Wdf&stJPsM iPQ&iatip!i Jo2 &ny Political Paper PmMisfaedl Jptfet J CLUB RATES. Xearly Subscriptions Clubs of Ten, $1.00. 4 $ SINGLE SUBSCRIPTIONS, g 2S A YEAS. ISSUED BI-WEEKLY, g ' o VOL. XX. MORAVIAN FALLS, NORTH CAROLINA, THURSDAY, MAY 28, I9J4. NO. 5. Rome's Latest Hell and its twin sister, the Etonian Catholic hierarchy have married and set up housekeeping here at ! home. The web hoofed terrestrial emissary of his Satannic majesty j has spoken but thanks be to patriotism, th e devil has got a slap in the face snd the state that homes the patriotic Stinger has given the toe-sucker his walking papers and the meanest crime of all Rome has been se,t to naught, j The most indescribable Jasper that struts the terrestrial world is tne Pope of Rome and the; fellow that pushes him hard for prime place in the galaxy of human devils is the toe bussing Jesuit Knight of Columbus who tries to take the Holy Bib e from the working man of America. Rome's dirtiest act of cowardly, sneak-thief, strong armTlnfaiay was enacted in the town of Morganton, this state , this mouth, and compared with it the outrages of the cole -blooded ghouls of Denver and Spr ngfield pale into twilight insignificance by contrast. Muscular Christianity of the Knights of Columbus ! can excuse itself under the blood guise of mob force and violence. Kidnapery to shut up the meuth of free speech and free nress can sneaK Deneauntne mm ve- ner of absolute necessity. Fo r Jttome knows that publicity and truth are the death wounds to Papal graft; hod the Pope must faten his larder even tho the heavens fall. The average Roman. Catholic knows only to obey Ms Pope and priest and when he sins he is i often more to be pitied than censured. "When a church that murders the in nocent, poses as a Christian organi zation and forbids open study j of the Bible it is little wonder that I s fana- atic devotees glut i. their, angf r upon men of the truth like Spurge on and Boles for they have never read God's word and are taught to believe that murder in behalf of Roman Catholi cism is a worthy act. j The Holy Transubstantiation means that the bread and wine at the Lord's supper (Eucharist) when blessed by a. priest cease to be bread and wine und are trarrsformed into the actual a.'nd real body and blood of Christ . Therefore the wafer of bread is to be worshipp ed as God. This is what the Roman believe of the Catholics teach and profess to as do also the Romanists Church of jEngland. ' Can You Believe It! & pretty maid, a Protestant, in ignor ance was led To think she might with ; conafbrt live, though-to a Papist wed: But Rome decrees no peacej! they'll have who marry heretics, ' Until their households have been made submissive to hei tricks. It sorely gMeved this husbaad that his wife would net con ply To jointhe "M-ather Ch-arch" of Home &heresy deny. ; Day after day he flattered her, but sttttshe feetd it good JThat majr3feould never bow-tie knee to idoismade-ef wood, j The Mass, the Priest, and miracles were made hot t-oeceive, And Traosfcstanitien, too, she nev- er could: fei$ee. j He went atohia -clergy, and -fold him . his saxi-tale j MMy wife's an unfceKever, sir, try if W ' you -can prea;-f I uSfou sayjyouvean-wrk aracles she says itis -absurd i jConvintse her and convert 1 er and f grearts your reward." I ' t gThe priest went with the geatieman ' hehougfet-o gain-a ptize i3ayshe, "I will convert yoir wife; v and-opendtei3r,eyest" Bo when, they caine -iato the? house, "My dear' thefesbancf4ed, ?The Efiest:l&conie4odine with vtaf' Wa weleome;" -he replied. The dinaertheins ended, i the Priest to Vteachbesan, f Crime Nipped Quick The Dago Pope cares as little for the American as the devil does for the first psalm. But we give it as our expert opin ion that a priest pope or polywog or any persuasion, religious or political that will take God's Sacred Word from a working man would chew up his only child blood raw and puke it out upon the hallowed grave of his mother. Taking every invective that all the languages of ancient and mod ern hell could enumerate and double them by the triple multiple of the countless stars in heavens' firmament and it would not be possible to churn from them a word suitable to stigma tize a biped brute who tells a man. who is trying to earn bread for his wife and family under this Tumulty Free Trade adminstration that if he reads the New Testament he has to get off the job, And that is what a1 nameless two legged Romish squirt tried to do at the Morganton Furniture Factory some time ago in Burke county, (N. C.) But the bead-mumbling, image worshiping purgatory j dodger bumped up against a large sized swift kick from 30 patriotic, freeman, and finds himself on the outside of a good job. Over at Morganton, the county seat of Burke county, this state, several weeks ago the Furniture Factory in stalled a Roman Catholic general fore man toe-buser who undertook to run the factory like the Pope of Rome wants to run the United States as soon as he gets control of this repub lic of freemen. This man found the Burke county factory doing business with a force of good, zealous working men who have drank from their mothers' breasts the spirit of Christian liberty and who were loyal employees and good Christians. In the finishing room a man named Laughridge was (Continued on page 4, Column 5.) Eucharist Explaining to the lady the sinful state of man; The kindness of the Saviour this modern Priests deny Who gave Himself a sacrifice, and for our sins did die. "He by his Priests still offers up Him self a sacrifice." To this the lady answered by express ing great surprise. "I will return to-morrow prepare some bread and wine And then dispense the sacrament to satisfy your mind." "I'll bake, the bread," the lady said. " You may," so answered he ; "Andvwhen you see this miracle, con vinced I'm sure you'll be." The Priest returned accordingly, the bread and wine did bless, The lady said, "Sir is it changed?" His reverence answered, "Yes! It's changed now from -bread and wine to real flesh and blood; iYou may depend upon my word, that it is very God." Thus having blessed the bread and wine, to eat he did prepare. The lady said unto the Priest, "I would have you take care; -For one half-ounce of arsenic I've mixed in that cajte, But as you have it's nature changed i , i . . it may no difference make." The Priest stood all confused, and looked as pale as death, The feread and wine fell from his hands, and he did gasp for breath: "Bring me my herse," his Reverence cried, "this is a cursed' place!- "Begone! begone!" the dame re plied, "and hide your shameful face!" , Her husband stood confounded, andf not a word could say At last he spoke, "My dear," said he "the Priest has -run away; Such mummery and nonsense no Christian can arove: I Thank God I've seen his 'miracle' un - masked by you, my love!.' Special Club Bate Fifteen Cents per Sab. in Clubs of 3 or More The Yellow Jacket Bi-Weekly One Whole Year For Only 25 Cents. A Call to Action To our army of nearly two million readers we would address a little shop talk to day. By referring to top left hand corner of this page you will observe tl-at the Yellow Jacket is rounding out its twentieth year of warfare against liars and leeches, hy pocrites and humbugs, demagogs and dastards. We are the pioneers in "hot shot" journalism. The Yellow Jacket "stung" long before Brahn thundered with his Iconoclast; before the Gatlin Gun pealed forth, before the Broad Axe hewed a line, or the Pitchfork proded, the Rip Saw roared ,the Fool Killer tickled or the Hornet bored with its plagerized gimlet. With a hat full of type,, a large stock of poverty and a small foot power job press we launched The Yellow Jacket twenty years ago, and we have been working at the job ever since and we have the first time to .send out a ham luck story fo4v4iH-anA.e.are.just as independent to day as we were the day that the Stinger first swooped down on an unsuspecting world. With the central idea of "America for A mericans" and our eye ever on the Starry Flag, we have serenely sailed against every storm that blew. We have refused to run off after wild items and cracked brained creeds and to this alone we owe our success in the world. Now to this point: As we said above, we are independ ent. But we feel that we might bet ter serve the cause of Patriotism oy announcing our plans and suggesting a way that our friends could hel us make the Stinger bigger and better. At the low price we offer the paper there is but a small amount of profit after taking out running expenses. We have practically put the profits of the paper into equipment as fast s funds could accumulate. We have a splendid plant, but increased busi ness calls for greater machinery if we continue to improve. Now what? Here it is: We are willing to apply $20,00d to improvements provided sub scriptions enough to do this are sent on the following offer: Send us .ONE DOLLAR and we will enter your sub for TEN YEARS and thus you can help us carry out a plan to literally set the world on fire in a few months and get your name entered on our books for ten years so that you will not have to bother about renewals till 1524. Now, let's see how many of our friends will take advantage of this and send us a ten year subscrip tion at once. i Henry Ford, the Detriot Auto man, is laying off men by the thousands. The single men are to go first. And Brn thanks God that Woodrow has set business -free On May 1st the deficiency in the U. S. Treasury for the fiscal year was $34,334,488, as against a shfpIus of 8:?&945, at the same period last year, a democratic dilference "to the bad" of just. ftiMfei;. William Jawsnith Bryan .says he tfeanks God that Weodrow Wilson has get buisiaess free. But perhaps the three milKon mem ia ea&irced idleos have another epinten. Bryan ntafces sensftte people tired. Aad BUI Bryan reverently thanks Gohat Weodcfcuck Wilson has-f reed business. Paa't it beat halifax? Woodrow Wilson to the Pope "Dear Old Daddy on the Tiber, listen to my short report, for you knoTJ; I'm root and fiber making this land your resort; I suppose the bishops told you how I've toadied every way to jrour noble nites and nabobs who will shortly rule the day. Tho I'm strictly Presbyterian (that's a good one, ain't it Pope?) I'm not leaning on my "rearin" but just handing out your dope. . Why, Tumul ty's almost taught me how to chant the Latin prayers, till the bishop al most thought me a Monsigner by my airs, when I went to say the masses- gloomy things they are, oh dad,' can't you hoodwink all the classes with some humbug not so bad? It is galling to my senses, dady, when I have to think that I, when I mumble these pretenses once more see my Savior" die. You of course, do not ex pect me, when I kow-tow to your schemes, to believe that they connect nie with your faith-except in deams. Purgatory? Why its nonsense, who knows better than yourself, but iC serves your rotten pretense and rolls in the cherished pelf. Pope, I wisbi you'd make your "army", your brave knights who throttle speechi slow up some, or they will harm me; make them hold down, I beseech. "I'm in trouble, Holy Dago, man-god, god-man on your throne, for tho Y. J's in a buble and just wont let me alone. Can't you stop The Yellow Jacket and the Menace they're a sight; if they still keep up their racket, and don't cease their galling fight, why, they'll have the whole ere-, ation on to every move we make, and they'll rally this great nation like a mighty great earthquake. They've already told the people that yout plan to close their schools, tear down every free church steeple and the people are not fools. They can see beneath the cover of your saintly robe of red that there cower and cringe and hover schemes to strike their freedom dead. Father Pope, oh Great Toed Dady, -have some pity, use some care, I'm so scared and mad and sad I can't sit easy in my chain I'm a Protestant master, trying faithful as I can but without too much disaster, to perfect your Dago plan. Give me something easy, father; till I have a dodging spell from the pesky Y. J. bother that is after me like . - O'er the wireless, in my slumbers I bow down and kiss your Toe, and I say your beads by numbers, I am, Ever-Yours, Woodrow." The Antidote The editor of the Yellow Jacket is being besieged with letters from our subscribers asking us to suggest a feasable plan-to fall upon for uniting the Patriotic vote of the country in i the coming "congressional election. Well, beloved, that is a wheoper of a job,- let-its-- tell you. You might as well attempt to shoot off the horns Of the moon with a shot gun as to unite all the Patriots. But there is a plan by which enough may be united to s eep the country and that answers I all practical purposes. .ThRepubl i cans of Duneansville, Pennsylvania j have the idea pretty well outlined, but we will herewith present a com plete solution which we have com plied from different sources. Let the Progressives or Republicans or Pro gresive Republicans or Republican Progressives adopt this. plan and put the following acid test squarely up to their candidates and see that they stand the test and they will sweep the country in the next go round like a whirlwind. Here is the yardstick with which you should measure every candidate and if he is made of the right kmd of stuff there will be a shaking of dry bones in the Catholic graveyard. See that they all have their simple planks slipped in the platform and the old ship will sail on serenely: (1.) We oppose to the utmost any Haven't Had Time! Fiddlesticks Some of Woodrow Wilson's Free Trade poliwigs are bopping up and declaring that their party hasn't had time to reduce the high ccst of liv ing. Have not had time, Fiddlesticks! Now isn't that a beautiful excuse for Scrats to fling into, the face of intel ligent people? Well, by the eternals, they have had time to do a lot of things. They have had time to reduce the revenues of the government. They have had time to greatly incrrease the expendatures. They have had time to increase the market in this country for the prod ucts of every nation of Europe, of South America and North America. Thev have had time to decrease the market f er America? products in ev ery nation of North America, South America and Europe. They have had time to increase the sales of foreign made cotton goods in this country at the rate of ?19,O0d,tOO per yeai. They have had time to increase the sales of foreign-made woolen goods in this country at the rate of $28,700,- 000 a year. They have had time to cloge mills and factories. They have Fbr Romanitis attempt to impair the American prin j ciple of complete separation of Church land State? (2.) We oppose to the utmost, any effort to take public money, directly or indirectly, for Sectarian purposes. (3.) : We oppose to the utmost, any attesapt to abridge the liberty of the Press, as demanded by the American Federation of Catholic Societies? (4.) We demand legislation which will enforce upon Roman Catholic convents, monasteries, and Houses of the Good Shepherd the "Thirteenth Amendment to the Constitution of the United States which abclishes and prohibits involuntary servitude. (5.) We demand legislation to have all such institutions placed under the inspection and supervision of the State authorities. (6.) We demand legislation in Con gress, to prevent a further official re cognition" of . the Roman Catholic church, as . the official church of the Pan-American Union, of which our non-Catholic republic is the dominant member. (7.) We oppose the further celebra tion in the Army and Navy of the Mil itary Mass of the Pope's church, whereat our soldiers and sailors are practically compelled, as a matter of discipline, to kneel to the pan-cake, out of which the Romanist priests pretend to create the body of Jesus Christ. (8.) We demand national legislation which will penalize and prohibit such treasonous secret organizations as The Knights of Columbus, whose 4th degree members swear allegiance to the Italian pope, and swear to perse cute their American fellow-citizens. had time to see the railroads dischar ged 250,030 men who are now out of employment. They hare had time to see the steel, industries f this country throw a million men out of work. They have had time to bring idleness to 3,e0,000 men in this country, but they have not had time to reduce the high cost of living. Isn't it a beautiful record? Now, we wonder" just how much time the Democrats really want to bring about the great things they are ! going to accomplish. It in getting high time that they would name a date or deliver just one item. But it must be rembered that with Democracy it was ever thus. They prate long and loud of the great things they are just about ready to performl But really, now, did you ever know of anything substantially beneficial to the whole people to ccme from the hands -of Democracy? Now if you "happen to know of such a benefit and will send us the item on a prstal card and en close a lock of your hair, we will pub lish the great discovery to the world, Because ruch a find will place you for ahead of Cock or Perry as. dis covers and hcla to extricste the Dem ocrats froai c Vwfi delicate condition. h : i 1' i & 4. t

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