SOCIALISTIC DEMOCRACY. By Eli Tucker. snake put .I've been In my opinion the SociaHstia Beni6e raey is to be the next real live party, that the Republicans will; hav 3 to fight.' She's just as sure to come bef or 3 the coun try as water is wetv Ti$re las been a good many parties and issues presented to the people within the "past quarter of ;a century, but as a delusion yom Delti-:-.r;ili T'll Tnt. thfv Socialistic Demon- V I I III V I Illy JL. w w 1 - ' " . S L . "---. v. racy combination that ; is under or- intion ahead oi anything that nas ever come down the pike since! that the fixins on old Mother Eve. watching this Socialistic r movement for several years and 1 11 coniess that these f rl irs are as far- ahead of i the Democrats in drawing pictures upon their imagi nation as a painting 'or Kaphael is ahead of a gob of axle grease on a i ew saddle blanket! When a fellow gets j Socialism" in his blood he begins-to 'see - iad things in the very air we breathe. H 3 imagines that about two or three linen own this country, government and .all, ' and that; every tramp and idler and. every one who lacks any of the comforts an i luxuries of life should be taught to believe that his wantsn n i a-auo.iail ana econ- ; i V d Prefer r Cleveland; Democracy. Butdet us ste-r clear Jof . both. I merely touchl upon; these matters, hurriedly this morning but will gd into" this subject more specifically m the near future - -l I 'm going toproye thatthe same difference exists between Bryanishi ,. and:- Socialism that does between tweedledum and tweedledee. ; Sermon from the Tripod. Text: "He thought It a most capital himself with cigarette smoke.- - I-climb on mv Wnn tUw - - - , , xxx, v xLcax ui i OI" them. The rrnn ia never short.. .Yet: the demand "is always greater than the suddIv. for "aith Hs nothing hut a hoy, still a hoy is-a boy, and a uuy . is - a piece or property, unique rich unpurchasable. A Barnato might have hoys of. his : own, but if he had none, he could not, buy: one of yours, or mine, for ' thrice two hundred 'millions in yellow old: "And so while we: have no "money la hank, yet in: our boys, our little boys, wo, have wealth incomputable. If all the sand of the sea shore was pure gold, it would not buy from us one kick of that boy's littlo fat foot, one loving glance from "his bright eye3, or one lunny noa oi his little round head. And where these bright; little, funny little mani- Kins are raising a ; happy war, all the time, jumping- and tumbling and bumping, jabber ing comic English with their funny little . " - "o i v. nuiut, nitu; luiil ed .the nurse. and? go- his poison. , Only per sistent in one thing. :s in "clinging to the devil ish serpent that was ruining him. When, we f?, w.ny he did not cuhis throat, he blink- MORE OR LESS PUNGENT. An Emporia woman bronirht ".smlt- ir the T"kl.-. . . . u ed idiotically and said he thought tht tf rtt UT , v l l(Hlay ror a divorce. from her hurt. Th f a canceled check in nis pocKet-book for two dollars for ribbon The CTimmest. Rjitfr v Tt v any senius could conceive Is a" dude Mtched to a cigarette And yet that dude was once a.boy. O, boys, boys, be true to the mother-love. Carry, with yon through life the pure, fresh hearts with which you began the grand battle of life. Keep your mouths free from poison that will ruin your nerve3 and destroy your power of manhood, and 1?,P your tnouS&ts free from the poison wuicn murders nnritv. - nnn'f mUto me - Doys, jthe ; male lambs nf mv flrvv Tho vices of tho wr.T-i t c . wide earth is full nf- tvim iTanri nnra i r , - r 7 ' -w V AA m. m. m A M. A 1 C-T . I t M r I . in A & . J-K III! 9t - W K V rm V n n f w n M remember the voice of one crying: in the ereat wilderness of the world. Beware the. des. . ware the cigarette. Shy around the boy or. man that uses them, for they are the lat ter day. devil's combination to ruin body and mina. for his typewriter. Emporia Gr-zette. An Ohio politician enjova telling of nnnm. i i . - icai aiscussion ne once overhcaid in a conn. try grocery store. In some way the argument, ouite a hented one, degenerated into a dispute in which one side took the position that the others were crazy to entertain such political tenets as theirs. - - Atthis: point a solemnTlooking IndividualT who up to this time had held his peac3, sud denly, interjected: 'Gents, I want to say" that I'm the only sane man here that has the papers to prove it!" . The crowd gazed upon him In astonish ment. v 'It is true, gents," continued the solemn- looking individual, as he drew forth a docu ment from the recesses of his coat, "here's my discharge from the State Insane Asr- The Republicans of Mainerin their con- lum! Harperjs Weekly.- aI i " " .ieU ruTg- Customer "Give me two yards oi honesty, declaration as to Tariff and , reciprocity : please." - We hellAVft in Tia Prntprtv TnriflF l Clerk "Verv sorrr. mnrtnm. -wo nro Inct minx you, now, of themillions of homes in which is fiindnmpntllv lincofl nnnn n out of honesty; but I can show you candor. the deep pasture lands of fair Columbia rPf,ftfrn;f:nT1 rn inrio h?Wc looks iust Hke it, and Is lees expen- Wnere tneSA hrfirht little fnnrv HHU m.nL ro-"wu" v umguvM xxx iuuui I RiVp cost nere and abroad. The Protective Tariff Protects American labor, guards and sustains the scale -of American wages, Ck, eager eyes; eating everything they can Kh;m a - i j I intr, tair. WrtT,o. ' i build and maintain American homes: and re; ruining furniture: tear! ne uD' book?: wniie it tends to keep the American mar king holes in "the carpet; plastering them- ket for American industries, nevertheless ves with dirt; chasing after and catching our trade in f oreism jnarkets has exDand- ed to an extent never before known. We reaffirm bur belief in that reciproc- Tho State of Blaine, Reed and Dingley "Stands Pat." -American Spectator. "This." remarked Mr, Softe. "is mv nhoto- graph with my-two French 'poodles. You recognize me, eh?" - I think so." said Miss Caine, "You ar the one with the hat on, are you not?" Cassels Journal. p measjes, wnooping cough, and every hilable disease; perfect bundles of appetite; iuu or electricity as eels, and curious ever their mothers were Tefore them: iding. - lives of rollicksome. . frolicksome wpiness, and keeping their parents on the Vderland of insanity. As I think of these mons of boys; and of all the love twined round them all the proud ambitions of which Miss Cutting "I saw you in tlie car oa your way from the office last, night." Mr. Hogg "Strange, I didn't see you." Miss Cutting "Not at all. I was standing lty which governs the interchange , with pust in front of where you were sitting." fOTMPO-Ti nmmtrioe of art Mo wliiAli oo ruuaaeipaia iTess V. i x j t it i " me piuuuub oj- American iauw, ami we a British arm v order advises that, when oppose any sucn reciprocity with Canada possible, mules should be used to draw ma- as will flood our markets with Canadian chine guns. "When, however," says the or- church or a school, or build a cotton fac- tory or a turnpike, but if all hid neighbors they are the living centerpieces, and of how lumber and farm products and thus seri- der' a """f Is ilotflfvailab1' ny, lntelBf at x -j:-. ' lxi- hrrhf hnwhooMfni Vi xxV i i ft. ix- xi. noncommissioned offlcer will do instead. persist in spiiuiig wicij. tixu jwniLtiiu, wvul,ui, u.n muuv-cui mcjr io, uusiy ciiiuarrass tne muus tries . o i"" Ram's Horn. fishing, squirrel Hunting and c.ussmg tHe . , , " v" . r , . ""7 State. ' ' " w " u,u, HLklLf short crooked legs, and of the dangers which, government, he will never succeed in building the church, the school, the road, or the factory. "Co-operative Common wealth." What a delusion in ;hat name. In theory it is beautiful.! It will work out on paper like a sum in short division. There is not a flaw in all its theoretical compartments. Industrial eg'iality for everyone. No rich, no poor) ric lowly, no great everybody on a dead level and everybody a gentleman, well clothed, well The demand for tariff revision and Free-Trade in the natural, products of Canada does not seem to have been c" in Maine. The State of Blaine, Reed and Dingley stands pat. . fed, well educated and well bred, whether clear down to the bottom of your nature, and he wants to be or not. j For instance, they teach that the man (who j works in the coal mines, under the Cc -operative Commonwealth, would receiv3 all the value that his labor produces;: the same with the man on the railroad, in the lactory or on the iarm. It all the pro- duet of the miners' labor goes to him where is the millions of money coming from that it will take to develop the mine and build the railroad to reach! it? Cbm- like wild beasts and poisonous cnakes, lurk along the. highways to tear and deface their stout little innocent hearts, I feel that I need a voice like the voice of heaven's loudest ar tillery, and an eloquence to make my speech as the richest pickings of the famous Klon dike. For a boy can come nearer getting next to you than any other living thing. He has less sense, yet he knows more, con sidering his parentage and the chance he has had. He can make you madder, and President is to. take some interest in the gladder, and somehow seem to be able to get Congressional campaign this year, breaks Suppose You Smoke This! The Morning Star, of 'Wilmington, North Carolina, after noting that the "But why have you broken your engage ment?" "Well, I simply couldn't marry a man with a Droicen nose. Ah, I wonder how he got his nose broken poor fellow!" "Oh, I struck him accidentally with my brassie when he was teaching me golf."- Th Bystander. stir you all through yourself. A man who has never owned a boy of his own, has never seen the sun shine, nor the rain fall. He may have heard music from a one-stringed violin, but he never listened to earth's sweet est-music in full diapason. . Ana now tney grow. They swarm up from millions of homes, in all the-highways, and by-ways. They struggle into their knee pants and crawl out of them at both ends. In school and out they xtre always at their lessons; learning, eating, growing, pushing, crowding,building up brain and sinew, scrap- out in this fashion "Roosevelt is supposed to be the Presi dent of the Republicans, of the Demo crats, of the ' Populists, of the Socialists, and of the straddlers. How -do they like "Ma," said a newspaper man's son, "I. know why editors call themselves 'we,'" "Why?" . "So's the man that doesn't like the article will think there are too many people for him to tackle." Sacred Heart Review. Norman Hapgood, the journalist and es sayist, was discussing Amercan newspapers." "It Is not enough that our papers -snail ten iner thft-.tuirlr off thfiir shinst tannine' thp.Ir mumties may co-operate to tlid; extent ot faces, and changing their plump chubbiness putting a ioot-way across the creek or 1 into hard bone and strong muscle ot man- so mo "little t.hino- IiItp that. Tviif it ia hood with a rush that astonishes. And for 0 -T" 1 . - , i.n i i x rrwoh no n.WlT, fr. ,m A i e saKO oi ims constantly coining nost oi vj.. ju 1 lX & tL X.VX VXX I l J ' VXVJ X. I . - . . , . m --. , - . - . to see their President rubbing their party the truth." he said. Truth-tellinB m lueit fur the vrong way by monkeying in par- ffS" tisan poimcs ana laying political wires "Thus a young man called on a young iaay and settingtraps to heat them out in their one spring morning very early. He had his Congressional elections.' ' pis automobile along, ne waniea to give toe Well, Mr. Star, there is a certain Demo- P"uus iaujr cratic Senator from North Carolina who A little girl tho yQung lady's niece, ans Is supposed to he a Senator for all the peo- wered the bell. pie for Republicans, Democrats, ITo In- -is your aunue inv.T JOttUS "JdU- bitionists, Straddle-bugs, etc. and who ...AVv ' where iS she?' he went on. is also State chairman of "the Democrats. "'She's un stairs.' said the littlo sirl, 'ia rpv. " 1 p -i i -n i x I , I SLUXU .y 11C 13 IVIIUHO,! WX1V, D1U l -XL. X-LCLJ vr XI 1X I I 1' w.. - . mink ot it! Men won t even work out the earth was young, have'been marching in And he is getting ready to move heaven her nightey looking over the balustrade. the roads in their own communities, "the constantly increasing numbers up from the very roads which they use every day nurseries 'out into manhood, into the great and over which they must trdvel to get rush of the roaring world, and on, on, out o n ia aA rrru into unknowoworlds, ' we wish that all the -v !. yyxuxx a, jo,vjl vx, jxvflix. .xxy and earth to elect ten Democrats to Con- Buffalo Enduirer. gress from North Carolina this year. will drag through the mud anc kill .their stock pulling over these roads and then kick like a Texas steeYifj called upon 'to help work them out a little. Talk about rfxi . . TTr-f A New York man was talking about Opla If there is no impropriety in a United ' x" niJ . f1- lonmaiist. States Senator scheming' to elect Demo- nPort von know." he said, "founded tho crats. then how in the name of the Great Arkansas Traveler. He edited that excellent tKoco hnva orrmjr nrntild ' oo f - fiolt lrV I TT m ,1 i i4- Z nr frr li rk Proci- I rn nor for- tPTl VP-ITS Of IHOr6. 3nd made ing and innocent hearts, as these boys now jnrix nr flip TTnifpd States to have his great success of it. . ' are. r C" i dent 0t tne Umtea Oiaxes o nave -They say that in-the spring of 1385 a re- But they meet with evil at every point. raxners m cxig a cj.-.ix owx u v -x porter for the Traveler aiea. ne was a u. evil could be struck dead by the lightning of heaven, so 'that all the men into which . i I, . . - -i XUL lXJf ill L WILxl -VIA dl V 1 V LUlxll. I ' . V , - . -I IJKJi. . i x . Co-operative Commonwealth A fel- Millions of ugly claws are stretched out on gressman elected. We suggest that you young chap. A visitor to the office, the day. low will cuss out the capitalistic system m seven languages and the verv first time he gets a chance he'll walk ; ii to a trust And this is a sad shame, that. the great dan- or combination and freeze to iS principles lrilZi'SSlZ't as tight as the bark on a hickory tree in disease, ruined morally and physically, and January. Talk about ai CO-operative going on roller skates, down hill into infamy. Commonwealth. ' ' This j Co-onerative And these wandering stars, soon to be lost Vinrlr -vnrrl he- nfter the funeral, found the editor and ma if . VU fcj 1 f L A X L 1 Xl L?X 4 1 I 1 1 fA ! V T LX . . ineir ruuuy xi.aitu, ana stain ineir innocence. -. . i r x, i cTi it ia I kim it ;iuu iia o .- v..rf . fpre complaining aDOU, your ueiSuuur. ...TrhTT been a sad loss, friend,' the visi- TWO BOOKS IN ONE. - wv Ji tor said. A sad loss indeed. ie-signea ana irwvri nhmit tha room. 'And I am pleased to see he went on. 'that you commemorate tha Commonwealth theory mighti every man was imbued "with h i In-the blackness of darkness, take a delight w a xx rsTYtlnVt' mriRt Tia kindled frnm th ' flampa nf nesty and ell, in teaching these oncoming boys the Where do you sea Had aspirations just like every other man. errors by which their own lives have been i3ut that he hasn 't got and never will have. Millions of people j are content to stay at the bottom of the ladder, while only a few aspire to climb. With a Co operative Commonwealth? we 'd have a horde of people who! wouldn't work any more than they are doing to-day. The " Commonwealth ' V-would4 hay 3' to keepT them up and the number iwou' d increase from year to year. I tell! yc u the Co oprative theory, will never work on a na tional scale. It will apply to affew select individuals but not tor a nation. A man can take two, four, six or! a dczen horses tract all the poison, mix the poison with and train them toe-ether to n ill in har- still more poisonous. . drugs, roll up in thin monv rS getner , to pun m nar- at)er hitch. an idiot to one end, and you have iiiony and do good work but just imagine ft. you can, tell he is an' idiot by seeing him ?lm hitching a thousand or a-milUoiL in: smbke that" would make- the chlm- norses too-pthPT "WonliTi t Vi hell coucrh. and" strangle, and then The Bed light" and "Hot Stupli'? Combined, melancholy event by hanging up crape . - ri ottinff "Opie Kead irowneu wh .r uicuaiiuA .. . v - . ... 1 xv. rx ready, as fast as possioie, o issue mo --v Light" in a new edition and combined with it. tinder the same covers, we will mciuaw 'Hot Stuph" which is to consist 01 tne not- blasted. They take a package of vile, stink- test and best paragraphs and articles that crape. Crape?' he said. any crape?' ... " 'Over there, said the visitor, polnung. 'Crape be durned said Read! 'That isn t It's the office towel. xcnans-. ing cigarettes, and show he boys the viler pictures. And they show them how to smoke. and how to blow the horrible Stygian fumes through ; their, delicate nostrils, and -while they are: doing this some kind Christian shrtuM hit the enticer . on: the head with a base-ball bat; . It, would not knock his. brains out. Such a thing has no brains, only, in stinct,' and instinct that no self-respecting brute would use. If there is anything, that makes' a inan's humanity want -to -rare up anri trill Romethihff. it is a cigarette.- -Its verv ' name condemns it. tit is not a . cigar, qtiV '-m nr a - than: Dan talettes -, are pants, ir vou want a cigarette, take a bad cigar,' ex- have ever aeared in the Yellow Jacket The Red Light needs no introduction to thousands of our readers. "Hot Stuph'Vwlll reach back for a period of ten years and bring together hundreds of rich and racy articles that you have doubtless . long since forgotten. "- With this book you get the best that's going. ".You can start a political camp- meeting on short- notice. It wilj create more fun than a bushel of monkeys and everybody will stop to listen. Every reader of the Yel low Jacket will want.a copy and all the book will cost tou will be to get us a club of six subscribers at 25 cents each, and the book will be mailed to you free, soon as complet ed. The regular selling price of this book wilf be one i dollar post pajd. Hurry up with; your club and let us send you this compound Democratic skinning macnine. - . - I r II' k H III MA Lb A II V . - pi-uicf ThP fiflmr: ca H ' nf mon : M;JUWaiiot u .uiuw-wxa 0iv.vv- . . h . wav to' America. ui went rl ,.v MV v .ii. ,. ,.. . A-J Ilia inint PrTff JLllV I wva" vx ..- .--.-r. ..x uuuer mm riue mimuns; flnnthr corner in "sea Of LQio. generally first half of the voyage. One day. men can be trained, to work ir harmony, audlenCe: And fJiis muscles - are soft , and STreparaUons for burial at sea were out it is tear and not the adhesiveness of flabby, and his bones are decayed, and nis made nd In placQ Cf leaden weights, which Co-orfvrntirr -i-v. 4 ---. il U-v A -ia. nownTiV c .of Am- in' a "wreck. 'and-morality has , -. t . f rnnl were substitut- naa.Deen xu., .. - . c ed. Pof" hprflmfl ill and- aiea. xne fledr f romr him in disgust, Ono of these gin- , - The remains were finally ready for the Co-operation' ' that keens them Tinder 1 nervous system-is a wreck, and morality r.nnTnl ' . - i- I : . -1 fl-firtTyi h!m In discrnst. : Ono Of these T pW I'--iL.-'" - Bering idiots came! into the smoker of a car g - riteSt and long and earn3tly did a expect manv neTTiOftrat.4,Jwill -Aorree J n- - nopi-n f Jiast saa ; mu. ho binrt- xpili tvT- : r TT- v3 v ine 'omer aay,; auu iiuucu WUk. a uvdv - "Mike Iook at nis wun me upon this matter, but -it don't cigarettes, and "began to 7 smoke. Said his out sorrowfully: remedy the sitnafrk- hn.iT Ar T'lio fotftni. a rip.h; and Dai him confined -tt-i rof ni ' vvmi;4u VXXV y ... xv 1 a.m WL . w . I V V A A. v, , " " - . . - ,- essential doctrines of -Bryai re Oi'm domed if 01 wongw ey u . 1 - i- - -f - - - . . . . --.Lr.-- -.31 aa irtr . onn - no - kiiiiihhu hil- t k xx. cx . . hight,: and had wheels in his he, andhlj "trdis nave either got to get away from heart Hurned over and' he had to be Ued isryanism or be " deluded into-the? Social- naniT he had the ' Jim jams, hd, suffered istic .camp No Socim'for your IJ CLUB EATESt-FOUR SUBS 1.00. "What's the difference between vision and "See those two girls across the street?" "Yes." ""otwii "hA nrettv one I - v Mr call a vision of loveliness, b ut the other, one she's a sight. Cleveland Plain Dealer. nro,Tn T must request you to remove yourhat," remarked the polite theater usher. The lady smiled grimly. " . "Does my hat. annoy the little man behind me "Then you'll find it much easier to removo him." Cleveland Plain Dealer. In the barber-shoplhTscI-Sors clinked mei rilv away and the barber's dog lay on the floir cTose' bfde the chair, looking P f ly all the time atthe occupant who was hav- m h . m mm; mm. w w IH. -lis flair -uu, - "Nice dog, that," said the customer. jj "He is, sir said the barber. : "He . seems very fond of seeing you cut hair -''- - "ft isn't that, sir' explained the Jarberv smiling. "Sometimes I-make a mistake and take a little piece off a customers ear. Ladles .Home Journal. " V TTello Hello! Is that Mr. RichdadT, This is ChoUy Sappie speaking. I f7!? - . . -fbt last night I -er L placed an enementing on your-dan ght 'iuig isf W:ieTeland Leader. . '.T. . r

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