f.V .W WW W ww.wWJ.J.KwXw mnr.fi r,A Whfir rAincr m for the same money than we have been giving in the week - ' 4,110 x never de- votes any space to news items this change can work no dis- advantage in that matter No change will be made in the once of the naner. as everv issue of the bi-weekly will con- tQ:n ' f.i.an a o i,fi mQre than ; e- j- we have been givin g in the weekly edition and everything will be the very best in-our shop. We intend this change to be permanent. We ajso shall discontinue the monthly editon or tne leiiow jaxjicet at once, fiHing0ut all our monthly sub- ap -infinns. wUll thfi ; hi-wfifiVl v iw' - x"' - . - "rrrrvi,. edit6n We will pot attempt to , , ;. f ,- I olve a pr08pU8 OI tne bi-weekly , but will ask our : - - - 1 , paper appears - ana wi ac speaK 1 for itself, Weyler, the old cut "throat, cowardly scoundrel, says if he' iiad been in, command of the Spanish forces in Cuba he would have ..driveei General Shaftei and the A6tprican army; into tne sea. We are sorry he was would be to-day where snow' shovels are cheap. Your Uncle Sam has had for thee years a bill of $100 ,000 against the Sultan of Turkey for property his folks destroyed that belonged to our folks. Your Uncle Sam sent several collec- tors after the cash. The Sultan put them off just like some peo- tie bills. Uncle Sam, has got his back up and has seUt collector Captain Colley M. Chester with a sight draft. The Sultan will notice when the collector arrives at his home that he will be on one of Uncle Sam's powerful - - battleships, the Kentucky. 'If that little bill "is not paid the Sultan will hear something drop .People, s Paper. Tlionfflits Ark. State Republican. r It is no longer fashionable to name young democrats Bryan. Senator Jones is in favor of ua v ww - w uw u.wuAwa 1 - The Kansas, City Journal thinks "Bryan, would make a U: j I hi I llilll I 1.1 llililllll HM I Many a Bryanite has since eictlon ciay piacea tne aoiiar I i m ' h i i i ; t t . r before the man that is , , the man he bet with. The democratic party can occasionally win wnen it a- dopts a platform which does not affront common sense. An upward and onward moVement began in all in- dustries the morning after election just as it did in '96, which is a reliable indication I , , ' f ' that the empire is sale. Mr. Bryan is indeed a wonder ful man, a brainy man, a gctod man, but the people have twice said he cannot -be presi- dent Indeed, he would make a splendid minister. Thfl Bateau ar-A this paper of abusing Senator Jones. Not abuse. hrnfthftr. Simply having a ' little fun expense of this honest 1 at me expense but incompetent leader. "Money talks," said a late inscription under a cartoon of iMarJc Manna. We wish to remark that sense 4 talks louder dollars when . it comes to an issue oi order against disorder in this em Dire ofonw. Charles A". Towne, late brevet" tail to the Brvanic tick- et, advises Lincoln republicans ,-., v. v : . v . -"- '". W . Dp J come democrats. If the advice wu , AHaS seep 'toward regeneration;; ,,