It- i t i i l BLUE EIDGE BLADE. MOBGAKTOS, N. C, OCT. , 5, 1878. Tut El ape will Lc pent to such parties, only, as pay in advance at ?l ip.t annum, or six months fur 75 cents. If the money is r.--t i;ail in advanee,'the,nsual price will l.o charged. We offer this aa an induce ment for cash subscriber v A good Sewing Sfachine for sale cheap. Apply at the Bladk office. XiOCAXi. Wood! Persona owing ns wood for subscriptions, and those desiring to sub cribeand pay it in wood, are requested to bring i in at once. Vctrfer why the editor pro tempore of - the FAncator, did not bift sand for Mr Feeler. . Mr. L. IT. Corpening treated the Blade force on June aji.lee 2nd growth the past week, that were really fine. ifr Wallace requests ns to sfate that no goods will be field from hie store on next Monday, it be ing an annual holiday. Col. W. W. Lenoir, owing to prsssure of private business declines the Presidency of the Caldwell and Watauga Kailroad Company. " Dr. Lotvenstein, the dentist will be here on the hth and remain a few days." OlSce at Mr. Wallace's, in the office once used by Dr. Tate.. - : Nebo Camp Meeting is now going on. President Wilson will pun special trains on : Sunday for the accommodation of persons desiring to attend. Gov. Vance and hi.-) wife left on special train for" Charlotte last Tuesday. Mrs, Vance ij yet in very feeble health, and we were giud to see h. r able t-3 nvike this trip, Th- Ca'.tuvLu' I.'iver (Baptist) Associa tion wiH 4 held at Bottle's church, three liiiies iroui jijrgani,oii, tins year. Services will T.i gin on the lt'th hist., and continue over Sunday following. Making Business. V'e thought we were up to . snu3 and knev.- how to run the business department of a newspaper, but we pass over our hat to our neighbor of the Ed-ieator, who got possession of an article belonging to a gentleman of the village and i3 now hold ing it While he advertises it in the Educa tor as "Lost or Stolen." Good Postmaster. W. A. ifcGall, Es-j., one of the most en terprising of .McDowell county citizens is the postmaster at North Cove, and last week finding that io mail carrier would fail to attend to hU business, "mounted his own 'horse and brought the mail to. Mor- nton'and returned with the mail for his office. It'o wish Wu had more of -such offi cials aa Squire McCall. . T.0"fvit that your nurses do not drug yonr lift !e 'Ties with laudanum, paregoric or other 60-lliirig remedies. Give them Dr. Bull's B.tbv &vri;i), which innocent remedy is warriifnted not to contain opiates Married in Upper Foik township, . Sept, 22nd, 1v7S, at the residence of H;nry JVornmn,' by J. II. Kamsey, Esq., Mr Charley Lane to Miss Eliza Norman,- and Mr. JL-.-k Meas-r to ?Jws Matilda Johnson, The Charlotte Observer. This excellent daily newspaper is out in an entire new dress, and much improved otherwise. It is ably editodand keeps fully up with the' news of the day, and as it is received here the same day it is published it furnishes the news twenty-four hours earlier than any other daily. Subscrip tion prieo: One month, 75 cents; three months, ?2; six months, one year, $8. Send for it. Reported Arrests. It was currently reported on the streets yesterday that Mr. Jacob MulL and nis brother Peter, who live in the lower edge of Burke county, near the Lincoln and Catawba line, were arrested by the reve nue officials one day this week for illicit distilling, and that twelve hundred gallons of " moonshine" were found in their pos session. Lin. A etc. Mistake. These men live in Catawba county; There may (?) be blockaders in Burke county, but we only desire to hare credit for whai we do. We understand that Capt. Peter Moll lays no claim to the whiskey capture J, bot says it belonged to his brother Jake who lives on the same place, .and who has not been arrested for the reason that lie has not since had busi ness with the revenue officers of sufficient importance to indttce him to call on them. ,The two live together with their mother ct the old Mull homestead. Since writing the above we fin J the fol lowing in our exchanges, and suppose it relates to the sain a matter: Commissioner Eaum has received the following from Revenue Agent Chapman, datsd Statesviile, X. C, P-i.. 30th: 'Capt. A. GI!ryan ha? just ret timed from a raid ia"tjii- --South iionntaius. He- cap tufod and secured twenty-sever, packages of about one thousand gallons - t whiskey and brandy, two still, three caps, three, still-worms and ten bushels of meal, and destroyed four thousand gallons of mash and beer and one hundred" gallons of low wines. lie was fired upon and had Special Deputy Long s hor3e killed. For the Stck. A New and Fir-st-Class liTisr Store Hog Cholera.' A correspondent sends us the. following with the request that we publish : "When a hog is found to be taking the cholera, split the. skin between th3 eyes, whori you will find the skin separated from the skull bone -about the oize uf a silver ha1? dollar, into this place rub a little tar or turpen tine. This is a certain cure. Idas been known to cure hogs aftjr they could not stand up." . Tic work on out streets is going brave l'y on unil.iT the supervision of our town Itm-fit.J, i.'ii-lu! rd Wt'riiiins. Our J resent Mayor is said to be slow pm.ishing oJFend icre of the law, but is good on street work-in;r- . The name of th-: Educator, publisUod at Er:tiiei ford College has been changed to Kejort .-r. Mr. llhtir aa editor is getting up a very interesting paper, and Mr. A'or-giuiliii- n-.di'ioiu r is doing himself creilit as a printer by the. neat appearance it pr'-sents. It is certainly well printed. The knowing ones say ; that we are to have a long and severe v. inner. D- is well -tnongh U-. In; prepared -for it, and now is thV !o '(. saving all too hay niid long forage possible for stock. It too often is the case (hat work animals are too weak in the spring for service because stinted in food to get thro' the winter. Chaeige of Schedule. The schedule has again changed on the W. N. C. Railroad. The up train passing here at 10:34 a. m., and the down train it .L:1."T). m.' Trains bass at Marion. This schedule suits us very well. We have time to answer letters received on up train the same day. The P.-h.idul'! on f.h i A. T. 1 0. Kailroad bus tt's"i been eha'ngid so as tj conform to the c-iansri ou this roa-L IS .,. MorgaiitoR, N. 0. z o Hnmphreys & Royster, CJiem!;t and Drnjs:i:4s, With their systematic intention to sup ply a long felt want of the people of Burke and adjacent counties, now isvite public OtlCUUVU W lU. Drugs, Chcmiea's, Paints, Oi'.s, Varnishes, ic., Lar,!ps and Lamp Goo-'s, White Lead, Glass, Putty, Kerosene and Safety Oil, Toilet Articles, Perfumery, Trusses and Snpportars, Brushes and Corahs, Stationery, &c, in the bnilding recer.t - y occnpiel hy Kib'.t-r & Slayton on Princc3 street and near the Court House green. As the Proprietors sha'l r-?gr'f-iy or-ier from first-class houses North, they will have only LHAIuil Clr riSl have just received and will sell for cas, At Extremely Low Fibres. a ful' line of goods, consisting of Drugs. Medicines, Paints, Oils, . Dye Stuffs, : Perfumes, 1 Instruments, Violin k Guitar Strings. I)i;Utrieria. Wo- learn' that this fearful diseaso is showing itself in different parts of the county. Every ease of sore throat, is not diphtheria, but, for fear it might be, otir ptop'e should take active steps to relievo a patient with any kind of -tore throat. A correspondent gends us the' recipe for the sulphur ti-eatmeiit as ' pi-aetiit; it is claimed with never failing muimh-ss by an eminent physician. W? pu'o'i",hed this planet treatuienf som..-titne ago, and pre sume most of our n'tfdirre undeiriand it- If any treatment proves sueccssftl, we hope it will bo reported; and let everybody know how to contend with this t:. rrible disease. Our j. '.n-and popular .Sheriff, Joseph HrLtlui:.', o-.- ight. witness tickets against th" county in the cam of Seerest arhoujit "ing to 3i:?a4.u5 fvtr' $i;,'8.20. This he did ' a1 J-.V -well Cvrt in th fict of 'Wva' ' ' bi.ddiiig and euved to liurke county J07S.2O. No email item 'in these times. Hurnfh for '. Uritiain"! As our r -porter Jasf lr.-'ht, shiver cam" (iong v arer street ing with the chill night air, and .Irawinc Itis overcoat, tigntiyauoui him, h.' thouirht, "now is the tfme f or 1' cohlsjind coughs," but if poor mortals on- ;ly knew what a certain cure Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup is, how few would long suf fer, and then it costs only twenty-five cenfs. Sandusky (Ohio) Register. The TTeudersouvillo Courier was lively List week n fhe I'ioucr. The first named paper eiijoyd a. few weeks run of bank rupt.-y a.lver.'whig, whiith it claims lh Piai.rr,- vrunted and invoked the aid of the Gn v.'s'hoi-o'-i:ils to get. Mr. liegist Ewart st'iod up to'the Courier and the r peal of the law made further controversy useless. Otherwise we think the Pioneer would have won the fi 'lit. Au Appeal.' We f hi; undersigned contractors having sustained-a loss greater than we can afford, bv the Lit fr-v li- t virryinir a'war t ie nn- tinished bridge we had pift in near Mc Dowell's Ford, would appeal to the citizens tojtwfd us by contributions in putting up a bridge at Buffalo Shoals, where we have the advantage of a good rock foundation, and. where wo can undoubtedly put in a substantial bridge. We will be thankful for any contributions of money, corn, wheat, bacon, or anything that will aid us in carrying on this much needed work. Jack Williams, James Bakes, J. II. Mull. Pursuant to call in last week's Blade, the ladies met at the Court House, (and they were disappointed in not seeing a fw gentlemen on hand,) lant Wednesday. Ihev appointed a committee to wait on t;ie p-.-eii.- To solicit -onir:but:on, and a. !io.;r;;.-;. et v, pOcJo-t books out and r a ly to denote something to a'lo vi;iie the s::lT.rings of your Lrethr jn ill th yellofr fver stricken section, fo: the la dies will not excuse you without a. liberal dona tiou. It is ;:ot eaongh that in the great citiits in ikc-v is b.-iusj e.utribate-t. Every to.n, every vjiluge, ev..ry aeighborheo d ought te Hi tribute its share. We cannot even approa-n a it;:a!iz:u:on 01 tne horror, the fit spair into which the dwellers in the fever -smitten districts have ieen plunged. Starvation as well as pcstileuce stares thi'iu in th ; face. All industries are sua pen le-1, ami those who rely upon wages for daily foo-t for thems-?lves, their wives and little ones are left penniless and idle. Business is paralyzsd, the n.-cessaries of life are scarce and all but unobtainable. The N w York Evening Po't says: I "The fact is IJiat with all the unstinted liberaMty which has V"en and is pouring out. money "like water, there is still lamer table suffering for wa:il of money in all tli.i v. llnor f. t. r .!. a '!" -i;.;fr,.? is not uere'y that of persons with the fever in their houses. The class to. be relieved includes not on!y the poor, as we ordinari ly use that word, but everybody who is dependent for support upon earnings o? any sort, because all business is at an end in fhe stricken cities and all earnings are stopped. Men who in ordinary circum stances are accounted thrifty an 1 we'.; -to-do-lawyers, clerks, salesmen, sh'.'pkeep jrs are left without resource, with U12 means of livelihood cut off, and all these men with their families are in a state ?.f destitution to which such men in ordinary circum stances never oome. Into the ranks of tli3 poor rfev th is thrust t-'iis of thousands of person.-: wh.o urc not th-iught of co:nmonly, even as-possib'-ysubjeets of charity. The ii.'ed is ovcrwhffming, the helph.-ssness ap pa'Iing. aa-1 in the ordinary, cmrsj of na ture, the cause of all this suffering ;nust continue its activity for five or six week.-; yet at tho least. Every dollar that pity can spare is .'or -.y nee'W, a:it uoeraoy 6.3 gjod peop'e have every where given to the cause, they must give more liberally yet, e'sj a'l the horrors of famine v.-i'i added tc t ho of pest ilence. Tie MjBiirtffli 1116 Drugs and Chemicals, both for compounding and for the Whole sale Trade ; to which signifif.nfc nJ nioat important fact the Physicians throigiiout this section are respectfully referred. Pre scriptions carefully tilled, day and uigot. Orders from a distance solicited and promptly attended to. Wilmington, Ualeigh, Charlotte and Salisbury urices duulie.-ited. W.i refer to M -ssi-s. Hall Pres., of Hick - ry, -V. C. l;iI-dmos. NATiSML HOTEL. SALlsiJUliY, N. ( ., Delightfully bituated in the centre of the City, and Accessible 0 all Business Houses. 7d. SeHLOSS, Piiop'it. They ahj keep on article of hand an cieelk-nt I Tohacco, SiHiff and rijars. D2. J. L. LAXTON'S Office is in the Drug Store, wh. re he can be consultid t any tuns, when not abseiit cn professional business. WILL be received, for furnishing 13,000 feet of lambcr, flooring, sheeting, framing etc . on the line of the W. S. C. E. R., at the Vine Hill crossing, ona mile west of the Morganton Depot. F' r fiirth- r partieidars app'j t j T. Geo. Walten,'cia' A;t!it. WILBEKFOKCE S.'HOOL, Tim- threat ('nil " of UUMA5 MISEUV. Just Publislied, in a Sealed Envelope. Price six emits. Ale tare 0:1 the nature, treatment, and radical cure of ser.iina! weakness, or sper maorrhoen, induced by self-abuse, involun tary emissions, Impf tencT, nervois debility and inipedunents to mai-riago' renera-Uy ; consumption, epi'epsy and fits ; mental and AT 0:1c a '-00 1 man fo introduce cur niibli. ationti in this county, either on a c uuiiiission or sa'ary. d-'.ress. Gen. Aoent, A'atiosai, Pub. Co., Kah ili, N. C. T. S. GR0VS9H, "V'nclesl:i'o IV. J., COMMISSION' MEPCIIANr, and dealer in GENERAL lEECHAffllSE. "t,f all kinds of Solicit s iv.nsigr.menl s nioer.tain pT'iue.1. Correspondence invited. Infers to ChUr Back, W:ieYdoro, X. C, 'an'S to the business men of Widcelx ro," . C. Jw 'Store AND PJSW SOOBS. The uadersigaod would informtbe pc-ple in the neighborhoc'l of iiifJ that th-v PSBKINSVIL STOCK Of GOODS ut their : will cons tii p .0 t.- .t-.r--V-.! Ii'vti--'i :.e, and ir.t'y ke-'-p onharel tvich as iiiar neo.l, and will V. as Cheap s tlie P.hoapest, anl keep !h BET GRADE of GOODS Piedmont Stock Farm, HICKORY, N. C. The nnlefticTunl calls attention tolul pure brel Poland China, Berkshire and Kiwi Pigs now for sale , at his farm neiu Hickory. The 1ooJ of mv stock is as pure as Northern steck a;nl wi'i be sold for less mon. r. P. W. ROiTKi Wheat! Wheat! Wheal! The highest niarkt t price will be paid in cash for wheat. Call on or address, : D. W. KOVVE, I 123-ly.- Hickory. -V. CJ, OLD, TEIBD, AX3 TRUE pliyn-..-ii! CUI.VF.1 Book," wrir.T., M. I-, author of th se. nrae.ic ; own -; I 5 ef se in:;ipa--ity, 4c. By Rosejjt J. The -A-vl.l renowned author, in. th v prov. s u - t: ;;io n-.iul -en-: i.y h. eli'eetunr.y r. aud without dm ad- hi- movod 'erons AU'.nt:i Medical College ATLA.VTA, OA. The Twenty-First Jnnnal Course of Lect res will commence, Oct. 15th, 1878, and elo,-e SlaVeh 1th, IS70. Faculty J. O. Westm reland. W. F. Westmoreland, W. A. Lovo, V. H. Talia ferro, Juo. Tna''. Johnson, A. W. Ca'honn, J. H Loan, J. T. Br.nks ; Demonslrator, C. W. Nuttm Send for Announcement, giving full in formation. JNO. THAD. JOHNSON, M. D., Dean. 127-1 mo. IELr J.- -23 "!. 1 s. m yc-.i Try V. I'. r.VN i"- 'N' CO. withourinedicin surgical oieiatio;isj bougies, instruments, rins or cordials; pointing out a mole of cure at once certain and eii'ecti-.a', by which every sufferer, 'uo matter what his condi tion may be. may cure himself cheaply pr; vately fftid radically. 555"Tliis k-ctur will or-jve a bo-.n t -thousands. S. f i:ud.-i- . : . e. -. ' . t any address, or. rut ipt of s;x oeuis, or two postaift stakuis -IdJrei tho.piibiisiierE. The Ci:i.VEi:".'t:i.t. Medics.!. Oo., 41 Ann St., New York; P. 0. Box; dSO. 13 BEST l.i:aint-ss vo;i ean en-'a-'e in. to Si.) p.-r dey by iiny worSer 01 e.t'i-T s-'X, right ir. tneir own localities. Par'ii-ulars and samples worth 3 free. Jmprov.? your spar, tim.) at tSis t.usinejn. A.l.'.rcs"? Snssai & Co., Port land, Aiiine. ' - CAROLINA REAL ESTATE CTliax-lotte, rv 4 "1 TTfgO It v. i want to A(jrAMb M-tkil MONEY pleasantly and t-isr. a.ldress ixET.-riAB vet & Co., vlanta, Ga. The Attorney General has rendered an opinion on the legal tender character of the subsidiary silver coin to the effect that it is b p-a1 tender for any debt not cx -i'd-in live dollar. For ar.y amount beyond : five dollars it is not a k-il tender. For I instaiKv, for a debt of $10 the debtor can not force the creditor to receive any por j tion of flie du in subsidiary silver coin. j The Treasury P-pnrtiwnt has uniformly : hell this vicv since 1H(W. llvMU of ChristoplitT IJetcliIrr. CliristopluJr B tehler, tlw father of our townsman, Mr. A. Betchler, died at Char lotte on the 2:lrd, ult. The Charlotte Ob server speaking of'him says: "Jfr.Betch ler was a gomewiiat historical character in Western ATorth Carolina, lie was a Ger man by birth, and came to this country In 1!S32 or 18X3, about the time that the gold discoveries were made in Burke and Ruth erford counties. In those days there was no mint or place for' coinage of gold in tti3 part of the country. Necessity sug gested to an elder member of th family to establish machinery for ihe coinage of the .piant ity of old then found in that part of ihe country. The success of that unler takine; was remarkable. The Betchler coin wnn well known and readily pissed throughout the whole State. Valuable Merchant Mill Wi: OFFER for sale IS acres of land. or. svhiih is 6itnateda valu able Merchant Mill arid few .11 id, lyinyf on the atirs of y-p.-r Creek, 10 111'iies northwest, of .'.orp-a.u-ton. Sui'd mil! four rori-J hih, contain ing 2 se'sfiue bt-.hw. one of wl .ieli is French, and built en a :'ood rock wad which cost 0110 thon.s.iiid dollars. Persons wishing for farther information e.-ui.aop'y to LECK &. TUKNER, Mor.r.on, N. C. A'OKTII CAKOLlNA, ) In the Superiok McDowell co. covrt. W . II. Ho war 1 to th us- of W. E. I'owe a.i 1 II. X. Tate Kxeeutors of V. C. T te, A'jivnst William McGalliard, David MeO;illiard, T. P. Cuthberson. O. d r ' P -h!U iC-m )- ,i. On motion and atfidavif tiled, if is ord. r .h1 bv lie. court that publication be madi Hi.rv ' ...I .. Pi aiv, a n ris intoit !' -r s x v.-. A., T. i 0. L 1. SUPERINTENDENT'S OFFICE, ") Cliar'otte, N.C., Sjpt. 2Sth', W8. ) ON and after Monday, Sept. :11b -r 30ih, the ft.l!o-in Sehe '.u'e! be re.n over this road da! y (Sun-lay exepted) ; ' GOING NORTH. . WE bv.r-m 1 ill kin Is of REAL ESTATE ON COMMISSION. Have tee-nti: North working up einigra- I j . .. T , I, " " ' T noil iur LOS al'L tt.-lt. We idvertise u ore e;rt -ns veiy than any i.flur agency in th Country so that our ehiine.-v' for s-OIins? Lands are superior to any oth.-T agency. VVe make no eharj if no sale is made. We soHcit corresp -n lenco with those having real estate to sell. Wv'want a number of farms to fill orders. A&ZSViTS wanted in every county. Send fi.r our paper the .Snu'ft-f.imd. 5MM) opic pub? sl-e-l -monthly. 1AVV)X & CO. f2 , c!5 3 Lalsst IrnroT Family Sevang Machines. The PHILADELPHIA, las all the latest n :r'-voionts, mid is rmvle of the vc.r- Ui rd ri ds, nsinc a long, Inrgo, easily threaded shuttle. In a word, it is THE Scwina Machine for .Family use, T,m-!7f Stronir and Liirlit ruuiiiii-;. Fully warranted in overy particuJar, and retails for are B-.t onht to be wlih the wOaJorfol ratrtoa that grrat Aincrlrtiii KemilT, th MEXICAN Knstang Linim6iiti : rOB, MAN AND BEAST. j Tlili llnimont vrry naturally originate In inn cn. whon .Nature j.rov!ds in hor lahorfttory auc ant'prUiRff i'.tlil.itra f.r "tho mala.ft of horrhll- ,lr. n. !; fame lira been aprnutlnit tnr S3 yean,; until not It i-'iolrcl.-s thrhaUUabte plobe. i TL Mexiran itustatiK IJnlaient Ib a mstfhlea: f. r.-!l externalnilHient.iof mnaiiJtafc' To sKh k nr.rt tn.Tr.fn It 1 1 lr.valu:.lic A slni:' ' hotlle -fl n rnvin a linman life or ro-- ttorrs the tiwfntiieM if an -xcelleMit hore, o. cor, or fihA.-p. It cure fxit rot, hor.f aJl, hollow horn, grub,' tercw-wonn, shuilJer rot, mnrB"", the bltca and; etlngncf jxilsonius reptile ami ine, and erary such drawback to stock breeding amt Uuih life. ' It cures every external troublo of hornes, roek as!!S. scratches, awlnny.apralna. founder. wind Rail, ring bone, otc., etc. The Jicxlc-iu Muatang Liniment 1 tl quickest. eurelnthoworld for accidents oecnrrlng In th family, la the obncnco of a fhyildan, uch M burns, scalds, 8pralnj, cuts etc.. and for rheums tlsm, and stiffness engendered by exposurs. Par ticularly valuable to Miners. It 1 the cheapest remedy in the wono, lor a penetrates the musclo to the bone, and a slnfl application Is Resera'.ly sufflelent to euro. Mexican Mustang iiinimcn i pu p sixes of bottles, tho Lirker ones being proporHo ately much the cheapest. Bold everywhere. Leave Char'otte,' Arrivo States vale, GOING SOUTH. Leave S(atesville. " I Coilej-e, Arrive Charlorte, "Ao a. 111. 4 3t " 6.15 a. m. 5.30 p. m. 7.U " 91-) " Close connection made at Slutesviiie with hi. ins over the W. AT. C. II. li. All char --.s ni'W.t he pre-pa,:-! - a Freiiriit H li'iv.eii S. npment to oeetior Al. xiiieiriina and 0: -'l-'!iitr itatiems," the Com iiah'.e lor loss, or ilamare to offered for Henderson': 2'heae hein. pany is not freight after it is unloaded at either uf the above named " V'.?.- Stations."' No freight will be received by Ajjants "or shipment nii'-s the nniue of consignee and destination is uit-tinctlr :u.-u- -.1 tiiere on. J. J. GOKMLEY, Superintendent. Wine! Wins I! Wine 111 THE undersigns! is now prepared Jo fill orders on short notice for the Bck ami Purest Hative Wines. male by himself at his vineyard in Davie County. Correspondencj solicited. Al dress, (ieo. W. Johnsioii, Fannington, Davi co., N. C. ,131-Jlins. AVe are under, obligations to Burgin (ah s for a tn rt of potaioefi and beets. He o;ive ns a -sweet potato that for size ex- 4 cels iiny w,e Jiave seen -jriwii in the inotin- taiii. !'y the way l'eir is fixin r.p to move to Monroe to t.iWcharge of the old Tritclmrd Hotel of that towii, whieh, we Iresnm'e, will i. rafter K- nonnasthe ill- te! T)! Oik. Anybu ly needin- -ir len VejretiMes .jidd do well-tor buy of Burg before ho h aves. r AV.; call uttenti .n to the appeal of the contractors foi the hnildinr. of a brWe aerosw Cutawla rive These men are a'l poor, and tho loAs sustuinel by them in the toughing away of tho bridge begun bj thein, fa'.Is v.-iy lieavy upon tiiem. J'he lrid u h R.-uuy Kroatiy telt by our citf.enB, and we undersUtid the founda tion for .a bridge nt Buffalo Shoalu cannot be leaten on the river. Wo hope our poo r pie will give these nu n tho necessary aid t put up a briiUft? ,t haf will stand. I to s:ioV." 1 L jiiog..i-1-n. I'litdic lie ads. This is th' senvn of the year to put our r..;ids in good fix for v. inter. The e .;i U tion of the roads, of oar county during the winter is disgraceful to us as a people, and would be more appropriately named "sooty ditches," as they r. aiiy be come aim. -4 infp;iS3al?o for tile, utnl in them. Every iiian ought, of; course, to tiikq an interest in keeping up the roadji, and Ih.- willing, to wort on them, and then every three or four linndred dollars Worth of proporty:hld by him ought to furnish another handr-pr iu other worls le'tpi'op;r ty Ik- taxed to improve the roals. Proper ty U always enhanced in value by good roads, ;u. l it is not th? tramping of (hi; poor man who wears uit and cutd into ruts the road, but (he wagons, carts, mules, horses and oxen of -die proporty owner. Let the poor man wort the roads, tis his duty, but lcti tho property owner do Lis 'ill hare- too. d. nda:,t, W hi. Meoaiiiard. i::e why Exi-c-iiieu in the aUive sh .uld not Usue. . nit!, .l-u- of S'TitomUi-r. l'!7.; ' I. 0. 11. av. gillk-ntii:, Clerk Stipe rhr Court. BAUNKS' KOOT I'OVN- KK M U'HINEKV. '"f ty diir-M-enr n.SA-liiiu 'tn 'tKB which Build.Tw. t' iAgJa Jfak.jrs, Wago.i Kcw and JoMhts in Miseelianeous v.oik eitn comp. teas to QrAl.rry and 1'itiei; with steau: power tnanufaeturiuf ; a'so am Hteurs' spplis. saw bladtrs, .lesigns for Wal lirwk.'t and BuilderV ser .!! work. Til A ( ' 1 1 1 N ES S EST Oil TH I A ! , Say w'.iere you real this an! 8"nd. for catalogue and prices. W. V- & J"HN Baknks, K.vkrord. Winnelag.) ee.. III. f. V. . V. c i - o - " x DR. J. IflWENSim Will establish an oiHco at SI-Tganton, in connection with his ofSc nt Eli 'kiry, fi.nd will serve the people of this conut7 either at Morganton or at their homes, if desired. He will ted vo -. ui the loea! o. oan; of th. Blaos when vou can find him in Morgan n . . 1 w tr t C' "rf- V o - Z, ti I- ; 1; w 1; m s i 7 -1 -4 ii i . U. i." J-' 1 tl Ms L.1 I If iJ mi AIL) .rati upwards. Address, r;i!-uA!.iXruu SEv.-iN-a Macttint. Co., Hi N. S.-vcntli St. Fhiliulo'pliia. Ta. Your Proparty IX THE H9RTH CiEOLfflA HOME e:di;;;i:iy. -r- . liSTAT.LI.-'UEl) IN" ISM. A Korti Carolina J. O. Willi vx?, Pr't. V, IT. -TV C. C. RAILWAY. SUrERIN'TENDEXT'S OFFIC1-. Wilmint n, May IS?. ) CiP.NV.K OF SCHEDULE. On and ILmii'v. 'i-th inst , tho following Sehe'dnle will b,i this Kailwav : Pass vug r, L-a Mail ar. 1 F.xprccs Train: Wiliitino-ton, t Xo. 1. rrJvo at it . ) Arrive at fharieUe at ) L.-aio '!iarlott-. at !. 2.. Arrvi- f t Ibi'iil- t at ) Arrive lit Wier ngon 5 3ft p m L t't am o 3.' a m 7. SO pi 10 12.15 a m 7 43 a n 3f. r Tri IKeekly Freight i Aecom' Train r Leave Wilmington D 30 a m , nd Char lotte 7 '2o a 111 , on Tuesday, Thursdays an 1 .S:t ;r days. . Leave Li .rin'o iry t()n. in. going East and I'l' in. going Went, on SI mdaf j, Wednes lays and Fridirri. Shelby Liv;,.:. U?..T.--M-.t .-ml P-twn- g' r and Kr;r'i : L.-ave Cha-'ott at r. Jo a n ) Arrive ut Shelby at 10 50 m L-avo Shelby. at 12 43 p m ) Arrive at Ciariotie at 0 C p-m 1 2, 1 vi 1 4 ran tUi'y ex-. .Vo. 3. Xo. 4. in : 'Tit .Si .1 I I IV. t -n 5 :i ' ; IM.'.V" '' at let '. ,- r,,, v. ., o i'ort!i C-u-.di.iL ILv'n.ii arrive at M'vil'.e n- :t arrivs nt " M-sid o' IV- v Wi'iiiiiT- a' 7 3 J p. ni., a' t, arriving - 1 iar ' ' rj .n i ixitn ' at 9 IV it. r.i U n i" at '5. - I. 1 ci c p li- ci 0: i; t-i Z ic -3 ic ;t ic u jc C tc i; J j r. v 'j' - 1- li li ;i - j- li ; - "ir ? '.- ' l " '- H " i -j. r ri' -i - u- i - I ': i "l ' 1. - rfX 1 , WATERS CHIME Mum (JWr-m-BU." tun 1-5 ' 2 0 1' ;v'v!f.vrf6 L'-t r-. c;ie.A?:r. ;5J- BITS HJUUCr-U 4 ''X 30. '78. v -x. c -z. c p- U. I - iu io ' ti b 'i5 - 'v li t -j ii i i- -1 ' r. ti Z- -Ti- 0DiS3pM-.ri--livS ii li C; iT ' - - - V. M - j v r x 5s P .- !i r .w - c. r. x a i -d i -z. i- r K z i - i s ; x i r. 1 1 x pc p k; ii fc io it. i i z. y y ae ' ' ' i 5 O r-i O - . fed o p arc tnoMb,moi,.rol tit si yl oni prfert in tone CTer tituUVTbey kaTe 0 rplbrte4 Canrrrto Map whkh ii a t ne laituulaa f trtmTMor'IlellatvBM iwrfaet hmim tmj ! rrr: ' iniuiteal eol 3-: -f ii t I'tHflllrlU S kV-iietk iom r-Hi.TjF.-j, .rtiAi-i -I-j ,f A- -HlTE, fJ. vr.Mit.U5. IA t-Td liOL lOIIi, OKtiANK. i" t.n!t:"5 InwhlMM WATER8'' JctS- SouTemrOrzans imrAkm The t-n-f-. ' iu t?f.-f-rn in mai,n 1H..ICR -.Lnkl nllUta fur V i orrfert frirchtwinra. "T! U L t KXTISKJKT.V LOWfW nrntfi. Wiil rt-II a better liKratnfBt at lowpr pHr-e than an. !lor hn r.M- tn the IT. WATERS' PIANOS "rtZX? mreUu BtT .HAUE, IA Tea, Tom-h, Wrk" majMhlpoM Dnrmbllitr I'twanHuxL War rmntrd fur SIX YEAHA PKIt KS Extreaie. ij lw far l iuh. ttrmlhlj InntallBiatara rrtrrd. A libr rmt diaroant ( TicJt't,ttinitTi, Chvrrri,f;ck jo:.Loltri,xte.AUKXTH WANTED. 8plal In'lorrnM-nt tothcTmir. inarair4 CiulmM MnMrit. Krranrfhan4 Piaaaa Orcaom (JR EAT nAR; Slmlm at HalfPrli-f t vmm at f reat a race. HOUACK WATF.KS A: MS Mafra.a4 Dealers, 4 O Enat Mih Mreet, New ark DAV7SON & '0 CHAKLQTTE, X. Cn Ucaerml Axsau far tie Hfata. To IfSalra Rloney dr !' V. O. J-JlLN'SOX. Chief Enginsw and r5 -i.p-rintendtar. t ' " a wnck in ywr o?rti timn. ' O't- vl v.. . . ti . j : t P jJJ.'t ;rw. JOIIU. ivca'ier, ii jwm nt lujin4 at which jwwom of Mthar H'.t. . -)-.- ' pv. -- t v.'i'tJ iny jr w : ' ' - '. si ': --'rj to M. Mt,tjt rj'y ? ' V'Ki Ml.' lr ii I At The ch.-a;e--st, in'-a diira'.'.e and c3L--ient Pr.w . :r .irf r i' t- '. A r.t'e-l to rthf '.land, H'-r.ii or bttain i'ower. F.rric uiant, ftUrtM U. W. WJtLii. 'ral. .ifWil l'rai Co. V. IllMiU, !rKior ale v.t tUU 6 ' it . . ! It .i . 1A