Widest JPaid Circulation of any Political Paper Published Wkt I CLUB RATES. ISSUED BI-WEEKLY. T Yearly Subscriptio J SINGLE SUBSCRIPTIONS, $ J 25 CEXTS A YEAR. . i iM&.i....i.i.t.i..t..I,...;.4..i,1.,!..5,.i..I..I. Club? of Ten, $1.00. VOL XIX. MORAVIAN FALLS,y NORTH CAROLINA, THURSDAY, OCT. I&, I9I3 NO. 16. Letter From Puff & Blow, Attorneys ; Mansfield, Ark., Oct. 6th, 1913. Editor Yellow Jacket, Moravian Falls, N. C. Dear Sir: We hereby inform ypu that our client, the Devil, has a seri ous legal complaint against you, o wit and as follows: I He alleges that at various and sundry times you hare prtotea or caused to be printed in your paper, The Yellow Jacket, certain defama tory statements to the effect that pe (the Devil was present at the birth of the Democrat Party, and that pe (the aforesaid Devil) did then and there . deliberately and with fore- m . . x A- xixi. : ' inougnt accept me utie ana respon sibility of Godfather to the said Democrat Party. ; Now the Devil admits that he was present at the birth of the Democrat Party, but affirms that he DID n6t stand Godfather to the same; that. tho be was urged to accept the said office of Godfather to the Democrat .rariy, yet ne aeciinea wim loan saying, i possess little enough character now, God knows, and I truly wish to preserve the lit which yet remains to me.' client rightly maintains that had become party to any' such debasing proceeding he assurdly would have sunk to a plane ten thousand tim lower than the one he now, in popu lar imagination, occupies. , The Devil sends us a letter, questing that we read same, and, if in pur opinion, it is found to contain nothing which might react against him in event necessity demands that we file suit against you, to then for ward the letter to you for your peru sal. There being nothing there contained which is damaging j to our client, we embody herein a copy, re taining original for our files, i To the Editor of -the Yellow Jacket, At Moravian n Falls, State rof Nor Carolina, In the Tin it Ad States nf Amerir-a Sir: Tho your paper, The iYellojw jacket, does not circulate in He (none of the inhabitant of my king dom adhering . to the Republican faith) yet I have been informed thru some of my representatives on earth that you are circulating thru the columns of your journal,! the afore said Yellow Jacket, certain libelous reports to the purport that I am the Democrat Party's Godfather. This, Mr. Editor, is false. I wouldn't think of being such a thing, ll admit that I am a pretty tough mutt, and would not hesitate to do almost any f outrageous, debasing, defiling, wicked thing, but to be Godfather to the Democrat Partynay verily, not by a damsfter for it would so demean me that I would be ashamed to show my face in Hell. would weep with, hum iliation to such extent that my tears would pat out Heirs fire; and dis gusting mortification would so abase me that Hell would be to me a mil lion times more hellish that the mind is capable otrisPifri Bp repf th? mil not ty an th bu di to foi so Spec th th fo m 3 al (4 h nl w h la! o si w Our Lay Sermon My dear Billy Goats and Nannie Goats: It has been a good while since I looked into your gentle facos and admonished you with the Grand Saving Grace of Common Sense. !l Some of you look as if 1 things hadn't been well with you since my last visit., I see some gray hairs have appeared in the last year. Many of you seem to have been painting your necks and noses a brighter red. Oh, how I wish I could lead j you to realize that the saddest words of tongue or pen are "What a pity le drinks." During the past year we spent two Ibillion dollars for intoxicating li quors and twelve million for i foreign mission That is 16 to one. ! Thiuk of it and weep. Twelve million dol lars for painting the picture of t ie Saviour to the heathen world aid two billion dollars for painting oar own necks and noses a bright Ver million red. r Who said Prohibition? What do you suppose, dear Goats, the heathen think of us anyway? Ill tell you what he thinks. He thinks "Hypocrite." He laughs at the pre sumption of a nation that appropri ates 16 dollars to John Barleycorn and one dollar to John the Baptist. And think of the "heathens at home. Think that for every heatheji we save with the 12 million dollars, we dig five drunkard's graves in this country with the use of the two bil lion dollars. Did you ever look at! it that way, dear goats? And .while I think of it, I want to say that I smell a pipe that is loud enough to be observed by the Gate Keeper of High Heaven. i j And some of you complain abcut hard times. Yet you . smoke and rab and chew enough tobacco every year to build- a twenty thousand dol! ar school house in every county in the United States. And they call Amer ica the light of the world. I suppose they mean the ..light of the still house, the pipe and the cigarette can be seen around the world. Tl at it a pretty light to let shine befcre the world, aint it? j i We talk and talk about the opiu n smoking Chinaman and pity him, yet there are pipes in soma nf vnnr tWTt- ets that would kill a Chinaman as dead as a smoked herring by simply pulling tho stem thru his mouth. lid you know there is enough cieacly poison contained in a single poujad. of tobacco to kill three hundred mdn? . Some of you Williams and Nannies appear to be terribly hard Tagainst the sin of ball rooms and the th4a- gj de 5 Ml1 Sub. Offer Club of 10 subs, for $1 Club of 4 subs, for 50c Club of 2 subs, for 30c. Single subs. 1 year 25c. The above Special Offer holds good for sixty days and applies to both new and old subscribers. We hope that every friend of the Stinger will take advantage of this "low tariff" subsvription offer and send us a club Any subscriber can easily secure a club of from two to ten because peo ple naturally want to see what The Yellow Jacket is saying about Wood row Wilson and his Free Trade Ad ministration durinsr these ninins: times. We kindly ask each and every md of this paper to secure us a b as earlv as ossThl Please 't remit stamps on subscriptions. Iress all letters to The Yellow ket, Moravian -Falls, N, C. E It is a part of the contract in low club rate that you send a list tmea with your club to whom we send samples. For a club of ten, live "sample" names and for a of six or less, send three "sam- jaddresses. Heart Throbs By Louie Arthur Hodges Same BeinerSoul Thouzht Ex- fessed by Word of Mouth from lrow to William and vice Yers& 5 orning, William." owdy, Woodrow." dreamed of Free Sugar last t, William." nd I of World-Wide Peace." fwas a Sweet, Sweet Dream, am." t ye; and a Peaceful one!" po you Delight Hn Dreams, Wil- phey Over -Joy me, Woodrow; r are; the Silver Lining td" our ds of care. They are the Beauti- and the Beautiful is the True; the True is the Right. It ia Woodrow, that we Attain the hi." How Squarely you Hit the Xail on Head, , dear Will!" t is a Characteristic of mine, Wood!" b dream is Patriotic." Extremely so!" pause ensued during which bdrow Seemed pensive. Villiam!" .Voodrow!" lavA vou. alwavs dreamed Ws?" jt is my chief Business in Life, km Dreams; I bundle them Up place them Within my Bag Pipe. , when the Weather is Fine, I !ut and Blow into my Bag Pipe, ng Melodies. I play the Bag fairly Well, Woodrow; and when Loaded with Dreams the music I entice from it is Very Effect- Z 3 A Democrat's Jimmies (BY LOUIE ARTHUR HODGES) Bleak's the night, my boys, and darksome; draw the blinds and close the door;; Mix a wildcat sorghum cocktail six or eight or twelve or more; For tonight there's hell a-brewing you can breathe it in the air; North or East or South or Westward, hell's a-brewing everywhere. Tis the Bull Moose and the Elephant a-getting danger ous thick They are chumming and hobnobbing, and they're fram ing up a trick For to bounce and trounce and thump and bump and biff upon the coneh Our friend and dear, dear comrade ; the Democratic Bonk! Oh, the creepy, weepy feeling that's benumbing of my bones ! For there's woe, woe in the night air; you can hear the ghostly groans You can hear the tearful, fearful, saddening, maddening awful noise Of the howling, yowling heartsobs of our Donkey, oh my boysl Oh, my bosom, boys is bursting and my heart with horror quakes ! Mix me ten more wildcat cocktails, I am pining to see snakes! For snakes now would be a comfort mix 'em, boys, and add five more ! Gods! the Elephant and Bull Moose see! they re peck ing thru the door! Closer, closer they are coming! Now they're one ONE G. O. P. ! v Oh! it's Denis with the Donkey, and it's Denis, oh, with me I N They will bounce us, they will trounce us, they will put us in the sack ! Oh! it's Denis and damnation with the Democratic Jack! I I THE MONEY MAKERS have observed that the Emo- 1 Rarely fail of Dancing to PiDinss. Bin: and I have Lmed that perhaps Some day ypu r teach MB to Blow JTortn rrom lag Pipe music as Mellifluous as . I ao Confess that I. too, Long tw Dancinkly. ndeed. I would Gladly teach you art of rendering Pipings bewitch- Dance Compelling; for, in you- possess Dreams a-plenty 'which to load the Bag: but the n? art is an art the cunning ofi - c . . . f ch Comes Not from Teacning he who possesses it Not N a tar possesses it Not at All; and aueh An Due attempts to ripe cingly he lets the Dreams out of Raff, which is the equivalent ot ting the Cat out of the Bag, ch is the Same as naying ine kl, and-" - ut, William, l nave wnicen raucn ory" v knd pray write Much more, dear fid. Truly, when you feel Pipingly lined I would tremble with hap less to have you Load my Bag V with your Sweetest Dreams (your Dreams approach mine in intial Dreaminessbut there is ytuch history to be written, which thought! Dear William, I it I listen: To the Measure of exanisite Pipings I shall write Alost Masterful history! Its title ill be: 'The Coniroiutory career t Bag Pipe Bill-' It shall be the Sie Story of thine own Eventful I dear William, and shall be the Owning Glory of all histories the y mainest BILLY HE 'HISTORY all the world of histories-" Hnd Woodrow and William clasped ads, while the Warming influence their Mutual Understanding and jreciation raised the temperature th Immediate Vicinity. 4 degrees. St. Luke xii:16 34: And he spake a parable unto them, "saying, The ground of a certain rich man brought forth plentifully: And he thought within himself, saying, What shall 'I do, because I have no room where to bestow my fruits? And he said. This will I do; I will pull down my barns, and build great er; and there will I bestow all my fruits and my goods. And I will say to my soul, SouL thou hast much goods laid up for many years; take thine ease, eat, drink and be merry. But God said unto him, Thou fool, this night thy soul shall be required of thee: then whose shall those things be which thou hast provided? So is he that layetn up treasure for himself and is not rich toward God. " And he said unto his disciples Therefore 1 say unto you. Take no thought for your life, what ye snaix eat; neither for the body, what ye shall put on. The life is more than meat, and the body is more than raiment. Consider the ravens : for they nei ther sow nor reap; which neither have storehouse nor bam;, and God feedeth them: how much mora axe ye better than the fowls? And which of you with taking thought can add to his stature one cubit? If ye then be not able to do that thing which is least, why take ye thought for the rest? Consider the lilies how they grow: they toil not, they spin not; and yet I say unto you that Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these " If then God so cloth the grass which is today in the field and to morrow is cast into the oven; how much more will he clothe you, O ye of little faith? And seek not ye what ye shall eat, or what ye shall drink, neither be ye of doubtful mind. For all these things do the nations of r the world seek after: and your Father knoweth that ye have need of these things. But rather seek ye the kingdom of God, and all these things shall be added unto you. Fear not, little flock, for It is your Father's good pleasure to give you the kingdom. . Sell that ye have and give alms; provide yourselves bags which wax not old, a treasure in th heavens that fafleth not, where no thief ap proacheth, neither moth corrnpteth, For where your treasure is, there nRJ jour heart be also . PROGRESSIVE REPUBLICAN That's our puncheon, Mr. Squid nunk. We believe that covers the case like a blanket. The Yellow Jacket finds Progressive Republicans everywhere we go and they' are as serene as the eagle that soars above the mountain crags and looks into the burning face . of the sun. It is apparent that the country is thor oughly progressive from one end to the other, as the term is: meaning that the people are in thorough sym pathy with the righteous revolt of the man against the dollar-mark. The country stands for the ideal of equal ity of all citizens before the law, for the abolishment of privileges and preferences, and under the banner of' Progressive Republicanism, or Re publican Progressiveism, or Repub licanism or Progressiveism, we will sweep the deck next whirl, and tho little coterie of "tariff reform" Dem ocrats won't cut any more ice than; a one-legged man. at a foot race or a! hair-lipped girt at a beauty show. Take it easy, pat a little court plas-j ter on th skinned places and rub a; little Yellow Jacket xnentholatum oaf your sot spots and it won't seenx, long till the angel of success will i mark your door post and the dove of' peace will hover over your manteLi Tim will heal more wounds than.; salve and mak more converts than ' reason. Walt hasojt oit harry thaw Oh, yon fin me with a pain, Harry; Thaw; for yoa will bob up again. Harry Thaw; I had thought you safely canned, and I smiled to beat the band, Harry Thaw. Then, to cook my spirit's -goose, Harry Thaw; from retirement you broke loose. Harry Thaw; oh, you made the best of sprints, and your name in lurid tints fills the doggone public prints. Harry Thaw. You're a chestnut old and weird, Harry Thaw; there are hens nest in your beard, Harry Thaw; you have wearied gods and men with your larnyx and your pen yet, gadsook; you come again, Harry, Thaw! You're a cheap and poor ex cuse, Harry Thaw; I'd be glad to se you loose, Harry Thaw, if I thought that yoa would chase to the jumping over place; take away that clammy; face. Harry Thaw! Yon and Evelyn, are freaks, Harry Thaw; and the country with you reeks, Harry Thaw; but the country's getting tired, and when both of you are fired 'twill b something much desired, Harry. Thaw. What a blessing it win be. Harry Thaw, when from you and yours we're free, Harry Thaw! When the daffy newsy sheet prints no Harry-and-repeat, and your wife has frozen feci, Harry Thaw! Will i ne come or. you have doubtless