II ( CLUB RATES. ; In Clubs of Four or More, Yearly ' Subscriptions, 25 Cts. Each.. g - : ? ISSUED BI-WEEKLY, -I J SINGLE SUBSCRIPTIOIIC g 30 CENTS A YEAR. C I RCULATI O N , vol. xi. MORAVIAN FAISN. C, THURSDAY, JANUARY 5 ; 1905. NO. 1. " 125 i-o 00. ! v 1 ! Jt- ' Isn't it about time we had the afncial report of Dave Hill's retirement from politics? ; ' I ". : -. t- - ;; If a horse ever laughs it must be when he hears a Democrat advoca :ing honest elections. S v Any sort of a fool can ask political questions, but it requires a statesman to solve them. - - - . . - : 2 - ''' i 0." Trosperity is the, sharpest and most annoying cuckle burr that the Demo cratic donkey ever had; under its tail. During Christmas times the South had two strong Clauses on its he nds qnri Clause and the erandfa :her CI f C C The only use which this country now has for the Democratic partKr is to help keep the Republican; party in power. " I Senator Gorman is letting' other peo ple do all the talking about 190S. But nf'rnnrse he exoects to be mentioned as usual. '-"- As we have often stated, one of the beauties of being a Democratxis the privilege of voting for what you don't v Si! L. ; - TItp Inu-est ffrade of Republican politics begins right where ?he high est pinnacle of Democratic statesman ship stops off. j j : ; A person who understands ha fa keep silent" "in all qf them, migh : be considered well educated. "I : ;.(.;. j,. The American hen lays- eggs' enc ugh in a year to pay the interest on the national debt for that, length-of time, according to the latest cackle-atidn. 4 S : The Republican party is now position- where it will have to drive the "wagon and put j on in a both the brakes. But it is fully able to do both 2 '4 The result of last November com Dels the Democrats to resume liunt for an issue. The 'one they UnrrU tiipv h rl thev. haven't erot S 2 ' Wililam Jennings wants the 4am- naiii of 1008 to begin at once. All rieht. So far as the Yellow. Jack t is concerned it has begun '110 wi - : j . This issue of the Yellow Jacket be read by not less than seven wilL lun- dred thousand people. Expanding! .Well, we should snigger, ! You can make" a broad smile -play across the faceof the-Yellow Jacket man by inducing all your friendb to besin taking the paper with this issue. A fellow who can't see that Rebub- licanism beats Democracy ai ho in running the government Jasn't low got rat sense enough to pound sand in a hole. : ..' . ' 1 i Speaking of ex-Democratic, lehder Hill and his trip to " Yourope " vpuld it not be mnre aoorooriate for hini to -JT.T , j I. buy a hand-press and start fa paper r They all do that. An exchange asks how many sjdes nas Democracy? There "are ; just two, Buddy. There, is the pie side for the politicians and the sogup side for the sucKers. Sonny, where are you 5 5 at?" Let us hope that Dave Hill will Stay m iuirooe when he frets there. Let us hope that he will fall in with Dick' Croker, Bill Astor and that gang, forget to come back. ' ; j : Of cotir.? ' tht "nmnr-f q en'ti and call th - - e rsts, and imperialists but the pepple oon't care a tinker's dam what it is culled so long as they are get titijbet ter an(l better off in everv sense or the :vvord tban they were under a Demo- Have you got up that club for the Yellow Jacket under our special offer? Wc are looking for it every day. - - If you feel like you wanted to say something about things' political, write a short letter to the Yellow Jacket. - ' -' ' : . It is but natural for our Democrat ic friends to "grumble at the cost of living, but they, should stop grumbling long enough: to consider that it is worth something to be alive these times. 5 5 " The best way to reform the Demo cratic party would be to bury it," savs an exchange. That being the case, the old thing got a pretty good chunk of " reform " administered to it last November. Judge Parker is now doing business in his new law office in Gotham, but it is hardly to be expected that he will offer any expert legal advice as to the re-organization : of the Democratic I party. . V : It was no doubt a relief to Judge Parker to be able to celebrate Christ mas iir a quiet, old-fashioned, way without being disturbed by the crowds of admirer- who used to haunt his dwelling place. j' , 2 2 4 'P Just for the fun of the thing ask your neighbor why he is a Democrat. If he don't get too mad to say any thing, like as not he will out with the truth and tell you he was just born that way and he can't help it. , ' 1 1 :i y.: 'Every few weeks ve notice in the papers that some enterprising citizen has invented or discovered a new fuel. But it appears that .nothing yet put upon the market is able to get up any head of steam in the old Democratic locomotive. ' ! - 4 4 4 "'!.:.":" -Wouldn't it be wonderful though, if these Democratic i snoligosters would have half, as much respect for the Constitution here in the Southern States as. they pretend to have in the Philippine Islands? Ever since "perpetual- debt" and " Democratic 'administration " "have come 'to mean so near the same thing, it will be noticed that the people are not rallying around Democracy to any great extent. 5 It is but natural that the Democrats should vote against the proposed in crease of salary: for the President and Vice-President. They realize that no member of their party would ever get the ' benefit of the increase, and therefore they oppose it. Mr. Democrat, if your boys display the least bit of inclination to affiliate with the Republican party,! for good ness sake let him go. Don't you be lieve that, " my daddy was a Demo crat " is disgrace enough for one family?' " :" i - - The Republicans propose; a treat ment for the trusts that will cure them; the Democrats pretend that they want to administer a drug that will kill them. The returns of the November election indicate that the people prefer the curing treatment to the killing method. . . 4 Since the: introduction' of the South American ant seems to have been a failure in spreading desolation among the boll Weevil, , we suggest as a sure method of rendering them ineffective, that - some 'genius i induces the little pests i to adopt he cigarette habit, or join the Democratic party. ; ; ; Science has " lately made the discov ery that a warm climate breeds craf tiness and brutality in man," and that the warmer the climate the more . des perately wicked the 'people become. Thar now.'we can begin to see .wny so many of the . Southern people are Democrats. It is simply ? a disease caused bv the condition of , the atmos phere, and the poor victims cah't help if )sav. let's cet up a summer excur-' sjon party and let all our democratic friends soend next summer . at the North Pole. Maybe, that would eure them. - -; ' ' IJS Sii in it Here is a Tail Holt and a Down-Hill JPuIl , This offer is made to every reader of the Yellow Jacket throughout the land, or at least, to every one who has any interest in the expansion and success of the paper. If you are anxious to see the Yellow Jacket shed more red-hot political light than ever, and become a greater dust raiser in the political world, then you are the very one we are after, and we are .going to ask you to spread yourself for us a little bit; then we are go ing to pay you for it. : It is our desire to make the Yellow Jacket bigger and better. The paper is not hot enough to suit us, nor lialf big enough to hold what we want to say. We could fill eight pages brim full of political gospel. every issue, and then.be popping full of stings and things to hurl at our political enemy.. So if EVERY REPUBLICAN ON OUR LIST, not a part of them, will accept the following offer and carry it out within the next thirty days, we promise to then enlarge the Yellow Jacket and improve it in many ways, and fill it brimming full thereafter with the very best reading matter that he editor, Eli Tucker, Willie Winkle and-Tobe Spilkins can grind out of their shops. Here is the offer. Take a spin out among your neighbors and friends and see if you can secure six subscribers to the Yellow Jacket, at 25 cents each, making $1.50 hv all. Then send us one dollar of this amount by M. O., check or in currency (stamps not taken), and put the remainder in your pocket to pay you for your trouble. Understand that one dollar pays for the club of six for a whole year. This is the lowest offer we have ever made for the Yellow Jacket. Think of it. The chance of an eight-page, red-hot political skinning machine every other week for a whole year for only sixteen and two-third cents. Remember this rate of sixteen and two -third cents will not apply on a club smaller than six. If you want to make it larger you can do so "at the rate of sixteen and two-third cents per subscription. We make this offer only for a limited time. But it will hold good long enough to give every reader of this paper a chance to get up a club of six or more, and we are asking everyone to do "so. We want to see a'club or two come from every post office in the United States where we have a subscriber. Let everybody take oft a couple of hours for a club hunt and watch the Yellow Jacket's wings grow as a con sequence. Friends, go to work, and ypu will hear from this end of the line at once. Address rTJiJp YELLOW JAG Moravian Falls, N. C. Not until the new Congress meets next winter will the country realize quite fully the: magnitude of the re cent victory. Speaker Cannon will then have the honor of: holding the lines over the largest '-team 'of Repub lican Legislators that ever traveled that old road, while Leader -Wi?liams will be standing over in, an opposite cor ner with the empty bridle hanging on his arm and no team at all. ' " Leaking gas," says the Common er, " has caused a terrible explosion in Cleveland, Ohio," and then it goes Ion to say that " experience has doubt less taught the people of Washington, D. C, to be very careful when Con gress is in session." Wrong again, Bi.. Since the Democratic poIUi- cians haye been leaking so much gas all over the country, during the past eight or ten years, the people don't pay any attention to a little leak like that at Washington. : ; If Mr. Nikola Tesla, the electrical expert, accomplishes "the half of what he has promised, it won't be five years before the old backwood's farmers will be stacking their fodder and dig ging 'their potatoes by an electric cur rent sent from Niagara -Falls.. without a wire. r And the strangest part of it all is that Tesla has come . pretty near living up to iis promises in the past, and he may do it again. There is no use to say what may not be done in these days of electricity and 'William J. Bryan. v ; v $ . - " The Republican party, has been in power in this country almost continu ously for nigh" onto fifty years. Dur ing that time it may have made al few little mistakes. Not to Tiaye done so would have argued it a power greater than the power of mortal men. On two occasions since the Civil War the people; have fancied themselves dis satisfied with the Republican party, and have given it a black; eye; But they were willing enough to give it the glad Hand of welcome " once more of etty' soon again," as tne ljuicnmau would say. Taking it all in an, tne maiority has befen -with us, is with us still,-and is likely, to remain with us for an indefinite period to come, Yet olio We believe that every subscriber of the Yellow Jacket has one or more Republican neighbors who don't take this paper. Now, if you want to see the Yejlow Jacket cover the country like a blanket then get out and enroll these friends on a club list. i 4 2 4 . Now, people, keep your best ear to the ground. Things are likely to hap pen with great rapidity before many days. Col. Henry Watterson is- in Europe and Col. Dave Hill is going over there right straight away, and it is expected that they will call a meet ing of two leading Democrats in Paris one of these days and decide the fu ture of Miss Democracy. J . The Cincinnati Enquirer has pulled off its crupper and doesn't propose to be a holding-back force for Democra cy any longer. In its new declaration of principles it says: "No more Bry an leadership, no more dilution of Democracy with Populism, repudia tion and heresy; no more restraint on the flight of the American Eagle, and no more tugging at the holding-back strap." It is plain as anything, that, unless the Democracy: returns to its senses and goes to work as a build ing, expanding, progressive factor in the affairs of the country, the Cincin nati Enquirer will be in the Republi can party by 1908 if nosooner. 5 - : ' The Commoner says that Folk was elected Governor of Missouri because a Folk victory meant something. It might have added with equal truth that Parker was defeated because a Parker victory meant something be cause it meant hard times, idleness, hunger, rags - and general wretched ness throughout the country. And the people seem to have made up their minds that" they can manage to strug gle along without any more Cleveland times just yet. Even a great victory has its disad vantages. The Republican party now finds itself confronted with the prob lem of what to do with all the Con gressmen it has elected. As it is well known, the Hall of Representatives in the Capitol at Washington is equally divided into two parts, one for the-Re- for Y publicans and the other for the Demo crats. Heretofore the, membership has been reasonably well divided, so that there was no trouble in finding a seat for each member on his own side, of the house. But when the next Congress meets Jt will be quite a one sided looking-affair. On the Repub lican side they will be. packed as close as oysters in a can, while on the Dem ocratic side there won't be enough to keep each other company. The Re publicans will either have to enlarge their side of the Hall or go over and sit among the Democrats. Really, it looks like we almost "over-did the thing this time. . . . H I, THERE, YOU! You like to hear the Yellow Jacket buzz, don't you? You like to see us "rip 'em up the back?" Well, this is just what we're going to do, but we don't want you to lose sight of the fl- V.;o Jo J enrf -.f arrangement. It is like a machine it needs grease. The most suitable grease for this machine is a brand fa miliarly known as " spondulix," but sometimes called " chink." The more grease you pour oh the faster it hums.1 Now, how often do you grease it?,'. Once a year? Is that all? Well, of course we are not going to complain' about that. One greasing' a year makes us love you, but if you will grease us oftener we will love you more. Get all your neighbors to join in and help you grease us. We want you all to put On your "big Injun" war paint and help us to roll up a million sub scribers. The Yellow Jacket's circula tion has doubled every year since we started the paper, and if it will con tinue to do that well for. the next three years we will have a million sub scribers. We could make out very well witH a million subscribers, but we can't feel satisfied to stop at less than that number, so we are urging every one of our present subscribers to help us get that million. This is a very modest request. It will be as easy as tumbling off a log if you will each do your part. - Now don't wait for an international agreement or for the next national convention, but skin out of your coats, roll up your sleeves and go to work now. .Read our wonderful proposition to club getters printed elsewhere, and then pitch in and do your best. Let's make the thing hum as never before. Help tns to rattle the dry bones of Democracy. What You Have Missed. We are sending out his week sev eral sample copies of the Yellow Jacket, and should this one happen to be the first copy you ever saw it may be that you will wonder if 'such an issue as this is the result of some kind of a Christmas spree, or does the pa-. per keep up v such a broadside all the time. To such we will say that this is the kind of a caper that the Yellow Jacket has been cutting before high heaven for the last ten years, and if 4 . you naven t been a subscriber, tnen; you have missed ten years of more po litical " skinning "bees," and adminis trations of "hot stuph" than ever came ambling downV the pike before. If you haven't time to get up a club now, then send twenty-five cents and get the Yellow Jacket bi-weekly for a whole year, and if you don't agree be fore the time is half out that you have got over the worth of your money then we will agree to pay your quar ter back and eat the balance of your subscription; . : Eli Tucker Revised. Look here, boys! Now. is the: lime. to subscribe, or renew your subscript ion, to the Yellow Jacket if you de sire to get the masterpieces of " Eli: Tucker's " pen. For the past ten ' years Eli has been contributing regu- ar letters to the Yellow Jacket. Some of these letters have set Democrats to having Jeeminy fits in-all parts of- the country. We had so many calls for issues of the Y. J., in which certain of these; letters appeared, that we have exhausted all the . back numbers. So arrangements have been made to re vise and republish, in the . Yellow Jacket, all the best things of Eli's pen. This feature will begin in next issue, v raL,c aaministration. . -;y