The Yellow Jacket Published Bi-Weekly. R. DON LAWS, EDITOR and PROPR The ib'ng of this insedi is the uiyersal remedy for "all known forms of political cussejdness, and is good to take whether you need Jit or not. Weend you ONE YEAR'S TREATMENT (26 dos?) for THIRTY CENTS, and then the Singer slops until thiW more dimes are sKoped in the. slot - . . - -- ...... i .-. : . ... -.. . ! NOTE THl i - . ...... -- i . Please don" t send stamps 011 subscrip tions: We can't use em ii our business. Remit bv draft, check Are mistered let- - , ter; express or P. O. Ahvays zvrite your monev order. name and address plainly and direct your letters to THE YELLOW JACKET, Moravian Palls, N. C. Entered at Moravian Carolina as second class though iirst class in PUBLISHED IN ENGLISH ONLY Falls, North mail matter, all other respects. About the Yellow Jacket. Jacket, the 1, only This is the Yellow thing of its kind published on earth. Its temnerature is 200 111 the shade. It preaches-- Republican gospel so straight that every issue brings many old moss-back Democrats bench in a trot. It "gits comin It retails to Democrats and Populists at 30 cents to the United States. circulates over all the It you don t like it, you take it. If you do like it' invited to subscribe tol-dayjor to-morrow. Suppose you take. mourner s ' and em goin Republicans per year and don't have to pu are hereby a d ake it again. bay for, then ; all our sub President of crawl behind 1 holding back else is going ind. States ' ought ty orr pretty soon for instance, call it Yellow Jacket Day and call imon evervr one of your . T I " neighbors to try this paper a year. We are after getting 50j000 new sub- scriptions to tnis-paper wijtnin thenext three months. That 's wha fc we want to do. Now will you help us to get them ? The Yellow Jacket has passed the teeth- 1' n tt in ir cti cta it ic nnw attot ton -it, a -o old and is getting older every two weeks. There are no life insurance features connected with it. You merely pay your thirty cents and take it whether you like it or not. Tlien you will t You always o-et what I von the paper, stops. We. treat scnbers this way. even thd .. . . . - 1 the United States. --jj 111 e x enow d aciiet cion t a tree to talk. j It1 don't bust its crupper to first see what somebody to say. It has no "ax' g xuveryquuy in tne united to take the Yellow Jacket. All Republicans ought to take- it be cause it is helping to light their political Every Democrat sho ild U ke it to keep track of the rascality and devilment of 111s own party. ! Every Populist should tase it because it points out the only way to his political salvation. And everybody slse' ought to take it because every issue will be filled to the brim with OHchnnliUr TiYi o casm and Logical Reasoning. When you read this copy pass ft along to your neighbor, if you love one another. and it you don't make a .bluff anyway . "k -r- I 4--m-. 4- r I - '' " Tf vnn nnn hca - -P-.. -1 . i hoc a lew sc.mpie copies, drop us a card. j . The politics of the Yellow Jacket in the future, as in the past, vyiil b4 Republican. However, we belong to no man,. arid shall reserve the right to be W iniependent as a hog on ice on all matters hat come up ior public consideration. . Eli Tucker will spondent. Some of his letters will be worm tJie price of the T-C '; . J TVyX. If you receive a copy of on to 'To1ta4- i4- i - . . unvivci, ju-js nil invitat You will get more fun information for 30 cents way y ou could spend it. Now, we want you to s insfrmnnn r hin i m - i xT 0? 0 pciper. 1 oenu. us a club if you can. See offer elsewhere. And we aiso want to ask you to kend along a the Yellow subscribe: and derive- more than' in anv other v sendl us a 30-eent whom you think list of your neighbors might subscribe. w n asKmg a good deal of you, isn't en asis. sometmng or us. h 1S aii tat the sesimogrdph which re cords the movements of earthoiialrAc i Rn arranged that ten rlproAa rnViio collapse, and that the fFriscb earthquake J Zr "rees -ancl lone point. This was a trifle less severe than what struck l?em0-CraC part last 4ection. The machine in that instance indicated and recorded total collapse: A?d U may be Still Joined to ThfeIdol& r; - It might be set. down as an invarmble maxim that it :is st natnirai for IDemd cratr to denounce' the: tariff . as it is. ior sparks to fly upwards. . He Vbeen .at it sa long and never heard anything else from the leaders of his own party that he don t seem to know; any better. But - John Sharpe Williams brake out in somewhat a new fashion the other day in the House when he declared that "Protection is rank Socialism, rank agrarianism and rank communism." It is hard to, tell what Leader ! Williams .was driving at in this statement, but it is accepted that he meant that free tariff is preferable to protection.! Suppose we refresh our minds with a little review of tariff mat ter. It is campaign year and you don't want the Democrats tor be tiring tneir bomb-shells of Williams ' rot into -your camp yvithout something to reply with; . Which party has proven itself the friend of free! labor, and which party has itself its enemy? The Democratic nlatforms of to-day endorse and affirm ali, previous platforms, and all previous Democratic plattorms antagomzea tne Republican doctrine of protection, and favored a tariff for revenue only. The question of protection or free trade is therefore as much an issue now as it was in 1896, when the voters swept from the earth the 'revenue reformers," who had brought so much .disaster upon the coun try. ; . . . The advantages of a policy of protec tion to home industry have been dis cussed and re-discussed for more than half . a century. It is not necessary to thresh over this old straw but one home ly illustration may be permitted. Take two cotton shirts alike m weight, texture and finish offered "for sale at the same price. One was made m Manchester, New Hampshire, and the other was made in Manchester, England. The American shirt was made by opera tives who live in comfortable cottages, who eat meat three times a day, who wear broadcloth coats, and whose wives are habited in silk gowns -on Sundays," who live comfortable lives, who are, in a word, independent, self-respecting American citizens. The English shirt was made by operatives who live in tenement houses, who eat meat but once a week, whose clothing is coarse, whose children are un educated, who are ignorant and abject, and have no voice in the government of the country in which they live. When the English manufactured shirt reaches our shores, the Republican party, in the shape of a custom-house officer, says to the importer, "Before this garment, made with cheap labor, shall enter here to compete with a similar garment made by well-paid American workers, you must pay a duty upon it equivalent to the dif ference between the wages paid to cotton spinners and weavers in England, and the vages paid to cotton spinners and weavers in the United. States." This im port duty is levied primarily for the pur pose of supporting the government of the IJnited States, and incidentally to keep up the wages of American laborers to the standard of 1 American life. You don't like to pay this duty, eh? You don't like to pay thirty cents duty in order to get your sixty-cent shirt into the American market? Well, that is -what the folly of George the "Third and Lord North, 132 years ago, will cost you now. Thirty cents is the expense to you of the Ameri can Declaration of Independence. If Washington J had surrendered 4 to Corn wallis instead of Cornwallis to Washing ton it might, have been different.' And other things might have .been different. The seat of government might have been moved to this side of the Atlantic; the British Islands might have been outlying territory, Edward the Seventh might have been crowned at St. Louis and Mayor Dunne might have been Duke of Chi- makerJ and' a:f ond tandfrdaucnt father; hia; 'discris6late, ,widow has take a. new partner, 'fand.' the business t offering land dtQVPeoble whrf tt-hi Movwauu appealing to noonlo 4. r-' They Dare Not Be Honest. - iWaj-lani of he Appeal to" Reason," wiggling and squirming to answer our charges against him seeks all sorts of dis-. honest methods. C Hear him in his-wail : . bottle ! Shamen you, WaylandVOu so dtslionest that you have lost contmi - i cago. Protection to 'American industry was the great Whig doctrine when Henry Clay was alive. It is Republican doctrine now, and it is. opposed by the Democrats just because 'it is Republican doctrine. and not because it is unjust or unwise doc trine. - :' " .' - ; Protection is a policy vunder. which this nation grew and prospered from 1860 to 1892, when it suffered from its temporary abandonment. It is our business life. It is the foundation of our. hope of continued growth and progress, and strange it is that such Democrats as J ohn Sharpe Williams, who-ought to know better, will continue to stand up and denounce protection and demand that it give, way Jto a policy of tariff for revenue only. Somebody once' said that the Universalist creed was ob noxious to the Calvanists because it took away from it their last nope of everlast ing; damnation:; -'If you force a Democrat to abandon his objections 'to protection you remove the staff that supports his der dining politics.;; Even when events coni pel him to keep his views in favor of free trade in the; background his platform de clarations still resemble the inspription on the tomb-stone of the Prftn rliT nVi . tt lies the body, of Jean Ba Blanche. h ianj 4aectionate husband and expert glove 'Tie Yellow Jacket is smaller than the Appeal, and is printed" every two weeks, ana its pntc i tciiw juai, v.. Appeal is only 25 . cents a year to those who send in the subs. If there .is a graft in a weekly paper at 25 cents a year, what must thercvbe in a semi-monthly less than the same size at 30 cents a year?" ; Now that is what Way land gives h is frenzied readers. That is what he thinks an honest: answer to our charge that his publication house is a graft that he is a grafter, and that he has enriched himself by gulling the weak-minded,, the imbecile and insane of the land. Why isn't Way land honest in his controversy ? Because he doesn't want, to be honest in anything. The Appeal to Reason is a graft pure and simple and sells in bundles , to the free-lovers and indolent, Who want to stop work, at 25 cents a year Way land says sg and theri he says if that is graft what must be bur graft when we charge '30 cents a year and only print 'if every other week. Wayland knew that that would be a clincher to his readers wKo never see the Yellow Jacket. He knew tliat his weak-minded anarchical friends would applaud him for saying that for turning a point so neatly. But Wayland 's natural ly dishonest methods wouldn't let hhnjtell the truth. He forgot to tell his readers that The Yellow Jacket' was one paper in the United States that does not accept ad vertisements that it turns down, annual ly, thousands and tens of thousands of dollars which it could get for the quack ads., the spectacle ads. and the fraudulent ads. which Wayland. runs m his Appeal to Reason and that with the advertisement rake-off enjoyed by the Appeal, Wayland an- Still There. :,. Wayland hi hk Appeal to Ronton swermg our charge. that he was a Jackass bays uiat iias true that he was onec i jackass. All naturalists are agreed tint once a jackass always a jackass. Tim uxc uiivi ccti am uumisiaKable eviden that Wayland never got over it. CO T 1 Seriously Answered. ' In his Appeal, Wayland asks The Yellow- Jacket this question : So far as. the Socialists bcin a silK lot, why don't your great intellect moot hthem in debate!" That is a fair question and we shall en deavor to answer it fairly. The Socialists who have been out on the platform, are for the most part men wearing celluloid collars; murdering the King's Lnglish, insisting that all men who have inoiiev are thieves, and that a capitalist is a foe to society. Wayland is a business man. A. keen, cunning, scheming business man. He started his Coming Nation and ran it until the men he. buncoed wanted him to practice what he preached to let all share in common his printing office and his sub scription list and then he pulled out. IIo left liis TJtopian dream and hiked, lie qnit Ruskin, that ideal colony that he was C.A taa Go Th could print his Wail of Discontent! and send it free and still make money ff -the post-office would accept a freergift paper. The white paper used by Wayland, and that is the big expense, is pafei for by the quack advertisements in his dangerous sheet. In the issue in which he confesses that he was once a jackass there is an ad vertisement which reads: "You can make THREE HUNDRED to FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS A MONTH in the real estate business," and then the ad. goes on to tell how. A great big ad vertisement in a Socialistic paper telling Socialists who are opposed to individual ownership, , that they can make three to five hundred dollars a month selling real estate and yet Wayland advocates" that it is wrong- everlastingly WRONG for individuals to own real estate and yet the blubbering gentleman who' confesses- that he was once a jackass and. pleads guilty to our arraignment, is actually of fering farms to people who will get Iiini subscribers for his quack advertising sheet. , : ' However, back to our proposition : Wayland makes his money on advertise ments and job work and other grafts and then - has the nerve to compare the business proposition of our paper wdiich TAKES NO ADVERTISEMENTS, butde- penas entirely on suDScnptions ior its sup port, and wants the chattering imbeciles, xo . wuiub ilk ment aud of course you are inconsisfonc louowmg .w uppiauanim ior answering AU cf you flre. Look at Debbs, the l.ibu- sists that all property should' be, held in common and yet his Appeal to Reason is making him enough money so that he is out buying real estate for his own use, vi i": ic i-jti Lie iiuu is iiimseii. a capitalist. ny nut iess up. You know you have "money a great deal of money and you never made it be fore you deserted the Republican party the party that first gave you resyJect abili ty. You sneaked off from that and started your Ruskin colony and your Coming Na tion. You saw that you couldn't quite hog all that game and you again sneaked out left your second god, as it were, and are now whooping it vp, pulling the legs of the idiots, imbeciles, loafers and anar chists to swell, a subscription list so that you can buy income property andx explain your conduct b3r regretting that you have to do it. Aren't you getting ready,. Way land, to be fired again. Don't you know that the suckers are not going to con tinue to put Hp to read your lurid rot about hanging men in Idaho and your self contradieted statement that private own ership "is wrong when you are lining 5roiir pockets and investing in real estate, while advising your comrades not to do it that it is a crime? Now the reason tliat men of brains ! not meet your Socialists in, debate is sim ply because you are all absolutely incon sistent. Old man Wilshire howls against capital, and tries in the same breath to sell stock in his magazine that will pay three times the legal rate of interest. i u come along and howl about private own-. ership of land and -say it is a ernne.;aiui take the money vou extort from the iecnio minded and invest it in INCOME PRO- PPfR.TV nrnnrrlinrT in vrmr OW11 state- us so adroitly. For shame, Wayland U You knew you were doing a dishonest and a dirty trick when you made that comparison. Is it not true that you are: in the free spectacle business, and are you not this moment en joying a rake-off oh the philanthropist who wants to send recipes for preserving fruit, and is calling upon your army of suckers to send 21 cents in stamps to pay for the bottle, the fruit and the mailing? That advertisement ought to damn any man who claims to be self -respecting but Wayland takes 'em you bet he takes em, and he also takes the good monev of the crowd of imbeciles, idiots, lunatics and anarchists numbered . on his lone: list of subscribers. The fruit ad. that Wayland runs has the nerve to say that the adver tiser made ' ' 121 dollars last week. ' ' and Way lahd wants his horde of discontents to put up 21 cents in stamps and send it along to New York to pay for the bottle. It is as though Wayland would want. you to send him a lock of your hair iust be fore he mailed, you a sample lot of bun dlesand called on you, with big type, to hurry up and raise him steen more thousand of subscribers so that Ke could buy1 some more land more income pro perty, as he called it. With him it is acam the Coming Nation coming his way- and no Ruskin colony to collapge on hk hands He said that Tennessee trick" of his -went up because it was private ownersh in twxu. : c .-iw uuying aimseu lancT and lous and beautiful. Look at him all hi -long and useless life. Always howling against capital and yet dependent on in., hand-outs of labor that-he excites to pay for his existence. -Why, why do not great intellects meet the Socialistic spcll-bind-en with, his celluloid collar and his soiled linen?. Why not go to a mad-house and ask to see the gentleman in the : padded cell, and offer to'-reason something witli him? Because, Wayland, intellect would not appeal to your following aud hon esty does not appeal to you. "You arc skin ning the rural roosters, the grinning idiots who Want something for nothing, and as a grafter you are a success. . Hello, Old Comrades ! We are sending out a few copies of llitf issue of the Yellow Jacket to the ad dresses of those who were on our list a few years ago, but for some cause or other have failed to renew. Boys, we invite you to join oiir ccrew of readers again. are still firing it at 'em; and have been ever since you dropped' out of our ranKs. We , are tr-ing to make improvements on the Yellow Jacket from time to time, ami it will inspire us to do more than ever to have you enHsYagain. Place three dimes, inalettcr and direct it to us and we U put you on our rolTfor another year, and gnc you -something warm, : and wortn . money many times over. . -- - --.,..-