ii . -g St,;:-.-; . re. Mi pi Ml I , i.5- j 'fir t i r --- -- if''.', --j. m.- I".!. . - P-f-.;i.--2rr-r;.-. IP ill V I.-? m lis The- Yellow Jacket: - PUBLISHED BI-WEEKLY. - R. EON LAWS, Editor and Proprietor. subscriptions. r J 1, NOTE THIS. Ol-- " ja..tx efamnft ATI f iciura uuu I sou . . I t fx - irt - iiiiftinAfift. Hemic DV draft, check, registered J lettert ; express. or P. O. money order. ? ' ' ti' Always . write your name and J ddress plainly and direct your letters to " "'i. "m V THE YELLOW JA3KET, Moravian Falls, N. v - Entered at the P. O. at Moravian ! Falls, N. C., -i as second-class mail matter. PUBLISHED I N E N G L' ' SUBSCRIPTION ; ELATES. ONE YEAR .... TEN -YEARS ... SE ONLY . .. .80 ..$2.03 Special CItxb Clubs of 4, 60c. Clubs of tinker's Rates io; $i.oo. . r Yes, Jcems , Henry, Congress is 'doin' things" now. We don't hear much of Teddy these his day on. days but maybe this isn't What ha s become of Gal was told to let -'er go? If Adam wss the ufirst the devil did the Japj get eyes? ' . : ' If we get universal' peace we must ctop the shipment of ; mail vti key injx Democratic stron igher who jman how his almond stronghoh rdsr whis- holds. pave good he. bat as It is es impossible to times when Dems are at- it would" hoi for a :razor-b4ck hog-to thrive by rooting up moonbeams. We can't see why any free trader chould fail to be pleasedli with the Caiiadian reciprocity jlaytmt. It's" a humdinger. i The man who would have all the man-made laws of the country . re pealed is not two whits removed from the savage. , r Japan is sending a base: to tour the united -States:' declared in th"e ;. meari ; time, will i be. put out -on first1 baser. hball team If ; war is ev4ry Jap Kven the cotton .mill menrare shak ing "at the knees oyer i this tem .tariff reform that they see " heading down the pike. " ; ' Whom the gpd3 would first make mad and: what 're saying,- about each their -" division on love talk. destroy reciprocity they the Dems other over is no When. the tarjff tinkers the World, which they wil tariff has nothing to do with cost of living, then, we wonder fool question will be presented. reveal tq that the the high , what Perhaps you had noticec , Beloved that Wall Street is perfectly happy over the way the Dems are running things.!- Never a yap do we the Street. J - Madison Square Garden is going to be torn down. May be hear from he N. Y. Democrats want to f remove every thingthat even suggests t ever made a speech there for Government Ownership. , i5 " Full many a gem of purest ray se- I caves . of Democrat rene, the dark tmfathomed bcea' :bear full many, "a falls into the soup tufeehT And wildly flounders while he: pulls his hir. lat Bryan declaring are - The hisrh winds that havoc to life and business in are no. comparison to the 1 that the Demmycratsj are at Washington. ' ; 1 -f--v ..:': m TvorKing, the West winds producing gh If that political colic rdbnft get bet ter pretty quickly, a.' clear case of lying is going to be made out against the Dems. .They - swore that tariff rejformTwas ; the remedy. .. We are not certain, but vie will bet meet anything in reason' that before this special -session is through there will be a serious:- mix-ud Democrats. Some rebelled day with apparently hut li The Canadian reciprocity ; bill will -not make much -difference -just a ' little; ripple and r then sDmel Ol course' it was wise in our President to have that bill - a Republican bill l-between the other tie cause. because he thinks he, can f do some good;or"our people... Now ii 5 wecould annex Mexico and her insurrection - we would really get something worth the monej And ' Democracy - finally (passed a bill that calls for the election of United States senators by direct vote of "the peopled . This will: possibly do away with dead locks in . the - legisla- tuie ciiiu cumyruiiiising, on a iwooaen man. But it will- also give us" some much cheaper timber 1 in the Senate than we have had. him. - In this year of 4 grace and Gov ernor Wilson- another sacred promise, was made and instead of free - trade the farmer's schedule seems; to be the principal bellyache.:- :. Consistency-ra 3ewel Lforever gone. :, When Billy- Bryan, opposed- Senator Martin: of 'Virginia , as j minority leader he presumed that brie wild gesture of his arm and-law 'would annihilate the Virginian. , But the tesj:-came and Billium saw that he wasn't m it - An other knockdown and -drag out, but Bryan is still smiling arid still dream ing that he heads a procession. But he doesn't. .' :.'"-" . - 7 h-: ' , ' ,. J : The pencil pushing department- of the Stinger, you will, notice, Mr. Read er; is kinder " short on ' sockdologers this issue and for" this -reason : R. Don Laws has been outi of -the sanc tum since March: 15th resting up a spell and he ' never got back to : the bat ' till rather late for this - issue and he didn't have time to cut the mustard very fine. ' -When it comes j to . shedding croco dile tears the real r-thing, crocodile tears that i would pass Doc. Wiley's O. K. as being pure and undiluted, Democracy is just now wetting the ground -fori the down-trodden and op- pressed farmer. You; bet. the hope of showing the .Uncle-Hiram family that Democracy is its ; friends burns bright in J the breast 1 of : the Chump Clark school cf :hot x;ir artists. .As a re'sujt of the "free list" pro posed bY the:Democrats "in'the Cana diarireclprocity bill, work has . been suspended - on : the wire mill plants going up, in Birmingham. Hundreds of men are thrown put of work and thousands will later be effected by the suspension. This is just a straw, that shows how- the wind, will later st in on-"this Democratic tariff re form that we ' have been "promised. The "Yellow Jacket gave tie people warning of this many months ago. The soldiers down on- the Rio Grande are proving that the canteen is better than the private saloon. They say that 'down San Antonio way the- soldiers Jiave simply gone the limit : in patronizing the saloons, the gambling houses and other places of ill repute, 4 whereas, when - they had their, own little bar-rooms, and the amount of likker Mimited there was no place for the individual bar-room. But "reform sometimes goes too far and in abolishing the soldier bar- Otf E , THING REFRESHING. v -rWhile Old; Jbhn Rockefeller -is still making and still, hoarding; the people have given 'the old man a little rest. Thoy- have concluded ' that all the roasting hasn't done any good. . They - CHICAGO AST) ST. LCTDIS. see him 'still the hard-faced old crea-PeDUDlIcaJ1 Assembly by . an equally ture walking -each -.day nearer lils grave, and it "looks good to see them let him alone. What we want .to get after is the fellow .who makes his money and givS . it" away. x Old "man Pearson made his irioriey out' of real estate many millions. Ife simply handed it., out. gave away -his - last penny but z the r fact that-' he made seven milllonSwas as wicked as the fact that Old John made it. - Many a man engaged in; a "business far more nefariouV than Rockefeller's has lost his last millionr, posing as a martyr, as one wanting toddle poor and ad mitting that great , riches "are a curse. Old John is getting very old. He can't be with us much longer, In the ordinary course of things, and' we are rather glad theyhave" let up on him. When he curls nip and dies he won't take any. more room than the ordinary pauper he will be gone, and . maybe paying for all he did Why, if God has promisedto punish people for their sins in the flesh should you or I appoint ourselves a committee of .one to lambast the poor deviiY BOB TAYLOR IN ERUPTION. room called th.e a serious' mistake. canteen,; it made v.The Socialists .are coming out ; sounrely - on the- anarchy ' h,!QrWling for the repeal of al the -.,Ten Commandments. frnandidReadert wo jldri't- Sb cralists piit . thisaucountry in orie -hell : of v a- predicament- if they vhad the PPgt" Jtistirfflfgine "the state "of af aipiat wouJoon prevail .with no ?LM tuciiiariuaa i lruui oiani. plank ; by laws but tTake it Twenty Years ago and the si ntrnn of Democracy was free trade.-- ' . . . - - I . - W n : that promise that ; Cleveland -was re-eiectea ana a congress was with We have a number of calls for our book entitled VHot Stuph" and they are all sold. The: only chance to get another copy is to run off another edition from the plates. Do you want the book? If a sufficient number will let it be known that they will buy a copy, we will issue another lot of the books at once. ' We should be glad to hear .from our subscribers about this matter. -How many of our "subscribers would buy a copy of "Hot Stuph" if we were to print another edition?. Speak up, gentlemen. - Some addle pated son-of-a-gun out West has declared -for a plan he says will solve the high cost of living problem at once. His scheme is" re vise the table of weights and meas ures, enlarging a pint to a quart, the foot to 24 inches and so on to"theend of the list, and some of the Demo crats are trying to- make fun of the plan. Say, dinkies,. you have no right in the world to: criticise the -suggestion: Your, own party is the originat or of-: the idea. InJthe. year of 1896 you proposed to. make .times good by taking forty cents' 1 worth of silver and making it worth one dollar. Put that in your cob ' smoker and puff your belly full. When f Democracy was called upon to publish an account of its expendi tures in . running for. office before election it halted. It wanted to wait untflafter it had jwbn out and then teir the deluded who was its backer. And on this rock the first split hap pened and the Democratic leaders looked " worried. But wait until De mocracy gets wet all over wait till the shiver of success is past and it finds itself in the swimming hole alone,- and then you will see Democ racy duck Democracy and some of the Democrats oni the bank - will . tie knots in . the clothes of the deep water statesmen. The ' Yellow Jacket , has made . no mistake Tin the diagnosis. Democracy- cannot i stand aCfhe : crib undivided. i: : . Bob -Taylor, the fiddler from Ten nessee; the gentleman who hasbeen busy; in politics and matrimony from whence the memory of man runneth not to the contrary, recently went into eruption in Washington City. Th lava and. volcanac .tuffa that streamed down, from his resourceful mouth was the same old stuff the stuff that makes Bob famous in Ten nessee and that makes him stand as a-humorist not as a statesman not as a man in earnest. Among other things Bob said that the money madness in America was such that if an American were to get to heaven he "would dig up the streets of the New Jerusalem and put a-duty on the harps of-the angels in order to protect American indus tries." .Of course that was very funny. In the first" place if the streets of the New -Jerusalem are pure gold, they are without value because gold loses there its charm if not its glitter. And to insist that protection on American industries is a joke; that the harps of angels should be protected 'as an American. TndustryTwas ai-far-fetched, but typical expression of the Tennes see fiddler. When the people are talking about electing Senators by the- people we feel that It will be a good thing, un less Democracy so hedges things about that the people cannot break through the primary. Taylor ran for Governor only recently and was snowed tinder and if the electorate of Tennessee was called upon for a Senator, Bob Taylor could resume his rasin and bow. The people who have been electing senators through legislative , routes may have been buncoed now and then but some of the worst misfits imaginable have landed because of the method we have been employing. With the. pear, pie to elect, if we can really get to the people, there will be no Owens and Taylors, and such clowns and cheap skates in Washington. Put that in your-pipe and smoke it. It is a true bill. NOTHING STRANGE ABOUT IT. The papers ' are remarking as though it were strange thatA woman, Mrs. Ellen Wilson, has been elected Mayor of Hunnewell, Kansas. Kansas has produced its Sockless Jerry; the famous John Brown r the From the Des Moines (la.) Capital. Chicago, - which: frequently lays claim to being a: Republican cityi has Just " elected a' Democratic mayor by a bigvote. .St Louis has. elected a decisive majority. '..Many causes will probably be spec ified as being' responsible -for these results, but , to our mind " there is one in s particularwhich is deserving- of empnasis. Chicago is without av Republican newspaper mat is,- a newspaper which . preaches the doctrines of Re publicanism all the year around and one year after another. The -Inter Ocean carries at the top of lis first page the words "The only .Republican newspaper in Chicago," , and yet it supported Carter Harrison for mayor In the city, campaign just closed. The other Chicago papers are Re publican-in spots and upon particular occasions. To find a ringing note in behalf of true Republican principles would require a" long and tedious wait and a most painstaking search. As a . result , Chicago politics Is one continuous round of chaos. Candi dates are all things to all men or any old thing to catch votes. How different. Is the situation which we find at St. Louis. St. Louis has several good papers, but she has one paper which never lowers the Republicari flag; never falters in feal ty tQ, Republican principles? We re fer to the St. Louis Globe-Democrat. When Missouri was so densely Demo cratic that moss was the party "em blem, the Globe-Democrat continued to fight and to prophesy of vic tory. Ana one day victory came. The Democratic party was routed throughout- the state. The margin or. safety is not large, but it is a healthy margin. In states, cities and communities In which real Republicanism is - con-. stantly being dinned into the minds of the people, the voters can be de pended upon sooner or later to dem onstrate that the educational ham mering has not been in vain. -THE GEORGIA CRACKER, we have never boosted the nigger to' any great extent. We never thought Sambo was as much of a citizen as some of our Northern peo ple think but we have always thought that God Almighty intended that Africa should work out its own salvation and somehow, we never could get It out of our head that the great-souled, sad-fatted Lincoln was in some way an instrument of God. When the emancipation proclama tion was signed; when Lincoln in the dark days saw that there was but one way to do things, he -never ex pected to give Sambo the ballot. He simply proposed tb cut Toose the chains of slavery; to stop the traffic in human souls and the emancipation proclamation would have, ended the matter, had the South 'accepted it. But the free slave was without power. He could not vote; he had no voice. and the master, of yesterday attempt ed still to dominate and Lincoln and the Republican party found it neces sary to give Sambo the right to vote. And that was the reason the Four teenth amendment was placed in the Constitution and whether "Tight or wrong it was there, and it must remain there. But Representative . Hardwick, of Georgia, a Cracker from the Cracker state and a Democratic statesman who boasts that not one kink is in his hair, introduces a bill in the Dem ocratic congress to repeal the four- eenth amendment. He wants the nigger taken out of politics notwith standing the 'fact that the South has eliminated him practically by the grandfather clause. But it will never be. The nigger has evoluted,. evoluted very much, and "when you consider that the Afri- deafness! T 1 - I have demonstrate 4, . ness can be cured.' ' d Clifford PowelLi ' G ,JTnt f hew" the famous Phritlcianiiit - Ue; 2 "aVi I '""iui UIFCOTPIT ... "- ..:s t . I CIlWo. IIP U- " . . . . aim lit.-. 2 n - viuiiiiiHi nnw . . - . . - urn free, no matu-r how on ,i ".ir crjrhat caused tbrfr dfr ' tt.t yoa will w der fc .J"1"1 - -i'J V-1. Person .'Vr..'i J " -w w ar- ii rMi I t cured t hrt, J.r.YiVvy Til cr Of this . fr.A fw. . uv wuuonui UU-.v.rv. For Sale Very Ghean One Vaneha Ideal Hand Cr UUHi Plate. S A. T. F. 7 i ii'!t Xyp Cases, Etc Clt 7 PiT J0RDA1J ACCLTK ATTt t,t. 623 D. St. N. w.: WARi?.. o::. d. a Oon'i Wear a Tn Eni?C STCAKTS PLAS T3 Fii: & M Sc. Si yTSv trn v? t: m rocowfnilr ttnsrl ira-:-V Hal of pLAPAarrrrVr ' A Remarkable Land Offer. Land near bljj health rvrt . and Jackson Springs, Nonh C-nr.: pose of ' as follows:. You clear us an-.i we ewe you .) acres nrvi a touse anl reside ou to:;r uic prvi-K-. tana or jwh.i r..r i ... una iuu particulars. J. B. FKIX, Ea?le Sprinrs X. f. LOOK! 12 Colored Postal of W .-. -,: v3 post paid 5c.C. Simpson, vrir,st;a-i:r, - r MARHT Many wcallUy. lth s-x. ;:; T - 1 . . . ... 6S, Box 26, OAKLAND, CALITOSXIA. ;kln Tortiste FREE TKIAL. r "" $1.00 CASH FS.EE. s-U a Jewelry. will s. i-.j n f-w Kp fl. snd i i. GICII JEwrxsT co5t?a:;y. rt. 2, P. O. Box 5, 0:reTT;lle. 2. 1 SONG POEuS axd nrsici: cos'?osir:ci'S- Tuat are successful brlr fan-.c s:-l c-.i their writers. Semi yonr ms: v.-:- :. r write for FREE TARTICruXHS. liau guaranteed If accented. II. K!-Vr.s l-r.jf Co., Desk SO. -Washington, D. C STtM UATOHchaihFREE FOR SELLING POST C :$ W. H d.. . -. Fll :iij2 im pprm a SUt V vsr. ijuam nsuMd ft ft ln--'q rr-. t i.iffcl kyt nm tn yaw -- Xc m UmU. TTK1XS XLFS. W, CUT. j j - A . -X. MAKE YOUR OW2T KEDICIKE-"-. frai 25e. Veretable. Scicntinc mt:.4.! :.:i'j. CLARENCE EDWARDS, OHLAXD. $90 per month and expend s i. sua a traTel, adTertlse a:il pat lollies, nijr mail ordt r SH YER TO If COIIPAXY, W. K., CHICJLG3, VJL. PRXNTIKG 1C-D Note head.. ! V.-r lOO Carxls. printed to your wnUr. - S f IV up-to-date. Order today. TXIOS CO., Dept. X, TJaiondale, Icdiani. SEX nal -Law, Science and Namirf with catalog of rsre I 1- C - M Pub. Co., Bax 2DJ, Acs'.i. Nobby Leather Handsomely Made. 3 Ties Colors rpeffers: the Mr3. Lease and the strenuous Colonel. Carrie Nation, can in this country today is removed Kansas has produced more freaks to but three or four generations from Near-candidate Wilsoii- in a glory bursting v speech . declares . that" the object of the Democratic jparty is to "equalize the burden of taxation and to throw open, the: gates of opportu- nity to mankind."- The Republican party; the party that gave the 'home stead - to -the thousands who wanted homes, and was opposed by Democ racy; the Republican -party, the party that insisted we should have free schools, and was "opposed by Democ racy ; the" Republican party, the party that "freed, the millions1 of -slaves, and was opposed by the Democratic party looks on and smiles.; The gates ot opportunity,; ;-$ indeed. :; Democracy closed ,tl;e gates in the free home business ;it closed "the gates; inr the free school business, and when ; the millions" of ; Africans,- held . in ' 7 the chains of slavery wanied the oppor tunity . t6 - be free, - it took the guns of Sumter-- to miike em .free- and-: yet Wilson 1-the. sophomorio New " Jersey candidate ; talks of Democracy - as a party, that wants to open .the gates ,of opportunity to "mankind. ' Oh, God lest ' we' forgetl" the; square inch in the matter of near-statesmanship "than any other similar section on the face of the round old world. ' . Aud.why not give us-a woman May or? Just what was to have been ex pected just what we were glad to see. Why did they call it bleeding Kansas if it were not to bleed? Mrs. Ellen Wilson will doubtless make a good mayor. She expects to clean up things: she proposes to recommend the thinning out of the tinhorn gamblers; the ladies, of easy virtue; she wants to do a whole lot ofhouse-cleaning and hero is wish ing that she may succeed. We have women who act on school boards. We have" them who take our cash at the store. We have theni take our dictation and send our let ters for us. We have them make our clothes. We haye theni as lady barbers. They are telegraph operat ors. They are. the Hello girls a half million- strong. They are the stuph. Woman not only rocks . the - cradles she furnishes the business end of the world today, and why, In blue blaze3 she can't be a mayor without caus ing a lot . of talk we do not under stand. Out in Denver they are hold ing office iiL, Wyoming and Colorado truth is the man with a chasm in the seat of his pants must sew:it up him self -these days the women are too busy, doing other things. " We hasten to extend to Mrs. Ellen Wilson assurances ofpur.. most dis tinguished considera'Qpn; to wish her wen, - and hope thaV aft tffc reforms effect. While f sne..,haa.flyfe,1punclK men who are r: mtSSJ reforms; we hope thaV sHe-w&l diplomatic, enough" to have everione of 'em at her apron's string, willing, aye, eager, to do her bidding. the wild -man, it must be confessed that he is coming along and will soon take intellectual rank with many of the whites. When we understand that the great grandfather jof Booker Washington was throwing cocoanuts at his neighbor in the jungles of Africa, a little over a hundred years ago, we -must, when we look at the African of today, admit his growth. We all know that he will never be intellectually the equal of the white man; we know that socially he is doomed to walk forever on the other side but we know, andthe Georgia sensational congressman knows, that the Fourteenth Amendment is in the Constitution to stay. It was practi cally put there by the bayonet--and It -will remain: We would oppose giving to the nig ger -the franchise were it- an "open question But to" repeal the'-amend-ment would cause trouble. It would be another, "nigger question" and it was, in fact, the "nigger question" that bathed this country- in war it was the.-theme for the Uncle Tom's Cabin; the Garrisons and the aboli tionists, of the. North,' and tot com mence that old; song again would bring out more hot. air "than ever be- fore-r-because in these days we t have Red, Elne and Tan. Easy to tic -i s" -1 tied. 50 CU. Each or 3 fcr $1 X 'J BAOv IP DISSATISFIED. VICTOR A-tPi--CO., Tippecaso City, Obio. TOXY FLORENCE A C-mely cf Ctttry Life." One lonsr sTeam Troni ovti Postpaid 10c. -SilTer ITeferrcd. Geji s?---Co., Beaver Falls, Pa. LADIES When delayed or lm;i;hr J-5! nuiph II1I; always depenlaM. ,v..,'. rurticnlam free. WHte NATIONAL IKSTITDTE, IXaaukes, Vvisccrs I niTt-'o Sachet perfume. It -'J;l0c JLiO Ver S ,he work. A. KTLLIAF.D iUV COMPANT, DORA, ALABAMA- tey ane making our laws, and . the igrand stand orators who were jiever dreamed of in the days previous to the firing on Sumter. r Let Mr. Hard- wick withdraw his bill; let :him go soak his head. and. save eloquence and, . power, to . give the" country a death-blow ..in . the matter of-free trnjd. penJbcrLcy always wanted tb. tex. cgwnij-..ta ae3troj it never builded-Trit .waa!alwavs"the partVcfy- Wfe ouJLagalrisV -th: .w elf: ordered con" tm4or4 ir"fisfj 1,t"AVI4jiiviU Say, . JenisHenry, if you can't get a club; get a sub. That will help out. PEBSOKS with weakened Tfror a" 1 Tltality need New Life THU: ir-l does wonders: mailed 4c. FKEDEHIC--Dept. T., Toledo, Ohio. 4 t C0-. M A DRV mot WtVKS IIIUIIII I iwjiini. THE PILOT, Frarklaa Tut- GET MARRIED-HHEi sections, rich. poor. old. y- iw Catholic .etc.. o. lied JfJJtv.nn A. X. GUBHLU). -tu"' - LEARN ATTT0H0BILE BtrSIXESS. -you - at boae. -Get yat f-- t,rr3l23 $ia00 weekly- while Ji T- AUTO SCHOOL. Dept. T,. Sacts.c - for nrlre. RICHMOND BAG CO- HICHMOIfD, VA. HcCALEB c3 Buy Tombstones and Sare Apenta Profit. To? Hfonnmnt XI 0.00. TXK KcCA. Olea Allen, Ala. ' AGENTS HAKE BIG f No Bnxfoce No 5yi,925c. Portraits .SOo. lr Vr.: Trpn 1911 CaUfraeapd fvs WJJC3 St- ' ww " rjAMTEL B. iuarxxufc vw., - 11 IV f ir e v.TZ ;K- -- ----- --

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