l . - , i uAtt CLUB RATES. Tearij Sabicriptfons In SINGLE SUBSCRIPTIONS, S CENTS A TEAR. ISSUED BI-WEEKLY. dabs of Ten, $1.00, fk X JWMW" WW iM i OlilHHltllHHm fry VOL, XX MORAVIAN FALLS, NORTH CAROLINA, THURSDAY, MAY J4, NO 4- mm Does Oil Control There -was a grim irony in the tale that was tcld about the j trouble at .Tampico. 1 It began with oil. Some months ago, the Constitution alists were within an ace of cap unng corn- Tampico. One of our battleship rnanders ordered them to cease firing. Why? - v ! The oil wells were in danger. It didn't seem to matter (how many Mexicans might be. killed; but it was of supreme importance to save cor poration oil-wells. 1 Consequently, when the Waters Pierce gushers appeared to be in dan ger of the shells of the Carranza-Villi forces, the gallant American mander called out, "Halt! The Constitutionalists had to corn- obey and Huerta's sea-board city was sav ed. . Later, we were told that our gallant commander ran short of oil, and) land ed seme of his bluejackets, in full uni form, and in violation of Mexican martial law, to get the oil. A subordinate officer of the Mexi can army did his duty, oeeordmg to his lights, and arrested these appar ently hostile combatants, i I An officer of higher grade i l the Mexican service ordered the Ameri cans released, and ap&logized at once for their temporary arrest.1 J General Huerta was telegraphed the news, and he also apologized, at The fullest apologies were before any had been demanded. once, made 1 The Mexican authorities did not wait for the demand. I dont think any of i us whether any oil was tendered, with the apologies. Perhaps, the know along Mex icans mad& a mistake in not offering Admiral Mayo a barrel of oil, -as an evidence of their distinguished con sideration. Anywav. Mavo was mad. The more the Mexican apologized the madder Mayo got He "drew himself up to his full height' I bolieve that is; the flnrase of the military regulations and sternly insisted that the Mexicans at Tampico fire twenty rtme big -guns, by way of salute to our deeply insulted flag It made no difference to Mayo that the Mexicans at Tampico did noti have any big ammunition nor twenty-one big guns. Probably, if he had required the lo cal Mexican forces to fire off twenty- one rifles, they might have done it rather than have Mayo get any mad- der. But as the big guns were not fired, our "dignity" was hurt and cur flag 'insulted" especially as Mexico is a country that we know we can If it had been Germany, or whip, Great Britain, my opinion is that the apol- ogies promptly and voluntarily j ten- Hit Dogs Howl It requires many sorts of folks and a few squirrel-tailed, sif odilicatihg up starts to constitute a world and it tak es something like the Stinger to apply the acid test to a skunk. Over twenty thousand Protestant ministers were sent sample copies of the April 16th issue of The Yellow Jacket and from this army of the Lord thousand of subscribers 1 and hun dreds of complimentary letters have been recently pouring into our office. But it seems that there are a few rel igious dyspeptics "among the Protest ants so much like the toe-lickers they would bar the Stinger from the U. S. mails if they could do so. In fact, Eorae of them, would be just about as intolerant and exacting as was I ever the leaders of the Cathlic Inquisition if they had the power. But thanl: God, they are so far in the minority, that they dont amount to a tinkers dam. The Yellow Jacket has discovered' just three of these very self -co aceit ed "holier than thou" fellows who went up in the air when they res d the Stinger who got so hot j under the collar that they almost had a fit on the spot. Here is one of them Derry. N. H. April 27J 1914: Mr. R. Don Laws, Moravian Falls, N. C. i Dear Sir: ! I have received two sample copies of '"The Yellow Jacket" for. ApiHl 18 In acknowledging receipt of the I would say that I hope I jmay same never eee another copy of the paper, atj least good until its zeal is tempered! with sense and decency. i I am an American and! an ardent Protestant. There is much in teaching of the Roman v Carbolic church which I believe to be error. I believe also that Americans should be on their guard against the politi cal aggressions of the leaders in that church. But I deplore the! use cf any euch methods you employ i i up holding the cause of patriotism. Such a paper as yours will do noth ing hut harm. , ' Its violent abi se ' of the Catholics and. their religion vmis gegresenta Protestantism and is t sure the Wilson Crowd? dered, would have been gladly and promptly accepted. As it was, our official lecturers on The Prince of Peace could not be placated by apologies. They demand ed blood. So, on account of the miserable lit tle incident at Tampico, we began to kill and be killed at Vera Cruz. Which illustrates the horrible in justice and wickedness of hasty war. Vera Cruz had not done a thing to us. Yet, when Admiral Mayo lost his temper at Tampico dead men soon littered the streets of Vera Cruz! Consider the facts : President Wilson refused to recog nize Huerta's usurped and blood stained government : he still refuses to take the hand of the traitor and the murderer of Madero: yet he goes to war, killing Mexicans and causing Americans to be killed, because Huerta's government will not salute the American flag. In other words, Huerta's govern ment is non existent , so far as Pres ident Wilson can make it so : and be cause this non existent government does not salute our flag we go to war! Could any thing be more indefen sible? " 1 Now, my son, you can believe that our battle ships had to depend upon Mexico for supplies, if ycu want to. That's your privilege. Likewise It is my privilege to say that I don't be lieve a word of it.' The landing of those marines was a deliberate proceeding intended to bring on bloodshed. The oil 1 inter ests in America and in England are behind the whole business, just as the Oil interests of the Rockefellers are behind the Civil War in Colorado. If. our government is so very sen sitive about national dignity and honor, why was, nothing done, when Huerta's soldiers raided the pastures of an American citizen Vergara, stole his horses, and then enticed him a cross the Rio Grande to kill him? Was that non combatant Texan of less value to our country than a few gallons of oil, and 21 shots of blank cartridges? ; To Vergara's widow, to his rela tives, to his neighbors, to his fellow Texans, neither Wilson nor Bryan gave any satisfaction whatever. On the contrary, when Texas, mad dened by the outrage and the bar barous ' murder, forcibly regained Vergara's mutilated body, it seemed as if our President and our Prince-of-Peace Secretary had half-a-mind to make war on Texas. r They made no demand on Huerta at all! Yet, when we ourselves are to blame for landing uniformed marines (Continued on page 4, column 5.) and People Praise to stir up bitterness in the hearts of all Catholics who may see it. No Catholic priest could display greater bigotry than you manifest. The most ignorant member of that church could not descend to coarser speech than you use. No man of re finement or education would use lan guage such as appears in your paper. Its cheap slang and vulgarity savor of the street corner rather than the editor's sanctum. I admit no such literature into my home and I wish it could be barred out of the mails. IRVING J. ENSLIN. Pastor First Baptist Church. !i 4 ; i 1 7 Well, now Bro. Enslin, ain't you a pretty poke of pickeled piety to be knocking The Yellow Jacket and wishing it "could be barred out of the mails"? You, a follower of Jesus Crrist, who branded certain folks snakes or vipers, and then you be come shocked at The Yellow Jacket because it dares to brand as enemies of the country the sect who has burn ed more people at the stake and but chered more Christians than you ever saw. The YellGW Jacket is not abus ing Catholics. Mt is calling the peo ple's attention, in a plain unvarnish ed way, to the un-American doings of the Romish hierarchy and if you have any better or more fitting words than we are using to do this dirty job, we wish you would send us an assortment by parcels post C. O. D. and p. d. q. We need 'em. We half way suspect that the toe-lickers have a string to you. You say you deplore the use of any such methods as we use to uphold the cause of Patriotism. How in the Sam Hill and forty little red-eyed devils would you do it? . You say you believe that there is much of the teachings of the Roman Catholic Church which is error. If you've- got the intuition of a sucking calf, you know it. Are you a married man? Has God bless your home with child ren? If so, what do you say when the priests brand your wife an adult ress and your children . as bastards? (Continued page i, crthimn 4 ouBuidi uiud naie Fifteen Cents Sub. in ; Glubs 3 or More per of The Yellow Jacket Bi-Weekly One Whole Year For Only 25 Cents. Another Katy Withdraws The Stinger seems tco deli-CATE for the Katies. We recently poured lor uie ivaues. vve recenuy pourea lisn is republic as a nation of religi fourth our weeps into these columns ous and political freemen. It was for over the sad lact that Kate Murphy cf Muncie, Indiana fractured our per icardium by cutting off her paper and building a barbed wire trocha around all avenues of approach to her citdal of affection by telling us she no long er cared for the Stinger's billet-doux. Our pectories bled great gobs of snag uinary gore over Kate's harsh treat ment, and if 3,000 patriots had not sent in their subs to fill the gap made by Kate's withdrawal, the Stingers wcuia no aouot nave pinea away. j Now, along comes another Kate who positively says that the May-days mel- c.dies of the dulcet Stinger must cease in her happy and image-laden house- hold. -This-Kate -says: - " Cherokee. Kans., April 21, 1914. Editor Yellow acket, Moravian Falls, N. C. Please discontinue sending your vile dirty paper to my adress it is unfit to be admitted household. to any respectable KATE M ALLOY. Kate, won't you give- us another chance? Won't you take your pen in hand, and seating yourself near the fee-taxed, holy-water blessed- idol of St. Ann that lroks down upon your roach-plagued, priest-ridden domicile, loll your eyes retrospectively over the fate that you are heaping on a young and tender angina -pectoris, and say that we can come into your warm em brace just one time more? Oh, Kate, our Kate, the Kate of whom the pcets sang: There was an ancient Katy, And she was Katy Did, She had so much of hate she Would of us be rid. The Y. J. this dear Katy Declares she never reads, But early or late, she Prays to her Papal beads. Kate, think of the woe that will mil dew the aforesaid sanguinary corpus cles of our throbbing buzzom when ever we contemplate thi3 harsh act. Oh, Kate, Mis3 Bi-furCATii, give us another chance. We confess we are not strong enough to say the sad words of fare well. Twice we have bidden our of fice force go home, shut up the shop, stopped the whirr of the presses that have always before seemed music to cur elongate ears,- and stolen into the twilight of bur mailing department to search" out your name and extract it from the mailing list tho we would rather pluck ut our six-cylinderer heart and cast it at ycur well chirop odized feet. Each time human nature has not been able to stand the shock and we have had to be resuscitated by the janitor where we were found lying prostrated over the nlailing list which your bsatitiful name clutched in our ink-stained, tear-stained fin gers and held near our aching heart. Of cotarse if your priests (whom we suspect from the handwriting of hav ing penned ycur cheerful ditty) says that you must not know the truth as the Stinger everlastingly hands it to your tofe-sucking brigade, write us on mourning paper, Katy, on receipt of this blear-eyed sob, and we will ex tract your name tho it busts cur hame strings. And then, in the issue following Kate, we "Will inform you how many sensible, patriotic, pure-minded men and women there are in the land of liberty and public schools and the open bible, who hare come to our res cue by taking your place on our mail ing list. - Hpvr much money did Father Hans Schmidt hand over for the release of Tr Auixmiilex's sonJ from purgatory. I I The Y. J. Right man Catholic Priest . Beloved, when a Romish toe-licking bishop rises up in his pulpit and pro mulgates a doctrine or rather policy which practically says that what the Stinger has been preaching is ever lastingly right, don't it seem that the time has come for everybody to get a move on and make the thing unani mous? Read what Bishcp Schrembs, of the Pope's church says: "Now, understand, there is nothing in this wide world that is nearer and dearer to a man than his honest reli gious convictions. There is nothing more sacred to a man than his honest, sincere relations toward his God. When you strike at these, ycu strike at something that is fundamental in that man's makeup, and he is a cow ard, the worst kind of a coward, if he does not manfully defend his most sacred of rights, his most sacred of liberties!" iow Beloved, that is exactly what tne ounger has maintained in every line that has been- published since it became a newspaper. That is the sen timent that surged in the rich red blood of every, patriot who shed his gore on the fields of glory to estab- The Catholics The Roman Catholic' Bible printed under the approval of "Slippery Jim" Gibbons, their American prince, kills any belief. that a conscientious reader miffht nlnrp in it- tVio WnrH rf dn i CJ X . lp . w WL by a preface that declares that the Bi ble forms only a part of divine rela tion. "The other part being contain ed", it says "in the depository of the Church." This "other part" of divine revelation the blasphemers endeavor to substantiate by - a - quotation -of : a part of St. Paul's letter to theThes salonians, where Paul says, "Where fore, brethren, stand fast, and hold the traditions which you have learn ed, whether by word or by our Epis tle." (2 Thess. 2 15) The reference j in the Preface to the Duoay edition is Incorrect, for the Cat-licks refer to verse 14 when, as a matter of fact. the verse Is the fifteenth, according to the text, but the Cat-licks fix their bald ignorance of the Scripture by splitting up the verses and jabbing two of them together at another place and while 'there are 17 verses in tne text, their version publishes but 16. But Catholics are not supposed -to be over particular about the Bible ex cept when they are collecting them for bon-fires In 'accordance with the time-honored mandate of Pone Inno cent XI who set a beautiful example i of his "innccenct" by Issuing a holy mandate that "everyone should de - liver up his Bible to the clergy of the place, who should burn them." The important fact, however, re - That Roman Gonclave "We shall meet upon the Tiber" sang the bishops as the .Pope told a non-Y. J. subscriber that it was their J only hope, for the pesky little Stinger seem3 to have them on the run, every issue a humdinger, tickles every mother's son. "We shall meet upon the Tiber where the Y. J. does not sting, and we'll worship gods of fiber and to rot ten dead saints sing. Oh it will be joyful meeting where our Holy Dago dad reaches out his big toe greeting every Jesuit bishop lad." There will be the holly father frcm the land of Stars and Stripes, cardinals, and all the others of the heathen Romish types. Buccaneers from San Dom ingo, bible-burners by the score, big amists from Filipino gathered by the Tiber's roar. Priests from eastern lands with babies left at home to sigh for them; flannel-mcuth like dogs with rabies who the Word of God con dems. Father Phelan, prince cf haters who would send this - land to hell, thugs, brick-hurlers, agitators, rush ing Roraeward all pellmell. There will be some grief at parting when the Filipino priests kiss their concubines at starting down to Rome to hold their trysts. Hew their bas tard sons and daughters will shed tears ia see " them go, for, tho they're but passion's barters, other fathers they'll ne'er know. Will the holy howling fathers take along their concubines? No, fcr Rome has many others, fairer dames for these "divi nes" They will sport with nuns in convents, drink the wine pressed from the grape, as "'they recount papal nonsense, interspersed with- tales of rape. -' j And in sinful lust they'll revel as , According to Ro- these very God-given principles thai patriots died and heroes fell on ths fields of American carnage. It is written in the heartblood of our forefathers into every woof and fibre of the divine right of freemen, our American constitution, which ths priests damn and the people defend. And it is because these toe-slobbering idol image worshipers deny Pro testants that right, And wtuld put images, relics and saints between men and their God, that the Stinger is up in arms. It is because of the fact that Romish priests have exclaimed from their pulpits "To hell with the consti tution" that we call American patriots to awaken before it is everlastingly too late. It is because the Romish, bigots have already began to gather up and burn our Bibles that we ars up in arms demanding that this thing has gene far enough. It is because the Pope has proclaimed the edict "Make America Catholic" and because to make America Catholic means ths torch and the gag, the faggot and the thong, the knife and the bladgeon to every one who will not bow the knee to the conscienceless connivance of the god-man of the Tiber, greedy and grasping for temporal control that this paper cries out from the hilltops for every patriot be on guard. and the Bible mains, that the Catholics OPENLT! declare in their Bible that there is a grave doubt as to the inspiration of the New Testament, and say that SL. Mark, St. Luke and the Acts of the Apostles are N.OT inspired. But to make its sale profitable, smeared uer wim a. noiy wmK or tne duii necked bloats who assure their dupes that the "Church" "approves" of ths New Testament, notwithstanding the fact - theydeny that Christ inspired most of it. The Stinger gives its readers this Information so they may not be too M VIM WIG (fOUXb vaojcxa 1U1 ' "rt "r ing bonfires out of God's Holy Word. Its an old pastime of the Roman Cath olic church. Pope Clement XIII threatened every lay reader of a translation with punishment as a gal- j ley-slave. Pope Pius VII said that h trembeled at the spread of the Scrip tures, and a few years later raised merry sheol when priests informed him that the Bible was being distri buted in the Irish schools. Pope Pius VII referred to the Pro testant Bible as "the gospel of the devil." Pope Gregory XVI command ed the priests to tear the Bible from the hands of the faithful; Pope Plus IX referred to reading the Bible as "the holy horror of poisonous read- j Ing"; and Pope Pius the present, sits ion his loyal throne and gloats over j the bonfire of 2,500 copies of God's Holy Word under the Stars and 1 Stripes In Vigan. they suck the Dago's toe, bless more beads and raise the devil and conceivs more hellish woe. But while all these bloat shoats mingle in the Vatican's grim halls, we'll bet that their cars will tingle as the Y. J. busts their galls. For tbs Stinger never, never will let up on this rank crew till they've crossed the dark black river safe in hell whers they're long due. Wanted Help The Yellow Jacket calls upon each and all of its rresent subscribers for a few minutes help. It is especially "important at this time that we reach, as many people as possible. Now what we want is this: We aregoing to ask you to sit down and write us the nam es of tea or more of your friends who are not subscribers but who you think would be if they could see a sampls copy. Send them in at once. Well, we dont know which w would kick the quickest, the flannel mouthed Cat-lick that openly defies our laws of liberty, or the jelly-fish sap-headed Protestant who holds up his lily-white mitts in horror at tno idea of agitation" and says, "brctrrea let us have" fellowship." As if ther could be fellowship between men what love the flag and a set of law-despis- ing, Bible-burning, toe-sucking hyena' hoodlums who swear allegiance to s sunburnt dago in preference to the Stars and Stripes- f If you believe in our present Publlo Schools wear one of the pretty pincj' 6 for 10c. $1.50 per hundred. 1000 lot? lc each. Send alL orders to J. P. Gil- housen, What Cheer, Iowa. Alfi AWI m