AGRICULTURE. Coolino Milk by Planting Trees. At a recent dairymen's association meeting- cooling milk before deliyering to the' factory, was , made a prominent atopic, and it was urged that tie cooling should begin witn cooling wie rows. This would save nearly all thp trouble onnrionnMl in the heat of the season rfrom bad milk, By keeping jthe cows 'onni ' comfortable and healthy, their milk would be sound and pur$, and not in a condition to need doctoring. To keep COWS COOl, ieeu iuubi. iro yicuigi -nono-h to allow of filling themselves quickly and retiring to the shade; water must be convenient and good ; and slow ririvin? and milking, in an airy shade, are also essential. If feed in the heated term is scanty in the pasture, it should h made Dlentv by soiling, and if natu ral shade is wanting, artificial should be applied. Cows thus cared for will ' ?ive milk of a quality that will not need artificial cooling, if taken to the factory ' twice a day. All that would be required would be to remove It in well ventilated rams. It would then arrive at the rac tory all the better for the airing and: agitation of a ride. In default of pro per care of the cows and free ventilation in' transportation, artificial cooling must be resorted to Dy tne useoi water, lce or air. While rapid cooling, by which the milk or any part of it is sud- denly reduced below 60 degrees, was not approved or, it was tne general sen tlment that gradual cooling down to at least 70 degrees is urgently demanded for all milk liable to taint or other fault, and desirable for any milk in hot weather. The necessity of keeping own cool and comfortable bv nrotectlnsr them from the heat of the sun in op- being afterwards justified presslve weather, was emphasized at the close of the discussion by a unanl mous resolution, recommending, forth e purpose of improving the products of . the dairy, that trees be planted along the roads where cows are to be driven ,, and in pastures where cows run, or that artificial enaae oe esiaoiisnea. SCIENTIFIC. Machine Type-Setting. The latest de vice of this sort a foreign invention consists mainly ot a type frame or case, ana a movaDie type-extractor carrying the compoaine-Btlck, the case betas fixed at an angle, and divided into a number of vertical spaces for holding the various types. Below the case Is a steel slide-bar upon which the extrac tor works, and is free to be moved either to the right or the left by the compositor, j The type-extractor has two handles, one or these being fixed on the left side, and by means of which it is moved to ana rro, ana the other similarly movable on the right, by which process of extracting the types are disposed or as required, in this performance, the operator adjusts the extractor to the letter desired, in doing watch he Is guided by a graduated scale combined with the representation of the letters in each crack, the spaces on the scales corresponding to the letters lie then depresses the movable handle. which causes a small projecting piece at the back to engage in the space between the teeth of a steel comb, and which fixes the position of the extractor ; at the same time, a email piston advances forward, pressing a type before it. out ot the rack ! into the composing-stick that is held! in the receiver. On-re versing the I handle, the type just set pushes down the distance of its own thickness in the stick to make room for the next, this extractor is released, and is passed on to theriext type required When the composing-stick is mil, spring is actuated, so as to ring a warn ing bell. The full stick is then removed and an empty one substituted, the type BOMESTIC. The Workshop. The crushing strength of box aud teak is nearly. double that of American oak. Girders of cast iron, up to a span of forty feet, involve a less cost than of wrought Iron. Slate is a very dry material, but from its quick conducting power it is not adapted for the retention of heat. Asphaltum fifty pounds and gravel twenty-eight pounds will cover an area of ten and three-iourins square teet, In public halls, churches and build ings, where the weight of people alone is to be provided for, an estimate of 175 pounds per square root of floor surface is sufficient to provide for the weight o'f flooring and the load upon it. Port land cement Is made In .England and France. It requires less water than Roman cement, sets slowly and can be remixed with additional water, after an interval of twelve or even twenty four hours from its first mixture. All mortars are much improved by beingj worked or manipulated; and, as rich! limes gain somewhat by exposure to the air. it is advisable to work mortar in large Quantities, and then render it fit for use bv a second manipulation To remove putty from glass, dip a small brush in nitric or muriatic acid, and with it paint over the dry putty that adheres to the broken glasses and frames of the windows. After an hour's interval the putty will have become so soft as to be easily removable. Break hard putty into lumps about the size of a hen's eef place in a kettle, cover with water and a little linseed oil; boil ten min utes, stirring when hot; pour off the water, and the result, we are informed. will be putty as pliable as when freshly made. HUMOROUS. "Ripe" Cattle. The question of "ripeness" iii fat cattle is something that troubles the common stock-raiser very little; while to the intelligent breeder, who ships to a leading market, it is everything, it means that happy condition of the animal which is neither too fat nor too lean. It means solid meat not floating blubber, or stringy tough flesh, but that elastic, springv conditiqri, betokening tender juicy meat and good solid weight of carcass. To bring the. animal to this condition is where the' skill in handling comes in Every feeder should practice teeling the flesh of his stock and learn to tell by the touch .what the quality of the beef is. A short horn bleeder pointed eut to us an animal In his herd recently as a model. Her lines were straight ; and smooth, and to all appearances she was a beauty. When we came to han dle her she felt as though the finger ' could be run into her at any point. A slap on the back would shake every pound of flesh on her body. We thought that breeder needed educating. Numerous foreign governments, as Russia, Cuba, Slam, Japan, &c, &c, have adopted the Fairbanks' Standard Scales for government use, and in tire last four years only, our own govern ment, in the Postoftice Department, the War Department and Treasury Depart ment, have bought over 11,000 of them. Homr Trade Best. rThe greatest and most important branch of the commerce of every nation is that which is carried on between the inhabitants of the town and those of the country. The former draw from the latter the rude produce which constitute both the materials of their work and the necessities of life, while they pay for this raw material by sending back to the country a certain portion of it manufactured and pre pared for use. Agriculture is always most remunerative where manufactures are most prosperous. In oxen the stomach weighs'Sl ounces for everv 100 pounds of live weight; in sheep it weighs 39 ounces; in pigs 14 ounces, while in man only 6 ounces, These facts ard important, as showing the greater necessity for concentrated food in some cases than in others. The human race requires mixed diet of meat and vegetables. A new method of pressing letters in glass has been invented by a resident of Wheeling, Va. The process is a very simple one. The letters to be used are raised on the face Of the plunger used in pressing the glass in the moulds. This method leaves the. glass plate smooth on either side and beside does away with any artistic skill in coloring letters, as any one can, take a brush and fill the letters with the coloring matter. As glass is the most durable substance known and one of the cheapest, this in vention will enable insurance com panies to provide the plates which in dicate the name of their companies and Which are placed on the property in sured, at much less cost than the tin plates now in use. The glass, too, is capable of any degree of ornamentation and when the die and plunger are once made thousands of plates may be struck from the mould. The same mav be said of all the varieties of advertising plates and : cards which are used in great numbers. I M. Melsens, Of the Belgien Academy, has been awarded the Guinard prize of two thousand xJollars, which was insti tuted as a reward for the discovery of anything which should greatly better the condition ol working people, either materially or intellectually. M. Melsens has found an antidote for the poisonous effects produced upon the system by lead or meicury ; this is iodide of po tassium, winch converts these sub stances into soluble metallic compounds and then idrives them awav. M Melsens rejects the view that iodide of potassium is itself a true poison, but he insists that It shall perfectly pure and given in small doses at nrst. ine dis covery is likely to prove very usetui to persons employed in manufactures which expose them to tne action oi metallic poisons. A Fact to be Remembered. Blanqgetti op Veal. Put the pieces of veal saved for this dish into enough cold water to cover them, together .with a table8poonful of salt and 1 cents worth ol soup greens, the onions Deing stuck with lOcloves; skim occasionally, whenever any scum rises, and simmer until the meat is tender, which will be in half or three-quarters of an hour; then take up the meat in a colander, and run some cold water over it from the faucet; strain the pot liquor, and let; it boil again ; mix together over the fire one tablespoonful of butter, (cost, 2 cents) and two of flour ; when they are smooth, add one quart of the boiling broth to them, season with a table spoonful ( salt, quarter of a level tea spoonful oi vhite pepper, and quarter of a nutmeg 'rated; mix the yolks of two eggs (cost, 2 cents) with about a cupful of the broth, and stir them into the rest; then put in the veal, and heat and serve it, with a quart of boiled potatoes, (cost, 3 cents). The dinner will cost about 30 cents. Crinkled Muslin. The secret whereby sheer muslin is made to as sume the now desirable appearance of crape, is this. The dress, tie or bow, is washed in cold water, without the use of soap or starch. To the rinsing water is added a little clear coffee -only enough to give the muslin a faint creamy cast. Then wring out by twist ing tfte goods into a rope, as tightly as possible, and winding it around the clothes line like a vine securing it at each end. In this way let it dry thoroughly. Thent carefully unwind and shake out, and if successful, the muslin will have that creamy, crinkled look alone known in crapes. A Wall Street, New York broker laid a wager the other day that Christopher Columbus discovered the continent of North America, and of cpurse lost, it is surprising how many intelligent per sons entertain the-same error. Know ing that he discovered a number of is lands in the Western Hemisphere, they think that he' must, of necessity, have discovered -this continent also. They forget that Tie died in ignorance of the real grandeur of his achievements, be- lieving.Cuba, Terra Firma and the other lands he had found to be remote parts of Asia. Amerigo Vespucci, after whom North and South America i;v named. did not discover this cpntinent proper either. The land he discovered lay near the equator, and he, too, was deluded with the notion that it was a portion of Asia. John Cabot was the" discov erer of North America (some time in May ,'1497), which he likewise supposed oto belong to the dominions of the Grand Cham. He sailed along the coast for ' 300, leagues, and went ashore without finding any hujnan beings, though he believed the country inhabited. It is remarkable that the three great discov erers of the Western World should all have been Italians Columbus having been bom in Genoa. Vespucci in Flor ence, and Cabot presumably irf Venice. The birth of Cabot is uncertain, as are his age and place and time of his death. Butthelae't that the license granted him by Henry VII. callshim Kabetto., Ven etian, would "seem to determine the 'question of his nativity. The discovers had a sorry fortune. Columbus, as we .are aware was treated with the black est ingratitude by the King of Spain. When the officersof the vessel in which he was carried a prisonor-to Spain of fered to remove his chains, imposed upon him by royal order, he replied, "1 will wear them as a lemintler of the gratitude of Princes." He died, as everybody knows neglected, in extreme poverty of a broken heart. Vespucci I had muiiy trials and died poor, and Ca bot or Cabotta, fell into such obscurity 1 that no: one can tell where or when or how he died. Surely the auguries at tendant on the birth of the Western World were not. favorable and in a su perstitious age might have led to the belief that its history would never be : marked bv good fortune. The Microphone? applied to the Human Body. Afterthe Invention of the microphone it"wa natural to think of applying it to detect obscure sounds in the human liody. ill. ua moncei an nounced, at a recent meeting of the Paris Academy, that the problenrhas been solved by M. Ducretet, who 'em ploys in hia "stethoscopic microphone" the very sensitive tambours of M. Marey. The only drawback to the ap paratus is, that it is rather too delicate in its action, and transmits to the ear a host of sounds whose existence was not suspected, and the Causes of which need investigation. Diamonds have a i-pec fic gravtty of 2.5 to 2.8. A successful method to detect spurious stone is to scratch them on quartz topaz or corundrum. A diamond will readily scratch either without danger to itself. ! After exposure to the sunlight it is phosphorescent in the dark. . Carrots. This wholesome vegetable makes an appetizing dinner dish when prepared as follows : wash, scrape cut the "carrots lengthwise and boil until very tender, which will take from an hour and a half to two hours. When done, slice the carrots very thin into a saucepan with one or two tablespoon- fuls of butter and a small cup of cream if milk is used, thicken a very little with corn starch, add pepper, salt aud cook about ten minutes; serve in a covered vegetable dish. Improper articles of food often cause the blood to become loaded with foul humors. Cleanse the blood with Dr. Bull's Blood Mixture and be healthy Woman's Weakness. He was a melancholy, low-spirited kind of man, witn no style abou; bun, but he bowed politely to the lady of the houM who answered his ring at the door, and emiled almost sweetlv at the urchin who was tugging at her dress. "Can I sell ypu a bottle of the Magical Instantaneous Freckle Eliminator?" he asked, producing a bottle from the little black box with leather handles which he had with him. "Don't want any." "It's a splendid article, madam warranted or money cheerfully re funded. Better try it." "I don't want any, I say." "If you don'tthink it will work, I can give you the most convincing proofs that you are mistaken." "Go 'long.. I haven't any use for it." "I see you haven't got 'em bad." "Get 'em badl Sir, what do you raeanT" "I was saying that you ain't bad yet. But don't neglect 'em if you don't want to be as speckled as a duck egg." "Me! me freckled? Get out with you, you impudent man." ir them ain t freckles on your nose 1 never saw any." "lake vourself off instantly. Go, say, or I'll call the police." "Better try the Magical Instantaneous Eliminator before it 8 too late." "Ugh I you nastv " "Here's some of my World-Renowned Pimple Subjugator. It'll take the pimples off that boy there so you wouldu t know him in two days." "Police I Police!" "It's too bad. though nothing will cure his cross-eyes or turnip nose." "Ugh I you brute. I could But she never said what she could, but slammed the door shut with a crash and threw herself on the bed and cried with Vexation until dinner time. How crusty and disagreeble some women are," muttered the gentle Elimi nator man as he passed through the front gate. At the nf xt house the patient sufferer said to the fairv who came to the door "Madam, I am gelling the deservedly Dopular and ever successful Patent Hair Crimping Fluid." "No, I don't want any." "1 am also selling the famous Magical Instantaneous Freckle Eliminator, but I saw at once by your very fine com plexion that you are not in need of any such article. Let me. sell you a bottle ol the Hair Crimping Fluid." "Well, I don't know." j "I can't help smiling to think that the lady next door to you, to whom I tried to sell a bottle of the Eliminator, denied up and down thatshe's freckled." "Denied that she's freckled?" "Indeed she did." "Why, she's the freckeldest object I ever saw. and she knows it." "I couldn't help thinking so myself," "She's a vain, stuck-up thing, any- WftV. 'I dare say she is. i m pretty sure i can tell when I meet a real lady." "How much did vou say this is? "One dollar and a half a bottle madam." "Well. I guess I'll try a bottle." "If I hadn't failed to catch the first woman on the Eliminator I wouldn't have caught the other on the Crimping Fluid, aud, bless their souis, tney re both the same thing," muttered the meek and low-SDirited peddler as he passed on. inured by several days traveling. The way from the city lies through the tombs of the Borghite Memlook Sultans but better known by the name of the tombs of the seven Caliphs. They are elaborate mosques, with domes and minarets, all of which are fast becom ing ruined for the want of attention. In each repose the bones of its royal builder, as well as those of his family. It was the custom of Egyptian monarchs to commence building their tombs im diately upon ascending the throne, In order, by a grand mosque, to perpetuate their own names as much as possible. This ruling desire to be remembered by coming generations explains the exist ence of the great number of five hun dred temples of worship in Cairo. Con ceit, egotism, and self-glorification not religion erected them. Passing these monuments of men's weakness, the route continues along a sandy wady close to the Mokattam Hills. There in the Red Mountain much valuable build ing stone is quarried. Leaving the hills we were fairly upon the desert with nothing in view but: sand on all sides and our little caravan of laughing people. Taking the lead ropes from the hands, of the Bedouin Arabs, we whipped the dromedaries into a run to test their speed and our ability to stand the violent movement. When the Arabs want to hasten the pace of the camels they cry, "Hut, hut, hut!" After once trying the trot it went so well that we "hutted" until the Arabs aud our slow moving dragoman were far in the rear. .Readers who are fam iliar with equestrianism, will compre hend that the next day we -paid for the "hutting" by an unlimited . amount of stiffness of the spine. .The Petrified Forest or rather the re mains of it, is a slightly elevated plateau covered throughout with pieces of stone of various sizes. An examination proves them all to be most perfect spe cimens of petrified wood. Formerly they were supposed to be of palm trees, but recent scientific investigation has concluded they are of some extinct species. Among the cornelians, agates and flint found with the petrified wood, are many small shells, a fact which in dicates the presence of water at some unknown period. After examiningt he ground the dromedaries were hobbled and allowed to roam , while we enjoyed a hearty lunch spread "upon the sand. Our party was not sorry when nightfall found the beasts prostrate to allow us to dismount before the hotel. The most important of all the sights in and aground Cairo are the Pyramids at Ghizen or Geezeh. Formerly the route to them was tedions and wearying, but now a good road extends the entire distance. The drive is about two hours' duration. Leaving the Esbekeeyah and following new streets, the Nile is crossed upon a fine iron bridge from the village of Kasr-el-Nil to Boolak. In the latter suburb the road passes close to the Museum, the stables of the Hooflaad's German Bitters. During the warm season ths nerves become enfeebled and the whole system debilitated. The stomach loses its power of digestion, the liver becomes congested and sluggish, causing constipation or diarrhea, dysentery and chol era morbus ; and the prevalence of more or less malaria at this season engenders ague, bilious or typhoid fevers, often of serious im port To avoid iheae consequences, take, night and morning, a lablespoonful of Hoof land's German Bitters ; it is a splendid tonic and alterative, that will restore the appetite and digestion, tone the nerves, regulate the liver and strengthen and build np the whole system to withstand tbe summer beat and all its baneful influences. Representative Business Houses OF PHILADELPHIA. 71 yjfcMJ FOR. AtiTi, vt .talogue, six cents. lit Llrer Is King. f The Lirer is the imperial organ of the whole human system, as it controls the life, health and happiness of man. When it is disturbed in its proper action, all kinds of ailments are the natural result. The digestion of food, the movements of the heart and blood, the action of the brain and nervous system, are all im mediately connected with the workings of the Liver. It has been success full prored that Green's August Flower is unequalled In curing all persons afflicted with Dyspepsia or Liver Complaint, and all the numerous symptoms that res alt from an unhealthy condition of tbe lirer and Stomach. Sample bottles to try, 10 cents. Positively sold in all towns on the Western Continent. Three doses will prove that it is lust what you want Hon. A. H. Stereos, The great statesman of the South, says: "I used Dnrang's Rheumatic Remedy for rheu matism with great benefit It never fails to cure the worst case. Send for - circular to Helphenstine A Bentley. Druggists, Waahing on, D. C. Sold by all druggists. SPECIAI. CARD. Jf I DUUrXQ TH SCXXXR VACATION and antil September 1. the Manager bar decided to reduce Che rate of ADMISSION aa followe : ADrir isrEtfT. CHILD It EX t (UTS. In order to site the citlaena. end eeneclallr the children of Philadelphia, who cannot leeire the city daring tbe warm wealht-r, an opportunity of enjoy ing tne many attraction ol tne axnitmion. kXCURSIOXS. SCHOOLS and PICNIC PARTIKS will be farnieheri with cool rooms and table accom modations for luuchinc. . KXHlBITSof erery description, with Machinery in Motion, together with new Mnical and other at tractive featurea daily, inclndint NORTHl'OTT, the great Cornet Player.snd Mr. THKO. C. KSACrr. the celebrated Organist, who will perform every afternoon. OPE5 EVEBT DAT. GEESE FEATHERS. Thoroughly selected and steam dressed, (fnaranteed never to ainell.) in Walk, and made up in Ptlsesn. ReMen and B4. -air leal -II air. Hsmfc and Pali-leaf Mallrmtfc Worea wu-e and all crk-brateo. jartMg lie da Blankets, Comlortablea and Bedding in (euural. STERNBERGER'S Old Reliable Feather and Biding IVr&t. 113 North Seevaa U PhllaeVa-- KSTAHMSIIK1 1S.H.' Improved points for the electric light have been submitted by MURegnier to the Societe d'Enoouragement, Paris. The points are covered with a thin layer of nickel, and this is said to preserve and concentrate the electric action at the points. ; Lime and and, and cement and sand, lessen about one-third in bulk when made into mortar. Baked Tomatoes. Take large pmooth tomatoes wiDe them and cut off care fully a slice from the blossom end ; re move the seeds and fill each tomato with a forcemeat made of bread crumbs and some salt pork etiopped up very fine and seasoned. Put a bit or butter in each ; fit on the top ; place in an earthen dish and bake slowly from half to three-quarters ol an hr'-- It is a neaceful refreshing sight to see a female negligently reclining no-inst the softlv-cushioned seats of her fashionable landau, smiling sweetly to her friends as she passes them on the avenue, while her placid face is shaded bv a cardinal stlk parasol. More neaceful far than to think of her cross ins? a five acre lot on foot with that wild sun shade oscillating in the air and an inquisitive bovine following her in hot pursuit Prejcdicb often rules in the physical treatment of Bibies. They are allowed to suffer and scream with pain from Colic. Flatulence. Bowel Disorders etc wheii some simple, reliable and safe remedy as Dr. Ball's Baby Syrup would give almost immediate reiiei an pfertect ease to the little sufferer. Defisitions from a new school book 'John, what is a bakery ?' A place where they bake, sir. What is a brewery?' 'A place where they brew. What is a gallery?' Ti hi a place where there is gals?' The Lost Wig: Khedive, the Government Printing Establishment, the Government Paper Mill and the Arsenal, not to mention sundry palaces belonging to the Khe dive and his numerous progeny. The Pyramids are in sight long before they are reached, and apparently seem as large at Ave miles as they do at one. All coincide in saying that the height of Cheops exceeds that of the spire of the Strasbourg Cathedral, which is the tallest in Europe. The Sphinx stands in front of the second Pyramid and shows a length of 140 feet, with the fore paws entending an additional 50 feet in front. The height, according to Pliny, is 143 feet, and the circumference of the forehead 102 feet. When first exhumed a paved enclosed place was found between the paws which contain ed evidences of having been a small temple. The Sphinx was held by th Egyptians as emblematic ot tne King, or a combination ot intellectual ana physical power, and was worshipped as deity. VEGETINE. The Watnhinaker's Report EVAMaVlLLS, lajn., DCC., IT, 1S77. DR. H. R. 8ntXKIi8. 1 have auiUred with Scrofula and Scrofula Huniurs ever since I could n-meinber; it has been In our faintly for years before 1 was born. 1 Inherited 1U I have tried all klnd-i of nu-dl-clues. After hav ug used a great many other patent medicines, ailer having paid many laive doctor's bills, I heard from a neighbor thai Vecretlne had cured him. 1 had (rood faith be cause 1 saw it, aud so I went to the DuUden hausen Eat;le Drug Store to purchase a buttle of the Veg- tlne. 1 kept taking the Vegeilne, and. in fact. 1 became better aud belter. When 1 hid taken Dottles, all Scrolula Sores and marks were go ; my hea th very good. It is the best blood puntler I ever tried. It will cur scrofula. It took the sores and humors off my face; ll gave me a clear skin. Everybody who has g it Scrofula Humors should try It. FBKDIN aNU .tCHNK K, Watchmaker, Main Street. I know the above to be true Dl. CHAS. M. DUDDaNHArStT. Apothecary, 6l Main Street. Vegrtine is now acknowledged by our best physicians to be the only sure and safe remedy (or all diseases arising fr m Impure blood, such as scrofula and scroiuious uumora. VEGETINE For General Debility. Danfobth, Ms., uct. i, 18T7. Mr. H. R. Ststkns: Dear Sir My health has-always been poor. H if taken a (Treat many kinds of medicine. but never took . ny that could begin to help me like the V getlne. Oue year ago last March I had the Lung Fever; It 1 ti me very feeble fur a long time, i could do but very little ork, and . hard tor me to do a little. 1 had never heard 'oi Yegetlne. One day I saw the advertisement In a paper. I few that If I could get that It would help me. 1 sent tne next day and got niw hntiie and bt-fore I took one bottle. I c mid see good effects from the medicine. After tak inir a few hoti les 1 could do a good washing. 1 have taken seven bottles, am sixty-live years old. never was so well In my life and never was so fleshy; for whlcn i feel gr.vte.ul to you and to our Heavenly Father. I recommend It to all around me. lor I prize It auove all other medi cines. Eespectlully yours, Mrs, L. a HOWARD. Tinnanni wi"l hear testimony (and dolt vol- rori v. t.imt. Veetlne is the best medical compound yet placed before the pubUc for reuovailug and purifying the bl.od, eradicating all humors, lmiiuritles or poisonous secretions from the i-ystem, invigorating and strengthen .....h.mtini rw-hiiiijireii bv disease: In tact. ii i ns mauv have called It, "The Great Health Restorer. Small coal produces about three quarters the effect of large coal of the same variety!. Mirrors are silvered with mercury, heated with half the weight of tin. Fifty-four J2-penny nails in a pound. Cane sujrar melts at 320 deg. Fah. Jron is fibrous; gold crystalline. I Arctic Birds. Thi I.akoeht woKisrior or thi Bopt la the Liver, whose oltli e It 1 .to withdraw tbe bile from the bood. When till organ acts sluggishly, o from any cauw becomes diseased. Dr. Jatni's hanativs Piixs afford Immediate relief, and soon bring about natural action. The closest attendant upon the whal ing vessels Is the fulmar or mallemoke (ProceZIaria yfaci'aZis), a petrel nearly as large as a gull, and properly deuomi nated "the ' bird of the storm," for it seems to flit about on the crested waves of a storm as easily as a duck upon a pond. It follows the whaler for the sake of such oortions of blubber as It may get hold'of, and this impregnates its body with oil to such an extent that it even uses I it as a weapon of defense ; and when captured, squirts it out In jet of pure oily liquid over the person who attempts to handle it. When shot, too, if it falls into; the sea, a partial calm arises ifrom the oil which pours from its mouth. The capture of whale always attracts a vast multitude of fulmars, who afford an endless fund of amusements by their greedy fights over the largest pieces of blubber. The right to these is disputed with hem by the gull, th kittiwake and the snow bird, in which the glaucus gull (Larus glaveus) is at once the most powerful and rapacious, on account of which qualities is obtained the name of the burgomaster; from the Dutch, that being the name of their chief magistrate whose authority no one dares to dispute lie does not take the trouble to search for food himself, but hovers in the air until he sees some smaller bird in pas session of some choice morsel which appears unusually inviting to bini when heat once descends and asserts his right to the prize. While Lord Coalstoun ilived in a house in the Advocates Close, .ham burgh, a strange accident one morning befell him. It was at time the custom for advocates and judges to dress them selves in gowns, and wigs, and cravats, at their own houses, and walk to the Parliament House They, usually breakfasted early, and, when dressed, were in the habit of leaning over their parlor windows, for a few minutes, before St. Gile's bell started the sound- ng peal of a quarter to nine, enjoying the agreeable morning air and perhaps illuMiasino- flip news of the dav. It so happened one morning, while Lord Coalstoun was preparing to enjoy ins matutinal treat two girls who lived jn Hib speond fiat above, were amusing themselves with a kitten, winch, in thoughtless sport they had swung over tha window, hv a cord tied around its middle, and hoisted for some time up and down, till the creature was getting rather desperate with its exertion. His lordship had just popped his head out of the window, directly below that trom which the kitten swung, little suspect ing, good easy man, what a danger im pended, like a sword of Damocles, over his head when down came theexasper ated animal at full career directly upon his senatorial wig. Xo sooner did the girls perceive what sort Of landing place their kitten hadfound, than in terror or surprise they began to draw it up ; but this measure was now too late, for along with the animal.up also came the j tulge's wir. fixed full in its determined talons His Lordship's surprise, on nulling Ins wig lllteu on nis ueau as iiiuuBiwm ti ires redoubled , w h en on looki ng u p, he perceived it on its way upwards, with out any means visible to him oy wincn its motion might be accounted lor. lhe astonishment, the dread the awe almost of the senator lielow the half-mirth, half terror of the girls above together with the fierce and retentive energy of between altogether formed a scene to which language cannot do jus ti.V hut which Ge-yrsi Cruikshank might perhaps have embodied with considerable effect. It was a joke soon explained and pardoned ; but assuredly the perpetrators of it got many a length ened injunction from their parents npver mrain to fish over the wiridow with such bait for honest men's wigs "I wish you would not give me such short weight for my money," said a customer to a grocer who had an out standing bill against him. "And I wish you wouldn't give me such long wait for mine," replied the grocer. A jeweler being sent to prison, said to the turnkey ; "If you'll let me out, I'll sell your watch for you to good ad vantage." "No, ho," responded the turnkey ; 'instead of letting you sell my watch, I'll watch your cell." . Fish by the Square Mile. Some faint idea of the vast and inex haustible number of fish on our shores may, perhaps, be obtained by a con sideration of the fact that one day recently no fewer than 6000 barrels of a i . r T a. thrones were cauani on jxewpon. ii the- sea, through the Vineyard, and Long Island Sounds, is anywhere near . . . ... . 1 T r. as ricn in porgies, mosouuuscis, mm other varieties of the most abundant kinds of fish, what an unimaginable teeming world of life there must be be neath the waves I And it Is, even more than the striving, pushing world of human life, a scene of rapacity and de structionthe stronger preying upon fh weaker and "the survival of the fittest." Enormous as this catch of porgies seems, it iB surpassed by some of the big hauls of bony-fish or moss- bunkers the "whitefish" or the evu smelling fish oil mills on the shore. These creature actually swarm in millions and are caught and hauled in by the cargo. Schools of voracious blue- fish puisue and drive them nipping and flashing to the surface, where they are promptly pounced upon by the sail ing fish hawks, and sea gulls that wait for them out of water. In the sea and on the land the world seems to be a iiviu nf uhark and tieer. in one or anothsr form of destructive rapacity. Encouragement for tlie FeeW. So long as the failing, embers of vitality are capable of being' re-kindled into a warm and genial glow, just so long there is hops for the weak ana emacisiea uiv&uu. w uim uu, therefore, despond, bat derive encouragement from this and from the further fact that there is a restorative most potent in renewing the dilapidated powers of a broken down system. Yes, thanks to its unexampled tonic Virtues, Hostetter's Stomach Bitters is daily reviving strength in tbe bodies and hope in the minds of the feeble and nervous. Appetite, refresh ing sleep, the acquisition of flesh and color, are blessings attendant upon the reparative processes which th s priceless iuvigoraut speedily initiates and carries to a successful conclusion. Digestion is restored, the blood fertilized and sustenance afforded to each life sustaining organ by the bitters, which is in offensive even to the feminine palate, vege table in composition, and thoroughly safe. Ude it, and regain vigor ! Xhosk who are duuutated by over exer tion or diHtase will find relief in Scheuck's Seaweed Tonic. Dyspeptics and those whose digestive organs have become impaired may be cured by the health-giving properties of this valuable med icine. It contains no hilarious drags, and will not injure the most delicate constitution. For sale by all Druggists. VEGETINE Kidney Corngplaints. Dyspepsia. "-lkwiston, Ms., Nov. o, isrr ud It p Q-rwrvvs u'earsir. Mv father has been afflicted with Dyspepsia and Kidney Complaint for the last len years, and has be n a great sufferer. Our r-n.iw nfi the neighbors thought we snould ine About lx months ago he commenc d taking your Vegetlne. Now he Is a well man, but he would not be without the Vegetlne I hiu hnne mid he advises aU uersons afflicted with those coinp'.aluts to gl; e the Vegetlne a fjilr trial, ai.d th v will be satlstl d that It will curetliem. H- had tried all "kinds of medicines without succ ss oefore taking the egeiine. i l.avo mvseir heen unwell for a long time. My lather wrote to take the V -(jetlne. and I have, and can truly say that I nev. r felt better In my lire than I do no -. d. ilium. No. s Chestnut St., Lewiston, Me. VEGETINE Druggists' Report. Wo TI 17 ftTEVirVST Dear sir. We s 11 your Vege ine and find ll r,n ne gmd for the complaints for which 1 l recommended. It Is a good medicine. We have many calls ior it. it. F. WHITHEFSPOON ft CO.. Druggists and A ot beoarles. Dec. JT. 1ST7. Bvansvtue, Ind. Vegeilse Is acknowledged by all class-s"of people to De tne oe-a and most reiiaoie diooq Duriner in tne wona. VEGETINE, Prepared Dy II. R. STEVEN., Boston. Haas. Vegetlne is Sold by all Druggists. Those answering an Advertisement will confer a favor noon the Advertiser and the Pnbllshs r by stating that they ss w the adver tisement in thin lonrnal (naming the parxtr IT COSTS NOTHING! t. i't-it. ti. . . w . mi1 on tn Kiir address on ten darn' trimf, and rffund frnight if not purchased. Solid walnut eaM. a ona, J 3-4 act" oi reeoa. -rTTj Jfc"71 Fiva Team' warranty. lt,ll.jXli 3M1 Direct from thefacturr. Alleger, Bowlby & Co.. I T-r U.' A kiU I Tal 1 17 IN Naw JarawV. VfftVeTalUta 1lt3C IIW. " Jjvva a.-- TEA The cboicett In the world Importer'! Price Largest Company Id AmerUa taple art.,! plea everybody trade coiitiiiaaUy in creasing Agents waniea Tpnwnrr! v 'i mu I ment dont wante tirm wnd wrri"lr , KIIH I Ta K.LiIB.U .. a. I . r . V. MORGAN & 1IEADLY, Importers of Diamonds AND iMfactra of Sptacles. . 619 BAXSOX Street, Philadelphia. Illustrated Price List sent to the tr.nle on application. D AGENTS WANTED FOR THE ICTORIAL 1 HISTORYoftheWORLD Embrmcinc loll and authentic aeeonnta of e'er? nation of ancleut and modern timre, and ioclndtng a hiatnrv nf the rlae and fail of tbe Greek and Koniaa Kmpi-ea.the growth of the natlouaof modern Enrope, the middle agee, the croaadna, the ffo.lai aratem.tlM reformation, tba sieeoverj anJ aettlemenl of Um New World, etc., etc; UcontaineaTOfmo hletorleal encraTtnn and IM large double column nagea, aud U t be moat complete Biatorr of the World ever anbliahed. It aella si inht. Bend for apcimen pagi-a and eitra tertne to Agenta, and ae wn? it eoiia mirr man mnj .nmm book. Addreai, NATIONAL PUBLISHING CO., , l-uiiait-iDiiia. ra. BLATGHLET'S PUMPS Are made to tolt ciaterni or Weill of any depth, from 16 to 76 feet, cither plain or lined with galvanlaeg iron, or eeamleea drawn tube copper. We keep is atock a complete aeebrtment in aiae, length and price, from thecheapeat to thn MOST JKKFEOT and IM PROVED PUMP THAT CAN oK MADE. Om manufacturing facilitiea cnablf at to furniah tbe leat pumpa AT PKICK BUT LITTLE ABOVE 8EOOND AND THIRD RATE UOOI'S. When buying pumpa, tee that they have MY TKADE MAKE, ANDNAMK. If not for aale in your town, your ordere can alwnya be tilled without delay at UU MARKET Mtre-t.oue door from Fifth itreet. aoutb aide, Philadelphia C. G. BLATCHLEY, M anufac tu reiy COMPOUND OWNEa M, Catarrh, tirimcMtu, tfeadocju,- Dftptptio, and all Chronic Disss, by a reettoluie; prot. REMARKABLE CURES U tftff Iks widtn mtuntio. CTDnumv runriDcrn ? LIT, T. 8. AbtuVbTBoh. Mortsom others who nave dm SENT FREE! area. Dna tuau Hob. I Jvvau Xitr LST, T. 8. Abtuvs, Hon. Mortsombbt Bma, and others who have need Una Treatment Brochure ISO dp I wiui man . teetimoniaia to aorf rtmorhablf iuaut Ftui, ill Olrard bL. Phil Witt I Barer) i MAGIC LANTERN L J. MABOT, net Catalan St. nil Sf "j'r" -,C, lOlreelaiafH f Saaaal.ia '1 aee OarafaHy Selaetag LI DCS, eaaTaaleaee eat elay he pritete rkluvt'e. (eraaklK an, W M UMYALLED ! .He at w in. rteallie SIMa. at aa " 7 Central Fire Breeeh-Lnadlnp; Gnn. Blnslei BarreL from f is up. Double Bam-l. from ffl.uo ; up. Guns. KlfleH and Pistols of most approved, Kneusn ana American mate, raper ami nrm i shells, Wads, Taps. etc. Prices on application. ; L beral dlBcounts to dealers. U. UUU1IU W. UU.t 712 MARKET ST., Philadelphia. LAMDfiETHS' SEEDS ARC THR RRMT. It. LtNllR.TH A HOW". I1CU aowLh MI JtTll t PkllMAelnlilaw MACK'S HEW AND IMPBOTED M'HOOb fOH PARLOR OKVAM-Sent by mail fur ! J s the moat thorough ayef-m of inRtroctkm and aa elegant C"!lectinnof vocal and inatrnnieiital a,ltiia, EJBJt A- W1LKER. 111S Cheainat t., fhllad'a. On the Libyan I)esert,aboutfoor hours ridP ea.t of Cairo, are the remains oi the petrified forest. The route to the spot is by the old caravan road to Suez, but the sand is too heavy to make it nlonsant tn driv in a carriage. Donk eys can be used, but it is ratlier a long iourney to make on them. Desiring the experience, we concluded to go on camels, or. more properly , on dromedar ies. The motion of the latter is much easier than that of the camel, but either ia tirxnm pnnnfh until the rider Is Reliable Dry Goods House. If yon want Silks, Black Goods, Dress Goods, Hosiery or Dry Goods of any kind below the marknt nriftmi and wish to have the adraq- tage of all the great trade sales, and of losses made by importers, sena your oruera ur " for samples to B. F. Dewees. 1124 (formerly of 725) Chestnut street They send out thousands of samples and all orders aauj n"" " ' of the country. STACSTONf Va.) Vindicator Orncr- Dr. C. w iiAnann W lose no opportunity to re- CaUtv and Chamomile Pills to r , - v- our fnends for neuralgia auu ntua. ui i. . ous Headache. They act like a charm with us. 1 a. Bunoa. Pennsylvania trade supplied by Johnston Holloway & Co.. French Hicuard a? oo., Bol lock 4 Crenshaw, of Philadelphia. Rev. 8. G. Buckingbmm, D. D., Haysi I find Dr. March's new book, published by J. C McCurdy & Co., Philadelphia, graphic and derout, reproducing Bible scenes and characters with life-like dietinctnesa and some times stirring; the heart like oue of the old Prophets. We do not wonder that the Chris ban public welcome everything from hia pen, and encourage him to continue bis labors ia this direction. Established 1833. WKLLBfJirED VOR PUBLIC EXHIBITIONS. law sditloa ml Catalogs, sow ready, glTing greatly aaaaoas rrteea. IIUEY & CHRIST, Ha.lI S. THIRD STREET. rfclLsOlpk-la Bailey a Pare Rye, from If 11D to $ .). topper Diatilied from 1JAU Sl.i G SIKItCHANT'H iRGLiNG Uil Liniment. Yellow Wrapper fir Animal and White fur ilunmn tvma. IS COOP TOR nd Scalda. Catawba W ine, l. Betid for fnll price Hat. HltTS iURIWT. This booh ndt no EndormrmnU. Pa. Pil-ME AfiEMTS WASTED f Vfc A JFUJk. 1 hilMa ne, r- al r.ll- Srratrliea .r Greae, ''lipp"d Hantla, Fl-ah woonM Kxternsl Poiaoni, Saod t recta. Oaila "f all kinde. , faat, Kington. Poil nil, Swrllingat Trnnoi, r.arr-1 m Joa, ( racked Tera. Call .nf. Lam- sees-. Hprn lnetenipra, rownarnb. Qllltlor, Fuul t'leera. Kerry. Alice of l lie loner, weiled Lege. Tnruah, Sprainaand Broa. Siringlialt. In Igalle, Fot Rot In Shep, Fnndrd F-et-Roup in Ponltry racked Ileela, Keifcootic, Lame B rk. Hemorrhoid! or Pile. Tootharh". Rheumatism. Kpa. ine. reney, 1 jtnla Mange, . i aked Brea, h..r- Jiippica, ('orb, Old Sorea, ('..rue Whiilowa, t'r&mna. R.iil. Weakorea of the JofotaJ Contraction of Mnacleo. i DR. MARCH'S MEW BOOK. Ia tail sew Ttse the Popatar Aether ef W iowt Srssra w rae Biau peru-era witk ruA ea UwiUieg fatee aa aionaeaee tbe areata 4 Barred Tram, aa Mas trean tmrnnmimf letfee beaaty. pathee aa eeUiwty ef Ik surae ef tfceitiU. Agaata will la Una Bock wit Ha spannag uteagM. gww. iag atyl. eeaaufal Eagrariaga, aa nek ae4laga. Uw eal is the aserkai. Tmm lAhrrml. Cirnttmrm- frro. ASdraaa. 1. 0. KoCTOSY A CO, rhllaSalphia.'Pv kul'i UmrgliU M1 te.thetand.r utollhe L..1K1 , -r- I i. anr ; .mall. Sc. !-ja f"T i1"'."! Ma n rtnr-d Lotkpurt. . T., tyi f.iit iuitit " Merchaat a targit..g v vown . PIANOS Another battle on high srieej RAGING War OW ID. I""TW-ll. r-Trrw . Something; of Interest. Cbaa. W. Skill Esq., telegraph operator. Nineteenth District citation House. Philadel nhia. save that having: suffered a Ion; tune a bad attack of Bheumatiam, which noth- J ing would relieve, he tumbled bv good lock I w RMnitm'. Amaav'l Gift, a Bin?! boTtle of which acted lks mag , rtvtng htm WAR l"'r-P in one dav. and he "praises tbe bridge that . earned him over." The great point ia its ac tion on toe nteoa, irom wtuca n umw um germs of the malady. Sold by all Druggista in Philadelphia, Beod for circular to J. J. Gnn- ttttlateet SewiaerfiFlyarmir--e. Before baying PI AKO or ORG AH rtUt at rir . .l.r Libm mrirmm ever a-t.: moat ancceaafnl boo-e rn A orlra; conmeacej a few yeare ago wltho a tine, by dall, Box SJOJ". a BalUmors. icrm WAWTRt.-Ladtea or On I1.BMS caa snake a mtb. tn ape re ellln O P. Coensi'XloS Loaetig.a. Ji iaiaertd Notbins like it in I niteel Mat-e. totat, Be i.taapal. PALMER, l Eighth Ae , a-. But efcU, Sew urk. DITSONoiCO'S MUSICAL RECORD, A Hew Musical ectly Paper,. Th Brat somber to appear September X. It will b nnder the able editorial management of Mr. UN If. CLARKE. al will Ue a true uiulcal Netei'Paper. Ite fmioent appearnoc enabling it t gle the lat-t newa from all parte of the country and of th world . with reporteof t' Hchiola. r.ati.ali.Ar , and bright, el-r. In tereating article on all eabjecu ptrlainiag to maei-i cal progrea. : ! Ditson &,Co's Musical Record . - i will be an impartial paper. The Arm poblleh for alt cottipoaer. awl he no motire to ! a inei epe of another All moaie tearbera ana mneicaii amatears are invited to anpp"rt thla. which ia, in j anxMal rw. their paper, an b aene on ail iwer-i eeting lUMof iBlonaaUuB la tkeir reepectlre dla-i trict. Knberrlntion' artoe. t per Tear Is ed'aive freelie Premmma lUtaof aaberribera. Mvri tkas Three Hnndred Pngesof Msaw per year girra VIII etc huge with paperi harm asecteJ maeiral departmenta. Specimen eoplee aent fr on application. Snbaerttie mmw njad get two extra nam here. Oliver Ditton & Co., Boston.