t - ISSUED BI-WEEKLY. 50 CENTS: A-YEAR. VOL,. VI. MORAVIAN FALLS, N. C, THURSDAY, DUG. 13 ; 3900. THE YELLOWtJACEET PUBLISHED BI-WEEKLY E. DON LA.WS, Editor & Proprietor ONE YEAR . . . . ..50 :. 25 SIX MONTHS....:.. ... CASH ALWAYS IN ADVANCE. Entered at Moravian Falls, second class matter." N. C. as NOTICE THIS: Postage Stamps are not wanted on subscriptions. Make remittances by draftJ check, Express Order, registered letter or Money Order drawn on Moravian Falls, N. C. When writing to have vour changed you must give your former as well as your new address. Always write your own name dress plainly, and direct all your and ad etters to THS'YSLIrOW-jACfer, Moravian Faixs, N. C. TO OUR READERS. Well, boys, young and old, one and all, we want to ask you to read over this number of the Yellow Jacket, from a toizard, and then ask yourselves if you don't think such a paper, ev ;ry two w eeks, is worth 50 cents a year to every republican from Maine to Mexico who loves the teachings of 'Lincoln, j Grant, Garfield and McKinley and who believes in calling a spade a spade at all times. If you think it is worth the 'price asked, then we would be very grateful to you it you will take tins paper witn you when you go to the store, shopJ or mill and show it to all your friends who do not take it. republican If you are a republican of the true faith we know you can't object to doing this much in the interest of a paper that has been faithfully battling for your rights from the time it was founded in , the se dark days of poverty, rags and free soup in 1895. You 'can do more for republican ism and the interest of the Yellow Jacket by showing the paper to all your friends than we can do by sending out a million sample copies promiscuously. It sometimes happens that you will find men professing to be republicans who take nothing but democratic papers, caiicn men are on me Droaa road to political ruin. Don't go this way if you can help it. let them Put the Y. J. in their hands. It will help them to see things as they are. You know the average democrat wouldi see us would almost at the devil before he take our papers to the exclusion of dem ocratic sheets. . The fact that the election is over and that the republican party has won a is no signal victory over democracy reason why you should not want to help encourage the circulation of th; Yellow Jacket. We will want to win again; and the best time to prepare fo r war is in time of peace. Of course the .demo crats are about dead for the present but they havn't found it out "yet, so they will continue to kick up a great deal of sand during the next four years. Especially will the mud guns of the democratic press be very 1 aggressive in their efforts to malign the policies of our President. Already they are at work. The Y. J. will pay its respect to these and all other fa kes, frauds and humbugs in its own peculiar 'style. We have adopted this bi-weekly form of the Y. J. in order to give up time in which to thoroughly prepare each article for print and with a view of making this bi-weekly the ideal; of republican papers in the South 'landi We hope that every readeif of this article may feel interest enough in the cause of republicanism to com Ay with the above suggestion, by devot ng a few spare moments in introducing the Y. J. to your republican friends wno never saw the paper. Letvus not neglect our party papers now that a great victory has been won. Truly and indeed all seems well to-day-, . "but 1 remember we must keep our signal lights 4-burning, and look ahead for the political dangers that lurk in forgetf ulness' and j careless ness. Let lis not turn "back foi ran in stant. It is not enough to be awake; we must keep awake. It is not' enougn to look ahead; we must gp aneaa ahead. ' '. .-. .. and keep Remember the Yellow Tacke t is not a local paper, nor the organ of any district or section, DUt circulates iq - nv try where the stars and stripes)! float and is alwavs republican and always Araeri- uan. Kentucky Version of Xittle Boy Blue. (Parody.) The republican ballots are covered in dust As uncounted in boxes they s ay; The Goeblers are counting out Yerkes and Moss, And counting- in Beckham and R-hea. Though this Goebellawis not very new, There were times when elections were fair, But this was tef ore our little Boy Blue Ever tho't of the Governor's Chair. "Now count me in quick, to his ma- cmne men ne said, .''And be careful don't make too much noise." And he toddled off to his trundle bed To dream of his stolen joys. And while he is dreaming, the National Song j Awakens our Little Boy Blue; But what does he care for the Nation, so long - As his friends at the counting prove true? Aye, faithful to Little. Boy Blue they stand, Each in the same old place ; And they oil the wheels of this per jured band While a demon smile lights each face And they chuckle while counting the long, hours through Not caring to work very fast, For well they know that Little Boy Blue Doesn't.want the votes counted as cast. But the words of bold Teddy yet thrill us with hope, . For his deeds and his words must a gree, And Beckham will reach the end of his rope Ere much more corruption we see. Little Boy Blue lacks courage and dash, Though he has quite a cute baby fade, But the voters refuse to let trundle bed v. trash Fill Hon. John Yerke's high place. Now kind Jody Blackburn of oration fame, Go encourage your Little Boy Blue, Take nurse Jen McCrary,.the precious , old dame, Take South Trimble and Jack Chinn along too. And, Jody, pray keep your orations on tap, For your crowd may have trouble, you bet! The Eleventh District is yet on the map In spite of your dynamite threat. C. F. S. THE DEVIIS LETTER. Hades, Dec 1, 1900. To the various wire workers and schemers of the democratic party in the United States, Dear Boys: I want to know if you can inform me as to wnat it was that struck us on the 6th ' of last month." It just beats anything that's happened since I've been in the brim stone business. I havn't a single enterprise, foreign or domestic, that didn't receive more or less damage by the landslide. Itf fact I will tell you, confidentially, boys, hell's just about busted at this writing. Ever since last July I've been working day and night building new furnaces and getting ready for the big rush of victims that I expected would set in the very day that the announcement of Bryan's election was flashed over the wires in the U. S'., and now here I have half a million new furnaces .which are as worthless to me as a commentary on political honesty would be to a Goebel democrat. You see I know what policies would be carried out if Bryan had won, and had anticipated their results about as follows: From 'the re sult of the panic that would have followed Bryan's election I figured on getting one hundred thousand recruits, because you kohw patriotism and religion stand mighty little show dur ing ;he prevalence of a national panic. Holy is the man who can- steadfastly fix his eyes on heavenly things and march serenely on while, on every side, he sees all the; cherished institu tion of the land sustaining more or less damage through the influence of a panic. Not only holy are such men, but they are mighty scarce. As a result of the repeal of the Dingley Tariff nearly half the mills and facto- lies in your country, would have shut down, throwing a half million hands out of employment, and forcing them to become tramps, vagrants and beggars. Here I expected a good scoop. The most Jravorable condition to catch Deo in order to get them to sell their s to me is to strike them when they are hungry. The hungrier' the better. That's why I had-such a thriving,' busi ness wnen tne democratic party was running the U. S. from 1893 to 1897. That period will go down in history as one in which the deficit in the stom achs of the people and - that in the national Treasury exceeded those of any other time since governments have been established amoner men. And I again want to thank '3 vou for those deficits. . ' Boys, when I contrast those bodming times I had under Cleveland with the dismal little squad - of recruits I'm getting under McKinley it almost tempts me to blow out and quit. There is the Philippines, which, under Bryan's election, would have been one of the juiciest plums on the whole tree. Bryan would have turned over the entire Philippine shebang to Aguinaldo and Aggie is just the kind - of a fellow that would have sent the whole archipelago to perdition. Being a traitor himself he would have always kept his people as ignorant as possible to prevent their throwing him overboard, and this would have meant superstition, idolatry d devilment in general the very things I desire. But instead of this, Mc Kinley favors catching Aguinaldo and spanking him till he respects the U. S. flag and then giving tnose Fills to under stand that they've got to use soap on their dirty hides, learn their A. B. C s in English, wear some calico instead of wearing nothing but a tooth brush and a grin , and you all know these things will work to my disadvantage among those heathen. There's Japan as an ex ample. Before she admitted electricity, railroads and other great factories of civilization, I did a thriving business with her. Now it is so seldom that I get a Jap that I've forgot how one looks. There are two classes of people that I can always depend upon with a certain ty they are the idle class of a civilized country and everybody in a heathen land. That's why Flooked-upon Bryants election with so much concern. His policies would have favored both these conditions with respect to the U. S. and the Philippines. But, boys, we must learn to adapt ourselves to circumstances. While we can't expect much to come our way from the national government, let us keep our hooks on the destinies of the people in the Southern States. There's the niggers, who will make up for our loss of the Fills. By disfranchising the niggers like the democrats have done in North Carolina and elsewhere, they soon will lose both interest and respect for the government and this will natu rally cause them to drift off into dissi pation and crime and then they come to me. " Can't you see how it works? Just happened to think about it I received an invitation the other day from Bull Pen Simmons of North "Caro lina to come up there and head a Red Shirt parade at the inauguration of Governor Aycock, but my. sense of mor al dignity and usual inclination for ap pearing only in respectable society com pels me to decline the invitation to lead a parade of North Carolina Red Shirts. I shall go fishing on that day. But I am getting lengthy, so I shall have to bring my letter to a close. There are several things I wanted to mention but space, forbids this time. When I recover a little more from the effects of that McKinley landslide I'll tell you what I think caused it. You see we can write most any old time as there isn't going to be hardly anything else to do, except lay a few local plans and ridicule the administration. How ever let us profit by our defeat by searching out our weak places and get ting ready to make a sweep the next opportunity that offers. Hoping that Bryanism, Tillmamsm, Altgeldism, Goebelism and Cleveland- ism will all get together and bury all differences and join hands and hearts for 1904, I remain, "A little disfigured, But still ;n the ring," " . r i SATAN DEVIL. WANTED Seveial thousand more agents to take subscriptions. to the Yel low Jacket. Good commission; Won't interfere with your other business, i Send 2 ct. stamp for Agent's outfit. There's money in it for you, boys, , . NEYEARFREE.V - Here is an offer that should interest each and every sub scriber to the Yellow Jack- et. We desire to "treble our "present circulation within the next few weeks , and in order to help do this we make the following very liberal offer to every person who is now, or ever has been, a Subscriber to this paper. If you are now a subscriber, secure us two - - 12-month subscriptions at 50 cts. each and we will mark vour time up one year from the date your subscription expires, or if vour subscription is ' out send us the two subscrip tions and we will send you the paper one year free. In either case you will receive the Yellow Jacket 12 months for the small trouble of getting the two subscriptions. This ds the most liberal offer we ever made, and we hope every subscriber, new and old, will take advantage of it. This offer holds good till the first of Feb. 1901. Who will be the first to take advantage of it? TJ T-iro n is coirl -- Vf tnaVinor tnnnpv rnt of his defeat by explaining it at 1 space rates. Republicanism has come to stay. It is endorsed to-day by more people than ever before. Those republican polici es continue to pile the revenues up high and let the democratic editors down hard. Not being able to detect any" serious flaw in the President's message the crit ics are harping because of" its length. Senator Pettigrew is not altogether satisfied with the obvious determination of both parties to let him flock by 'him self. Here is the history of Jthe democratic party in six words: "Founded by Jeffer son, foundered by Bryan." Some men are still such rabid Bryan- ites that they wouldn't accept prosperity if you were to dump a car load at their door free gratis , Connecticut was too haughty to ac cept one of the powerful new coast de fense, monitors as a namesake, but Ne vada took it thankfully. It is just a bout Nevada's size, you know. You are missing a regular political campmeeting every issue if you are not a reader of the Yellow Jacket. It makes the fur fly in every direction 26 times in a year for 50 cents. If it should, happen that there was to be too many democratic babies to name them all Bryan their daddies might supply .the deficiency bynaming a few Aguinaldo. "Our dead are buried along the sands of Luzon, and on its soil no foreign flag shall evei salute the dawn.. Our way is new, but it is not dark. We seek, only to lift up men to better tilings: to bless and not to destroy." v - It's enough to induce outbursts of laughter from a blind horse to 1 hear such papers as the New York World insinuating rthat the republicans are a- bout to create : a deficit in the National Treasury by excessive appropriations. The governor of - West Virginia put three verses of poetry m his. Thanks giving proclamation and got ; them printed in the state papers. Here is ";a chance for poets to get their efforts published.' Lei them just become governors. - ' :" - '.. : .; - ? .- There are about three kinds of repub- lickns in the party. For instance there , is the republican who neither says nor does much: the one who does but little and says much about it and the one who does much and says but little about it. Reader, where do you stand? You can't tell what a woman will dp. , A Wyoming candidate for Congress de clared that the woman vote was easy . to get, easy to keep and easy . to; manipu late. The women turned out on elec tion day and now the much discom fud dled ex-candidate is wondering" 'what struck him. - Seven and a half million letters went to the dead letter office last 'year, an. increase of over ten per cent" over the preceding year. Americans must be getting very absent , minded in their correspondence or else all the ' fools , in the whole country have turned loose to writing letters; ; The Chicago Tribune has figured; out that Bryan ran behind the party's can didates for governor in Illinois, Indiana, Minnesota, Kansas, Michigan, New . York and nearly all of the Southern States. Perhaps this was caused by old man Adlai's being n the ticket. He is said to be afflicted with a chronic case of "running behind." ': ;v . it- Expand and expend,". says a demd- cratic paper, 'is the policy of ' Pur gov ernment." We'd like to know what is inconsistent about that. A business that don't expand isn't worth a tinker's dam, and one that expends without expanding is going down hill and a thing that ex-, pands wothout expending is nothing but a stump-sucker. - .' :-. -.' - The outlook is not so favorable to man being the ascendant animal. Ac cording to the Denver Post, a , learned German professor claims to have made the discovery that man existed on earth before .the mojnkeappearedi It may yet be discovered that the -monk ey is the connecting link between - the original man and the present day dude.- If any of our , readers contemplate buying an organ .we advise , them to write to Cash Buyer's" Union for their catalog. We have one of their Kenwood Parlor Organs and pronounce it a dandy; They sell pianos, organs, violins, banjos, cameras, grajHiophones; etc., etc. See their ad. elsewheref. This is no paid puff. "The young woman," says the New York' Press, "who pays an election bet . by riding a wild bull has appeared. This is the strenuous feminine life with a vengeance. In all the comment there seems to be no note of pity or sympa thy, for the unfortunate animal. In these days of progress such inhumanity is disheartening." " V The assurance of a 30 million dollar reduction iri war taxes at an early 1 date punches another big hdle in the demo,- -cratic schooner below the water. lineV. During the campaign -Bran, ' Altgeld, Tillman,K Pettigrew, Croker &..Cot, pointed to the war tax a5 Sne of the. twin brothers of "imperialism" that was to remain indefinitely. ' ' V Marv "RIImt Ta.cu t-cfTO"h1owf?-' COat txiotllist -Oolitioistti rf TTatteac Viad carried politics so far that she has now . applied tor a divorce from her husband,. On the STOUnds of tinn- siinnnrt Old man Lease,'it is said. wiU not contest. -We dont blame him: A woman that will forsake home and all its . pleasures ana sweetness and go -tearing over the .- j j- MAMAiMg rvxiuvui wcuvtj w crowds of wild-eyed calamity howlers than a pole cat: has with -Va bottle of Hoyt's cologne - - , . 7 You mie-ht as well exnect to fatten a - fan mill by running oats thru it, or 1 choke a'hurierv hound 011 fresh hntter as to expect the .. democrats to approve . ca.ujrujii.ug IcpUUUWUS limy.. 'MJ i ii - ConTeS55. ; The N"w Vnrlr WnrW is - bout to vank off its trallna hnf trn'1rirV- ing up because it regards the proposed reaucuon 01 taxation unjust on tne. grounds that it will not reduce duties on 'wdol.'"tin Tlat. iron. . Vtf The past two. selections have demon strated; that the people have . no more use for the ree wool" .'doctrine than a onereyed herring has for a 'map of the New- - Terusal em . However -r on e -ccni achieve as v much success in Vtryinr to MaH'tti. ma..'!.. .t..-.i:. uacac uuc iuuuu uy&uuuung nrecracners at' her as in trvinc to divorre ? - frQ . trader from his idols. ' if-