SUtt Bifcg Vilao. MOROANTON, M. O., May . 187. DIREOTOKY. CHl'KCIIEH. KOBOANTOH. Saiea Cauaca Beneon fiua, Bama. Bnpiloj. Berrieoe 11 o'clock a. M end 7 petal P. M.i S. School 1-1 r. a. Beadny. Hli" o'clock p a Totodey. " " WodneMar Litany, It o'clock A at Teorpieyeerrioe o o'clock V a Pridey Litany 11 - " eWriee, - ajaimui Cmreea Boo. ft. B. An-jJ.-Peetor. and 4th (paoteraryaKaah at U o'clock a. a pad SAO p. a. Hr JjiJciawijaoaMiiicol fiahiw Mradinw 4k lat aad at Bewtoa tee ted Sunday. . Soadey Sane 4. C. Mailer aaperiatee teat at .- The Beptirt Charoh ic at piooari wttaeot .panto,. Bmaooipr Cmreea Ber. t. B. Brria (of Mereentoa Ciromit) Pattor. aerrioei tao lot Baadny of orory nMBth at 1O.S0 a. n. ok! at MOT. a. and on tao Sri Baadny at mJO a-a. Sunday School, J. A. QayaoU Bnpoetatea aatt.ett a. a. i iiiiooT Boo AVapie owe poolio ffirrlni, erery Sandey at 11 A. M. iad al 7 P. M- . Sandey Acaoo1, Bobort atoraaead. (apot ialoadoM, at 1 A. M. THB OOUNTT. t BToaounoa Ciaowrp Bop. J. B.Brn4a. LlarUla . Ballon, tao Bridal enforo tao ad Sunday of orory aaatk at 10 a. a. ' faioaoTlMaMnodariaar. a. Seow HlU...Tao aad iuday at V0 a, Obotk ao oaas day a . a. . Mt-BiMial Thoordtil lip atlr. a. Iilmnn fl.toria, luf n 1hl ta Sen. ntABONIC. II oaea-raw Oaarrap, Bo. at B. A. M ., aoato trot Wodaoaday of oaok oaoatk. C, A.CS 1. H.P,aad D. & Poereoa. eo y. CaooaaaTaaaaTf.oaaiBo. BIT . ojoota at tao Bight of tao Bull ktooa of aeh a tta aadthe Flret Tnoodayof Burke ,.rl Court. J. M. Bappoktt. W. M, .-5 a . -ft TmL aoeo. - . 'own nrNrRUl Of JtAILB. Th, I lor. trail, (by Wroed) oloaa at f -to a ot. aoptom, el ltBO p. a. TaoBi lVrrord Afoil orrioo. atTo'obtt, , ipadopr, aad deport atCa.av.oa pSabodtaaaillaTa . lUavoanualapoaad deport atIp.Ja, t cm day. naM. IVao,.oa.orr(oa. at 11 . . ITodaoi ana aad oWardaoa, and doyorl ot p. oa, oa ojom apya . Butler, IVno . motto arrioi at IS ah, aad .tyarlo atS-.oa.oa rtanocpi. , no put oiba t opoa root St Cofcak o. as. aaU lit o'oloat p. oa. aad .front I aSo-olartp. at i. f. rAiratr. foot juoior. MAMIO. a. (Hr oon our, ofc Vaaira aaOa (tpBottViod) arrlooo doil, BaaiTaol aaitlatrioai Pmidop pad fVidap olSpoaddyurto, olToov a-u i - ' lia aAoot oaal (oia apor AW) arrio, rrlaap,p io, dayarU, 7 a at. I .OCAId. W ! ptBpl-Md tO iMW 0 ttM ddMt. Of BdwiiiW. PuUar, mm Hortli btoUm' rieklw (iMr owa Mtvk) whit. M m nn rmrHMWl.-Out friend Husmt, of tk rradlmApA . tMM tttl at Widhf twll OM dT ltMfc WMk. WJ NffNt BOt IMiBiI IBOt of Wtk4Utir of (tvlMOk aiMaVt b om- MtropoUtaa JovimL trial nwltytti ia iaJUKk faxj f itr-f oak obIj Aftoai palavtotv W Ula TtBTdioi will to frororiy ttmdsjr tood. twd tMMiSMloM ioiiilp eolM poo to ehroniolo fto waf ottMMte dUkoltr u tlwt which otrCtimd ia,H7a wood. . -TTnlTT woMiM4UtttoawiMd it mbm oM oooatiTM ttfritM. M Ml KiBM BVid IM lwd sMOB m oern omnd itk omIm. out la tko South Moaataia, but a atom from tao alf iC JfltAott thiagW- ao aa4 ea wWo eoi Into tali oMotCT lritolMwl7ilva an of My pooatblo aw, iad tha doga aad aVsoa onat Uvo totaai is rmm. Tbe tmUa la toot inMpaaoiUo piwjli iU lamialotof doga aad aot 1W4 ttMat. The oft mb lin. aad wottoa la good for top m watt MaMM. Caat wb faioo a oof killiM party aw liwg ttwB CoMrtry Fi tr , Hartot,or, thealayctiotu oomiiig oT Burly ta iutj tut, piaTBBtod taaaj of oar oaaterB bioidt from lomriag homm UU m laUia the Nmm Uwt they oftoa flkoa ooooludd to BBUia. Mow that tao iolitioal oaMpaiffB fclaatffcdMd to VortnbAT, tkat objoetioa B) BBwiag aoBi4 dooa ao4 aiat b b ao ftu Btioa Um 1our MaU 1mm. b taM lhWla, a oIibbUo and aeeaory qaal t amr la ajaorioB, aad if tba etti an of thb tmTorotl rttgioB pot forth tfc lMpor offorta to ontrtaia U a bsocrmlii(T m ViBm flma ta low oa4ry. Bd at aMh BvioM am will aaaalw Joavtifj ttotm, thoy BhoBld bo hlmirl with laBBoai bbhj of tlaOM who have homtotBto habit By fOfM atortll W to Viri Bpri. ;.OBrBooatearffoiBgtodothoir dty is bw Nttor. tryinf to wko mry wmi nam BVtahlo, and apoa tar chin per thaa job aviatey at aocao. taspociaUy thooo who Utc b oitiM and tarr towaa. Wo look for ftwili aon la thio fowioa daitec the bmob than erot bef or. Oobm on, MentU, we bat e miaeral water bbU a. iMaUnf powers In any elat-whari, kaai alwAihuioa of pan, "mooatala dew' Kafttiij ai mitj am km MLf tW gW-aW Ot t O Waap. Mory gii- , BBvVBB TO WBBB OUt 111 BOXTK WAS TOOBO. dtbt, oboo awitre wo oreathi free. Old Dock at oar Xajoi-p let aa bavo a biff Tba wwTttekot wiatv the Good Templars While poiinSaBsn Aonaaa looks aad aad ffoi - afraid. Wo eaa baek fa the suBabiae or rest a. tbe shade) BH&w out the big gun, let the bill tope re sound. For whore else fat the State eaa, aneh a Mayor be feoad t No tBdtes to pay 1 ao sheets mow to grade ! Fbm 'mad tao blaok bottle of 'avmatai Ot if job prefer H. pa nrwree- fat tbe Toa eaa take a big swig froia the Brown Jog," nrsansbiwn votoa the ptobiUtioM Uoket Ao gay aad festive CiUy has beoa eUet- ed Hayes of IdOBoir. Col. JobneUB aad otsir CBBrloctoby fOO ajority. A Beptibliiaa of es as the Blob Ridos BiataBB, or tbe JUJieat woOUtMiM. Dr. Mialupoire Tate, tbe enfty Bepqb. lloaa of tetwynie. eat tblaat week bore. Tba BUlloboro JUtoiwjrendito oete of mag artkws to the JffseltoBia4pa HowwooM Mead, C. F. Me Keasoa 1 yast bask fran tfte avage trial la la Kttv eies peer the eloqasBos of Puaoaa K. MeBas OB that satBsstoel. Oim of oortowa ladies war asked yoMerday if she was gobim to the nilavUlpbia eeatea- uim,. She said "no, I thought I would go orer to dlslMrrtllo,' efWiliBgtoB.Biiisn rnrday baiBLwplaee last woehwaitiagtoyatotkoif arieads re- Tkeyaro aow Bdvlriag brick for tba asy lorn a the rate of forty tbonsesd par day, aad alBOS the ntooduotioB ot ehoao eoal dast faato tba aiartar. the nHw bollder Tba Alitor of the Budb bebsg abseat this wook. slwold aot be beld to auueaai. for aay sibort ooaumg ia this iesaa. aor aaad be be rapsaaible for aay thiag hi is traleei be m.y sawone it 'itweafter. Me is eappesed to be BM Sittg, ahoot taia tiraa. We oall attoBtioa to tt.e oaauaBaioatioB of Oel Uae.lDcwU of Mattaaa. eote of the oldmmt aad twoet laUUigeat atiseae of Morth CaaoliBB. It girea yooag AaMrioa aa idea of how tbe old folks tfaveled avonad aad bowelosfly UM7obserred thiags. We are delighted to hear that the eficieat lVeeideat sided by other frieods is BMkkiBg good head way ia misLag lae Doaey toreboild tao allege etmcUreal Bi.thiifid OoOsge. There hi ao avore worthy ebjoet to whieb Mr. Emenofi thJaka that i trust wMh other atase, and tacoe eaetee to b a geaeral feeling hereabouts that he is the bmb to opea a small grocery ia this sectioa. iVerwwJ. JMMis. Oh, Biamereon I "Tho art so Bor, aad yet so far." A mtmitM eoggosto the bbbm of Niaholae L. WiUiaata, of Tedkia. who is aoted tbxwtigbout tbe Stats for Us eardial hosTpitaliCy, as a oaadidete for Seoretary of fftato. and urges his aaiBtnatioa. Mr. WQ liatae is - good bmb aad a true dsworrst. worthy and weU eoaUaed. , Woj. Boper, Esq., aad other. conphuB that the ooaTioU mpktyed at the dtsylon are allowed toe much Uberty, aad the ooa seqaoace ira position ia TBrious ways apan the neighbore around the site. One of thetB, it rirais. has forged an ordor on a oitiat-a. How is thief CeatoBBial tieeee areaowtnegot oaohuBa dred without taking bruavth. A Baarried naa in town aays the bightM he ever woat was fifty at a tune, and dates back to it as if a long while ago. Hie wife then had no teeth out in front. CriMilik4val We raronmend the rejuilaatiBg sWviloa. of your dentist, Dr. Wardlaw, aad to Borer giro it up. Nothing like The chief feature of interest ia the streets of our town on BBtarday, was the sale, esaortkya, of a Large number of stills sod nstures, seised by the aoroBBO clcsi out ia Ute atOUBtaias. -It attracted a crowd of interested aportators. anwag wbooa, Ingpasiing aroond, raight bo beard, in lowp muttering toaes, such ezpreesiona M a -the rerenuee," asrer mind, we'll raneinber all this." etc.' 7bTbwbi Iflf erJana.We went last week tMeore the result of the was known, aad what an rand at S wo wrote to be aa animated and at not to be elose at the reeult i ies. Dueawortb. eww--B. r. Darir, L. A. Bristol, 1. C. MoMeely. D. C. Pearaon. J.L The eleotlon of the aayor psoresthatonr -Old Mam Iook," was popmlsr, if as wars aot. Tba battla ary on day a "oppsaitifBi teimpoeitiaa," the tioket swetod is not a Ions, it isalU We wars .surprised to hear aay to-day that the ;eople of Marion were "iraaaiag' out Mor gaaton. Taef ooniplained in a general way that Morganlon wanted everything asylum, trcope. railroad, conrict physician, 'aad so oa. Our good frier la should keep eool aad be rraanaskle. There is aot tbe least givaad for o plaint on their per. against owr people, as far aa ws bar any kaowlodg. So far from it, we are quite mmaH that the Morgaatoa people hare an affection fat those of MttDaweil Bad CaidweU which they feel far ne othenin theStnto. There is not, and BOTor-bas been, earthing Uke a tmbtjiatioa oB tbe part of our people'to defeat or interfere with any community in their eatorprisea. If the moral of the troops to thai place is a caase of rgret on the part of our irarioa.biwtbren. they should know that we had influence in eaueing f, sad knew nothing ab.-nt it till the ordar from Waeluagtoa was beta the ooariet nhjekiaa wholly with the- Penitentiary Board at Bajeigh aad was a ptfUf-cal appointment, with whteh wo are not snppossd to sympa thise, aad ws do know that one of oar JforgaatoBi ateneadHrhat bo oould for the MoDoweB applicant, just aa he has always TiBS. lAsbly aided those people. , The baadeame brot'jura, Da Lane, publishers of the Lincoln ato- fweet, paid us a visit last week. Out brother quill-driver. Bowman, of the Bakersrille ladepeadtmf, is with oa, He ia brim full of Temperaace, and leoturod here last night TOoday he goes down the roa I to address the people at Happy Home, CaaevB aad Hewtoa on the liqiMr question. Our towa wttaeeaed its irat big turnout of the leading elden ia the AhMUk Kioo when aa excursion train from Saliabury ar rirod here oa Sunday last While the negroes are peculiarly a church going poo p's, the twalityof the worahippere ia oftun in inreree proportiot to their attendance, We bops, howerer, that our colored friends will utilise this ompostunity aad being forth the. fruits of thrift, honesty aad rittua. CaHrg We are roqueafad by the Preaadeattosay that ooBMsaoa cieea wiU take place at thia institution oa (beSOthand llrt of May, inat. Ber. P. J. Caraway, of the North Carolina 7on feronce. will preach the commencement earmon, aad Bow. BY D.ginart, of the South Carolina ConlWenoe. will deliver the Lit erary dddress. Too Bev. L. S. Stacy will address the Alumat. Visitotra to tcnuncaeement who buy Srst clues tickets on the railroad going, onn re turn home on them free. 1 The . mountains around us are again, table morning, Sd day of May. whits with snow I Truly, "winter Lingers M the lap of apriag." Has the ooufualoa about Easter got anything to do with itr Botwtthstaading the cold i backward season, wheat looks well aad the amleoKUdL We now look for .ther, aad a few weeks of such will set no all right, Bort.Londarmilk nays. "Tee, tod 'era it was 'sbce-aoutb' deep at tbs Bear Wallow" aad for the informs tina of our loetod gen ts wa will State, that means about three U It is a little eivrUer than tioa trips into the moun thcT hare begua it oa the tnina, bat we Oa last Tnesday a large party paesed up ea a special train, return iag in tba erwaiag to aWiabury. Amd oa Tbwreday aaotbsr party of the same sort pemed orer the road to Swaaaanoa Oap aad awdtobs weU tilled with tbs "youth aad beauty" of tbs ooua. y below, who wusw anjoylag themselves mly. Am the waswa weather morrsaea, w ipocdo And it a retry popular trip a run intoOthe big atooatnlaa. then to feast at d atsoll anmad enjoring dpictatMbeatatdWsof Etec But Hmwrn ssjme.''lt ia hard to direst one's self of the dtygrmding toflu- of feavery.' aa Mr. Btmtwell, of Mnss- aehuaetta, naaarfced wheal Senator Bayard told aim be was liar. This apparently truthful axiom of Maamchnaetta repub'j- tbe other day, whoa a aonductoroBtheWestecra aaaa aad brother for baimlimly spplyiagto of Mr. Bayard---whoa, in fact, the negro bad only stolen a ride out of him. Wo learn that Mr. Morton ia to risit our ata oa tbs SOth last, aad' if there be aay of that 1X60.000, 6pproprtated to upprwae BBBrtooiioa ia IndioM. still stbis diajoaal, wo beg that be wiU not fail to come west aad giro our nnaooonaUucted aa idea of hie War Ooreraorship. It will thtrn be appareat to him that the result ot tbe laU tip'i .a in his own Indiana polis ia bo gfnaing to show ta the rartU districts of the Awtbwhile the right of the colored intisea to ride without paying can be rin- dicated. e tltlii Whs Is Heapf Ws leara that a anna of that name, from amwlters ia tbr- north, by way of Mitobcl I, together with Mr. Pinwkaey nWLins, TJ. 8. Bereaue Coaestor. hare been aatod by a oonvatioa of th MBsraauao," held ia daheriaie on Tuesday last, to represent l hie d strict In has Cjaotaastl Convention, btth itaba the brethren did aot "dw ll l ogether in unity." ' The fight was long aad heavy, bat Baally tbeHBerenaes" won. A reeolntioa was gotten through en dorsing Oct. Brogdea, and what we eon- best jptakt of the season, another oas enlliag for n lepoal of the tax oa spirits, aa aa las faaansnwl asn sfaae. j Bevonu i eMears reaotriag -to take away their pay. There ia ricneSB, for yon. Bat they passu rl a reeolutioa repudi ating the actioa of Umst Stato BxecuUve Committee la assuming to appoint dele gates for tbe Stats at large to the ooaren- Thia ia hard car tbe Upload" Keogh aad the Honorable Jasssa H. Harria, col ored; Daring the eneoioa of oar Catawba friends oa lWaday to the bead of the i-amd. whither they had gone in the peace ful toterests of Preebyterienism, (the ob ject of the eseoiwicm being to rales funds to build a church for that denomination,) we learn that the Blue and the Gray met in combat. The respective champions were Moll, oar Yankee bugler at thia Post, and Plummer Btbbit of Jfarion. During tbe Ml the festive haadlcrd of the St, Ber nard, remembering he bad been Mayor of Moiganton aad giren to squelching rows. essayed to separate the irate aactueiosnsts. It is said that Spraara. after pamiateat of' forts ia the cause. of peace, was the only man aeored oa the sick list, sad hit opinion of excursions is now believ. d to hare un dergone a radical ohaage, Lik the battle of Gettysburg, it was a drawn fights Tbs cause of tbs row we suspect to hare been hisky, and the result, two braised ds and a eeacted landlord. Why will pe ple forget that this is the Itkeacd eea teanial sea -tm t "ItaC Em OlSlf." msgniBcent picture 14 s If inches in sise, Ivaiitiful in desiga aad artistic ia execution. It fepre- turning to his homo, which He flnda lonely and desolate. In front of the ruined cot- tags, telling aaad tale of the miseries of war, are two graves with rods enasea, on oas of which some fricadly hand has hung n garland. To the right the calm river and tbe rising moon indicate peace and rest. The stare, seen through the trees, represent the Sotiehern Cross. It m a ptcture that will touch every goutht-rn heart, and should And a p'ace ia every nVrathera borne. One eonr sent bv atail. Baowjited oa a roller Bird poet-paid, -on neeipt of SB eenta, or three ror ou oenis. afourrrea oai duttow m. jo.. Bristol, Tenn. AsTcnts wanted everywhere to sell our cheap aad pxfmlar pictures. t& to 10 per day eaetly nmede. Nowtoacy re quired untill ptcturee are sold. Send stamp for catmlogiie and tor me. LETTFli PROM DRUGGISTS Thar ia r esse of D.STiiiwta Gieen'a A.ur at Flower will not' ure. Com to W M Wkutou A Co eni inq'tire about it. If you suffer from nostiveneM, sick bsad acbe, sour stcmach, iadigtetioa, liver complaint, or dentBgenaeat of the strjamch or Urer try it. Two or three duare wil Ire- ueve you. Boachee's Out man fSyrup is now sold ia ererr towa and citr ia the United States. Ws hare aot lees thaa ffre hundred letters from Dnijnrists, mrina; w is tbe best Baed eiae ther erea sold for cjsanmptioa, throat or lung diaasse. Sample bottleo of both 10 cents encn. ataguar ease 7o ornts. a- ly CUT THIS OUT It Mat' Bats Yoob Lira. There is ao with Luna Diseases, Coucrha. Colds CVmeumption, yet aoeae would die rather thaa pay 7 eeato fur a bottle of sediciae that would sure tbem. Dr. A. Boachee's German Syrup has lately been in trod need IB AWMrUBiry rrom mi many, ana ih cWotAe curve fartcmiahe every one that ary it. if you doubt what we ear is print, eat this out and take it to W. M. Walton B Co., and get a sample bottle for 10 cents aad try it. Two doses wiU reliers you. Begiilar aiae 7t cents. ' Camwassiag Agemt. A O Corpcn lnghas been employed as eanrasaing ageat for the Blub Bidob BtaSnn. and author. ised to receive and receipt for subsoriptica latoBcy for the same. This will not inter fere with or aboliah local aganim which we have esteblished MARRIED In Hiokory, Thursday evening. April 28th, 1876, by dbel Wbiteaer, Keq., Mr. Aaron V. Bigmoa ana nuss Agnes ninsier, oi Burke county. 'MOKOAItTOIt FBODUCM MAUKMT Cetrseted awftle to Peersen tf BritUt APFLS8 Ortn, par tm. J --. DrM, per It. , BUTTMK, per It PORK, par It .......... BEEF HAMS Ml wr Ik 1.00 BEAR BACON, ser U .10-11 VENI80M HAMS DSJfP BLACKBERRIES Driad par Ih ..7ot BEESWAX, ptr It CORtf.prbu , COTTON par t CHlCKENSSprimf. sees,....7... DUCES. sea. SQQ8, prdM FLAXSEED, pm as FLOUR Family, pmr sat-t - ttetre, - BUCKWHEAT, par seek FEATHERS, per It HIDES tvWsM, per It tOetW 10a It lSfM ISatO lOeOO tl.OOatl.lO ISOlmBS.SO SS.7e3nO fljQQntj tft .400 set 10sltl " lry,pr It HONET, per It MUTTON, ear It MEAL Com, ear ku. lOelt , BelO FEASCU, pfr eu 7fteS& BKANO Atlf, par m .... M Colormd,pmr te..... POTATOES Iriik, ssr W... . - SwM, ptr t. TURKEYS, ser petr It , WHEAT, ser to ..90m$lXJ0 S07t OOeTO ...;i.0Ovt$l.6O 7ed ....$t.l0-$1.16 0NI0N8lp pr to 90a1.00 ...4l.toetl.t0 " oe " B. F. DAVUl. At th old Paraou eon MORGAirron , it. c. Tie Olrlest fin ii Ton! Bat b Full Bad Fi - ih stock Goods. to soil, ajckaap ast toaMpttt Tba Beat iioffaa AlwaritSat at. They Bit Caaatr Froaaea For Cash, ad rill IMrti far &C. Aa BECHTLKR, AND JEWELED, MOBGANTON, K. k Hof fy THi Cliarlotte Ctertr. CHARIjIX)TTE, N. , Daily pat year 7.00 $3.00 Weekly CHABIaEB R JONES, F. BlliCVAKl) bft!lK)WELalA, drters and Irrsritria. A.. T. & 0. Railroal SUPERINTENDENTS OFFICB. Charlotte. N. C. Dec. SO. lH7t. t ON and after Friday, December list, the following Schedule will be run over this roaduntil otherwise ordered. 4V)INO SOUTH. Lf.ire Btatcarille, t.00 a. m. Moorville, v 7. " ' D. College, 8.09 - Arrive Oh" Aotte. 10.00 -GOiNO NORTH. Leave Charlotte, p. m. D. CoUega, t" " MoorcSTille, til Arrive Statesritle, 7 XX) - Tickets on aals to Newton, Hickory, Mor ganton, Marion and Old Fort. All cbargvs must be prepaid oa Freight oBered lor alu potent U Beeuoa Itouer.rten drrson's. AJexaAdriana and Caldwell's. These being "Flag stations," tbs Compa ny is not liable for k,or dsinegeto freiifht after it is unloaded at either of tbe above named "FW .Stations.'' No freight will be reoeired by Agents for shipment unless the name of the oonsignee and ijtotinatifT aStusUnctlymarKed thura i. J. UOBMI.KY. 8tipdristvilnt. , . 1 & PROFErWlOWAL CAStM. CF.M'KESSON ATTOUBV if liW, ACorvasit!!, Vi.C, Wm prartio, la tao Cbarla of tao ink JoaioaM anatnoo. aad a, lao aapo Ooarloof CaldwoUaad Balaarfoid Alao. ia tao Vodoral Ooarl at SaaapraSt J. L. LI HON, ra;tleUa aat aarieaa. Bara.Oo.atyi Ho oaa ao fooad at a OPTICB.IM AfOBOAItTOIf at an noam, whoa net .linat oa B. 8. GJUTNER, Attorney tat Zaw. IVIottt'anton ? 8. C. W. TATS ATT6XNEY AT UVT, Mortrtnton, jf, RO.111. ': Attorney mt aL-etw. MOJMdirroiv, jr. c. lWartiMa ia the 11th Jadieial liatriet. the county of Caldwell and ia the United Mates Oourts at amieeruie ana asasruia ao 1-ly . Sr. J. IL Etppoldt WILL ATTEND TO ALL THBCALLS aitUrarioa,braatao of aia Fro- Uowiaalootroatpatioaaiat UafOfaooo at the Mooataia Hotel whoa aot abooat oa proffoaaoaal hn.ioaa witl tap "Vaeaaai or Air Troatiaent" No. 1 If The Walton Eorisr, Mono ANTON, N. C. JOHN C MAXLABXI. PBOPBHTOB. Thio hoaoe hao aedorroae oataario, to. pain, aad aader the manor on lot of ho p,.ool lliill ie uaeBMUod by aay heap m Weplora Borth Ooroliaa. faoaa ao 14m at tao Waltaa B WESTERN HOTEL, HICKORY, It. C. Sitaated oajy a few yard, froa the depot A bow Heaoo. Ptao Bnnaia well funtiah od aad Stted ap in the hVaA StyU aad .ATTENTIVE aBBTAMTS. Tho TabU Doily oappliod with the hart thlo aad other auvkoto afford. A. W. MABSUALU Froa. BOl-tf National EoteL fWiohary, . C. 'M SCHLOS8, Ioariotoo. Thio hooeo hi looatad hi the Tory oaatre af biioiaaia. ie la thourouhjy good ooaditioa. waU faraiahed. ie kept la trot pleat ptyle aaioatiafartioa warraatod. National Hotel, Dsligbtfultohimted, Beat to Capitol Square, KtUcigh M. C A new House. Fine Booroa, Well Furnlab ed aad Fitted ap to the Bast Style. tVAjne. Tba TabU eVtiey applied with the 1 this anil other nlarkets afford. C. S. BBOWN, Actipristor. SKTCTUB BOUSE. CANOVA. K. C. Diiatfeot aad Diaaor hoaae oa the W C Bailroal. The Table en food a, the heat. CHARLOTTE M9TEL, J. E HoQii & Son, FropX Claariottc, If. G. Under tbe adnainhrtratioB of the pre net pnrprietors, every effort will be made to niaks this long aad tavorably Itaowa Hotel ' lit Sort In tfc City. The capacity and character of its art am BBOdsAioas bare been materially improved aad now offers first olaea enterttuaments. Feb 10 l-tf At Col, Tate's Carner. HOI GIN TON, K.C trKorp, an Undo of tandloa. dntt. fruit., oahea and braada of all eorto, toya. aad fancy aruciei waiea aa BILLS LOW DOWX TOM C1BH. Fob 10 111 aT Wortb A Worth, Slippiil andComiiissioi Imiaili, COAL, LIME, TLAsm, BACON, COBK, HJr, molasses, comm. novt, OLvm, bukit cabkb, ft. di Wilmington, N. C. I The Weltaa la properod to minnilHi ooardon either hp the day. onekor aoata. at raieaaabloiatoe, ead ia the bept aiaaa Largo aad oeaaforlable roaaa for faauUeff, an. aater. aad all the lasuriea of the aoav AthorooaUy oqorppod UooryStal ran ia ooaaooatea with the Hoaea' Pearson & Bristol, !3rIora:iiM.-toiXa if c - Ara aam arlraae; a laimvlw larravted IraalfrOa, at their OLD STAND. They buy all kiaes ef CWJfMT FMOVTCB af As BIQSMst UiRKMT FEICMB, For Goods or Cash. - y. Taafc, eteek ef (opto a ooaayleto ia all Haoe. Freslil Good! Cheap! These who want to bay aaything, either ia Dry Goodt Hfirclvai3, .. ) Qneensware, Boots, JfSUioes, ' TXjxta ixixcl Caps, ' ar" win lad what thoy j. I lad to oait Ike aunt aayeo. Topodal atteatiea pin. to FAMILY GROCERIES Par House Keepers. Dowa thoMaany aepahaata. aadtham wtahlnaa lot, of eaa hare prdoro Clot by pVo teat trala at the P- a a art ea roato foe aaar ot th. Veriufeetarare, throarh wheal MACBMMItT, A9E1CVLTVMAI, VtPLMMMXTB. LVMBBB, Bap to oaB aha aMea Ua ef the anhlhj at Groceries coiFscnoriS, Ciaoiaiag la part of i-Aa. BUT. JUST RECEIVED ft.000 lbs. ef feae aad plain asadies ef all giadea Fisaahand tmariian. CANNED PWhoo. rtaa AapuavfeaiP. otrawbrrrUo. GREEN Oreafea. sfrseea Cwrreaia, Cirrtm. geaeeaafa. LHOH, YAMLIi AND ALBERT CRACKERS, GINGER Snaps, Cakes, Jumbles, Soda and Cream . Buiscuit, Jellies, Mince Meats, &c., ALWAYS FRESH. Flae PlokUo. of eBiiaehCBOwapa,pleiaoradipd. Bngliohaad Aaarloaa. Tiaef or, A "Cigars, Snuft'.md W Iwtb it tart i4wb: mt - Crockery and Cf LAS S-W AH E, la Mil cheaper thaa Ibe cbeapeu ! Acaats sar Ua aaUy McUl. t'ipa. fBAUB IfV. d,4. lewoet aarkMpraaa. fc, aapye ordered. My larye to Upaa paried atotk ef FRUITS quiace, aad Tomaban. FRUITS FWrt. Asb WeltMit. Railroad f-elie Inlea. 'fime Taa, Veeni M, iiallriiad, lfjAlMtiott ao. In effect on hnd after Monday, April id. '7s Arrrire. Oeajfe Wai - KaLieburr lare. tti at g.tu " lO.Bt ll.(tt 20 A M Tuird Vrek etatcerilla 1U16 1U.4 Flotf l it Catawba Station 11.10 It. 10 r It:t0 " Newton 11.1ft rn ranra lt.U " Hickory " -.tO'"- Icord l iH tKorKain S &6 " Bnilgewater 14 Marion 4.3U Old Fort u Hemy t f.lO OolJie tiAATf Loavs Henry's f.10 a M , Old Fet 7.M 1 Marina S-it Brtdgewatt . 1 00 Morgantoa . I t I.rd 10.41 Hickory 11.6 - Canova IS 3D r M Newtn li t Ottawba 7tation 1U . Flott's Md - HtatosviUs 160 Third Creek M 9 mt Bavliaburr l.OO " J.Of) k' au-tu " e- " 6.16 t.30 " Arrire 7.0as1 .io ius " B.46 " 10.40 " ll.W M 11.26 r W 11 W " 10 1.07 " 1.16 t-MO - 4-16 ' ffT-Tralna Ttaaa at tbe "T" UMm an. tt the UpVtaaia ia behind time, dowa train will watt thirty nunutes and proofed running thirty minntt behind its time, UUupreia la mt t and pamod. If down-train ta be hiad time, up-traia will waits one hour and i proceed, runalog one sour bctuna its i. till dowB-train is met and paytsed. If both trains are beninl time, the train bAuttd East will bars the right to the oed tadeflc nitely. as awaiast train btmnd West i aad tst passm or it heard from. Ctetng Wast, Braevkiast at Balisbery. XJ6 mm., Ooing fiost. Dinner at lticaaryt p. m. ' Oencral Bupvriatmwlent W. 8. Pbabsmi, Master of Tieaarcrtatlea. KicKMOirp 4 DturiuA RiCBMoim Daw TllAM hV W., N. C. AflVtSieSt BBd nOBTK WnSTBBM N. C. K. W. Ccndiee.l Tlme-Table. In .effect on tnd after March 13th 187. Lea re Char'ottc af AinLiMtlurtettoa " BaHebnry, A JO - Onbtwoj 10.6 " - UanTllle, P - Dundee. 1 - Uttrkviile. " Arrive at KicbmoQtt. OOW SO0TB. Leave aUebinond, ' t .60 a at " BiirkrtdUs, -W - - Dundee, l.s p m - Dsavills. " - Ornaboro, 4wM w - Btviabury, tM " - Air -Line Junction 6.61 - Arrive at ChareOtte 9-lt ooiiro bast. I eoijwO wnr.' Lrtare Oreensbo 10.tAam Arrive -lO p a Arrire Ba.tiirh 11. 14 DBS 1 Lsare lvt4 " Arrive EaJeigh t.Zl p m Arrive 11.49 pm VxKMMaDVrOi oaju p m idare ". m aa itvoaicoisATicet tbais. L've Oreetuboro, 6.SU a m I Arire 10 JO a ttt Arrive Itavleigh 6j07 a m I Arrire S.OQ pm Aarire OoiUaUro IOM " Iwsave M p m Noam WasTama M. U. AV. K. djmave Onttmaboro, 4.46 p m- TJrive at tmlcm, -..sV46 p m Ltave StvU-m, 6-lt a m' Arrire at QrttmMbcto, 10.63 a m Pasecngpr train .raring RaMgb at 1141 m eoaaerts at Greensboro witb the South- era hound train ; making the quickest time to all Southern citiee. Anronmoda-' turn train leaving Italeigh at IM p to eon-' nects with Northern bound trains at Qrot-ns--horo for Kiohmond and ail points east.--' IVioe of tieketa same as via other routes. Ai-aWBnmodatian train teavinr Oroeaabcro atb30amcoen-eta at COrdaUtro with North ern aad 8ou thorn Uiund trains oa the Wil' nurrtoB and Weldoa llaulraad. lrncbbura' AcrKauaioaai:ica wave twjt , moctd at 9. a in arrire af Burkville ltM pr m. arrive at Richmond 4 14 p m. No Caaxas or Cabs BrrwEtn CnAnieOTTB avp lueaaMwiB, XHS hilss. Patten that have arwiirernenta to ertver- ; tise tho sohwdule of UumpaAy will plesse print as above and forward oopke to QeB'l-' Paasasigea Agt'nt. For aMtht-r uuonnatioB Mdrcar JOHN B- MACMUKDOI Gen L raaacnger Agea ssenger Agent RitBkond. C. a RAILWAT. SDFKRINTKNDKNT8 OFFICX,' Wi'iuukgt-a. 1V. in, 1976 CHANQE OF 8CHKOULS. U. DVc 1ft. 1876 On and after Sunday. Dec 19. baiaa wiU' run orer this Ball way aa follows : PBeeengek, and Mall Tralna leily, na dajs exoopted. Idsare Wilmington, at 7-00 a m Arrive at Charlotte, 10 p m Leave Charlotte, at 6.M'a nr. Arrire Wilmmgton, et 7X p m' Fset Fruight aad Psaaangae Trains Daily Leave Wilmington, at 1 09 p m- Arrire at CWotte, 10i30 a m Leave Char'otte, at 1.M a m Arrire at Wilmington. 10.40 a m Shelby DiviaitmDaily, ffuadaya etnepud Lcare Cbarlotls, at 7-00 a m Arrire at Shelby, 11J0 a ta Iare Shelby, at 110 p m- Arrive at Ouwlotta, i.uO p m- - Couaectlims. Connects with the A. mt B. Air Line fit1 CharlotU at 7 JO p. m. aad -30 a. m. Cainntwts at WUmingtoa with Wilmlng-' toa A Weldou llailroad ; alao with Wiltuing-' ton, Columbia A Augusta Saiiroad at U a. m., and 7. p- m. - jMLTTime from Wilmington to ACantay 14 botira. doss coaaMtion both waya, aaeV ca to the North. fteT Favera MblmbiBw CaroliBa Cntrat: Railway mhedulc will pleaas not-;ot ebaa- L. -FREMONT, Chief Bngineeir and aatiaBttBdttt. 14t . i- . Wilmington & W4doa :. RAILROAD 00 Omci or Oem!. Hi rsniHTSJiLianT. WilmingtcB, N. C, Dee. 17, 1W6. $ Change of Sobedule Na. 16. On and after Dec. 19th, rasssngur train on the WLmmgton aud Watuen Bail read will run as follows t DAT TBA. Iftan Union Depot (Bun tays eaceptdid) f.M A m Arrire at OoltUboro ' ll.tU a m Kocky Mount IM p m Welrioa . o 1.46's m IvaJrValtlon dany " Ki.ut, a m i Arrive at Rocky Mount 1 1 AO a an OoicaU io . UK a Unit-n Dit .(.Ot p at Leave Union Ik-pot daily Arrire at GnKibVro " Sovky Mount . Woldon . Leave Weldun daily Arrire at Rocky Mount Ooldsltoro Union Deont TJOpm 1 JO a m 4 JO a m 7.16 S in, TOOp m t.67 p m 1 U a m 7 JO a m The mail trala tuakt s close rimni it ns at elclon tor all pouits Iturth vta liay Iiae and all rail reuUs, Parlor Cars run ea tbds train between. Vilnungton ad'Fertsaieuth. Train connects only with all rail r ata. Pulliuan'a I'alacu RtPtping Cars en th a train. rVeight Traina will Ityare Wi nisgUa tri-wtekly at Atti a to, at...-at pro t 1.49 JOHN W. DITIHR, wan saa I n, tub' viy

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