rV The Yellow Jacket. PUBLISHED .BIWKI;T. a. DON LAWS, Editor and Preprietcr.! ADVERTISING aEPRESENTATIVE, i WH. E. 0 If. Dearborn St.. CnicaCQ NOTE THIS. ' , ' Please ien't tend stamps on iulscriptlons. We can't use 'ia ia cm business. Bemit ; by raft, check, registered letter, express j r P. O. money order. ' Always write yoar name and address plainly and direct your letters te - j , THE YELLOW JACKET, Moravian Falls. N. C. - 1 ' ' Entered at the P. O. at Moravian Falls, K. C, as second-class mail matter. ; PUBLISHED IN ENGLISH O HI Y SUBSCRIPTION BATES. ONE YEAR -.25 TEN YEAKS ?2.G3 STINGER One advantage of Free Trade is it Will give you plenty of time to' think. And think of it the year 1913 has Etarted on' its last quarter. i The Free Trade makers' will be freed in turn. Watch out. If the Free Trade pod has any bean in it, the blamed thing is rotten. They say now that Mr. Bryan lec tured in Maine for nothing. The coming generation is not being raised, remarks a teacher; no, it is just growing up. t m Yes, Hiram, the importers are al ways on deck when Protection is wiped off the books. j a o Suppose you semi in that club for the Stinger before the Dems fix the currency. "assfr-'sB ' "" .-' : Most of the Democrats and all of the manufacturers of Europe seem to be pleased with the Wilson-Under-Wood Free Trade tariff. The question is, will this country profit by patronizing foreigners rath er than home fols Well, beloved, we have Woodrow Wilson tariff now can you tell any difference on the breakfast table?, - Most Democratic statesmen are all right except their heads and they are not responsible for them. The Democrats have no use for the "principles" they propound except to gain votes, or they would have adop ted the Gallinger amendment. Every closed factory will be a mon ument to Democratic folly and the mill men declare that they will have to look sharp or shut down. Beloved, had you ever thoughTTto' what extent the country is running after strange Sgs? Joe-save-us Daniels wants a U. S. armor plant. The Y. J. thinks what we need is more Grace and fewer guns. "Give the Devil an inch and he'll take a mile," they say and give a free trader an inch and he'll run this country square to the bow-wows. As a cure for the high cost if-living, Dr. Wiley advises eating less meat and more cereal and cites the Chinese and Japanese as examples. - They have an Independence Day in : Mexico, but we'd like to know whose independence they refer to. The question is asked, What makes - more noise than two Democrats cry ing for a post office? Ans. Three Democrats crying jor a postoffice. You have no doubt noticed men .who claim to really love the Lord, but who. D.O NOTHING to show that ilhey are even jntimate with Him. It is pretty certain that neither of ; the Louisiana Senators were anxious . for the pen that President Wilson used to sign the tariff bill. We'd like for some Democrat to tell ..lis how in the name of the Great Hon- pS ping Toad can we expect to receive wages at nome for work done abroad? What is that Free Trade law for . anyhow, if it is not going to lower the cost of living. Speak up, Snip - per jacks. Don't forget to speak a good word : for. The Yellow Jacket now and then! If your neighbor doesn't take it tell nimwhat he is missing. 2 Wouldn't it be glorious if the peo pie wouia Decome as enthusiastic over Good Roads as they were in 1896 over Gold Standard and- Free Silver? ot p' The English language contains a. i r r r c r a . . ctuouL ouu,uuu wurus, oui me one f word that dominates more people to- W ' J - . - - a . . f T-.-T "T - ( uiau aL'jr uiuci ia oriup, emu. Uu 'J can't spell reform that way. If. '5 Again we - want to remind you, iram, that if we don t soon get j jligher wages and cheaper food that somebody has lied like the very Old : Nick. The Yellow Jacket is hi favor of ? Eivinjr the Democrats everv blessed " pfflca in the land. Let thera fatten r . up ana gee reaay ior their last walk-out in 191. Certainly "to the victors belong the spoils" but what in the Sam mil are you going to ao wnen mere are ten. times as many nctors than spoils ? ; A subscriber wants to know how to preserve grapes. WelL there are various ways, but when they are scarce, camping under the vines with shot gun is gjst a way aa any If the selfish and rampant politi cians would give as much attention td! road-building as they do to wire pulling and fencerrepairing national highways would criss cross the land in) every direction. A New York paper wants to know why not have Congress in continuous session? Well, it might be a good idfea and let the President call special vacations. Wouldn't that" be the sthff? The Yellow Jacket is the cheapest political paper published. Think of from 150 to 200 columns of red-hot mustard for 25 cents or 15 cents in clhbs of four. That's cheaper than ydu can steal your reading matter. . k purse of gold in the United States is exchanged for foreign wool, and when the wool is worn out, we; haven't a blooming cent to show. That's the way Democrats do busi ness. How do you like it? There'll be enough political gospel in next, issue of The Yellow Jacket to convert all the Democrats in your neighborhood. Send us a big club and begin with the richest unmber of the year. There are a lot of men who would work for nothing and board themsel ves if the job would give them a lit tle brief authority and permit them to rwear a uniform. I i Now that the tariff question is set- tlep, let the Democrats get down to some substantial argument like, Why do girls giggle or do women get off thai cars backwards? - The reason we are not expecting any; good of the Democratic Tariff law is because a foolish tariff revi sion by an incapable party has never yet been a success. We extend a special invitation to every regular reader of The Yellow Jacket to try to get us a club, either large or small to begin with next issue. You tickle our back and we 11 tickle your back. Come on, boys. with the kale seed. Uncle Hiram was in the " office this morning and he declared that he be lieved the sun shines a little brighter ndw; since the new Democratic tariff was ! enacted. Perhaps you have no tice! the difference, if you are a Democrat. : If Democracy didn't intend to make our country a dumpmsr erround for all breation, then how does it expect our imports to increase into the hun dreds of millions of dollars? We'd just like to hear some wise-acre Dem ocrat explain. Bryan says that the Free Trade tariff bill will lower the cost of liv- mg but and increase the price of labor, then you know Bryan once said silver was bound to come to pass yet today Bryan is a gold bug free and mon ey man. Bryan slips his trolley same as any other wabbly Democrat. No, Mable, there is no perfect preventative for freckles, altho you can remove :them by screwing them out with a potato peeler or shaving them off with a block plane, but our advice is to let 'em roost right on alongside your dimples. They don't hurti your looks. The Underwood- Wilson- Simmons Democratic Free Trade tariff law will no doubt have to be treated by the Supreme Court of the United States before it ever serves the eovernment very) j far. It is already getting all balled up and the end is not yet. So muc i for Democratic sagacity. Tt e greatest agency for good be neat i the stars is an efficient, pro gressive Public School system,-but we are way behind the times in that respuct. Show us a man who is aver se to a wide-open public school and we'll show you a man who ought to bfe anointed with the kerosene oil of civilization and set on fire. Send for a bundle of next issue of The Yellow Jackets and hand them out hmong your friends. They will not tost you a cent, and in that way you will be nelpmg to spread the cal gospel that will belp you to the kinks out of crooked busi- polit take ness It per was perfectly fitting and Dro- for the Tammany Democracy to ft Alton Bee-Gum Parker, ns select their legal advisor in-the Sulzer im peac imen proceedings. Parker and Tarn nany are a lovely pair of twins with about as much -respect for the greajf throbbing mass of working hu manity as a hog has for the Ten Commandments. s i - . " "Buck to the farm" would sound a blessed sight better from the well dressed banker, the University Pro- lessor, uiq preacher and the wild- eyed politician if u were backed up ky thein donning the garb of-t&e far mer and mfuigw3th jrtlre. dnst a lit- I tie bit more. Cbnfo.und the man wr" is always urging somebody else to go to the front while he slinks away in the shade. i i m J r.Don't forget, beloved reader, as yon journey along that the great seething Lmess that is stirred up in New York .involving those who' s control the government of that state is -just an other sample of the inefficiency and incompetency of Democracy. It is all about Democrats, by Democrats, and the people have grown tired of such business. - Just as might have been expected, the officials of the United States trea sury, have begun declaring that there is a probability that the new tariff law will produce a serious deficit in the treasury. In one particular of the law it is said by Democrats that it will result in a loss to ten mil lions of dollars. Watch the chickens come home to roost. The Democratic Free Trade bill is a law and still the price of living goes bounding up. The meat packers are now predicting dollar a pound steak. Golly, what whopper lies these "low er cost of living" Democrats did get off on the country last year. It just beats seven little Jbow-legged devils. There are always plenty of politi cians out on the stump who are wil ling to literally die for their coun try, but sound the majority of them to the bottom and they have about as much real sympathy for the com mon people as a hog has for a horse thistle. All the shortcomings of this issu will be offset by the moss-moving medicine that will enrich next issu We wish every reader would pe out of his coat an hour or two an secure a club to begin with nes number. Yes, we will admit that Presideii Wilson has won a great party victor in having a Free Trade tariff la put upon the statute books, but whi will the great mass of common peq pie do with the victory? Are the going to benefit to the extent tha they will abide by the victory? Watc the pendulum swing and you will see The editor of The Yellow Jacket i Post Master at Moravian Falls, roa1 overseer, Public Road Superviso for our township and Public Schod Committeeman, but in order to shoj our interest in the Good Road question we propose to waive all ou official honors and meet the Gover nor of the State on Good Roads days Nov. 5th and 6th and throw as r&ucfi dirt as anyone. Brother Tar Heels go thou and do likewise Just as we expected. The Far-1 fliers' Union is splitting to beat the band. But that is what might have been expected when it began making goo-goo eyes at Democratic politi cians. The Farmers Union is a Southern institution and it can do much and lasting good if it will keep out of politics but the day it locks arms with Democracy it s a goner. ssssssss--- 1 1 We suppose that it is in order now for those who howled so lustily in the defense of the McNamaras a few. months ago to set their bazoos t work for George E. Davis who ha confessed to a series of dynamite ex plosions that make the McNamara look like thirty cents. Davis is a un ion iron worker and is the same a George O'Donnell who figured in th trial at Indianapolis when thirty-sevi en of his associates were convicte last year. , An exchange says that a scientis has discovered a fluid that will mak At 1 1 1 "1 1. t me numan ooay transparent- ana Deu live cems 10 a soaa craciter mat in women who wear, transparent skirts will steer clear of it for fear of hav4 ing their brains exposed. Brains rats. The women who wear trans parent skirts have no more brains than a doodle bug. God Almighty! never wasted brains in the head of a fool. The next "great move in the Tem perance fight is for a National Con stitution prohibiting the traffic in al coholic beverages, declares a promi nent divine. By gatlins, don't it look like the grape juice brigade was on the forward march? With ninp. ?rpat. States for Drohibition and nhp stnt.p.s I for woman suffrage it looks like we might be heading towards the perfect goal of a Rumless Republic, but it will be a sad day for the thirsty Dem politicians when they have to irrigate tneir throats with a grape juice cocktail. Tne persistent effort of certaii newspapers to keep before the eye? ot tneir readers glaring and flaminr headlines about- the exposures of th3 vice commissions who are after tlv white slaver is as damnable as it! i: degrading. Every decent sensibi man and woman in this country wel knows that it is not necesary to un cover a sewer to convince 'people 6l - : x f:uv: . ... . t ' lua lumiiieBB nor to warn tnose br ordinary cleanly habits against get- ung into iu ine paper that has got- ten so low down that it has to run a white slave story ia. so morally rot ten that it would have to slide up hill i A A. A. 1 f . : f WW 111 J . UV11 . - .Democrat and Socialist editohs claim to be the perfection of honesty. but we have a Socialist paper and) a Democratic paper before - us this morning and we. counted fifteen .epl- berams in the .-Socialist sheet : stolen bodily from the -writings of W. Brann and in the Dem sheet we coun ted three articles stolen from The Yellow Jacket, The Dem editor had changed a few words to make our article suit his jpaper and the So cialist had! run-in; the Brann juice without the uncrossing, of , a t or the undotting of an 1. 'rr ' - . ."- Evidently Emmeline Pankhurst will not -find' American women as ready to listen to her militant mouthings as she'Tiad expected. The Pennsyl vania Advocates of Woman's Rights wiir.not even let her speak at their convention and in Pittsburgh the fol lowing statement has been given out: "Pittsburgh suffragists have pled ged themselves to join with the Equal Franchise Federation of Pennsylva nia in fighting against the influence of the militants and Mrs. Pankhurst will find the doors of the local suff rage enthusiasts closed to her no matter how loudly she may shout 'Votes for women.' ' That's the stuff.' if women desire to vote with the man, let them ap proach the subject orderly and de cently and if they think they can mend matters with the ballot let them crack away. But we fail to understand how civilization is going to be ' benefitted by extending the right of suffrage to a band of anar chists, such as have been terrorizing England by the torch and dynamite bomb. -4 'Democratic Prayer Our most excellent and renowned Woodrow Wilson: As loyal mem bers of the party that whooped and voted for thee last November, we de sire to bow down on our tummies this morning and off er np our thanks to thee as becomes good and faith ful Democrats. Most noble President, we are mighty thankful that thou art safely seated in the White House chair and that it is our lot to be thy doo dle bugs and swallow whatever thou gives t us. We thank thee for not sending us " down to Mexico to whip them dadgasted Greasers. Master, Wilson, it scares us nearly to death to think of going to war. W? are willing to let the Republicans fight the Mexicans if they feel likeMt and we will be content to lick the dad basted Radicals at the ballot box by, cheating them out of their votes. We thank thee for causing our Congress man to send us a package of turnip seed last spring, altho the seed were rotten and never came up. We thank thee for not letting that comet hit us. Master Wilson, we dread comets and, ghosts and Radicals. They, make us shaky in the knees every, time we hear of them. We thank thee for giving William Jennings Bryan that twelve thousand dollar a year job, altho that is not enough to make him a living. We thank thee for this nice weather during pea picking time. We thank thee for the fat possums this fall -and the big j simmon crop. juut, wonarous wooarow, we tnanK thee more for Free Trade than any thing else. It just looks like we do not know how to thank thee enough for this blessed Free Trade. We thank thee almost as much for Free Trade that thou hast given us as we do for the postoffice that thou hast promised to give us. That robber tariff has been nearly killing us for lo these many years. We -hateth Protection as the Devil hates holy water.- It was a breeder of trusts and the trusts bled us almost to death. But blessed day. No longer will the trusts sap us and bleed us and grind ns into the earth. We shall stand back now ' and see Free Trade smash the everlasting stuff ing out of the greedy combines. (Won't it be glorious" to sweeten our hoddy with two cent sugar? We can ilmost hear the cost of living , fall. nd then we are told that the price f wages will go up and living get ower. Master Wilson, we bless thee or these things. Who wouldn't be hankf ul for a law that makes what ve have to sell bring a good price ind what we have to buy come way, ow? Nothing but a Democratic law could work such wonders as that. Nobody but Democrats deserve to pnjoy such blessings. LMost excellent President, we can lready tell a difference since Free Trade began to work. Our corns have ceased to hurt us as bad as they used to do under Protection. Our ingrowing toe nails -have quit hurting us . and that tired feeing . has nearly disappeared. Our. wives don't scold us like they did. Oar toddy tastes better sweet ened with Free Trade sugar and it makes us feel richer. We only wish that thou could'st see thy way clear to give us Free Lickker. We would not ask thee for anything else jif thou couldest only grantthat lit tle boon. Now, Mr. President, if thou canst hurry up that postoffice matter a lit- le we will be willing to forego get- ing the free licker as we can send few postage stamps to the mail, rder house and buy a little booze br snakebites and logrollings. Most Excellent President, we have eard that there are fifty-eight housand postoffices in the United States and we do earnestly plead hnt fhnil rlnot 1niT,lT"'nn o n r? torn hit all those dadgasted Radicals n V nd let us good and faithful Demo- J x rats into the jobs.- Don't let a ingle dratted Radical escape. Well, Mister President, we are sow" Overjoyed with the thought of Fredf) . raue .iaai we win nave to stop, ana. hout a little. We can't behave our- elves. It makes us want to hus ur wives and kiss our babies to iiink we've got Free Trade at last. tick out thy big toe so we can kiss Master ' Wilson, in order that we ay show thee how much we adore ee. Have our Congressman send us mother package of seed. don't make ny difference what sort and send rs an order tor tne postomce as soon s it is consistent with, thy pleasure nd we will -praise tney name as ong as there is a rag on our bles- ed backs. Amen. This "get back to the farm" policy we fear will never suit some of those who are talkin' it. They are so blast ed lazy that shade trees would have Ho be planted in the corn fields. C Oar new "PROTECTOR" is safe and suic; iaO pr:tNSl. Evfryw.naaa wanta one: roadtj of si!lc VI r. H:rV"-n 5r--r. Ct., .AJL2 wilwHke. WI. STATEMENT - of ownership. Management, etc, of the TeUow Jacket, published bi-rreekly . at Morarian Falls, N. C, required by the act of August 2-t. 1012. Editor, tt. . Doa Laws; Managins Editor, R. Don Laws; Publisher, R. Don Laws; Owner. It. Don Laws. K. Don Laws, Lditor and rahlisher. Sworn to and subscribed before me this 30th day of Sept.. 1912. - j. K. I'ariier. justice of the Feace. STATEMENT pf Ownership. Manftsement, etc., of the Yellow Jacket, published bl-weekly .at Moravian halls. CV. required by the act or August 24. lyl2. Editor, B. .'Don Laws; XIanaging Editor, R. . itaws; FuDlisacr, Don Laws; Owner, K. on Laws.- --.... --. - v - . ' Iw Don Laws -Edit cr and Publisher. Sworn to and subscribed before tne .this latbi ay.of : July .-1313. r . . - ' 7-b 4 V)

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