f - - lift 4v. tlwW ISSUED Blj-.WEEKLY. s 50 CENTS A YEAR. t : J .. . ! ; : . ! . . - : - I 4 " 1 ' voi,. vrij - THE YELLOW-JACKET. PUBLISHED BI-WEEKLY. B. DON LAWS, Editor & Proprietor. ONE YEAR. . i .1... SIX MONTHS '. ...... . . . . CASH ALWAYS IN ADVANCE NOTICE THIS: jf ostage oiamps arc not i wanted, on . ". , L' subscriptions. Make remittances bv draft, check. Express Order, registered letter or Money Order drawn on Moravia: i Falls, N. C. When writiner to have! vourr nanr changed you must give your former as well as your new address. j Always write your own name and ad dress plainly, and direct all your letters to This Yi,i,ow-Jackbt, Moravian FAir!s, N. C. Entered at Moravian Falls, Ni C., as toecona Class Mail Mattel "The Bar." A poet has said of the saloon that propriately called a bar: , it is ap- A bar to heaven, a door to. hell; Whoever named it name4 it well. A bar to manliness and wealth, A door to want and broken heal A bar to honor,, pride and fame. h. A door to sin and grief and shame; f A bar to hope a bar to prayer. A door to darkness and despair J A bar to honored, useful life A door to brawling- senseless strife. A bar to all that's true and bra e, A door to every drunkard's gra ie. A bar to joy that home imparts A door to tears and aching hea ts. A bar to heaven, a door to hell J Whoever named it, named it wi 1. TO OUR READERS. Well, boys, young and old, fone and all, we want to ask you to read over this number of the Yellow Jacket, from a to izard, and then ask yourse ves if you don't think such a paper, e rery two weeks, is worth 25 cents a yeai to every republican from Maine to Mexico who loves the teachings of Lincolr Grant, Garfield and McKinley and wh 3 believes in calling a spade a spade at all times. If you think it is worth the pr ce asked, then we would be very fateful to you if you will take this paper With you when you go to the store, shop, or mill and show it to all your republican friends who do not take it. I::: you are a republican of the true faith we know you can't object to doing thL ; much in the interest of a paper j that has been faithfully battling for your rights from the time it was founded ;in tiose dark days of poverty, rags and free soup in 1895. You can do more for republican ism and the interest of tl e Yellow Jacket by showing the paper 0 all your friends than we can do by se tiding out a million sample copies promiscuously. It sometimes happens that j you will find men professing to be republicans who take nothing but, democratic papers. Such men are on the broad road to political ruin. Don't1 let them go this way if you can help it.' Put the Y. jl in their hands. It vrill Jbelp them to see things as they are. You know the average democrat' would see us almost at the devil before he would take our papers to the exclusion of dem ocratic sheets. j The fact that the election is past and that the republican party has won a Bignal victory over democracy is no reason why you should not v ant to help encourae-e the circulation of the Yellow . C3 Jacket. We will want to and the best time to prepare win again, for war is in time of peace. Of course the demo- crats are about dead for the present but they havn't found it out yet, so they will continue to kick up a g eat deal of sand during the next few years. Especially will the mud uns of the democratic "Dress be very aggressive in their efforts to malign the I j policies of our President. Already they are at work. The Y. J. will pay its respect to aMi oil ntiipr fates. I frauds and humbugs in its own peculiaf style. We have adopted this bi-Weekly form of the V. T. in order to givi us time in which to thoroughly prepare each article for print and with a I viewy of making this bi-weekly the ideal of republican papers 111 tne soutniana. t 7 t,sxA 4-Via 4- wrv reader of this article may feel interest enough m th f 25 A r MORAVIAN cause of republicanism to comply with the above suggestion, by devoting a few snare momptite fi 4-1.. .: t xAjn-Luuviixig me X. J. to vour rermblicari f t-i jl --"--" - wuu never saw the paper. Let us not neglect our E'-'-j cia uuw mat a great victory as been won. TmW aA ia j H seems well tQ-day, but: remember we j T ,-u ur signal ngnts a-burning, and look ahead for the political dangers that lurk in forgetfulness and careless- stant. It is tint . rfu-wv u. uuL luiii iixi'ir mr o-n 1 mu,st T.eep awake- It is not enough to look ahead; we must go ahead and- keep ohaH ; w iv. isuuw. jac&ci, is not a local paper, nor the organ of any district or section J xu. CYCiV UIUU- -j "wv. mCouus auu snipes coai ana is always republican and always Ameri- EDITORIAL The people of New York have Croker- lsm by the tail and a down-hill pull. - Democratic tariffs never did support tne government. Sy the way, isn't the; new woman .li: -U - . . N gemng oiu enougn to voxer , Progress is progressing nicely, thank you! Telegraph communication with the Klondike has been opened up. . J Alter all. isn't anti-expansion a a. w a. pretty good name for a movement that is contracting so rapidly? i Mexico will label her new navy "Built in the U. S. Come again, Mexico, No trouble at all to show goods. ueware 01 tarm tinkers. vvnen a country is prosperous it is well enough n. . . . V -wr -v to let well enough alone. Whenever it shall become necessary to revise the Dingley law, the revision should be made by Protectionists. Bryanism, in Nebraska, since the election, looks like iocts worth of second-hand chewing gum. 55rti1tv. ("Metre I and. Wntrersnn tJiis i the available Democratic presidential timber. Isn't it a beautiful triumvirate? Of course the Constitution follows the flag but that don't mean that it gets in iront 01 tne nag ana trips it up. Tammany is a big thing, but then the voter is a big thing when he gets after an animal with his little vote. Possibly kissing does spread disease; but then, all the girls have probably been vaccinated. The best statesmanship that anv country ever saw is the kind that gives work for the worker and bread to the eater. President Roosevelt's habit of "talk ing out in meeting" is very trying to the man who would do a little backbit ing "on the dead quiet." ' If it is anv consolation to Mr j Bryan, he may assure himself : that henceforth he can travel without paying extra bag- rrami nn Tit a -irc4 rl entinl hnnm. We flsk evervone who purchases a copy of The Life of McKinley of us to show the book to your neighbors and tell them where thev can get the book for one dollar. ! ' ; v A furiously funny feature of demo cratic argument is that since silver has been "demonetized" no more is being rnired. Look ut) ! the figures in this issue. The fellow whom you can hear always kicking because times are hard and say ing he can receive no work, is the fellow, generally, who, when you want help, is .always busy whittling goods boxes. When a democrat makes up his mind to have fits or night mares you might just as well stand aside and let l-i 1 m Yia-Vf them till he cets done. A notable example is the Broadax, of St. Paul, Minnesota, which has had free silver spasms till its entire system is out of order and now it predicts that in less than ten years gold will be turned down as a money standard and that the bank note will be pushed in. v' Bro. Graves., go home and take a pill. FALLS, N. C, THURSDAY, NOV. 14, 1901. The first duty of every man as an in dividual is to provide for his own living including therein that of his family if he has one. A right step in this direc tion is made by alligning himself with a party that seeks to place him on a highet plain of usefulness to himself and his country. - ' j The post office deficit was only four millions last year. Next year, if Con gress does not reverse the act of the Department in barring various classes of matter from the second class rates, the chances are that, for; the first time in our history, the postoffice will be self supporting. I Somebody is responsible for the con tamination of the anti-toxin serum which has caused the deaths of eleven children in St. louis and is imperiling nobody knows how many more. The somebody ought to be hunted down and sent to jail for the balance of his life. Such carelessness is nothing less than criminal. Come to think of it, why shouldn't the people who suffer by a reciprocity treaty object to its 1 ratification? . Why should anyone sacrifice his own business in order to boom another man's? Whether the treaties really imperil any one's interest are matters of infinite detail,with which only experts are fitted to deal. The Republican party will so deal with them this winter, when there is plenty of time for their consideration; it could not. last winter, when there was no time at all. Our special offer to send the Yellow Jacket 12 months for 25 cents runs out the 25th of this month, but the number who have already took advantage of this offer has so far exceeded all expectations that we have decided to extend the 25-cent offer till December the 25, and let everybody in on it if they so de sire. Of course, the more subscribers we have the cheaper we can afford to make the paper. ' Now if you like the tone and temperature of the Yellow Jacket, we ask you to help it along by taking advantage of this low price. And don't be selfish about the Yellow Jacket, either. Get all your neighbors who will to join in with you and mate a good big club. Remember you will get more red-hot republi I I f 1 i 1 can reading for 25 cents than you ever did beiore. Don't send stamps. Read first column for how to remittances. w ' am mi 1 1 n "ir - fT r 1 1 Ti 1 iir"-i l The revelations of the Schley trial in regard to the battle of Santiago are "amazing. Heretofore, all accounts of it were written by those who were not there; now, for the first time, we have the stories of Schley, Cook and Clark, who were there. And what a flood of light it throws on the battle! Clearly, the Spanish were not whipped by the American fleet under Sampson's plan, but the Brooklyn and the Oregon, by . m " 31 grace 01 tne lormer s mucn aiscusseu loop. Democratic methods of government have been given a fair and expensive trail. They have proven chimerical and disastrous. Their theories were imprac tical and their efforts at reform . were hampered by the dishonesty of their leaders on the one hand and their inex perience and incompetence on the other. Their administration resulted in indus trial depression? and commercial dis trust. N Gratifying Republican majori ties at the polls' have testified louder than words where lies the confidence of the American voter. The Moulton, Iowa, Sun must have a spite at itself and is trying to get even by telling tales that knocks out the un derpinning of its veracity. In a late is sue it makes the astounding statement tha "the republicans are rapidly climb- ing Onto tne ucmwrauu piaiAuxixi. Don't the election in its own state last week look like the republicans were climbing onto the democratic platform? If the republicans will keep on "climb ing onto the democratic platform" in n - . . 1 I.; t tViift wav a lew limes mere wont uc enough of the old thing left for baby billy goat to stand on. "i ... : I " . ! The Iron ton, Missouri Register says the people of Missouri do not want any man who does not stand squarely on the I Kansas City platform to represent them in the United States senate. Small wonder at that. A people who can swallow a Nesbit election law without 1 gagging wouldn't be expected to flicker on the Kansas City platform. A table .prepared by the director of the mint shows that during the last calender year the coinage of gold was $99,272,943; silver, $36,345, 621. When you hear a fellow throwing off on the re publican administration in the sense that it is not increasing our money volume, let these figures down on the young rooster and see his feathers fall. Reciprocity? Certainly, we . will have, reciprocity whenever the conditions are ripe for it, whenever foreign nations conclude to come to our terms. The party that has built up American indus tries to their present prosperous condi tion mav be relied upon to neglect no policy that will inure to the national benefit. President Roosevelt is surrounded by an official family of short names. In the Cabinet we have Root, Hay, Smith, Long, Gage, 'Knox all names of one syllable, which is most unusual. The President's most intimate friend is wood, rne man ne is most iond 01 in- New York is Riis. His most intimate litical advisor and for vears his snonsor. is Lodge. His private secretary is Loeb. His secretary while Governor of New York was Youngs, syllable. All names - 01 one SPECIAL Offer. 5 make ip . King Edward has decided against the day of national humiliation and fasting rrotosed in Great Britain on account of .the Boer war. Doubtless he thinks that there is enough humiliation- in the situation as it is. . j It seems useless to assure the country that a huge balance of trade in our fa vor is not an unmixed good. 11 it con tinues, we shall soon hold all the money in the world, to the impoverishment of the rest of the nations thus rendering them unable to buy Irom us. A lair give and take arrangement is better for all hands. riia VinWiMii r tnlVina- stron eriv a iiv ,uuuivuu "e o j of tinkering with the tariff, says the Pekin, Illinois, Times. Just a's we ex pected, the Times has mistook the echoing of its own braying , for republi can argument. The only republicans that are talking of tariff tinkering are democrats in diseruise. and they are not fooling anybody but some of their own crowd. T.oti. itnr nre "sirh f nv . . - , 4W4Wwav tn hve harmmw.in the : i i u t?.. oi-n(A . tnaw nar ora democratic ranks is for every member of '" "" - ' the party who finds himself uncomfort able on the Kansas City platform to leave; it and go where he is better suited, yet they kick nice a lexas steer every time a democrat utters one word of por- test against the Kansas City doctrine. Invite a man to stay out of your house if he don't like your ways and then cuss mm xor not oeiieving in your ways. . NO. 23 Without taking sides on the canteen question, we can't help wondering whether General Miles would think as he does, if General Corbin thought diff- erentlv. The Iowa democrats put free silver in their platform and the republican gain in that state is the largest ever given in a gubernatorial election, lvir. jsryan, put that in your free silver pipe and smoke it. v During the last fiscal year $36,000,000 of silver coin was added to the currency of the country. Perhaps this - may be me lace to the man who is sitting up of nights worring over the "crime of '73 According to the Post Office authori- ' ties, rural free delivery will reach prac tically every farm in the United States within five years, and at the same time will be so managed that it will reduce instead of increase the annual deficit in the postal branch of the Government. Some would be facetious, but anony- mous fcjoutnerner nas sent jrresiaent Roosevelt an opossum. The President was not at all annoyed, but, with his characteristic good sense, ordered that it be fattened and served on the White House table with the Thanksgiving turkey. x" ltuu" j. v v we offered a copy of the Life of McKm ley tree to tne one sending free to the one sending us the largest club of subscribers by the 4th day of November. The book goes to Mr. A. K. Agard, of Pleasantville, Iowa, who sends us a club of thirty-four annual subs. Those measures which identify the interests of republicans are just as bene ficial to democrats, but the average democrat would howl at anything how ever good unless he was in office and the good deed proceeded from his side of the house. They are built that way and can't help it. No, my dear gosling, don't think for a moment that there is something in the democratic "issues" just because of the noise they are making. Their idea is that if they hollow loud aud long enough they can make the public think there is something to hollow for. That's all there is in it. A number of democratic editors are trying to extract consolation out of the result of the elections last week, but it is making them sweat like blazes and we notice that they can't get much con solation to manifest itself. Boys, you know you can't get blood out of a turnip. The overflowing Treasury, factories running overtime, farmers receiving un precedented prices for their crops, bank er reporting decreases in mortgages, ex ports breakiug all previous records, abundant employment, good wages, full dinner-pails in a word, universal pros perity and everybody happy. These are the conditions after six years of Repub lican administration. Is it surprising that an intelligent people desire no cnange? Manufacturing industries which not on- j suppiy the home demand, but a .large nronortion of the world's reauirenlents have resulted from the Republican doc- ' x x . . trine of protection. This is the stern 1 1 . . . . ... fact which gives to the Democratic iree trade doctrine that wan, pale look. The most rapid industrial develop ment that the world has ever known has resulted in great combinations ol pro ducers, along similar lines, whose ob- J ject in combining their forces has been the greater availability of the most im proved methods of production and dis- J tribution, all that is implied by cheaper -nrodnotinri These "trusts." as thev are I r -. ' called, have attained wonderful results 1 - . . A : cneapenmg pr - instances the cost to the consumer. In sonie instances they have not resulted in benefit to the consumer. They re quire legislative control. The party whose judicious administration has re sulted in this vast industrial develop ment is perfectly capable of exercising this'control and the American people are content to entrust the Republican party with the task. , X - .