'-.-V - -UT-'".-: "" f I it" . ar A i i i n i i i If t- - ii 1 t 1 r ? r - . - : . . - . . . , i t The Yellow Jacket. PUBLISHED BI-WEEKLY. R. DON LAWS. Editor and. Proprietor. iTnnmTTaTHR RT.PRTS'RWTATIVE. E. HERMAN. 20 H. Dearborn St.. Chicacj -Please don't send stamps on subscriptions, We can't use em in our business. - Remit by draft, check, registered letter, express or O. money order. t " Always writa your name and address plainly ua airect your letters to THE YELLOW JACKET Moravian Falls. N. U. . I ' filtered at the P. 6. at Merartan Falls. M. ' C, as second-class mail matter. Published in English-only subscription ONE YEAR ............ TEN- YEAE3 RATES. ..$2.00 tingeM Money talks and it also stops talk C Every thing moves but the Cat-licks. 'y:-: Is this a Democratic or a Catholic administration anyhow? n& g I ' ! ; v Self-respecting South Carolinians brought Blease to his knees. j : If the Pope believes what he teaches lie nas'nt sense enough to be Pope. h : A club today will help better than .two tomorrow. ! A Catholic can't even go to hell without change i Jesus Christ is the enemy of shams and author of-liberty. r A club in the office is worth two in the future. Get busy,-friends. t Yes, Pauline, some of the factories fare still running; The Dem Free Trade law has not busted them all. The merchandise of gold and silver mentioned in Revelations is good read ing for the Pope's brigade. The purgatory tax is the only one due after death. It isa hellish tax for fair. Louisiana has been sacrificed on the altar of free sugar and WoodrowlWil aon's Free Trade. - In New York City three hundred and thirty thousands jobs have gone Democratic. That's a ' soupy record. . Tji The English are delighted for once. They have the goods on us now, thanks be to Woodrow. 1 , . i Will have your Inspired Word direct from God or from the, image-worshiping toe-bussers? ; Men' have sight, .women insight and the Knights of Columbus have over flowing galls. How the blue blazes will thechorus Sir Is have any chance next -season if ae beef trust buysupall the calves? " If the skies rained soup the Catho--lic priests would hog all the table spoons. - Free Trade has destroyed a hundred million dollars worth of sugar 1 ma chinery in Lousiana. ! Two-hundred thousand idle freight v cars speaks in. blamed poor terms for a Dem Cat4ick administration !rith good crops to haul. There are 53 Roman Catholic Dem .crats in Congress ready to help Tu inultx and the Pope "Make America What we don't understand is why church like the Catholics with such -t down-grade stretch to hell wants a purgatory stop-over. T - The Catholic religion holds the i fear v f hell everlastingly before the living and the assurance of purgatory after death. So what's the use? I Will some double-chinned bachelor ! iow they know when a soul is re ; Teased from purgatory? i - , Shoe soles are held down by tacks rand the souls of Catholics are held V-down in hell unless their families pro ; duce the tax. . ! - ? If the Jesuit Jasners hav tVioir- sree- schools and Bibles will be as f 'scarce in this country as porTtlnspect " rs in Jerusalem. : "We suppose you had noticed I how .much cheaper living has got since . Wilson and his Catholic aid began uimmg uus country. The mission of the "VpTimir Tont '?:'?-irto help the jobless get back their j ops ana swat the Tumultyites liip and Ohi 6U. . If you are displeased with present .conditions and want to "start some-v-tMng . then wont you start a club for ,wiis. paper? ? V creiST1 made goods come In American workmen v go . out of the :shops and mills. That's the Wilson ; : ay. .. t Cia-,New Wilson tariff i likQ for- s cing a man to eat saw dust and mo lasses, because the more he has the less he wants. , And now the Cat-licks say, "If a working man wants to hold his job he must throw away his Protestant Bi ble. : jp . " And the Yellow Jacket's patriotism will continue to boil at red-blood heat and cut, slash and shoot into the de moniac tricks cf the Bible burners: If the Cat-licks knew what the Stinger has in store for their anti American plans they would change front and be decent. ? - - Many a man who sticks to his wife after her love grows cold leaves her for parts unknown when her feet get that away. 1 I- - - - . - Mary had a little lamb, she sheared the wool to spin it, But Wilson tock the tariff off, and now they'll have to skin' it..- Of course a lantern jawed' priest's face lights up when he sees a working woman drop her lost com into the i If you want to make the editor feel that Jiis work for a free bible and the public schools is appreciated, send him a club of your neighbors and send it to-day. Skeleton will compose the" center and right and left wings of Democ racy's grand parade in 1916. No Rom and white wash or donkey he-hawing will save the Wilson bunch. Give us a Burnett imigration bill to keep out the riff-raff of Europe and a liberal protective tariff to keep out the pauper made foreign goods and the good old days will come. ; In due time Chri3t died for the un godly, but the priests say the faithful must produce the kale for purgatory prayers or every soul must simmer in eternal hell. - " - - "" If a Catholic priest can change a cake of bread into God, then by the jumping jacks of Jamaica, dont the creature become the creator of the Creator? And then where are ycu at? If anybody but the Romish Catholics obtained money for praying -for souls in purgatory they would be arrested for obtaining money under false pre tence. ' No species of swindling ever, invent ed by villianous man can compare in cold- ..blooded atrocity the priestly scheme of extorting money for the re lease of souls in purgatory. I Only the babies of priests, born in a convent are granted the special privi lege of entering heaven without the purgatory stop-over according to the old Roman Catholic doctrine. ; j The Bible, says we are "not redeem ed with corruptible things, as silver and gold" but the priest says you have another think coming on that score. Well, any way the dead Roman Catholic is never forgotten as long as his family and friends have cash to pay the bloat shoats to pray his soul out of purgatory. The farmers and laborers of this country will strike a blow at Free Trade this fall that will give Woodrow Wilson the worst pain in his back that he has ever felt. Mark the prediction. The next president of the f United States will not be a Free Trader, but will be a man who will protect Amer ican industries. Never mind the name. , i " ' 1 ; ' I The Yellow Jacket asks each and every subscriber on its list to send us names of those wrho dont get the Stinger, but who you think would be interested in a sample copy, and do it to-day. . ' L L f The Catrolic Register says of course they are doing all in ther power to makd Amerca Catholic And the Stinger is after every bloomin one of the bble-burnng Jesut Jaspers like Satan Devil after a fat priest. ! A dispatch from Rome, Italy, to the Buffalo Socialist says: the Socialist party of Italy has issued some sort of a manifesto threatening to expel all Socialists who affiliate with the Mas onic order. This seems like i a new way to teach brbtherTi: od. These Ital ian Socialists must surely be under the influence of-the Pope. Death releases everybody from nain. taxes, disease, duty, and every other obligation. That is, everybody but the Catholics. They've got to leave their money for prayers after they're dead and in purgatory, or their widows and orpnans must produce the kale every time the priests mumble a mass for the release' of their souls. ! The Cat-lick papers say, that Bishop Petrelli has been appointed adminis trator of the See of Manila, P. I , and by gatlins we think it about time to appoint an administrator and call-in the undertaker when a See begins burning Bibles that contain the Word of God. Let a priest tell a sorrowing Cath olic mother that her dead son will be transferred fmm t- nA ... " iu6nuijf io neii ana She Will nrndnoo -in and starve to fatten a -i k-t- utionix taa papa, OQX less law-makers sit still and allow this highway robberyof widows and orphans to parade under the name of Christianity. - .v ; " 00 ' f "T" -The slick slobber-tongued lawyers of the Papes may succeed in-getting the hellish hoodlums free who are charged with .assaulting Bro. Spur geon, but it will take all the holy water this side the slimepits of the Vi tican to quench the fires of patriotism kindled in the American heart. Let ev ery freeman shout again the Y. J. slo gan, "America for Amricans." Eight Russian ' Immigrants who were neither diseased nor in any other way undesirable, and had plenty of cash, were refused admission at Ta coma in February .tho they fulfilled every requirement of admission to the United States as laid down by Con gress. The local court held that the business outlook was so everlastingly blue under things as administered by watchful Waiting Woodrow that they were liable to be unable to find work and become public charges. How does that sound for Democratic pros perity. Free Trade Scrats? DENYEE PRIEST'S LAME APOLOGY "Father" M' Menamin, rector of the Catholic Cathedral at Denver, tries to apologize for the high-handed horrors of the Roman Inquisition that struck down brother Otis L. Spurgeon after kidnapping and robbing him in a lone ly mountain road. This Jesuit Jasper, who says that his advice to the Cath olics, .-i'Let Spurgeon talk. No reputable person will believe him", forgets that he personally requested the authorities to prevent Spurgeon from talking and that, on his own ac knowledgment, he approached Pastor Jennes of the Presbyterian church, and Rev. Mr. Wilcox of the Methodist church and tried to prevent brother Spurgeon's being allowed to have his say. But men of America listen to this: from "Father" Menamin: "Now, -Mr. Editor, let us give the devil his due. -I presume that the men who formed that mob were fathers, husbands, brothers, sons. They knew that this man was maligning their sis ters,, wives, daughters, mothers. They had red blood in their veins, and while it is deplorable that men cannot al ways control their angry passions, the fact remains that they cannot. I wonder what would happen to me were I to state that Protestant min isters took your brides aside for im moral purposes. I would expect my residence in Denver to be brief. No doubt Spurgeon knew that his was to be brief. It is expecting almost too much from the average man 6 ask him to sit quietly by whilst another man verifies his mother, his wife, his sister or his daughter. , "In closing let me point to a fact or two. Catholic priests never assail de nominations. They attack doctrines, yes, but not individuals. The Catholic laity is never aroused to anger when their church or their doctrines are as sailed. They can take care of them selves. This man's attack was on indi viduals and some of Denver's citizens expected the police department to stand by and help him whilst he did it. Respectfully submitted." HUGH T. M'MENAMIN. Rector of the Catholic Cathedral. And Fellow Patriots, that Is the high handed insult that this Catholic priest of Denver hands to the people of that mountain city in the Denver Times of April 16th; and he calls it an explanation. This pancake-god worshiping pedal busser in talking about Protestant maligning didnt tell the people that his holy brigade has slandered every Protestant .mother as a bawd ana every Protestant son and daughter as a bastard. He didn't inform the Den ver readers that his militant Knights aided and abetted by the howling Je suits priests, say "to hell with our sa cred constitution "of liberty, and down with the free schools and the open bi bles of all independent thinking Am ericans. "Insulting Catholic mothers and daughters," bosh. Protestantism saves mothers and daughters from the hell of Romanism, and the whole fight of Protestantism is a struggle for clean wide open, inspected and sani tary convents for freedom of the bal lot untrammeled by alien dictation, and, for free speech. And a Roman Catholic priest is a pretty Pussyfoot to rear up and prate to an enlighten ed community about insulted women and slandered motherhood. SHOCKING, SHAJIEFUL. Beloved, this is the way Maria Monk writes about convent life in her book of Awful Disclosures: "I have seen in the nunnery priests from more, I presume, than a hun dred country places, admitted for shameful and criminal purposes; from St. Charles, St. Dennis, St Marks, St. Antcine. Chambly, Bertier, St. John's, &c. &c. How unexpectedly to them will be the disclosures I make. ! Shut up in a. place from which. there hasbeen thought to be but one way of: egress", and that- the passage . to the grave, they considered themselves safe in perpetrating crimes in "our presence, and in making us share in their criminality as often as they chose, and conducted more shamelessly than even the brutes. These debauches would, come In without ceremony, conceal ing their names, both by night and by day, where the . cries and pains of the injured innocense 'of their vic tims could never reach the world, lor relief .- or redress for - their wrongs; .vUhacV remor&a ox h thT would glory In torturing, in the most barbarious manner,; the feelings of those under their power; telling us, at the same time, that this mortify ing the flesh was religion, and pleas ing to God." - And remember,; beloved, the only denial of this woman's statement is the floundering flout of Bishop Schrembs that the book was the re production .word for word from an other book of exposure printed . 100 years before. And when it comes to the question of which told the truth between a wine-sipping toe-busser and an abused and maltreated wo man, the Stinger says-hats off to the lady every time. Maria Monk answered this old lie by challenging the priests to bring forth a copy of the boolLprinted 100 years before, and the publishers of Maria Monk's book offered a cash re ward to any priest who would pro duce such a book. But they failed to find the book. Now fellow Americans, how many of you would like to take chances and send your daughters or sisters to a convent? Don't all speak up at once. AN AWFUL ARRAIGNMENT. It is one of the remarkable eviden ces of the extra ordinary delusion which blind, or the infatuation which enchains the public mind, that some men will not credit the corruptions and barbarities of Romanism. To "ac count f cr this stupefaction among per sons who are wide awake to every other, system of- deadly evil, is almost impossible. Popery necessarily extir pats the rights of man. It ever has destroyed the well-being of society. JBy it all municipal law and domestic obligations are abrogated. It always subverts national prosperity and stab ility; and it is the invincible extin guisher of all true merality and gen uine religion. Notwithstanding, men will give credence neither to its own avowed' principles character, and spirit; nor to the unavoidable effects which constantly have followed from its operations and predominance. AN OPEN LETTER, To Hon. Woodrow Wilson, Presi dent of the United States, and Hon. W. J. Bryan, Secretary of State. Gentlemen: Have yon walked into a Jesuit trap in Mexico? Have the Jesuits" so diplomatically played the game that now ycu dare not proceed against Huerta or withdraw our soldiers? Are the Jesuits going to succeed in manipulating affairs so as to embroil our Nation in a general war with all the Central and South American na tions, in order to protect the Roman Catholic Hierarchy in Mexico? Beware of the advisers who swear first allegiance to an insiduous for eign political power that has dis rupted .and damned so many nations. The Nation was heartily with you until you sent troops to Mexico. The Roman Catholic Hierarchy and the unscrupulous subsidized press, and a few other people with an axe to grind, are all that desire to plunge our country in a senseless and un necessary war with old Mexico. Old Mexico and all the property held there by American and foreign corporations are not worth one of our boys, already killed. Signed American Fed. of Patriotic Voters. C. W. Bibb, Secretary, W. H. Boles, Fiscal Agent, The Anti-War Congress, E. P. Johnso'n, Chairman. INSURE YOUR SOUL FOR $10. What has become of "To Hell with the constitution" Priest Phelan's lit tle scheme to insure souls at $10. per, which the slobbering flannel-mouthed old bachelor advertised in the West ern Watchman in his issue of Dec. 11, .fj.3? We haven't heard anything of it lately. Has the Post Office depart ment put him out of business for ob taining money fraudulently thru the mails? . You remember, beloved, Priest Phel an offered thru his Roman Catholic paper, the Watchman, to endow souls forever for that sum. Lest we forget, the Stinger reproduces the offer. Here it -is: Endows Soul forever. If you were offered a good life in surance policy for a small sum you would gladly accept it. And yet for the sum of ?10 -the co3t of perpet ual membership in the Society for the Propagation of the Faith, you can in sure your soul forever. Endowment, future income, or divi dend paying policies are excellent things, but what are they in compar ison to a policy of this sort, one which for one payment (and a small one, at that) endows your soul, assures it a future income and pays dividends for ever? You will never be forgotten. Your policy will never expire. You will never cease collecting on It as long as the Society for the Propagation of the Faith lasts, and that will ba-as long as the world exists I . One payment, the entire sum of $40 or -the same amount in small pay ments, spread over one year, will nake ycu the holder of a valuable soul Insurance policy. To-day is yours. - Tomorrow belongs to God. Now. Is the acceptable time. The chance put aside now may never pres ent itself to you again: Western Watchman, Dec. 11, 1913. - Now the Yellow Jacket makes bold to say that any church or Society that would thus try to defraud and flim-flam Ignorant people; ought to be bodily driven out of this country the same : aa we'd chase a horse thief- or a rannfble frcn qux. bordecau Famous No Money - Down Free Trial Adlerfr Organ Vy Your Own Time to Pa My Remarkable Rr.gV: oil Sales K Banishes CompetiUon, Send today lor nay rrea y Qran Cataloff learn now you. can nave w Orcrn winner prize at St. Louis prize i ok. ijuuu w.vw ---- - 1 1 m r t m v i - - . Pwutn'riar- IOM. KnonTle sent - -UrUK7WV.. mr iun. AtHmtt nsnrincr a cent down, lor a l?Ti rr 9f Tnvr TVIol Send no mcney. Have it a XAIlIj OVJ sajr Itiui month free. XX you want to Keep it, wen pay j souu tasy rayraenis email amounts as convenient. j f Vr JVo Interest-No Collectors. " f nr Ctn lO lcn 50-year Guarantee. I save yoa $48.73, because I sell direct from 51, 0O), 00 Adler Organ Factory (greatest in existence) -wiping oat all in- between profits. 695 W. Cbcatnut Street Louisviile, Ky. LI ; S1.2J any time of the Tear If you use Masric.Fish-r.irr'. Bps fish bait erer discovered. Keens vou bnsr puUingr them cut. Writ to-day end gee a box to help introduce it. Afreets wanted. J. B". Gregcrx. Dept. 45 St. Tonis. ilo KENTUCKY TOBACCO BOOK FREE. . It tells how ot get the natural unflaToml Kentucky leaf tobacco anywhere direct from the grower. It tells how to make your own cigars. . emokinjr . and chewing tobacco at home for one-fifth dealers prices. IIow ryoa can : RToid paying the revenue tax, tobacco trust exactions; manufacturers, iobbers "and retail or's profit, save most all the money you now spend for tobacco, help the Kentucky farmer and-" still have the best la the world, the kind we who raise it, use at borne where it grows. AIpo -a free bottle of "Kentucky Flavoring Mixture" to Improve Its fragrance. The pamphlet is free and-gives f nil direction. If you would like to have it write MOSS J. BEALL, Cave City, Kentucky. E. 74. CRT MARRIED Matrimonial paper contain ing advertisements marriageable people from) all sections, rich. poor, young, old, Protestants Catholics, mailed Fp.F.E. TUB CORRESPON DKNT. Toledo. Ohio. TOBACCO, riQUOR OR 3I0RP1IIE. HXbits Easily CURED. Hill's Chloride of Gold Tablets will cure- any case in . from ten to thirty days. Perfectly harmless, canse no sickness, can be given secretly in tea or coffee. Particulars pent sealed FREE. TEE OHIO CHEMICAL. WORKS. Box 52S, Swanton, Ohio. A REVIEW OF THE G0EBEL TRAGEDY. By E. B. Tackett. A complete review of that remark able Kentucky Campaign, in which William Goebel, one of the greatest politicians that -sxate ever produced was- assassinated. Containing many facts not generally known . More than 100 pages with photographs of the Author, Caleb powers, and others. Paper-cover. Price 50 cents per copy. Agents wanted. Address, MRS. MINNIE L. DUNLAP, 216 East 4th st., Lexington, Ky. AGENTS a $3. watch fcr distributing 50 circulars printed in your own name The Printer, Dept. J., Confluence, Ky. SICK PEOPLE LOOK HERE. The Emekay Company, (Book Dept, 4)' of Salt Lake City, Utah, are sending to all who ask for it a valuable Frea Booklet that tells what to do in acuto and chronic diseases. It snow how to get Expert Specialists Prescriptions at a very low price. Full of informa tion of value to every family. Write them for a free copy. BED WETTING CURED. Box Free. ZE2IENT0 CO., Dept, 116, Hilwaukee, Wisconsin. STATEMENT Of the Ownership, Management, Cir culation, etc.; of The Yellow Jacket, published bi-weekly at Moravian Falls, N. C. required by the act cf August 24, 1912. Editor, R. Don Laws, Moravian Falls, N. C. Managing Editor, R. Don Laws, Moravian Falls, N. C. Business Manager, R. Don Laws, Moravian Falls, N. C. Publisher, R. Don Laws, Moravian Falls, N. C. Sole Owner, R, Den Laws, Moravian Falls, N. C. Signed, -R. DON LAWS. Sworn" to and subscribed before mo this the 8th day of April, 1914. W. R. Hubbard, Notary Public My commision expires 30th June, 1916 NEGRO SLAVES BETTER THAN WORKMEN. OFS -If It is any consolation to the 3,000 000 men out of work under Wilson's Free Trade Policy, they can devoto their spare moments when up against it with the cheerful fact that the ne gre slave "befo de wan" was infinitely, better off than the American work man is today under Democracy. When work was slack on the plan tations during the slave times, the slaves enjoyed it, they had a holiday, and they knew there was meat In tha smokehouse vegetables in the. cellar, flour and meal in the mill, and eggs and poultry In the barnyard. If the chattel slaves were not working they didn't have to worry about where their bread and meat was coming from. Idleness didn't mean that thez had to suffer. The poor American laborer has no meat and bread stored up in the larder at home. His has to come thru daily toil, and he depends on the fac tory and the mill for the work.' Tho mill and factory depend on protection against cheap foreign labor and con ditions that make U impossible for our factories to compete with coolie employment abroad." - The., Democratic party has re moved the protection, . the American manufacturer has to close up his mill or run on half time, and the American laborer is vat of " a job. How ranch better off is he than the chattrf slave? : How Free Trader Wilsonites. dont rc. LcH answer at Qcew i A - -vi